-- | Like Step2 but with Undo / Redo... support module Step3 (step3) where import Graphics.UI.WX import Graphics.UI.WXCore data GUIContext = GUICtx { guiWin :: Frame (), guiEditor :: TextCtrl (), guiFile :: Var (Maybe FilePath), guiTimer :: Var (TimerEx ()), -- ^ A timer to detect user actions guiPast :: Var [String], -- ^ For Undo history guiFuture :: Var [String] -- ^ For Redo history } wxID_MYUNDO, wxID_MYREDO :: Id --HACK: because we're using them in a different way wxID_MYUNDO = 5107 wxID_MYREDO = 5108 step3 :: IO () step3 = do win <- frame [text := "wxhNotepad - Step 3", visible := False] editor <- textCtrl win [font := fontFixed, text := "Undo / Redo support is ready by default " ++ "on text controls, but we want to have " ++ "a menu item for it too.\n" ++ "Another important thing to notice is " ++ "that you don't want to let the user 'undo' " ++ "anything when he opens a new file. That's " ++ "why we'll not use the default textCtrl " ++ "functions and we'll develop our own ones.\n" ++ "That means a lot of code for a seemingly " ++ "small functionallity, but it will let " ++ "you learn about timers and history too :)\n" ++ "What we do here fails to exactly emulate " ++ "what we're used to see in text editors " ++ "as undo/redo behaviour because it's " ++ "not considering insertion-point changes. " ++ "As you might be guessing now, that's not " ++ "difficult to implement, so it's left as " ++ "a homework :)"] filePath <- varCreate Nothing -- We create a timer to detect user actions. This way we'll not undo/redo -- every character refreshTimer <- timer win [interval := 1000000, -- 1000 secs. means a *lot* of time on command := return ()] -- just start over varTimer <- varCreate refreshTimer -- We define the context to use it on every event handling function past <- varCreate [] future <- varCreate [] let guiCtx = GUICtx win editor filePath varTimer past future -- We associate the events on the editor with commands that populate undo/redo history set editor [on keyboard := \_ -> restartTimer guiCtx >> propagateEvent] -- and we start populating the history because there's text on the editor... updatePast guiCtx -- We create a menu for the window with the same items from step 2 -- and a new one for the edition controls mnuFile <- menuPane [text := "File"] mnuEdit <- menuPane [text := "Edit"] menuAppend mnuFile wxID_OPEN "&Open...\tCtrl-o" "Open Page" False menuAppend mnuFile wxID_SAVE "&Save\tCtrl-s" "Save Page" False menuAppend mnuFile wxID_SAVEAS "Save &as...\tCtrl-Shift-s" "Save Page as" False menuAppend mnuFile wxID_CLOSE "&Close\tCtrl-W" "Close Page" False menuAppend mnuEdit wxID_MYUNDO "&Undo\tCtrl-z" "Undo last action" False menuAppend mnuEdit wxID_MYREDO "&Redo\tCtrl-Shift-z" "Redo last undone action" False evtHandlerOnMenuCommand win wxID_OPEN $ openPage guiCtx evtHandlerOnMenuCommand win wxID_SAVE $ savePage guiCtx evtHandlerOnMenuCommand win wxID_SAVEAS $ savePageAs guiCtx evtHandlerOnMenuCommand win wxID_CLOSE $ windowClose win False >> return () evtHandlerOnMenuCommand win wxID_MYUNDO $ undo guiCtx evtHandlerOnMenuCommand win wxID_MYREDO $ redo guiCtx set win [menuBar := [mnuFile, mnuEdit]] set win [layout := fill $ widget editor, clientSize := sz 640 480] focusOn editor set win [visible := True] savePageAs, savePage, openPage, undo, redo, restartTimer, killTimer, updatePast, clearPast :: GUIContext -> IO () openPage guiCtx@GUICtx{guiWin = win, guiEditor = editor, guiFile = filePath} = do maybePath <- fileOpenDialog win True True "Open file..." [("Haskells (*.hs)",["*.hs"]), ("Texts (*.txt)", ["*.txt"]), ("Any file (*.*)",["*.*"])] "" "" case maybePath of Nothing -> return () Just path -> do -- We clear the undo history clearPast guiCtx textCtrlLoadFile editor path -- Now we set the first action in undo history with the current text updatePast guiCtx set win [text := "wxhnotepad - " ++ path] varSet filePath $ Just path savePageAs GUICtx{guiWin = win, guiEditor = editor, guiFile = filePath} = do maybePath <- fileSaveDialog win True True "Save file..." [("Haskells (*.hs)",["*.hs"]), ("Texts (*.txt)", ["*.txt"]), ("Any file (*.*)",["*.*"])] "" "" case maybePath of Nothing -> return () Just path -> do textCtrlSaveFile editor path set win [text := "wxhnotepad - " ++ path] varSet filePath $ Just path savePage guiCtx@GUICtx{guiWin = win, guiEditor = editor, guiFile = filePath} = do maybePath <- varGet filePath case maybePath of Nothing -> savePageAs guiCtx Just path -> textCtrlSaveFile editor path >> return () undo guiCtx@GUICtx{guiEditor = editor, guiPast = past, guiFuture = future} = do -- Now we try to detect if there's something new and kill the timer updatePast guiCtx history <- varGet past case history of [] -> return () -- Nothing to be undone [t] -> return () -- Just the initial state, nothing to be undone tnow:tlast:ts -> do -- We add an action to be done on redo varUpdate future (tnow:) -- we remove it from the history varSet past $ tlast:ts -- and set the editor accordingly set editor [text := tlast] redo guiCtx@GUICtx{guiEditor = editor, guiPast = past, guiFuture = future} = do -- First of all, we try to detect if there's something new updatePast guiCtx coming <- varGet future case coming of [] -> return () -- Nothing to be redone t:ts -> do -- remove it from the coming actions varSet future ts -- move it to the history actions varUpdate past (t:) -- and set the editor accordingly set editor [text := t] updatePast guiCtx@GUICtx{guiEditor = editor, guiPast = past, guiFuture = future} = do -- We take the current history and add a new first event tnow <- get editor text history <- varGet past case history of [] -> varSet past [tnow] t:_ -> if t /= tnow -- if there was a real change, we recorded it then do varUpdate past (tnow:) varSet future [] -- we clean the future because the user is writing a new one else -- otherwise we ignore it return () -- Now that history is up to date, we let the timer rest until new activity -- is detected killTimer guiCtx clearPast GUICtx{guiPast = past, guiFuture = future} = do -- We start all over again... varSet past [] varSet future [] restartTimer guiCtx@GUICtx{guiWin = win, guiTimer = varTimer} = do -- The user did something, we start a 1sec timer that will modify history -- if the user doesn't do anything in that sec. If the user does another -- thing, then the timer will be restarted again and so on so far until -- the first sec of inactivity -- Note by FernandoBenavides: -- I really don't know if this can't be done with just one timer -- I didn't find something like "timerRestart ..." newRefreshTimer <- timer win [interval := 1000, on command := updatePast guiCtx] refreshTimer <- varSwap varTimer newRefreshTimer timerOnCommand refreshTimer $ return () killTimer GUICtx{guiWin = win, guiTimer = varTimer} = do -- We kill the timer till there's new notices -- Note by FernandoBenavides: -- I really don't know if this can't be done with just one timer -- I didn't find something like "timerRestart ..." newRefreshTimer <- timer win [interval := 1000000, on command := return ()] refreshTimer <- varSwap varTimer newRefreshTimer timerOnCommand refreshTimer $ return ()