{-|	Module      :  WxcClassInfo
	Copyright   :  Copyright (c) Daan Leijen 2003, 2004
	License     :  wxWidgets

	Maintainer  :  wxhaskell-devel@lists.sourceforge.net
	Stability   :  provisional
	Portability :  portable

Haskell class info definitions for the wxWidgets C library (@wxc.dll@).

Do not edit this file manually!
This file was automatically generated by wxDirect.

And contains 393 class info definitions.
module Graphics.UI.WXCore.WxcClassInfo
    ( -- * Class Info
      ClassType, classInfo, instanceOf, instanceOfName
      -- * Safe casts
    , safeCast, ifInstanceOf, whenInstanceOf, whenValidInstanceOf
      -- * Class Types
      -- * Down casts
    ) where

import System.IO.Unsafe( unsafePerformIO )
import Graphics.UI.WXCore.WxcClassTypes
import Graphics.UI.WXCore.WxcTypes
import Graphics.UI.WXCore.WxcClasses

-- | The type of a class.
data ClassType a = ClassType (ClassInfo ())

-- | Return the 'ClassInfo' belonging to a class type. (Do not delete this object, it is statically allocated)
{-# NOINLINE classInfo #-}
classInfo :: ClassType a -> ClassInfo ()
classInfo (ClassType info) = info

-- | Test if an object is of a certain kind. (Returns also 'True' when the object is null.)
{-# NOINLINE instanceOf #-}
instanceOf :: WxObject b -> ClassType a -> Bool
instanceOf obj (ClassType classInfo) 
  = if (objectIsNull obj)
     then True
     else unsafePerformIO (objectIsKindOf obj classInfo)

-- | Test if an object is of a certain kind, based on a full wxWidgets class name. (Use with care).
{-# NOINLINE instanceOfName #-}
instanceOfName :: WxObject a -> String -> Bool
instanceOfName obj className 
  = if (objectIsNull obj)
     then True
     else unsafePerformIO (
          do classInfo <- classInfoFindClass className
             if (objectIsNull classInfo)
              then return False
              else objectIsKindOf obj classInfo)

-- | A safe object cast. Returns 'Nothing' if the object is of the wrong type. Note that a null object can always be cast.
safeCast :: WxObject b -> ClassType (WxObject a) -> Maybe (WxObject a)
safeCast obj classType
  | instanceOf obj classType = Just (objectCast obj)
  | otherwise                = Nothing

-- | Perform an action when the object has the right type /and/ is not null.
whenValidInstanceOf :: WxObject a -> ClassType (WxObject b) -> (WxObject b -> IO ()) -> IO ()
whenValidInstanceOf obj classType f
  = whenInstanceOf obj classType $ \object ->
    if (object==objectNull) then return () else f object

-- | Perform an action when the object has the right kind. Note that a null object has always the right kind.
whenInstanceOf :: WxObject a -> ClassType (WxObject b) -> (WxObject b -> IO ()) -> IO ()
whenInstanceOf obj classType f
  = ifInstanceOf obj classType f (return ())

-- | Perform an action when the object has the right kind. Perform the default action if the kind is not correct. Note that a null object has always the right kind.
ifInstanceOf :: WxObject a -> ClassType (WxObject b) -> (WxObject b -> c) -> c -> c
ifInstanceOf obj classType yes no
  = case safeCast obj classType of
      Just object -> yes object
      Nothing     -> no

{-# NOINLINE classActivateEvent #-}
classActivateEvent :: ClassType (ActivateEvent ())
classActivateEvent = ClassType (unsafePerformIO (classInfoFindClass "wxActivateEvent"))

{-# NOINLINE classApp #-}
classApp :: ClassType (App ())
classApp = ClassType (unsafePerformIO (classInfoFindClass "wxApp"))

{-# NOINLINE classArtProvider #-}
classArtProvider :: ClassType (ArtProvider ())
classArtProvider = ClassType (unsafePerformIO (classInfoFindClass "wxArtProvider"))

{-# NOINLINE classAutoBufferedPaintDC #-}
classAutoBufferedPaintDC :: ClassType (AutoBufferedPaintDC ())
classAutoBufferedPaintDC = ClassType (unsafePerformIO (classInfoFindClass "wxAutoBufferedPaintDC"))

{-# NOINLINE classAutomationObject #-}
classAutomationObject :: ClassType (AutomationObject ())
classAutomationObject = ClassType (unsafePerformIO (classInfoFindClass "wxAutomationObject"))

{-# NOINLINE classBitmap #-}
classBitmap :: ClassType (Bitmap ())
classBitmap = ClassType (unsafePerformIO (classInfoFindClass "wxBitmap"))

{-# NOINLINE classBitmapButton #-}
classBitmapButton :: ClassType (BitmapButton ())
classBitmapButton = ClassType (unsafePerformIO (classInfoFindClass "wxBitmapButton"))

{-# NOINLINE classBitmapHandler #-}
classBitmapHandler :: ClassType (BitmapHandler ())
classBitmapHandler = ClassType (unsafePerformIO (classInfoFindClass "wxBitmapHandler"))

{-# NOINLINE classBitmapToggleButton #-}
classBitmapToggleButton :: ClassType (BitmapToggleButton ())
classBitmapToggleButton = ClassType (unsafePerformIO (classInfoFindClass "wxBitmapToggleButton"))

{-# NOINLINE classBoolProperty #-}
classBoolProperty :: ClassType (BoolProperty ())
classBoolProperty = ClassType (unsafePerformIO (classInfoFindClass "wxBoolProperty"))

{-# NOINLINE classBoxSizer #-}
classBoxSizer :: ClassType (BoxSizer ())
classBoxSizer = ClassType (unsafePerformIO (classInfoFindClass "wxBoxSizer"))

{-# NOINLINE classBrush #-}
classBrush :: ClassType (Brush ())
classBrush = ClassType (unsafePerformIO (classInfoFindClass "wxBrush"))

{-# NOINLINE classBrushList #-}
classBrushList :: ClassType (BrushList ())
classBrushList = ClassType (unsafePerformIO (classInfoFindClass "wxBrushList"))

{-# NOINLINE classBufferedDC #-}
classBufferedDC :: ClassType (BufferedDC ())
classBufferedDC = ClassType (unsafePerformIO (classInfoFindClass "wxBufferedDC"))

{-# NOINLINE classBufferedPaintDC #-}
classBufferedPaintDC :: ClassType (BufferedPaintDC ())
classBufferedPaintDC = ClassType (unsafePerformIO (classInfoFindClass "wxBufferedPaintDC"))

{-# NOINLINE classButton #-}
classButton :: ClassType (Button ())
classButton = ClassType (unsafePerformIO (classInfoFindClass "wxButton"))

{-# NOINLINE classCalculateLayoutEvent #-}
classCalculateLayoutEvent :: ClassType (CalculateLayoutEvent ())
classCalculateLayoutEvent = ClassType (unsafePerformIO (classInfoFindClass "wxCalculateLayoutEvent"))

{-# NOINLINE classCalendarCtrl #-}
classCalendarCtrl :: ClassType (CalendarCtrl ())
classCalendarCtrl = ClassType (unsafePerformIO (classInfoFindClass "wxCalendarCtrl"))

{-# NOINLINE classCalendarEvent #-}
classCalendarEvent :: ClassType (CalendarEvent ())
classCalendarEvent = ClassType (unsafePerformIO (classInfoFindClass "wxCalendarEvent"))

{-# NOINLINE classCbAntiflickerPlugin #-}
classCbAntiflickerPlugin :: ClassType (CbAntiflickerPlugin ())
classCbAntiflickerPlugin = ClassType (unsafePerformIO (classInfoFindClass "cbAntiflickerPlugin"))

{-# NOINLINE classCbBarDragPlugin #-}
classCbBarDragPlugin :: ClassType (CbBarDragPlugin ())
classCbBarDragPlugin = ClassType (unsafePerformIO (classInfoFindClass "cbBarDragPlugin"))

{-# NOINLINE classCbBarHintsPlugin #-}
classCbBarHintsPlugin :: ClassType (CbBarHintsPlugin ())
classCbBarHintsPlugin = ClassType (unsafePerformIO (classInfoFindClass "cbBarHintsPlugin"))

{-# NOINLINE classCbBarInfo #-}
classCbBarInfo :: ClassType (CbBarInfo ())
classCbBarInfo = ClassType (unsafePerformIO (classInfoFindClass "cbBarInfo"))

{-# NOINLINE classCbBarSpy #-}
classCbBarSpy :: ClassType (CbBarSpy ())
classCbBarSpy = ClassType (unsafePerformIO (classInfoFindClass "cbBarSpy"))

{-# NOINLINE classCbCloseBox #-}
classCbCloseBox :: ClassType (CbCloseBox ())
classCbCloseBox = ClassType (unsafePerformIO (classInfoFindClass "cbCloseBox"))

{-# NOINLINE classCbCollapseBox #-}
classCbCollapseBox :: ClassType (CbCollapseBox ())
classCbCollapseBox = ClassType (unsafePerformIO (classInfoFindClass "cbCollapseBox"))

{-# NOINLINE classCbCommonPaneProperties #-}
classCbCommonPaneProperties :: ClassType (CbCommonPaneProperties ())
classCbCommonPaneProperties = ClassType (unsafePerformIO (classInfoFindClass "cbCommonPaneProperties"))

{-# NOINLINE classCbCustomizeBarEvent #-}
classCbCustomizeBarEvent :: ClassType (CbCustomizeBarEvent ())
classCbCustomizeBarEvent = ClassType (unsafePerformIO (classInfoFindClass "cbCustomizeBarEvent"))

{-# NOINLINE classCbCustomizeLayoutEvent #-}
classCbCustomizeLayoutEvent :: ClassType (CbCustomizeLayoutEvent ())
classCbCustomizeLayoutEvent = ClassType (unsafePerformIO (classInfoFindClass "cbCustomizeLayoutEvent"))

{-# NOINLINE classCbDimHandlerBase #-}
classCbDimHandlerBase :: ClassType (CbDimHandlerBase ())
classCbDimHandlerBase = ClassType (unsafePerformIO (classInfoFindClass "cbDimHandlerBase"))

{-# NOINLINE classCbDimInfo #-}
classCbDimInfo :: ClassType (CbDimInfo ())
classCbDimInfo = ClassType (unsafePerformIO (classInfoFindClass "cbDimInfo"))

{-# NOINLINE classCbDockBox #-}
classCbDockBox :: ClassType (CbDockBox ())
classCbDockBox = ClassType (unsafePerformIO (classInfoFindClass "cbDockBox"))

{-# NOINLINE classCbDockPane #-}
classCbDockPane :: ClassType (CbDockPane ())
classCbDockPane = ClassType (unsafePerformIO (classInfoFindClass "cbDockPane"))

{-# NOINLINE classCbDrawBarDecorEvent #-}
classCbDrawBarDecorEvent :: ClassType (CbDrawBarDecorEvent ())
classCbDrawBarDecorEvent = ClassType (unsafePerformIO (classInfoFindClass "cbDrawBarDecorEvent"))

{-# NOINLINE classCbDrawBarHandlesEvent #-}
classCbDrawBarHandlesEvent :: ClassType (CbDrawBarHandlesEvent ())
classCbDrawBarHandlesEvent = ClassType (unsafePerformIO (classInfoFindClass "cbDrawBarHandlesEvent"))

{-# NOINLINE classCbDrawHintRectEvent #-}
classCbDrawHintRectEvent :: ClassType (CbDrawHintRectEvent ())
classCbDrawHintRectEvent = ClassType (unsafePerformIO (classInfoFindClass "cbDrawHintRectEvent"))

{-# NOINLINE classCbDrawPaneBkGroundEvent #-}
classCbDrawPaneBkGroundEvent :: ClassType (CbDrawPaneBkGroundEvent ())
classCbDrawPaneBkGroundEvent = ClassType (unsafePerformIO (classInfoFindClass "cbDrawPaneBkGroundEvent"))

{-# NOINLINE classCbDrawPaneDecorEvent #-}
classCbDrawPaneDecorEvent :: ClassType (CbDrawPaneDecorEvent ())
classCbDrawPaneDecorEvent = ClassType (unsafePerformIO (classInfoFindClass "cbDrawPaneDecorEvent"))

{-# NOINLINE classCbDrawRowBkGroundEvent #-}
classCbDrawRowBkGroundEvent :: ClassType (CbDrawRowBkGroundEvent ())
classCbDrawRowBkGroundEvent = ClassType (unsafePerformIO (classInfoFindClass "cbDrawRowBkGroundEvent"))

{-# NOINLINE classCbDrawRowDecorEvent #-}
classCbDrawRowDecorEvent :: ClassType (CbDrawRowDecorEvent ())
classCbDrawRowDecorEvent = ClassType (unsafePerformIO (classInfoFindClass "cbDrawRowDecorEvent"))

{-# NOINLINE classCbDrawRowHandlesEvent #-}
classCbDrawRowHandlesEvent :: ClassType (CbDrawRowHandlesEvent ())
classCbDrawRowHandlesEvent = ClassType (unsafePerformIO (classInfoFindClass "cbDrawRowHandlesEvent"))

{-# NOINLINE classCbDynToolBarDimHandler #-}
classCbDynToolBarDimHandler :: ClassType (CbDynToolBarDimHandler ())
classCbDynToolBarDimHandler = ClassType (unsafePerformIO (classInfoFindClass "cbDynToolBarDimHandler"))

{-# NOINLINE classCbFinishDrawInAreaEvent #-}
classCbFinishDrawInAreaEvent :: ClassType (CbFinishDrawInAreaEvent ())
classCbFinishDrawInAreaEvent = ClassType (unsafePerformIO (classInfoFindClass "cbFinishDrawInAreaEvent"))

{-# NOINLINE classCbFloatedBarWindow #-}
classCbFloatedBarWindow :: ClassType (CbFloatedBarWindow ())
classCbFloatedBarWindow = ClassType (unsafePerformIO (classInfoFindClass "cbFloatedBarWindow"))

{-# NOINLINE classCbGCUpdatesMgr #-}
classCbGCUpdatesMgr :: ClassType (CbGCUpdatesMgr ())
classCbGCUpdatesMgr = ClassType (unsafePerformIO (classInfoFindClass "cbGCUpdatesMgr"))

{-# NOINLINE classCbHintAnimationPlugin #-}
classCbHintAnimationPlugin :: ClassType (CbHintAnimationPlugin ())
classCbHintAnimationPlugin = ClassType (unsafePerformIO (classInfoFindClass "cbHintAnimationPlugin"))

{-# NOINLINE classCbInsertBarEvent #-}
classCbInsertBarEvent :: ClassType (CbInsertBarEvent ())
classCbInsertBarEvent = ClassType (unsafePerformIO (classInfoFindClass "cbInsertBarEvent"))

{-# NOINLINE classCbLayoutRowEvent #-}
classCbLayoutRowEvent :: ClassType (CbLayoutRowEvent ())
classCbLayoutRowEvent = ClassType (unsafePerformIO (classInfoFindClass "cbLayoutRowEvent"))

{-# NOINLINE classCbLeftDClickEvent #-}
classCbLeftDClickEvent :: ClassType (CbLeftDClickEvent ())
classCbLeftDClickEvent = ClassType (unsafePerformIO (classInfoFindClass "cbLeftDClickEvent"))

{-# NOINLINE classCbLeftDownEvent #-}
classCbLeftDownEvent :: ClassType (CbLeftDownEvent ())
classCbLeftDownEvent = ClassType (unsafePerformIO (classInfoFindClass "cbLeftDownEvent"))

{-# NOINLINE classCbLeftUpEvent #-}
classCbLeftUpEvent :: ClassType (CbLeftUpEvent ())
classCbLeftUpEvent = ClassType (unsafePerformIO (classInfoFindClass "cbLeftUpEvent"))

{-# NOINLINE classCbMiniButton #-}
classCbMiniButton :: ClassType (CbMiniButton ())
classCbMiniButton = ClassType (unsafePerformIO (classInfoFindClass "cbMiniButton"))

{-# NOINLINE classCbMotionEvent #-}
classCbMotionEvent :: ClassType (CbMotionEvent ())
classCbMotionEvent = ClassType (unsafePerformIO (classInfoFindClass "cbMotionEvent"))

{-# NOINLINE classCbPaneDrawPlugin #-}
classCbPaneDrawPlugin :: ClassType (CbPaneDrawPlugin ())
classCbPaneDrawPlugin = ClassType (unsafePerformIO (classInfoFindClass "cbPaneDrawPlugin"))

{-# NOINLINE classCbPluginBase #-}
classCbPluginBase :: ClassType (CbPluginBase ())
classCbPluginBase = ClassType (unsafePerformIO (classInfoFindClass "cbPluginBase"))

{-# NOINLINE classCbPluginEvent #-}
classCbPluginEvent :: ClassType (CbPluginEvent ())
classCbPluginEvent = ClassType (unsafePerformIO (classInfoFindClass "cbPluginEvent"))

{-# NOINLINE classCbRemoveBarEvent #-}
classCbRemoveBarEvent :: ClassType (CbRemoveBarEvent ())
classCbRemoveBarEvent = ClassType (unsafePerformIO (classInfoFindClass "cbRemoveBarEvent"))

{-# NOINLINE classCbResizeBarEvent #-}
classCbResizeBarEvent :: ClassType (CbResizeBarEvent ())
classCbResizeBarEvent = ClassType (unsafePerformIO (classInfoFindClass "cbResizeBarEvent"))

{-# NOINLINE classCbResizeRowEvent #-}
classCbResizeRowEvent :: ClassType (CbResizeRowEvent ())
classCbResizeRowEvent = ClassType (unsafePerformIO (classInfoFindClass "cbResizeRowEvent"))

{-# NOINLINE classCbRightDownEvent #-}
classCbRightDownEvent :: ClassType (CbRightDownEvent ())
classCbRightDownEvent = ClassType (unsafePerformIO (classInfoFindClass "cbRightDownEvent"))

{-# NOINLINE classCbRightUpEvent #-}
classCbRightUpEvent :: ClassType (CbRightUpEvent ())
classCbRightUpEvent = ClassType (unsafePerformIO (classInfoFindClass "cbRightUpEvent"))

{-# NOINLINE classCbRowDragPlugin #-}
classCbRowDragPlugin :: ClassType (CbRowDragPlugin ())
classCbRowDragPlugin = ClassType (unsafePerformIO (classInfoFindClass "cbRowDragPlugin"))

{-# NOINLINE classCbRowInfo #-}
classCbRowInfo :: ClassType (CbRowInfo ())
classCbRowInfo = ClassType (unsafePerformIO (classInfoFindClass "cbRowInfo"))

{-# NOINLINE classCbRowLayoutPlugin #-}
classCbRowLayoutPlugin :: ClassType (CbRowLayoutPlugin ())
classCbRowLayoutPlugin = ClassType (unsafePerformIO (classInfoFindClass "cbRowLayoutPlugin"))

{-# NOINLINE classCbSimpleCustomizationPlugin #-}
classCbSimpleCustomizationPlugin :: ClassType (CbSimpleCustomizationPlugin ())
classCbSimpleCustomizationPlugin = ClassType (unsafePerformIO (classInfoFindClass "cbSimpleCustomizationPlugin"))

{-# NOINLINE classCbSimpleUpdatesMgr #-}
classCbSimpleUpdatesMgr :: ClassType (CbSimpleUpdatesMgr ())
classCbSimpleUpdatesMgr = ClassType (unsafePerformIO (classInfoFindClass "cbSimpleUpdatesMgr"))

{-# NOINLINE classCbSizeBarWndEvent #-}
classCbSizeBarWndEvent :: ClassType (CbSizeBarWndEvent ())
classCbSizeBarWndEvent = ClassType (unsafePerformIO (classInfoFindClass "cbSizeBarWndEvent"))

{-# NOINLINE classCbStartBarDraggingEvent #-}
classCbStartBarDraggingEvent :: ClassType (CbStartBarDraggingEvent ())
classCbStartBarDraggingEvent = ClassType (unsafePerformIO (classInfoFindClass "cbStartBarDraggingEvent"))

{-# NOINLINE classCbStartDrawInAreaEvent #-}
classCbStartDrawInAreaEvent :: ClassType (CbStartDrawInAreaEvent ())
classCbStartDrawInAreaEvent = ClassType (unsafePerformIO (classInfoFindClass "cbStartDrawInAreaEvent"))

{-# NOINLINE classCbUpdatesManagerBase #-}
classCbUpdatesManagerBase :: ClassType (CbUpdatesManagerBase ())
classCbUpdatesManagerBase = ClassType (unsafePerformIO (classInfoFindClass "cbUpdatesManagerBase"))

{-# NOINLINE classCheckBox #-}
classCheckBox :: ClassType (CheckBox ())
classCheckBox = ClassType (unsafePerformIO (classInfoFindClass "wxCheckBox"))

{-# NOINLINE classCheckListBox #-}
classCheckListBox :: ClassType (CheckListBox ())
classCheckListBox = ClassType (unsafePerformIO (classInfoFindClass "wxCheckListBox"))

{-# NOINLINE classChoice #-}
classChoice :: ClassType (Choice ())
classChoice = ClassType (unsafePerformIO (classInfoFindClass "wxChoice"))

{-# NOINLINE classClient #-}
classClient :: ClassType (Client ())
classClient = ClassType (unsafePerformIO (classInfoFindClass "wxClient"))

{-# NOINLINE classClientBase #-}
classClientBase :: ClassType (ClientBase ())
classClientBase = ClassType (unsafePerformIO (classInfoFindClass "wxClientBase"))

{-# NOINLINE classClientDC #-}
classClientDC :: ClassType (ClientDC ())
classClientDC = ClassType (unsafePerformIO (classInfoFindClass "wxClientDC"))

{-# NOINLINE classClipboard #-}
classClipboard :: ClassType (Clipboard ())
classClipboard = ClassType (unsafePerformIO (classInfoFindClass "wxClipboard"))

{-# NOINLINE classCloseEvent #-}
classCloseEvent :: ClassType (CloseEvent ())
classCloseEvent = ClassType (unsafePerformIO (classInfoFindClass "wxCloseEvent"))

{-# NOINLINE classClosure #-}
classClosure :: ClassType (Closure ())
classClosure = ClassType (unsafePerformIO (classInfoFindClass "wxClosure"))

{-# NOINLINE classColour #-}
classColour :: ClassType (Colour ())
classColour = ClassType (unsafePerformIO (classInfoFindClass "wxColour"))

{-# NOINLINE classColourData #-}
classColourData :: ClassType (ColourData ())
classColourData = ClassType (unsafePerformIO (classInfoFindClass "wxColourData"))

{-# NOINLINE classColourDatabase #-}
classColourDatabase :: ClassType (ColourDatabase ())
classColourDatabase = ClassType (unsafePerformIO (classInfoFindClass "wxColourDatabase"))

{-# NOINLINE classColourDialog #-}
classColourDialog :: ClassType (ColourDialog ())
classColourDialog = ClassType (unsafePerformIO (classInfoFindClass "wxColourDialog"))

{-# NOINLINE classComboBox #-}
classComboBox :: ClassType (ComboBox ())
classComboBox = ClassType (unsafePerformIO (classInfoFindClass "wxComboBox"))

{-# NOINLINE classCommand #-}
classCommand :: ClassType (Command ())
classCommand = ClassType (unsafePerformIO (classInfoFindClass "wxCommand"))

{-# NOINLINE classCommandEvent #-}
classCommandEvent :: ClassType (CommandEvent ())
classCommandEvent = ClassType (unsafePerformIO (classInfoFindClass "wxCommandEvent"))

{-# NOINLINE classCommandProcessor #-}
classCommandProcessor :: ClassType (CommandProcessor ())
classCommandProcessor = ClassType (unsafePerformIO (classInfoFindClass "wxCommandProcessor"))

{-# NOINLINE classConnection #-}
classConnection :: ClassType (Connection ())
classConnection = ClassType (unsafePerformIO (classInfoFindClass "wxConnection"))

{-# NOINLINE classConnectionBase #-}
classConnectionBase :: ClassType (ConnectionBase ())
classConnectionBase = ClassType (unsafePerformIO (classInfoFindClass "wxConnectionBase"))

{-# NOINLINE classContextHelp #-}
classContextHelp :: ClassType (ContextHelp ())
classContextHelp = ClassType (unsafePerformIO (classInfoFindClass "wxContextHelp"))

{-# NOINLINE classContextHelpButton #-}
classContextHelpButton :: ClassType (ContextHelpButton ())
classContextHelpButton = ClassType (unsafePerformIO (classInfoFindClass "wxContextHelpButton"))

{-# NOINLINE classControl #-}
classControl :: ClassType (Control ())
classControl = ClassType (unsafePerformIO (classInfoFindClass "wxControl"))

{-# NOINLINE classCursor #-}
classCursor :: ClassType (Cursor ())
classCursor = ClassType (unsafePerformIO (classInfoFindClass "wxCursor"))

{-# NOINLINE classDatabase #-}
classDatabase :: ClassType (Database ())
classDatabase = ClassType (unsafePerformIO (classInfoFindClass "wxDatabase"))

{-# NOINLINE classDateProperty #-}
classDateProperty :: ClassType (DateProperty ())
classDateProperty = ClassType (unsafePerformIO (classInfoFindClass "wxDateProperty"))

{-# NOINLINE classDC #-}
classDC :: ClassType (DC ())
classDC = ClassType (unsafePerformIO (classInfoFindClass "wxDC"))

{-# NOINLINE classDDEClient #-}
classDDEClient :: ClassType (DDEClient ())
classDDEClient = ClassType (unsafePerformIO (classInfoFindClass "wxDDEClient"))

{-# NOINLINE classDDEConnection #-}
classDDEConnection :: ClassType (DDEConnection ())
classDDEConnection = ClassType (unsafePerformIO (classInfoFindClass "wxDDEConnection"))

{-# NOINLINE classDDEServer #-}
classDDEServer :: ClassType (DDEServer ())
classDDEServer = ClassType (unsafePerformIO (classInfoFindClass "wxDDEServer"))

{-# NOINLINE classDialog #-}
classDialog :: ClassType (Dialog ())
classDialog = ClassType (unsafePerformIO (classInfoFindClass "wxDialog"))

{-# NOINLINE classDialUpEvent #-}
classDialUpEvent :: ClassType (DialUpEvent ())
classDialUpEvent = ClassType (unsafePerformIO (classInfoFindClass "wxDialUpEvent"))

{-# NOINLINE classDirDialog #-}
classDirDialog :: ClassType (DirDialog ())
classDirDialog = ClassType (unsafePerformIO (classInfoFindClass "wxDirDialog"))

{-# NOINLINE classDocChildFrame #-}
classDocChildFrame :: ClassType (DocChildFrame ())
classDocChildFrame = ClassType (unsafePerformIO (classInfoFindClass "wxDocChildFrame"))

{-# NOINLINE classDocManager #-}
classDocManager :: ClassType (DocManager ())
classDocManager = ClassType (unsafePerformIO (classInfoFindClass "wxDocManager"))

{-# NOINLINE classDocMDIChildFrame #-}
classDocMDIChildFrame :: ClassType (DocMDIChildFrame ())
classDocMDIChildFrame = ClassType (unsafePerformIO (classInfoFindClass "wxDocMDIChildFrame"))

{-# NOINLINE classDocMDIParentFrame #-}
classDocMDIParentFrame :: ClassType (DocMDIParentFrame ())
classDocMDIParentFrame = ClassType (unsafePerformIO (classInfoFindClass "wxDocMDIParentFrame"))

{-# NOINLINE classDocParentFrame #-}
classDocParentFrame :: ClassType (DocParentFrame ())
classDocParentFrame = ClassType (unsafePerformIO (classInfoFindClass "wxDocParentFrame"))

{-# NOINLINE classDocTemplate #-}
classDocTemplate :: ClassType (DocTemplate ())
classDocTemplate = ClassType (unsafePerformIO (classInfoFindClass "wxDocTemplate"))

{-# NOINLINE classDocument #-}
classDocument :: ClassType (Document ())
classDocument = ClassType (unsafePerformIO (classInfoFindClass "wxDocument"))

{-# NOINLINE classDragImage #-}
classDragImage :: ClassType (DragImage ())
classDragImage = ClassType (unsafePerformIO (classInfoFindClass "wxDragImage"))

{-# NOINLINE classDrawControl #-}
classDrawControl :: ClassType (DrawControl ())
classDrawControl = ClassType (unsafePerformIO (classInfoFindClass "wxDrawControl"))

{-# NOINLINE classDrawWindow #-}
classDrawWindow :: ClassType (DrawWindow ())
classDrawWindow = ClassType (unsafePerformIO (classInfoFindClass "wxDrawWindow"))

{-# NOINLINE classDropFilesEvent #-}
classDropFilesEvent :: ClassType (DropFilesEvent ())
classDropFilesEvent = ClassType (unsafePerformIO (classInfoFindClass "wxDropFilesEvent"))

{-# NOINLINE classDynamicSashWindow #-}
classDynamicSashWindow :: ClassType (DynamicSashWindow ())
classDynamicSashWindow = ClassType (unsafePerformIO (classInfoFindClass "wxDynamicSashWindow"))

{-# NOINLINE classDynamicToolBar #-}
classDynamicToolBar :: ClassType (DynamicToolBar ())
classDynamicToolBar = ClassType (unsafePerformIO (classInfoFindClass "wxDynamicToolBar"))

{-# NOINLINE classDynToolInfo #-}
classDynToolInfo :: ClassType (DynToolInfo ())
classDynToolInfo = ClassType (unsafePerformIO (classInfoFindClass "wxDynToolInfo"))

{-# NOINLINE classEditableListBox #-}
classEditableListBox :: ClassType (EditableListBox ())
classEditableListBox = ClassType (unsafePerformIO (classInfoFindClass "wxEditableListBox"))

{-# NOINLINE classEncodingConverter #-}
classEncodingConverter :: ClassType (EncodingConverter ())
classEncodingConverter = ClassType (unsafePerformIO (classInfoFindClass "wxEncodingConverter"))

{-# NOINLINE classEraseEvent #-}
classEraseEvent :: ClassType (EraseEvent ())
classEraseEvent = ClassType (unsafePerformIO (classInfoFindClass "wxEraseEvent"))

{-# NOINLINE classEvent #-}
classEvent :: ClassType (Event ())
classEvent = ClassType (unsafePerformIO (classInfoFindClass "wxEvent"))

{-# NOINLINE classEvtHandler #-}
classEvtHandler :: ClassType (EvtHandler ())
classEvtHandler = ClassType (unsafePerformIO (classInfoFindClass "wxEvtHandler"))

{-# NOINLINE classExprDatabase #-}
classExprDatabase :: ClassType (ExprDatabase ())
classExprDatabase = ClassType (unsafePerformIO (classInfoFindClass "wxExprDatabase"))

{-# NOINLINE classFileDialog #-}
classFileDialog :: ClassType (FileDialog ())
classFileDialog = ClassType (unsafePerformIO (classInfoFindClass "wxFileDialog"))

{-# NOINLINE classFileHistory #-}
classFileHistory :: ClassType (FileHistory ())
classFileHistory = ClassType (unsafePerformIO (classInfoFindClass "wxFileHistory"))

{-# NOINLINE classFileProperty #-}
classFileProperty :: ClassType (FileProperty ())
classFileProperty = ClassType (unsafePerformIO (classInfoFindClass "wxFileProperty"))

{-# NOINLINE classFileSystem #-}
classFileSystem :: ClassType (FileSystem ())
classFileSystem = ClassType (unsafePerformIO (classInfoFindClass "wxFileSystem"))

{-# NOINLINE classFileSystemHandler #-}
classFileSystemHandler :: ClassType (FileSystemHandler ())
classFileSystemHandler = ClassType (unsafePerformIO (classInfoFindClass "wxFileSystemHandler"))

{-# NOINLINE classFindDialogEvent #-}
classFindDialogEvent :: ClassType (FindDialogEvent ())
classFindDialogEvent = ClassType (unsafePerformIO (classInfoFindClass "wxFindDialogEvent"))

{-# NOINLINE classFindReplaceData #-}
classFindReplaceData :: ClassType (FindReplaceData ())
classFindReplaceData = ClassType (unsafePerformIO (classInfoFindClass "wxFindReplaceData"))

{-# NOINLINE classFindReplaceDialog #-}
classFindReplaceDialog :: ClassType (FindReplaceDialog ())
classFindReplaceDialog = ClassType (unsafePerformIO (classInfoFindClass "wxFindReplaceDialog"))

{-# NOINLINE classFlexGridSizer #-}
classFlexGridSizer :: ClassType (FlexGridSizer ())
classFlexGridSizer = ClassType (unsafePerformIO (classInfoFindClass "wxFlexGridSizer"))

{-# NOINLINE classFloatProperty #-}
classFloatProperty :: ClassType (FloatProperty ())
classFloatProperty = ClassType (unsafePerformIO (classInfoFindClass "wxFloatProperty"))

{-# NOINLINE classFocusEvent #-}
classFocusEvent :: ClassType (FocusEvent ())
classFocusEvent = ClassType (unsafePerformIO (classInfoFindClass "wxFocusEvent"))

{-# NOINLINE classFont #-}
classFont :: ClassType (Font ())
classFont = ClassType (unsafePerformIO (classInfoFindClass "wxFont"))

{-# NOINLINE classFontData #-}
classFontData :: ClassType (FontData ())
classFontData = ClassType (unsafePerformIO (classInfoFindClass "wxFontData"))

{-# NOINLINE classFontDialog #-}
classFontDialog :: ClassType (FontDialog ())
classFontDialog = ClassType (unsafePerformIO (classInfoFindClass "wxFontDialog"))

{-# NOINLINE classFontList #-}
classFontList :: ClassType (FontList ())
classFontList = ClassType (unsafePerformIO (classInfoFindClass "wxFontList"))

{-# NOINLINE classFrame #-}
classFrame :: ClassType (Frame ())
classFrame = ClassType (unsafePerformIO (classInfoFindClass "wxFrame"))

{-# NOINLINE classFrameLayout #-}
classFrameLayout :: ClassType (FrameLayout ())
classFrameLayout = ClassType (unsafePerformIO (classInfoFindClass "wxFrameLayout"))

{-# NOINLINE classFSFile #-}
classFSFile :: ClassType (FSFile ())
classFSFile = ClassType (unsafePerformIO (classInfoFindClass "wxFSFile"))

{-# NOINLINE classFTP #-}
classFTP :: ClassType (FTP ())
classFTP = ClassType (unsafePerformIO (classInfoFindClass "wxFTP"))

{-# NOINLINE classGauge #-}
classGauge :: ClassType (Gauge ())
classGauge = ClassType (unsafePerformIO (classInfoFindClass "wxGauge"))

{-# NOINLINE classGauge95 #-}
classGauge95 :: ClassType (Gauge95 ())
classGauge95 = ClassType (unsafePerformIO (classInfoFindClass "wxGauge95"))

{-# NOINLINE classGaugeMSW #-}
classGaugeMSW :: ClassType (GaugeMSW ())
classGaugeMSW = ClassType (unsafePerformIO (classInfoFindClass "wxGaugeMSW"))

{-# NOINLINE classGDIObject #-}
classGDIObject :: ClassType (GDIObject ())
classGDIObject = ClassType (unsafePerformIO (classInfoFindClass "wxGDIObject"))

{-# NOINLINE classGenericDirCtrl #-}
classGenericDirCtrl :: ClassType (GenericDirCtrl ())
classGenericDirCtrl = ClassType (unsafePerformIO (classInfoFindClass "wxGenericDirCtrl"))

{-# NOINLINE classGenericDragImage #-}
classGenericDragImage :: ClassType (GenericDragImage ())
classGenericDragImage = ClassType (unsafePerformIO (classInfoFindClass "wxGenericDragImage"))

{-# NOINLINE classGenericValidator #-}
classGenericValidator :: ClassType (GenericValidator ())
classGenericValidator = ClassType (unsafePerformIO (classInfoFindClass "wxGenericValidator"))

{-# NOINLINE classGLCanvas #-}
classGLCanvas :: ClassType (GLCanvas ())
classGLCanvas = ClassType (unsafePerformIO (classInfoFindClass "wxGLCanvas"))

{-# NOINLINE classGLContext #-}
classGLContext :: ClassType (GLContext ())
classGLContext = ClassType (unsafePerformIO (classInfoFindClass "wxGLContext"))

{-# NOINLINE classGraphicsBrush #-}
classGraphicsBrush :: ClassType (GraphicsBrush ())
classGraphicsBrush = ClassType (unsafePerformIO (classInfoFindClass "wxGraphicsBrush"))

{-# NOINLINE classGraphicsContext #-}
classGraphicsContext :: ClassType (GraphicsContext ())
classGraphicsContext = ClassType (unsafePerformIO (classInfoFindClass "wxGraphicsContext"))

{-# NOINLINE classGraphicsFont #-}
classGraphicsFont :: ClassType (GraphicsFont ())
classGraphicsFont = ClassType (unsafePerformIO (classInfoFindClass "wxGraphicsFont"))

{-# NOINLINE classGraphicsMatrix #-}
classGraphicsMatrix :: ClassType (GraphicsMatrix ())
classGraphicsMatrix = ClassType (unsafePerformIO (classInfoFindClass "wxGraphicsMatrix"))

{-# NOINLINE classGraphicsObject #-}
classGraphicsObject :: ClassType (GraphicsObject ())
classGraphicsObject = ClassType (unsafePerformIO (classInfoFindClass "wxGraphicsObject"))

{-# NOINLINE classGraphicsPath #-}
classGraphicsPath :: ClassType (GraphicsPath ())
classGraphicsPath = ClassType (unsafePerformIO (classInfoFindClass "wxGraphicsPath"))

{-# NOINLINE classGraphicsPen #-}
classGraphicsPen :: ClassType (GraphicsPen ())
classGraphicsPen = ClassType (unsafePerformIO (classInfoFindClass "wxGraphicsPen"))

{-# NOINLINE classGraphicsRenderer #-}
classGraphicsRenderer :: ClassType (GraphicsRenderer ())
classGraphicsRenderer = ClassType (unsafePerformIO (classInfoFindClass "wxGraphicsRenderer"))

{-# NOINLINE classGrid #-}
classGrid :: ClassType (Grid ())
classGrid = ClassType (unsafePerformIO (classInfoFindClass "wxGrid"))

{-# NOINLINE classGridEditorCreatedEvent #-}
classGridEditorCreatedEvent :: ClassType (GridEditorCreatedEvent ())
classGridEditorCreatedEvent = ClassType (unsafePerformIO (classInfoFindClass "wxGridEditorCreatedEvent"))

{-# NOINLINE classGridEvent #-}
classGridEvent :: ClassType (GridEvent ())
classGridEvent = ClassType (unsafePerformIO (classInfoFindClass "wxGridEvent"))

{-# NOINLINE classGridRangeSelectEvent #-}
classGridRangeSelectEvent :: ClassType (GridRangeSelectEvent ())
classGridRangeSelectEvent = ClassType (unsafePerformIO (classInfoFindClass "wxGridRangeSelectEvent"))

{-# NOINLINE classGridSizeEvent #-}
classGridSizeEvent :: ClassType (GridSizeEvent ())
classGridSizeEvent = ClassType (unsafePerformIO (classInfoFindClass "wxGridSizeEvent"))

{-# NOINLINE classGridSizer #-}
classGridSizer :: ClassType (GridSizer ())
classGridSizer = ClassType (unsafePerformIO (classInfoFindClass "wxGridSizer"))

{-# NOINLINE classGridTableBase #-}
classGridTableBase :: ClassType (GridTableBase ())
classGridTableBase = ClassType (unsafePerformIO (classInfoFindClass "wxGridTableBase"))

{-# NOINLINE classHelpController #-}
classHelpController :: ClassType (HelpController ())
classHelpController = ClassType (unsafePerformIO (classInfoFindClass "wxHelpController"))

{-# NOINLINE classHelpControllerBase #-}
classHelpControllerBase :: ClassType (HelpControllerBase ())
classHelpControllerBase = ClassType (unsafePerformIO (classInfoFindClass "wxHelpControllerBase"))

{-# NOINLINE classHelpEvent #-}
classHelpEvent :: ClassType (HelpEvent ())
classHelpEvent = ClassType (unsafePerformIO (classInfoFindClass "wxHelpEvent"))

{-# NOINLINE classHtmlCell #-}
classHtmlCell :: ClassType (HtmlCell ())
classHtmlCell = ClassType (unsafePerformIO (classInfoFindClass "wxHtmlCell"))

{-# NOINLINE classHtmlColourCell #-}
classHtmlColourCell :: ClassType (HtmlColourCell ())
classHtmlColourCell = ClassType (unsafePerformIO (classInfoFindClass "wxHtmlColourCell"))

{-# NOINLINE classHtmlContainerCell #-}
classHtmlContainerCell :: ClassType (HtmlContainerCell ())
classHtmlContainerCell = ClassType (unsafePerformIO (classInfoFindClass "wxHtmlContainerCell"))

{-# NOINLINE classHtmlDCRenderer #-}
classHtmlDCRenderer :: ClassType (HtmlDCRenderer ())
classHtmlDCRenderer = ClassType (unsafePerformIO (classInfoFindClass "wxHtmlDCRenderer"))

{-# NOINLINE classHtmlEasyPrinting #-}
classHtmlEasyPrinting :: ClassType (HtmlEasyPrinting ())
classHtmlEasyPrinting = ClassType (unsafePerformIO (classInfoFindClass "wxHtmlEasyPrinting"))

{-# NOINLINE classHtmlFilter #-}
classHtmlFilter :: ClassType (HtmlFilter ())
classHtmlFilter = ClassType (unsafePerformIO (classInfoFindClass "wxHtmlFilter"))

{-# NOINLINE classHtmlHelpController #-}
classHtmlHelpController :: ClassType (HtmlHelpController ())
classHtmlHelpController = ClassType (unsafePerformIO (classInfoFindClass "wxHtmlHelpController"))

{-# NOINLINE classHtmlHelpData #-}
classHtmlHelpData :: ClassType (HtmlHelpData ())
classHtmlHelpData = ClassType (unsafePerformIO (classInfoFindClass "wxHtmlHelpData"))

{-# NOINLINE classHtmlHelpFrame #-}
classHtmlHelpFrame :: ClassType (HtmlHelpFrame ())
classHtmlHelpFrame = ClassType (unsafePerformIO (classInfoFindClass "wxHtmlHelpFrame"))

{-# NOINLINE classHtmlLinkInfo #-}
classHtmlLinkInfo :: ClassType (HtmlLinkInfo ())
classHtmlLinkInfo = ClassType (unsafePerformIO (classInfoFindClass "wxHtmlLinkInfo"))

{-# NOINLINE classHtmlParser #-}
classHtmlParser :: ClassType (HtmlParser ())
classHtmlParser = ClassType (unsafePerformIO (classInfoFindClass "wxHtmlParser"))

{-# NOINLINE classHtmlPrintout #-}
classHtmlPrintout :: ClassType (HtmlPrintout ())
classHtmlPrintout = ClassType (unsafePerformIO (classInfoFindClass "wxHtmlPrintout"))

{-# NOINLINE classHtmlTag #-}
classHtmlTag :: ClassType (HtmlTag ())
classHtmlTag = ClassType (unsafePerformIO (classInfoFindClass "wxHtmlTag"))

{-# NOINLINE classHtmlTagHandler #-}
classHtmlTagHandler :: ClassType (HtmlTagHandler ())
classHtmlTagHandler = ClassType (unsafePerformIO (classInfoFindClass "wxHtmlTagHandler"))

{-# NOINLINE classHtmlTagsModule #-}
classHtmlTagsModule :: ClassType (HtmlTagsModule ())
classHtmlTagsModule = ClassType (unsafePerformIO (classInfoFindClass "wxHtmlTagsModule"))

{-# NOINLINE classHtmlWidgetCell #-}
classHtmlWidgetCell :: ClassType (HtmlWidgetCell ())
classHtmlWidgetCell = ClassType (unsafePerformIO (classInfoFindClass "wxHtmlWidgetCell"))

{-# NOINLINE classHtmlWindow #-}
classHtmlWindow :: ClassType (HtmlWindow ())
classHtmlWindow = ClassType (unsafePerformIO (classInfoFindClass "wxHtmlWindow"))

{-# NOINLINE classHtmlWinParser #-}
classHtmlWinParser :: ClassType (HtmlWinParser ())
classHtmlWinParser = ClassType (unsafePerformIO (classInfoFindClass "wxHtmlWinParser"))

{-# NOINLINE classHtmlWinTagHandler #-}
classHtmlWinTagHandler :: ClassType (HtmlWinTagHandler ())
classHtmlWinTagHandler = ClassType (unsafePerformIO (classInfoFindClass "wxHtmlWinTagHandler"))

{-# NOINLINE classHTTP #-}
classHTTP :: ClassType (HTTP ())
classHTTP = ClassType (unsafePerformIO (classInfoFindClass "wxHTTP"))

{-# NOINLINE classIcon #-}
classIcon :: ClassType (Icon ())
classIcon = ClassType (unsafePerformIO (classInfoFindClass "wxIcon"))

{-# NOINLINE classIconizeEvent #-}
classIconizeEvent :: ClassType (IconizeEvent ())
classIconizeEvent = ClassType (unsafePerformIO (classInfoFindClass "wxIconizeEvent"))

{-# NOINLINE classIdleEvent #-}
classIdleEvent :: ClassType (IdleEvent ())
classIdleEvent = ClassType (unsafePerformIO (classInfoFindClass "wxIdleEvent"))

{-# NOINLINE classImage #-}
classImage :: ClassType (Image ())
classImage = ClassType (unsafePerformIO (classInfoFindClass "wxImage"))

{-# NOINLINE classImageHandler #-}
classImageHandler :: ClassType (ImageHandler ())
classImageHandler = ClassType (unsafePerformIO (classInfoFindClass "wxImageHandler"))

{-# NOINLINE classImageList #-}
classImageList :: ClassType (ImageList ())
classImageList = ClassType (unsafePerformIO (classInfoFindClass "wxImageList"))

{-# NOINLINE classIndividualLayoutConstraint #-}
classIndividualLayoutConstraint :: ClassType (IndividualLayoutConstraint ())
classIndividualLayoutConstraint = ClassType (unsafePerformIO (classInfoFindClass "wxIndividualLayoutConstraint"))

{-# NOINLINE classInitDialogEvent #-}
classInitDialogEvent :: ClassType (InitDialogEvent ())
classInitDialogEvent = ClassType (unsafePerformIO (classInfoFindClass "wxInitDialogEvent"))

{-# NOINLINE classInputSinkEvent #-}
classInputSinkEvent :: ClassType (InputSinkEvent ())
classInputSinkEvent = ClassType (unsafePerformIO (classInfoFindClass "wxInputSinkEvent"))

{-# NOINLINE classIntProperty #-}
classIntProperty :: ClassType (IntProperty ())
classIntProperty = ClassType (unsafePerformIO (classInfoFindClass "wxIntProperty"))

{-# NOINLINE classIPV4address #-}
classIPV4address :: ClassType (IPV4address ())
classIPV4address = ClassType (unsafePerformIO (classInfoFindClass "wxIPV4address"))

{-# NOINLINE classJoystick #-}
classJoystick :: ClassType (Joystick ())
classJoystick = ClassType (unsafePerformIO (classInfoFindClass "wxJoystick"))

{-# NOINLINE classJoystickEvent #-}
classJoystickEvent :: ClassType (JoystickEvent ())
classJoystickEvent = ClassType (unsafePerformIO (classInfoFindClass "wxJoystickEvent"))

{-# NOINLINE classKeyEvent #-}
classKeyEvent :: ClassType (KeyEvent ())
classKeyEvent = ClassType (unsafePerformIO (classInfoFindClass "wxKeyEvent"))

{-# NOINLINE classLayoutAlgorithm #-}
classLayoutAlgorithm :: ClassType (LayoutAlgorithm ())
classLayoutAlgorithm = ClassType (unsafePerformIO (classInfoFindClass "wxLayoutAlgorithm"))

{-# NOINLINE classLayoutConstraints #-}
classLayoutConstraints :: ClassType (LayoutConstraints ())
classLayoutConstraints = ClassType (unsafePerformIO (classInfoFindClass "wxLayoutConstraints"))

{-# NOINLINE classLEDNumberCtrl #-}
classLEDNumberCtrl :: ClassType (LEDNumberCtrl ())
classLEDNumberCtrl = ClassType (unsafePerformIO (classInfoFindClass "wxLEDNumberCtrl"))

{-# NOINLINE classList #-}
classList :: ClassType (List ())
classList = ClassType (unsafePerformIO (classInfoFindClass "wxList"))

{-# NOINLINE classListBox #-}
classListBox :: ClassType (ListBox ())
classListBox = ClassType (unsafePerformIO (classInfoFindClass "wxListBox"))

{-# NOINLINE classListCtrl #-}
classListCtrl :: ClassType (ListCtrl ())
classListCtrl = ClassType (unsafePerformIO (classInfoFindClass "wxListCtrl"))

{-# NOINLINE classListEvent #-}
classListEvent :: ClassType (ListEvent ())
classListEvent = ClassType (unsafePerformIO (classInfoFindClass "wxListEvent"))

{-# NOINLINE classListItem #-}
classListItem :: ClassType (ListItem ())
classListItem = ClassType (unsafePerformIO (classInfoFindClass "wxListItem"))

{-# NOINLINE classMask #-}
classMask :: ClassType (Mask ())
classMask = ClassType (unsafePerformIO (classInfoFindClass "wxMask"))

{-# NOINLINE classMaximizeEvent #-}
classMaximizeEvent :: ClassType (MaximizeEvent ())
classMaximizeEvent = ClassType (unsafePerformIO (classInfoFindClass "wxMaximizeEvent"))

{-# NOINLINE classMDIChildFrame #-}
classMDIChildFrame :: ClassType (MDIChildFrame ())
classMDIChildFrame = ClassType (unsafePerformIO (classInfoFindClass "wxMDIChildFrame"))

{-# NOINLINE classMDIClientWindow #-}
classMDIClientWindow :: ClassType (MDIClientWindow ())
classMDIClientWindow = ClassType (unsafePerformIO (classInfoFindClass "wxMDIClientWindow"))

{-# NOINLINE classMDIParentFrame #-}
classMDIParentFrame :: ClassType (MDIParentFrame ())
classMDIParentFrame = ClassType (unsafePerformIO (classInfoFindClass "wxMDIParentFrame"))

{-# NOINLINE classMediaCtrl #-}
classMediaCtrl :: ClassType (MediaCtrl ())
classMediaCtrl = ClassType (unsafePerformIO (classInfoFindClass "wxMediaCtrl"))

{-# NOINLINE classMediaEvent #-}
classMediaEvent :: ClassType (MediaEvent ())
classMediaEvent = ClassType (unsafePerformIO (classInfoFindClass "wxMediaEvent"))

{-# NOINLINE classMemoryDC #-}
classMemoryDC :: ClassType (MemoryDC ())
classMemoryDC = ClassType (unsafePerformIO (classInfoFindClass "wxMemoryDC"))

{-# NOINLINE classMemoryFSHandler #-}
classMemoryFSHandler :: ClassType (MemoryFSHandler ())
classMemoryFSHandler = ClassType (unsafePerformIO (classInfoFindClass "wxMemoryFSHandler"))

{-# NOINLINE classMenu #-}
classMenu :: ClassType (Menu ())
classMenu = ClassType (unsafePerformIO (classInfoFindClass "wxMenu"))

{-# NOINLINE classMenuBar #-}
classMenuBar :: ClassType (MenuBar ())
classMenuBar = ClassType (unsafePerformIO (classInfoFindClass "wxMenuBar"))

{-# NOINLINE classMenuEvent #-}
classMenuEvent :: ClassType (MenuEvent ())
classMenuEvent = ClassType (unsafePerformIO (classInfoFindClass "wxMenuEvent"))

{-# NOINLINE classMenuItem #-}
classMenuItem :: ClassType (MenuItem ())
classMenuItem = ClassType (unsafePerformIO (classInfoFindClass "wxMenuItem"))

{-# NOINLINE classMessageDialog #-}
classMessageDialog :: ClassType (MessageDialog ())
classMessageDialog = ClassType (unsafePerformIO (classInfoFindClass "wxMessageDialog"))

{-# NOINLINE classMetafile #-}
classMetafile :: ClassType (Metafile ())
classMetafile = ClassType (unsafePerformIO (classInfoFindClass "wxMetafile"))

{-# NOINLINE classMetafileDC #-}
classMetafileDC :: ClassType (MetafileDC ())
classMetafileDC = ClassType (unsafePerformIO (classInfoFindClass "wxMetafileDC"))

{-# NOINLINE classMiniFrame #-}
classMiniFrame :: ClassType (MiniFrame ())
classMiniFrame = ClassType (unsafePerformIO (classInfoFindClass "wxMiniFrame"))

{-# NOINLINE classMirrorDC #-}
classMirrorDC :: ClassType (MirrorDC ())
classMirrorDC = ClassType (unsafePerformIO (classInfoFindClass "wxMirrorDC"))

{-# NOINLINE classModule #-}
classModule :: ClassType (Module ())
classModule = ClassType (unsafePerformIO (classInfoFindClass "wxModule"))

{-# NOINLINE classMouseCaptureChangedEvent #-}
classMouseCaptureChangedEvent :: ClassType (MouseCaptureChangedEvent ())
classMouseCaptureChangedEvent = ClassType (unsafePerformIO (classInfoFindClass "wxMouseCaptureChangedEvent"))

{-# NOINLINE classMouseEvent #-}
classMouseEvent :: ClassType (MouseEvent ())
classMouseEvent = ClassType (unsafePerformIO (classInfoFindClass "wxMouseEvent"))

{-# NOINLINE classMoveEvent #-}
classMoveEvent :: ClassType (MoveEvent ())
classMoveEvent = ClassType (unsafePerformIO (classInfoFindClass "wxMoveEvent"))

{-# NOINLINE classMultiCellCanvas #-}
classMultiCellCanvas :: ClassType (MultiCellCanvas ())
classMultiCellCanvas = ClassType (unsafePerformIO (classInfoFindClass "wxMultiCellCanvas"))

{-# NOINLINE classMultiCellItemHandle #-}
classMultiCellItemHandle :: ClassType (MultiCellItemHandle ())
classMultiCellItemHandle = ClassType (unsafePerformIO (classInfoFindClass "wxMultiCellItemHandle"))

{-# NOINLINE classMultiCellSizer #-}
classMultiCellSizer :: ClassType (MultiCellSizer ())
classMultiCellSizer = ClassType (unsafePerformIO (classInfoFindClass "wxMultiCellSizer"))

{-# NOINLINE classNavigationKeyEvent #-}
classNavigationKeyEvent :: ClassType (NavigationKeyEvent ())
classNavigationKeyEvent = ClassType (unsafePerformIO (classInfoFindClass "wxNavigationKeyEvent"))

{-# NOINLINE classNewBitmapButton #-}
classNewBitmapButton :: ClassType (NewBitmapButton ())
classNewBitmapButton = ClassType (unsafePerformIO (classInfoFindClass "wxNewBitmapButton"))

{-# NOINLINE classNotebook #-}
classNotebook :: ClassType (Notebook ())
classNotebook = ClassType (unsafePerformIO (classInfoFindClass "wxNotebook"))

{-# NOINLINE classNotebookEvent #-}
classNotebookEvent :: ClassType (NotebookEvent ())
classNotebookEvent = ClassType (unsafePerformIO (classInfoFindClass "wxNotebookEvent"))

{-# NOINLINE classNotifyEvent #-}
classNotifyEvent :: ClassType (NotifyEvent ())
classNotifyEvent = ClassType (unsafePerformIO (classInfoFindClass "wxNotifyEvent"))

{-# NOINLINE classPageSetupDialog #-}
classPageSetupDialog :: ClassType (PageSetupDialog ())
classPageSetupDialog = ClassType (unsafePerformIO (classInfoFindClass "wxPageSetupDialog"))

{-# NOINLINE classPageSetupDialogData #-}
classPageSetupDialogData :: ClassType (PageSetupDialogData ())
classPageSetupDialogData = ClassType (unsafePerformIO (classInfoFindClass "wxPageSetupDialogData"))

{-# NOINLINE classPaintDC #-}
classPaintDC :: ClassType (PaintDC ())
classPaintDC = ClassType (unsafePerformIO (classInfoFindClass "wxPaintDC"))

{-# NOINLINE classPaintEvent #-}
classPaintEvent :: ClassType (PaintEvent ())
classPaintEvent = ClassType (unsafePerformIO (classInfoFindClass "wxPaintEvent"))

{-# NOINLINE classPalette #-}
classPalette :: ClassType (Palette ())
classPalette = ClassType (unsafePerformIO (classInfoFindClass "wxPalette"))

{-# NOINLINE classPaletteChangedEvent #-}
classPaletteChangedEvent :: ClassType (PaletteChangedEvent ())
classPaletteChangedEvent = ClassType (unsafePerformIO (classInfoFindClass "wxPaletteChangedEvent"))

{-# NOINLINE classPanel #-}
classPanel :: ClassType (Panel ())
classPanel = ClassType (unsafePerformIO (classInfoFindClass "wxPanel"))

{-# NOINLINE classPathList #-}
classPathList :: ClassType (PathList ())
classPathList = ClassType (unsafePerformIO (classInfoFindClass "wxPathList"))

{-# NOINLINE classPen #-}
classPen :: ClassType (Pen ())
classPen = ClassType (unsafePerformIO (classInfoFindClass "wxPen"))

{-# NOINLINE classPenList #-}
classPenList :: ClassType (PenList ())
classPenList = ClassType (unsafePerformIO (classInfoFindClass "wxPenList"))

{-# NOINLINE classPGProperty #-}
classPGProperty :: ClassType (PGProperty ())
classPGProperty = ClassType (unsafePerformIO (classInfoFindClass "wxPGProperty"))

{-# NOINLINE classPlotCurve #-}
classPlotCurve :: ClassType (PlotCurve ())
classPlotCurve = ClassType (unsafePerformIO (classInfoFindClass "wxPlotCurve"))

{-# NOINLINE classPlotEvent #-}
classPlotEvent :: ClassType (PlotEvent ())
classPlotEvent = ClassType (unsafePerformIO (classInfoFindClass "wxPlotEvent"))

{-# NOINLINE classPlotOnOffCurve #-}
classPlotOnOffCurve :: ClassType (PlotOnOffCurve ())
classPlotOnOffCurve = ClassType (unsafePerformIO (classInfoFindClass "wxPlotOnOffCurve"))

{-# NOINLINE classPlotWindow #-}
classPlotWindow :: ClassType (PlotWindow ())
classPlotWindow = ClassType (unsafePerformIO (classInfoFindClass "wxPlotWindow"))

{-# NOINLINE classPopupTransientWindow #-}
classPopupTransientWindow :: ClassType (PopupTransientWindow ())
classPopupTransientWindow = ClassType (unsafePerformIO (classInfoFindClass "wxPopupTransientWindow"))

{-# NOINLINE classPopupWindow #-}
classPopupWindow :: ClassType (PopupWindow ())
classPopupWindow = ClassType (unsafePerformIO (classInfoFindClass "wxPopupWindow"))

{-# NOINLINE classPostScriptDC #-}
classPostScriptDC :: ClassType (PostScriptDC ())
classPostScriptDC = ClassType (unsafePerformIO (classInfoFindClass "wxPostScriptDC"))

{-# NOINLINE classPostScriptPrintNativeData #-}
classPostScriptPrintNativeData :: ClassType (PostScriptPrintNativeData ())
classPostScriptPrintNativeData = ClassType (unsafePerformIO (classInfoFindClass "wxPostScriptPrintNativeData"))

{-# NOINLINE classPreviewCanvas #-}
classPreviewCanvas :: ClassType (PreviewCanvas ())
classPreviewCanvas = ClassType (unsafePerformIO (classInfoFindClass "wxPreviewCanvas"))

{-# NOINLINE classPreviewControlBar #-}
classPreviewControlBar :: ClassType (PreviewControlBar ())
classPreviewControlBar = ClassType (unsafePerformIO (classInfoFindClass "wxPreviewControlBar"))

{-# NOINLINE classPreviewFrame #-}
classPreviewFrame :: ClassType (PreviewFrame ())
classPreviewFrame = ClassType (unsafePerformIO (classInfoFindClass "wxPreviewFrame"))

{-# NOINLINE classPrintData #-}
classPrintData :: ClassType (PrintData ())
classPrintData = ClassType (unsafePerformIO (classInfoFindClass "wxPrintData"))

{-# NOINLINE classPrintDialog #-}
classPrintDialog :: ClassType (PrintDialog ())
classPrintDialog = ClassType (unsafePerformIO (classInfoFindClass "wxPrintDialog"))

{-# NOINLINE classPrintDialogData #-}
classPrintDialogData :: ClassType (PrintDialogData ())
classPrintDialogData = ClassType (unsafePerformIO (classInfoFindClass "wxPrintDialogData"))

{-# NOINLINE classPrinter #-}
classPrinter :: ClassType (Printer ())
classPrinter = ClassType (unsafePerformIO (classInfoFindClass "wxPrinter"))

{-# NOINLINE classPrinterDC #-}
classPrinterDC :: ClassType (PrinterDC ())
classPrinterDC = ClassType (unsafePerformIO (classInfoFindClass "wxPrinterDC"))

{-# NOINLINE classPrintout #-}
classPrintout :: ClassType (Printout ())
classPrintout = ClassType (unsafePerformIO (classInfoFindClass "wxPrintout"))

{-# NOINLINE classPrintPreview #-}
classPrintPreview :: ClassType (PrintPreview ())
classPrintPreview = ClassType (unsafePerformIO (classInfoFindClass "wxPrintPreview"))

{-# NOINLINE classProcess #-}
classProcess :: ClassType (Process ())
classProcess = ClassType (unsafePerformIO (classInfoFindClass "wxProcess"))

{-# NOINLINE classProcessEvent #-}
classProcessEvent :: ClassType (ProcessEvent ())
classProcessEvent = ClassType (unsafePerformIO (classInfoFindClass "wxProcessEvent"))

{-# NOINLINE classProgressDialog #-}
classProgressDialog :: ClassType (ProgressDialog ())
classProgressDialog = ClassType (unsafePerformIO (classInfoFindClass "wxProgressDialog"))

{-# NOINLINE classPropertyCategory #-}
classPropertyCategory :: ClassType (PropertyCategory ())
classPropertyCategory = ClassType (unsafePerformIO (classInfoFindClass "wxPropertyCategory"))

{-# NOINLINE classPropertyGrid #-}
classPropertyGrid :: ClassType (PropertyGrid ())
classPropertyGrid = ClassType (unsafePerformIO (classInfoFindClass "wxPropertyGrid"))

{-# NOINLINE classPropertyGridEvent #-}
classPropertyGridEvent :: ClassType (PropertyGridEvent ())
classPropertyGridEvent = ClassType (unsafePerformIO (classInfoFindClass "wxPropertyGridEvent"))

{-# NOINLINE classProtocol #-}
classProtocol :: ClassType (Protocol ())
classProtocol = ClassType (unsafePerformIO (classInfoFindClass "wxProtocol"))

{-# NOINLINE classQuantize #-}
classQuantize :: ClassType (Quantize ())
classQuantize = ClassType (unsafePerformIO (classInfoFindClass "wxQuantize"))

{-# NOINLINE classQueryCol #-}
classQueryCol :: ClassType (QueryCol ())
classQueryCol = ClassType (unsafePerformIO (classInfoFindClass "wxQueryCol"))

{-# NOINLINE classQueryField #-}
classQueryField :: ClassType (QueryField ())
classQueryField = ClassType (unsafePerformIO (classInfoFindClass "wxQueryField"))

{-# NOINLINE classQueryLayoutInfoEvent #-}
classQueryLayoutInfoEvent :: ClassType (QueryLayoutInfoEvent ())
classQueryLayoutInfoEvent = ClassType (unsafePerformIO (classInfoFindClass "wxQueryLayoutInfoEvent"))

{-# NOINLINE classQueryNewPaletteEvent #-}
classQueryNewPaletteEvent :: ClassType (QueryNewPaletteEvent ())
classQueryNewPaletteEvent = ClassType (unsafePerformIO (classInfoFindClass "wxQueryNewPaletteEvent"))

{-# NOINLINE classRadioBox #-}
classRadioBox :: ClassType (RadioBox ())
classRadioBox = ClassType (unsafePerformIO (classInfoFindClass "wxRadioBox"))

{-# NOINLINE classRadioButton #-}
classRadioButton :: ClassType (RadioButton ())
classRadioButton = ClassType (unsafePerformIO (classInfoFindClass "wxRadioButton"))

{-# NOINLINE classRecordSet #-}
classRecordSet :: ClassType (RecordSet ())
classRecordSet = ClassType (unsafePerformIO (classInfoFindClass "wxRecordSet"))

{-# NOINLINE classRegion #-}
classRegion :: ClassType (Region ())
classRegion = ClassType (unsafePerformIO (classInfoFindClass "wxRegion"))

{-# NOINLINE classRegionIterator #-}
classRegionIterator :: ClassType (RegionIterator ())
classRegionIterator = ClassType (unsafePerformIO (classInfoFindClass "wxRegionIterator"))

{-# NOINLINE classRemotelyScrolledTreeCtrl #-}
classRemotelyScrolledTreeCtrl :: ClassType (RemotelyScrolledTreeCtrl ())
classRemotelyScrolledTreeCtrl = ClassType (unsafePerformIO (classInfoFindClass "wxRemotelyScrolledTreeCtrl"))

{-# NOINLINE classSashEvent #-}
classSashEvent :: ClassType (SashEvent ())
classSashEvent = ClassType (unsafePerformIO (classInfoFindClass "wxSashEvent"))

{-# NOINLINE classSashLayoutWindow #-}
classSashLayoutWindow :: ClassType (SashLayoutWindow ())
classSashLayoutWindow = ClassType (unsafePerformIO (classInfoFindClass "wxSashLayoutWindow"))

{-# NOINLINE classSashWindow #-}
classSashWindow :: ClassType (SashWindow ())
classSashWindow = ClassType (unsafePerformIO (classInfoFindClass "wxSashWindow"))

{-# NOINLINE classScreenDC #-}
classScreenDC :: ClassType (ScreenDC ())
classScreenDC = ClassType (unsafePerformIO (classInfoFindClass "wxScreenDC"))

{-# NOINLINE classScrollBar #-}
classScrollBar :: ClassType (ScrollBar ())
classScrollBar = ClassType (unsafePerformIO (classInfoFindClass "wxScrollBar"))

{-# NOINLINE classScrolledWindow #-}
classScrolledWindow :: ClassType (ScrolledWindow ())
classScrolledWindow = ClassType (unsafePerformIO (classInfoFindClass "wxScrolledWindow"))

{-# NOINLINE classScrollEvent #-}
classScrollEvent :: ClassType (ScrollEvent ())
classScrollEvent = ClassType (unsafePerformIO (classInfoFindClass "wxScrollEvent"))

{-# NOINLINE classScrollWinEvent #-}
classScrollWinEvent :: ClassType (ScrollWinEvent ())
classScrollWinEvent = ClassType (unsafePerformIO (classInfoFindClass "wxScrollWinEvent"))

{-# NOINLINE classServer #-}
classServer :: ClassType (Server ())
classServer = ClassType (unsafePerformIO (classInfoFindClass "wxServer"))

{-# NOINLINE classServerBase #-}
classServerBase :: ClassType (ServerBase ())
classServerBase = ClassType (unsafePerformIO (classInfoFindClass "wxServerBase"))

{-# NOINLINE classSetCursorEvent #-}
classSetCursorEvent :: ClassType (SetCursorEvent ())
classSetCursorEvent = ClassType (unsafePerformIO (classInfoFindClass "wxSetCursorEvent"))

{-# NOINLINE classShowEvent #-}
classShowEvent :: ClassType (ShowEvent ())
classShowEvent = ClassType (unsafePerformIO (classInfoFindClass "wxShowEvent"))

{-# NOINLINE classSingleChoiceDialog #-}
classSingleChoiceDialog :: ClassType (SingleChoiceDialog ())
classSingleChoiceDialog = ClassType (unsafePerformIO (classInfoFindClass "wxSingleChoiceDialog"))

{-# NOINLINE classSizeEvent #-}
classSizeEvent :: ClassType (SizeEvent ())
classSizeEvent = ClassType (unsafePerformIO (classInfoFindClass "wxSizeEvent"))

{-# NOINLINE classSizer #-}
classSizer :: ClassType (Sizer ())
classSizer = ClassType (unsafePerformIO (classInfoFindClass "wxSizer"))

{-# NOINLINE classSizerItem #-}
classSizerItem :: ClassType (SizerItem ())
classSizerItem = ClassType (unsafePerformIO (classInfoFindClass "wxSizerItem"))

{-# NOINLINE classSlider #-}
classSlider :: ClassType (Slider ())
classSlider = ClassType (unsafePerformIO (classInfoFindClass "wxSlider"))

{-# NOINLINE classSlider95 #-}
classSlider95 :: ClassType (Slider95 ())
classSlider95 = ClassType (unsafePerformIO (classInfoFindClass "wxSlider95"))

{-# NOINLINE classSliderMSW #-}
classSliderMSW :: ClassType (SliderMSW ())
classSliderMSW = ClassType (unsafePerformIO (classInfoFindClass "wxSliderMSW"))

{-# NOINLINE classSockAddress #-}
classSockAddress :: ClassType (SockAddress ())
classSockAddress = ClassType (unsafePerformIO (classInfoFindClass "wxSockAddress"))

{-# NOINLINE classSocketBase #-}
classSocketBase :: ClassType (SocketBase ())
classSocketBase = ClassType (unsafePerformIO (classInfoFindClass "wxSocketBase"))

{-# NOINLINE classSocketClient #-}
classSocketClient :: ClassType (SocketClient ())
classSocketClient = ClassType (unsafePerformIO (classInfoFindClass "wxSocketClient"))

{-# NOINLINE classSocketEvent #-}
classSocketEvent :: ClassType (SocketEvent ())
classSocketEvent = ClassType (unsafePerformIO (classInfoFindClass "wxSocketEvent"))

{-# NOINLINE classSocketServer #-}
classSocketServer :: ClassType (SocketServer ())
classSocketServer = ClassType (unsafePerformIO (classInfoFindClass "wxSocketServer"))

{-# NOINLINE classSound #-}
classSound :: ClassType (Sound ())
classSound = ClassType (unsafePerformIO (classInfoFindClass "wxSound"))

{-# NOINLINE classSpinButton #-}
classSpinButton :: ClassType (SpinButton ())
classSpinButton = ClassType (unsafePerformIO (classInfoFindClass "wxSpinButton"))

{-# NOINLINE classSpinCtrl #-}
classSpinCtrl :: ClassType (SpinCtrl ())
classSpinCtrl = ClassType (unsafePerformIO (classInfoFindClass "wxSpinCtrl"))

{-# NOINLINE classSpinEvent #-}
classSpinEvent :: ClassType (SpinEvent ())
classSpinEvent = ClassType (unsafePerformIO (classInfoFindClass "wxSpinEvent"))

{-# NOINLINE classSplashScreen #-}
classSplashScreen :: ClassType (SplashScreen ())
classSplashScreen = ClassType (unsafePerformIO (classInfoFindClass "wxSplashScreen"))

{-# NOINLINE classSplitterEvent #-}
classSplitterEvent :: ClassType (SplitterEvent ())
classSplitterEvent = ClassType (unsafePerformIO (classInfoFindClass "wxSplitterEvent"))

{-# NOINLINE classSplitterScrolledWindow #-}
classSplitterScrolledWindow :: ClassType (SplitterScrolledWindow ())
classSplitterScrolledWindow = ClassType (unsafePerformIO (classInfoFindClass "wxSplitterScrolledWindow"))

{-# NOINLINE classSplitterWindow #-}
classSplitterWindow :: ClassType (SplitterWindow ())
classSplitterWindow = ClassType (unsafePerformIO (classInfoFindClass "wxSplitterWindow"))

{-# NOINLINE classStaticBitmap #-}
classStaticBitmap :: ClassType (StaticBitmap ())
classStaticBitmap = ClassType (unsafePerformIO (classInfoFindClass "wxStaticBitmap"))

{-# NOINLINE classStaticBox #-}
classStaticBox :: ClassType (StaticBox ())
classStaticBox = ClassType (unsafePerformIO (classInfoFindClass "wxStaticBox"))

{-# NOINLINE classStaticBoxSizer #-}
classStaticBoxSizer :: ClassType (StaticBoxSizer ())
classStaticBoxSizer = ClassType (unsafePerformIO (classInfoFindClass "wxStaticBoxSizer"))

{-# NOINLINE classStaticLine #-}
classStaticLine :: ClassType (StaticLine ())
classStaticLine = ClassType (unsafePerformIO (classInfoFindClass "wxStaticLine"))

{-# NOINLINE classStaticText #-}
classStaticText :: ClassType (StaticText ())
classStaticText = ClassType (unsafePerformIO (classInfoFindClass "wxStaticText"))

{-# NOINLINE classStatusBar #-}
classStatusBar :: ClassType (StatusBar ())
classStatusBar = ClassType (unsafePerformIO (classInfoFindClass "wxStatusBar"))

{-# NOINLINE classStringList #-}
classStringList :: ClassType (StringList ())
classStringList = ClassType (unsafePerformIO (classInfoFindClass "wxStringList"))

{-# NOINLINE classStringProperty #-}
classStringProperty :: ClassType (StringProperty ())
classStringProperty = ClassType (unsafePerformIO (classInfoFindClass "wxStringProperty"))

{-# NOINLINE classStringTokenizer #-}
classStringTokenizer :: ClassType (StringTokenizer ())
classStringTokenizer = ClassType (unsafePerformIO (classInfoFindClass "wxStringTokenizer"))

{-# NOINLINE classStyledTextCtrl #-}
classStyledTextCtrl :: ClassType (StyledTextCtrl ())
classStyledTextCtrl = ClassType (unsafePerformIO (classInfoFindClass "wxStyledTextCtrl"))

{-# NOINLINE classStyledTextEvent #-}
classStyledTextEvent :: ClassType (StyledTextEvent ())
classStyledTextEvent = ClassType (unsafePerformIO (classInfoFindClass "wxStyledTextEvent"))

{-# NOINLINE classSVGFileDC #-}
classSVGFileDC :: ClassType (SVGFileDC ())
classSVGFileDC = ClassType (unsafePerformIO (classInfoFindClass "wxSVGFileDC"))

{-# NOINLINE classSysColourChangedEvent #-}
classSysColourChangedEvent :: ClassType (SysColourChangedEvent ())
classSysColourChangedEvent = ClassType (unsafePerformIO (classInfoFindClass "wxSysColourChangedEvent"))

{-# NOINLINE classSystemOptions #-}
classSystemOptions :: ClassType (SystemOptions ())
classSystemOptions = ClassType (unsafePerformIO (classInfoFindClass "wxSystemOptions"))

{-# NOINLINE classSystemSettings #-}
classSystemSettings :: ClassType (SystemSettings ())
classSystemSettings = ClassType (unsafePerformIO (classInfoFindClass "wxSystemSettings"))

{-# NOINLINE classTabCtrl #-}
classTabCtrl :: ClassType (TabCtrl ())
classTabCtrl = ClassType (unsafePerformIO (classInfoFindClass "wxTabCtrl"))

{-# NOINLINE classTabEvent #-}
classTabEvent :: ClassType (TabEvent ())
classTabEvent = ClassType (unsafePerformIO (classInfoFindClass "wxTabEvent"))

{-# NOINLINE classTablesInUse #-}
classTablesInUse :: ClassType (TablesInUse ())
classTablesInUse = ClassType (unsafePerformIO (classInfoFindClass "wxTablesInUse"))

{-# NOINLINE classTaskBarIcon #-}
classTaskBarIcon :: ClassType (TaskBarIcon ())
classTaskBarIcon = ClassType (unsafePerformIO (classInfoFindClass "wxTaskBarIcon"))

{-# NOINLINE classTextCtrl #-}
classTextCtrl :: ClassType (TextCtrl ())
classTextCtrl = ClassType (unsafePerformIO (classInfoFindClass "wxTextCtrl"))

{-# NOINLINE classTextEntryDialog #-}
classTextEntryDialog :: ClassType (TextEntryDialog ())
classTextEntryDialog = ClassType (unsafePerformIO (classInfoFindClass "wxTextEntryDialog"))

{-# NOINLINE classTextValidator #-}
classTextValidator :: ClassType (TextValidator ())
classTextValidator = ClassType (unsafePerformIO (classInfoFindClass "wxTextValidator"))

{-# NOINLINE classThinSplitterWindow #-}
classThinSplitterWindow :: ClassType (ThinSplitterWindow ())
classThinSplitterWindow = ClassType (unsafePerformIO (classInfoFindClass "wxThinSplitterWindow"))

{-# NOINLINE classTime #-}
classTime :: ClassType (Time ())
classTime = ClassType (unsafePerformIO (classInfoFindClass "wxTime"))

{-# NOINLINE classTimer #-}
classTimer :: ClassType (Timer ())
classTimer = ClassType (unsafePerformIO (classInfoFindClass "wxTimer"))

{-# NOINLINE classTimerBase #-}
classTimerBase :: ClassType (TimerBase ())
classTimerBase = ClassType (unsafePerformIO (classInfoFindClass "wxTimerBase"))

{-# NOINLINE classTimerEvent #-}
classTimerEvent :: ClassType (TimerEvent ())
classTimerEvent = ClassType (unsafePerformIO (classInfoFindClass "wxTimerEvent"))

{-# NOINLINE classTimerEx #-}
classTimerEx :: ClassType (TimerEx ())
classTimerEx = ClassType (unsafePerformIO (classInfoFindClass "wxTimerEx"))

{-# NOINLINE classTipWindow #-}
classTipWindow :: ClassType (TipWindow ())
classTipWindow = ClassType (unsafePerformIO (classInfoFindClass "wxTipWindow"))

{-# NOINLINE classToggleButton #-}
classToggleButton :: ClassType (ToggleButton ())
classToggleButton = ClassType (unsafePerformIO (classInfoFindClass "wxToggleButton"))

{-# NOINLINE classToolBar #-}
classToolBar :: ClassType (ToolBar ())
classToolBar = ClassType (unsafePerformIO (classInfoFindClass "wxToolBar"))

{-# NOINLINE classToolBarBase #-}
classToolBarBase :: ClassType (ToolBarBase ())
classToolBarBase = ClassType (unsafePerformIO (classInfoFindClass "wxToolBarBase"))

{-# NOINLINE classToolLayoutItem #-}
classToolLayoutItem :: ClassType (ToolLayoutItem ())
classToolLayoutItem = ClassType (unsafePerformIO (classInfoFindClass "wxToolLayoutItem"))

{-# NOINLINE classToolTip #-}
classToolTip :: ClassType (ToolTip ())
classToolTip = ClassType (unsafePerformIO (classInfoFindClass "wxToolTip"))

{-# NOINLINE classToolWindow #-}
classToolWindow :: ClassType (ToolWindow ())
classToolWindow = ClassType (unsafePerformIO (classInfoFindClass "wxToolWindow"))

{-# NOINLINE classTopLevelWindow #-}
classTopLevelWindow :: ClassType (TopLevelWindow ())
classTopLevelWindow = ClassType (unsafePerformIO (classInfoFindClass "wxTopLevelWindow"))

{-# NOINLINE classTreeCompanionWindow #-}
classTreeCompanionWindow :: ClassType (TreeCompanionWindow ())
classTreeCompanionWindow = ClassType (unsafePerformIO (classInfoFindClass "wxTreeCompanionWindow"))

{-# NOINLINE classTreeCtrl #-}
classTreeCtrl :: ClassType (TreeCtrl ())
classTreeCtrl = ClassType (unsafePerformIO (classInfoFindClass "wxTreeCtrl"))

{-# NOINLINE classTreeEvent #-}
classTreeEvent :: ClassType (TreeEvent ())
classTreeEvent = ClassType (unsafePerformIO (classInfoFindClass "wxTreeEvent"))

{-# NOINLINE classTreeLayout #-}
classTreeLayout :: ClassType (TreeLayout ())
classTreeLayout = ClassType (unsafePerformIO (classInfoFindClass "wxTreeLayout"))

{-# NOINLINE classTreeLayoutStored #-}
classTreeLayoutStored :: ClassType (TreeLayoutStored ())
classTreeLayoutStored = ClassType (unsafePerformIO (classInfoFindClass "wxTreeLayoutStored"))

{-# NOINLINE classUpdateUIEvent #-}
classUpdateUIEvent :: ClassType (UpdateUIEvent ())
classUpdateUIEvent = ClassType (unsafePerformIO (classInfoFindClass "wxUpdateUIEvent"))

{-# NOINLINE classURL #-}
classURL :: ClassType (URL ())
classURL = ClassType (unsafePerformIO (classInfoFindClass "wxURL"))

{-# NOINLINE classValidator #-}
classValidator :: ClassType (Validator ())
classValidator = ClassType (unsafePerformIO (classInfoFindClass "wxValidator"))

{-# NOINLINE classVariant #-}
classVariant :: ClassType (Variant ())
classVariant = ClassType (unsafePerformIO (classInfoFindClass "wxVariant"))

{-# NOINLINE classVariantData #-}
classVariantData :: ClassType (VariantData ())
classVariantData = ClassType (unsafePerformIO (classInfoFindClass "wxVariantData"))

{-# NOINLINE classView #-}
classView :: ClassType (View ())
classView = ClassType (unsafePerformIO (classInfoFindClass "wxView"))

{-# NOINLINE classWindow #-}
classWindow :: ClassType (Window ())
classWindow = ClassType (unsafePerformIO (classInfoFindClass "wxWindow"))

{-# NOINLINE classWindowCreateEvent #-}
classWindowCreateEvent :: ClassType (WindowCreateEvent ())
classWindowCreateEvent = ClassType (unsafePerformIO (classInfoFindClass "wxWindowCreateEvent"))

{-# NOINLINE classWindowDC #-}
classWindowDC :: ClassType (WindowDC ())
classWindowDC = ClassType (unsafePerformIO (classInfoFindClass "wxWindowDC"))

{-# NOINLINE classWindowDestroyEvent #-}
classWindowDestroyEvent :: ClassType (WindowDestroyEvent ())
classWindowDestroyEvent = ClassType (unsafePerformIO (classInfoFindClass "wxWindowDestroyEvent"))

{-# NOINLINE classWizard #-}
classWizard :: ClassType (Wizard ())
classWizard = ClassType (unsafePerformIO (classInfoFindClass "wxWizard"))

{-# NOINLINE classWizardEvent #-}
classWizardEvent :: ClassType (WizardEvent ())
classWizardEvent = ClassType (unsafePerformIO (classInfoFindClass "wxWizardEvent"))

{-# NOINLINE classWizardPage #-}
classWizardPage :: ClassType (WizardPage ())
classWizardPage = ClassType (unsafePerformIO (classInfoFindClass "wxWizardPage"))

{-# NOINLINE classWizardPageSimple #-}
classWizardPageSimple :: ClassType (WizardPageSimple ())
classWizardPageSimple = ClassType (unsafePerformIO (classInfoFindClass "wxWizardPageSimple"))

{-# NOINLINE classWXCApp #-}
classWXCApp :: ClassType (WXCApp ())
classWXCApp = ClassType (unsafePerformIO (classInfoFindClass "ELJApp"))

{-# NOINLINE classWXCArtProv #-}
classWXCArtProv :: ClassType (WXCArtProv ())
classWXCArtProv = ClassType (unsafePerformIO (classInfoFindClass "ELJArtProv"))

{-# NOINLINE classWXCClient #-}
classWXCClient :: ClassType (WXCClient ())
classWXCClient = ClassType (unsafePerformIO (classInfoFindClass "ELJClient"))

{-# NOINLINE classWXCCommand #-}
classWXCCommand :: ClassType (WXCCommand ())
classWXCCommand = ClassType (unsafePerformIO (classInfoFindClass "ELJCommand"))

{-# NOINLINE classWXCConnection #-}
classWXCConnection :: ClassType (WXCConnection ())
classWXCConnection = ClassType (unsafePerformIO (classInfoFindClass "ELJConnection"))

{-# NOINLINE classWXCGridTable #-}
classWXCGridTable :: ClassType (WXCGridTable ())
classWXCGridTable = ClassType (unsafePerformIO (classInfoFindClass "ELJGridTable"))

{-# NOINLINE classWXCHtmlEvent #-}
classWXCHtmlEvent :: ClassType (WXCHtmlEvent ())
classWXCHtmlEvent = ClassType (unsafePerformIO (classInfoFindClass "wxcHtmlEvent"))

{-# NOINLINE classWXCHtmlWindow #-}
classWXCHtmlWindow :: ClassType (WXCHtmlWindow ())
classWXCHtmlWindow = ClassType (unsafePerformIO (classInfoFindClass "wxcHtmlWindow"))

{-# NOINLINE classWXCPlotCurve #-}
classWXCPlotCurve :: ClassType (WXCPlotCurve ())
classWXCPlotCurve = ClassType (unsafePerformIO (classInfoFindClass "ELJPlotCurve"))

{-# NOINLINE classWXCPreviewControlBar #-}
classWXCPreviewControlBar :: ClassType (WXCPreviewControlBar ())
classWXCPreviewControlBar = ClassType (unsafePerformIO (classInfoFindClass "ELJPreviewControlBar"))

{-# NOINLINE classWXCPreviewFrame #-}
classWXCPreviewFrame :: ClassType (WXCPreviewFrame ())
classWXCPreviewFrame = ClassType (unsafePerformIO (classInfoFindClass "ELJPreviewFrame"))

{-# NOINLINE classWXCPrintEvent #-}
classWXCPrintEvent :: ClassType (WXCPrintEvent ())
classWXCPrintEvent = ClassType (unsafePerformIO (classInfoFindClass "wxcPrintEvent"))

{-# NOINLINE classWXCPrintout #-}
classWXCPrintout :: ClassType (WXCPrintout ())
classWXCPrintout = ClassType (unsafePerformIO (classInfoFindClass "wxcPrintout"))

{-# NOINLINE classWXCPrintoutHandler #-}
classWXCPrintoutHandler :: ClassType (WXCPrintoutHandler ())
classWXCPrintoutHandler = ClassType (unsafePerformIO (classInfoFindClass "wxcPrintoutHandler"))

{-# NOINLINE classWXCServer #-}
classWXCServer :: ClassType (WXCServer ())
classWXCServer = ClassType (unsafePerformIO (classInfoFindClass "ELJServer"))

{-# NOINLINE classWXCTextValidator #-}
classWXCTextValidator :: ClassType (WXCTextValidator ())
classWXCTextValidator = ClassType (unsafePerformIO (classInfoFindClass "ELJTextValidator"))

{-# NOINLINE classWxObject #-}
classWxObject :: ClassType (WxObject ())
classWxObject = ClassType (unsafePerformIO (classInfoFindClass "wxObject"))

{-# NOINLINE classXmlResource #-}
classXmlResource :: ClassType (XmlResource ())
classXmlResource = ClassType (unsafePerformIO (classInfoFindClass "wxXmlResource"))

{-# NOINLINE classXmlResourceHandler #-}
classXmlResourceHandler :: ClassType (XmlResourceHandler ())
classXmlResourceHandler = ClassType (unsafePerformIO (classInfoFindClass "wxXmlResourceHandler"))

downcastActivateEvent :: ActivateEvent a -> ActivateEvent ()
downcastActivateEvent obj = objectCast obj

downcastApp :: App a -> App ()
downcastApp obj = objectCast obj

downcastArtProvider :: ArtProvider a -> ArtProvider ()
downcastArtProvider obj = objectCast obj

downcastAutoBufferedPaintDC :: AutoBufferedPaintDC a -> AutoBufferedPaintDC ()
downcastAutoBufferedPaintDC obj = objectCast obj

downcastAutomationObject :: AutomationObject a -> AutomationObject ()
downcastAutomationObject obj = objectCast obj

downcastBitmap :: Bitmap a -> Bitmap ()
downcastBitmap obj = objectCast obj

downcastBitmapButton :: BitmapButton a -> BitmapButton ()
downcastBitmapButton obj = objectCast obj

downcastBitmapHandler :: BitmapHandler a -> BitmapHandler ()
downcastBitmapHandler obj = objectCast obj

downcastBitmapToggleButton :: BitmapToggleButton a -> BitmapToggleButton ()
downcastBitmapToggleButton obj = objectCast obj

downcastBoolProperty :: BoolProperty a -> BoolProperty ()
downcastBoolProperty obj = objectCast obj

downcastBoxSizer :: BoxSizer a -> BoxSizer ()
downcastBoxSizer obj = objectCast obj

downcastBrush :: Brush a -> Brush ()
downcastBrush obj = objectCast obj

downcastBrushList :: BrushList a -> BrushList ()
downcastBrushList obj = objectCast obj

downcastBufferedDC :: BufferedDC a -> BufferedDC ()
downcastBufferedDC obj = objectCast obj

downcastBufferedPaintDC :: BufferedPaintDC a -> BufferedPaintDC ()
downcastBufferedPaintDC obj = objectCast obj

downcastButton :: Button a -> Button ()
downcastButton obj = objectCast obj

downcastCalculateLayoutEvent :: CalculateLayoutEvent a -> CalculateLayoutEvent ()
downcastCalculateLayoutEvent obj = objectCast obj

downcastCalendarCtrl :: CalendarCtrl a -> CalendarCtrl ()
downcastCalendarCtrl obj = objectCast obj

downcastCalendarEvent :: CalendarEvent a -> CalendarEvent ()
downcastCalendarEvent obj = objectCast obj

downcastCbAntiflickerPlugin :: CbAntiflickerPlugin a -> CbAntiflickerPlugin ()
downcastCbAntiflickerPlugin obj = objectCast obj

downcastCbBarDragPlugin :: CbBarDragPlugin a -> CbBarDragPlugin ()
downcastCbBarDragPlugin obj = objectCast obj

downcastCbBarHintsPlugin :: CbBarHintsPlugin a -> CbBarHintsPlugin ()
downcastCbBarHintsPlugin obj = objectCast obj

downcastCbBarInfo :: CbBarInfo a -> CbBarInfo ()
downcastCbBarInfo obj = objectCast obj

downcastCbBarSpy :: CbBarSpy a -> CbBarSpy ()
downcastCbBarSpy obj = objectCast obj

downcastCbCloseBox :: CbCloseBox a -> CbCloseBox ()
downcastCbCloseBox obj = objectCast obj

downcastCbCollapseBox :: CbCollapseBox a -> CbCollapseBox ()
downcastCbCollapseBox obj = objectCast obj

downcastCbCommonPaneProperties :: CbCommonPaneProperties a -> CbCommonPaneProperties ()
downcastCbCommonPaneProperties obj = objectCast obj

downcastCbCustomizeBarEvent :: CbCustomizeBarEvent a -> CbCustomizeBarEvent ()
downcastCbCustomizeBarEvent obj = objectCast obj

downcastCbCustomizeLayoutEvent :: CbCustomizeLayoutEvent a -> CbCustomizeLayoutEvent ()
downcastCbCustomizeLayoutEvent obj = objectCast obj

downcastCbDimHandlerBase :: CbDimHandlerBase a -> CbDimHandlerBase ()
downcastCbDimHandlerBase obj = objectCast obj

downcastCbDimInfo :: CbDimInfo a -> CbDimInfo ()
downcastCbDimInfo obj = objectCast obj

downcastCbDockBox :: CbDockBox a -> CbDockBox ()
downcastCbDockBox obj = objectCast obj

downcastCbDockPane :: CbDockPane a -> CbDockPane ()
downcastCbDockPane obj = objectCast obj

downcastCbDrawBarDecorEvent :: CbDrawBarDecorEvent a -> CbDrawBarDecorEvent ()
downcastCbDrawBarDecorEvent obj = objectCast obj

downcastCbDrawBarHandlesEvent :: CbDrawBarHandlesEvent a -> CbDrawBarHandlesEvent ()
downcastCbDrawBarHandlesEvent obj = objectCast obj

downcastCbDrawHintRectEvent :: CbDrawHintRectEvent a -> CbDrawHintRectEvent ()
downcastCbDrawHintRectEvent obj = objectCast obj

downcastCbDrawPaneBkGroundEvent :: CbDrawPaneBkGroundEvent a -> CbDrawPaneBkGroundEvent ()
downcastCbDrawPaneBkGroundEvent obj = objectCast obj

downcastCbDrawPaneDecorEvent :: CbDrawPaneDecorEvent a -> CbDrawPaneDecorEvent ()
downcastCbDrawPaneDecorEvent obj = objectCast obj

downcastCbDrawRowBkGroundEvent :: CbDrawRowBkGroundEvent a -> CbDrawRowBkGroundEvent ()
downcastCbDrawRowBkGroundEvent obj = objectCast obj

downcastCbDrawRowDecorEvent :: CbDrawRowDecorEvent a -> CbDrawRowDecorEvent ()
downcastCbDrawRowDecorEvent obj = objectCast obj

downcastCbDrawRowHandlesEvent :: CbDrawRowHandlesEvent a -> CbDrawRowHandlesEvent ()
downcastCbDrawRowHandlesEvent obj = objectCast obj

downcastCbDynToolBarDimHandler :: CbDynToolBarDimHandler a -> CbDynToolBarDimHandler ()
downcastCbDynToolBarDimHandler obj = objectCast obj

downcastCbFinishDrawInAreaEvent :: CbFinishDrawInAreaEvent a -> CbFinishDrawInAreaEvent ()
downcastCbFinishDrawInAreaEvent obj = objectCast obj

downcastCbFloatedBarWindow :: CbFloatedBarWindow a -> CbFloatedBarWindow ()
downcastCbFloatedBarWindow obj = objectCast obj

downcastCbGCUpdatesMgr :: CbGCUpdatesMgr a -> CbGCUpdatesMgr ()
downcastCbGCUpdatesMgr obj = objectCast obj

downcastCbHintAnimationPlugin :: CbHintAnimationPlugin a -> CbHintAnimationPlugin ()
downcastCbHintAnimationPlugin obj = objectCast obj

downcastCbInsertBarEvent :: CbInsertBarEvent a -> CbInsertBarEvent ()
downcastCbInsertBarEvent obj = objectCast obj

downcastCbLayoutRowEvent :: CbLayoutRowEvent a -> CbLayoutRowEvent ()
downcastCbLayoutRowEvent obj = objectCast obj

downcastCbLeftDClickEvent :: CbLeftDClickEvent a -> CbLeftDClickEvent ()
downcastCbLeftDClickEvent obj = objectCast obj

downcastCbLeftDownEvent :: CbLeftDownEvent a -> CbLeftDownEvent ()
downcastCbLeftDownEvent obj = objectCast obj

downcastCbLeftUpEvent :: CbLeftUpEvent a -> CbLeftUpEvent ()
downcastCbLeftUpEvent obj = objectCast obj

downcastCbMiniButton :: CbMiniButton a -> CbMiniButton ()
downcastCbMiniButton obj = objectCast obj

downcastCbMotionEvent :: CbMotionEvent a -> CbMotionEvent ()
downcastCbMotionEvent obj = objectCast obj

downcastCbPaneDrawPlugin :: CbPaneDrawPlugin a -> CbPaneDrawPlugin ()
downcastCbPaneDrawPlugin obj = objectCast obj

downcastCbPluginBase :: CbPluginBase a -> CbPluginBase ()
downcastCbPluginBase obj = objectCast obj

downcastCbPluginEvent :: CbPluginEvent a -> CbPluginEvent ()
downcastCbPluginEvent obj = objectCast obj

downcastCbRemoveBarEvent :: CbRemoveBarEvent a -> CbRemoveBarEvent ()
downcastCbRemoveBarEvent obj = objectCast obj

downcastCbResizeBarEvent :: CbResizeBarEvent a -> CbResizeBarEvent ()
downcastCbResizeBarEvent obj = objectCast obj

downcastCbResizeRowEvent :: CbResizeRowEvent a -> CbResizeRowEvent ()
downcastCbResizeRowEvent obj = objectCast obj

downcastCbRightDownEvent :: CbRightDownEvent a -> CbRightDownEvent ()
downcastCbRightDownEvent obj = objectCast obj

downcastCbRightUpEvent :: CbRightUpEvent a -> CbRightUpEvent ()
downcastCbRightUpEvent obj = objectCast obj

downcastCbRowDragPlugin :: CbRowDragPlugin a -> CbRowDragPlugin ()
downcastCbRowDragPlugin obj = objectCast obj

downcastCbRowInfo :: CbRowInfo a -> CbRowInfo ()
downcastCbRowInfo obj = objectCast obj

downcastCbRowLayoutPlugin :: CbRowLayoutPlugin a -> CbRowLayoutPlugin ()
downcastCbRowLayoutPlugin obj = objectCast obj

downcastCbSimpleCustomizationPlugin :: CbSimpleCustomizationPlugin a -> CbSimpleCustomizationPlugin ()
downcastCbSimpleCustomizationPlugin obj = objectCast obj

downcastCbSimpleUpdatesMgr :: CbSimpleUpdatesMgr a -> CbSimpleUpdatesMgr ()
downcastCbSimpleUpdatesMgr obj = objectCast obj

downcastCbSizeBarWndEvent :: CbSizeBarWndEvent a -> CbSizeBarWndEvent ()
downcastCbSizeBarWndEvent obj = objectCast obj

downcastCbStartBarDraggingEvent :: CbStartBarDraggingEvent a -> CbStartBarDraggingEvent ()
downcastCbStartBarDraggingEvent obj = objectCast obj

downcastCbStartDrawInAreaEvent :: CbStartDrawInAreaEvent a -> CbStartDrawInAreaEvent ()
downcastCbStartDrawInAreaEvent obj = objectCast obj

downcastCbUpdatesManagerBase :: CbUpdatesManagerBase a -> CbUpdatesManagerBase ()
downcastCbUpdatesManagerBase obj = objectCast obj

downcastCheckBox :: CheckBox a -> CheckBox ()
downcastCheckBox obj = objectCast obj

downcastCheckListBox :: CheckListBox a -> CheckListBox ()
downcastCheckListBox obj = objectCast obj

downcastChoice :: Choice a -> Choice ()
downcastChoice obj = objectCast obj

downcastClient :: Client a -> Client ()
downcastClient obj = objectCast obj

downcastClientBase :: ClientBase a -> ClientBase ()
downcastClientBase obj = objectCast obj

downcastClientDC :: ClientDC a -> ClientDC ()
downcastClientDC obj = objectCast obj

downcastClipboard :: Clipboard a -> Clipboard ()
downcastClipboard obj = objectCast obj

downcastCloseEvent :: CloseEvent a -> CloseEvent ()
downcastCloseEvent obj = objectCast obj

downcastClosure :: Closure a -> Closure ()
downcastClosure obj = objectCast obj

downcastColour :: Colour a -> Colour ()
downcastColour obj = objectCast obj

downcastColourData :: ColourData a -> ColourData ()
downcastColourData obj = objectCast obj

downcastColourDatabase :: ColourDatabase a -> ColourDatabase ()
downcastColourDatabase obj = objectCast obj

downcastColourDialog :: ColourDialog a -> ColourDialog ()
downcastColourDialog obj = objectCast obj

downcastComboBox :: ComboBox a -> ComboBox ()
downcastComboBox obj = objectCast obj

downcastCommand :: Command a -> Command ()
downcastCommand obj = objectCast obj

downcastCommandEvent :: CommandEvent a -> CommandEvent ()
downcastCommandEvent obj = objectCast obj

downcastCommandProcessor :: CommandProcessor a -> CommandProcessor ()
downcastCommandProcessor obj = objectCast obj

downcastConnection :: Connection a -> Connection ()
downcastConnection obj = objectCast obj

downcastConnectionBase :: ConnectionBase a -> ConnectionBase ()
downcastConnectionBase obj = objectCast obj

downcastContextHelp :: ContextHelp a -> ContextHelp ()
downcastContextHelp obj = objectCast obj

downcastContextHelpButton :: ContextHelpButton a -> ContextHelpButton ()
downcastContextHelpButton obj = objectCast obj

downcastControl :: Control a -> Control ()
downcastControl obj = objectCast obj

downcastCursor :: Cursor a -> Cursor ()
downcastCursor obj = objectCast obj

downcastDatabase :: Database a -> Database ()
downcastDatabase obj = objectCast obj

downcastDateProperty :: DateProperty a -> DateProperty ()
downcastDateProperty obj = objectCast obj

downcastDC :: DC a -> DC ()
downcastDC obj = objectCast obj

downcastDDEClient :: DDEClient a -> DDEClient ()
downcastDDEClient obj = objectCast obj

downcastDDEConnection :: DDEConnection a -> DDEConnection ()
downcastDDEConnection obj = objectCast obj

downcastDDEServer :: DDEServer a -> DDEServer ()
downcastDDEServer obj = objectCast obj

downcastDialog :: Dialog a -> Dialog ()
downcastDialog obj = objectCast obj

downcastDialUpEvent :: DialUpEvent a -> DialUpEvent ()
downcastDialUpEvent obj = objectCast obj

downcastDirDialog :: DirDialog a -> DirDialog ()
downcastDirDialog obj = objectCast obj

downcastDocChildFrame :: DocChildFrame a -> DocChildFrame ()
downcastDocChildFrame obj = objectCast obj

downcastDocManager :: DocManager a -> DocManager ()
downcastDocManager obj = objectCast obj

downcastDocMDIChildFrame :: DocMDIChildFrame a -> DocMDIChildFrame ()
downcastDocMDIChildFrame obj = objectCast obj

downcastDocMDIParentFrame :: DocMDIParentFrame a -> DocMDIParentFrame ()
downcastDocMDIParentFrame obj = objectCast obj

downcastDocParentFrame :: DocParentFrame a -> DocParentFrame ()
downcastDocParentFrame obj = objectCast obj

downcastDocTemplate :: DocTemplate a -> DocTemplate ()
downcastDocTemplate obj = objectCast obj

downcastDocument :: Document a -> Document ()
downcastDocument obj = objectCast obj

downcastDragImage :: DragImage a -> DragImage ()
downcastDragImage obj = objectCast obj

downcastDrawControl :: DrawControl a -> DrawControl ()
downcastDrawControl obj = objectCast obj

downcastDrawWindow :: DrawWindow a -> DrawWindow ()
downcastDrawWindow obj = objectCast obj

downcastDropFilesEvent :: DropFilesEvent a -> DropFilesEvent ()
downcastDropFilesEvent obj = objectCast obj

downcastDynamicSashWindow :: DynamicSashWindow a -> DynamicSashWindow ()
downcastDynamicSashWindow obj = objectCast obj

downcastDynamicToolBar :: DynamicToolBar a -> DynamicToolBar ()
downcastDynamicToolBar obj = objectCast obj

downcastDynToolInfo :: DynToolInfo a -> DynToolInfo ()
downcastDynToolInfo obj = objectCast obj

downcastEditableListBox :: EditableListBox a -> EditableListBox ()
downcastEditableListBox obj = objectCast obj

downcastEncodingConverter :: EncodingConverter a -> EncodingConverter ()
downcastEncodingConverter obj = objectCast obj

downcastEraseEvent :: EraseEvent a -> EraseEvent ()
downcastEraseEvent obj = objectCast obj

downcastEvent :: Event a -> Event ()
downcastEvent obj = objectCast obj

downcastEvtHandler :: EvtHandler a -> EvtHandler ()
downcastEvtHandler obj = objectCast obj

downcastExprDatabase :: ExprDatabase a -> ExprDatabase ()
downcastExprDatabase obj = objectCast obj

downcastFileDialog :: FileDialog a -> FileDialog ()
downcastFileDialog obj = objectCast obj

downcastFileHistory :: FileHistory a -> FileHistory ()
downcastFileHistory obj = objectCast obj

downcastFileProperty :: FileProperty a -> FileProperty ()
downcastFileProperty obj = objectCast obj

downcastFileSystem :: FileSystem a -> FileSystem ()
downcastFileSystem obj = objectCast obj

downcastFileSystemHandler :: FileSystemHandler a -> FileSystemHandler ()
downcastFileSystemHandler obj = objectCast obj

downcastFindDialogEvent :: FindDialogEvent a -> FindDialogEvent ()
downcastFindDialogEvent obj = objectCast obj

downcastFindReplaceData :: FindReplaceData a -> FindReplaceData ()
downcastFindReplaceData obj = objectCast obj

downcastFindReplaceDialog :: FindReplaceDialog a -> FindReplaceDialog ()
downcastFindReplaceDialog obj = objectCast obj

downcastFlexGridSizer :: FlexGridSizer a -> FlexGridSizer ()
downcastFlexGridSizer obj = objectCast obj

downcastFloatProperty :: FloatProperty a -> FloatProperty ()
downcastFloatProperty obj = objectCast obj

downcastFocusEvent :: FocusEvent a -> FocusEvent ()
downcastFocusEvent obj = objectCast obj

downcastFont :: Font a -> Font ()
downcastFont obj = objectCast obj

downcastFontData :: FontData a -> FontData ()
downcastFontData obj = objectCast obj

downcastFontDialog :: FontDialog a -> FontDialog ()
downcastFontDialog obj = objectCast obj

downcastFontList :: FontList a -> FontList ()
downcastFontList obj = objectCast obj

downcastFrame :: Frame a -> Frame ()
downcastFrame obj = objectCast obj

downcastFrameLayout :: FrameLayout a -> FrameLayout ()
downcastFrameLayout obj = objectCast obj

downcastFSFile :: FSFile a -> FSFile ()
downcastFSFile obj = objectCast obj

downcastFTP :: FTP a -> FTP ()
downcastFTP obj = objectCast obj

downcastGauge :: Gauge a -> Gauge ()
downcastGauge obj = objectCast obj

downcastGauge95 :: Gauge95 a -> Gauge95 ()
downcastGauge95 obj = objectCast obj

downcastGaugeMSW :: GaugeMSW a -> GaugeMSW ()
downcastGaugeMSW obj = objectCast obj

downcastGDIObject :: GDIObject a -> GDIObject ()
downcastGDIObject obj = objectCast obj

downcastGenericDirCtrl :: GenericDirCtrl a -> GenericDirCtrl ()
downcastGenericDirCtrl obj = objectCast obj

downcastGenericDragImage :: GenericDragImage a -> GenericDragImage ()
downcastGenericDragImage obj = objectCast obj

downcastGenericValidator :: GenericValidator a -> GenericValidator ()
downcastGenericValidator obj = objectCast obj

downcastGLCanvas :: GLCanvas a -> GLCanvas ()
downcastGLCanvas obj = objectCast obj

downcastGLContext :: GLContext a -> GLContext ()
downcastGLContext obj = objectCast obj

downcastGraphicsBrush :: GraphicsBrush a -> GraphicsBrush ()
downcastGraphicsBrush obj = objectCast obj

downcastGraphicsContext :: GraphicsContext a -> GraphicsContext ()
downcastGraphicsContext obj = objectCast obj

downcastGraphicsFont :: GraphicsFont a -> GraphicsFont ()
downcastGraphicsFont obj = objectCast obj

downcastGraphicsMatrix :: GraphicsMatrix a -> GraphicsMatrix ()
downcastGraphicsMatrix obj = objectCast obj

downcastGraphicsObject :: GraphicsObject a -> GraphicsObject ()
downcastGraphicsObject obj = objectCast obj

downcastGraphicsPath :: GraphicsPath a -> GraphicsPath ()
downcastGraphicsPath obj = objectCast obj

downcastGraphicsPen :: GraphicsPen a -> GraphicsPen ()
downcastGraphicsPen obj = objectCast obj

downcastGraphicsRenderer :: GraphicsRenderer a -> GraphicsRenderer ()
downcastGraphicsRenderer obj = objectCast obj

downcastGrid :: Grid a -> Grid ()
downcastGrid obj = objectCast obj

downcastGridEditorCreatedEvent :: GridEditorCreatedEvent a -> GridEditorCreatedEvent ()
downcastGridEditorCreatedEvent obj = objectCast obj

downcastGridEvent :: GridEvent a -> GridEvent ()
downcastGridEvent obj = objectCast obj

downcastGridRangeSelectEvent :: GridRangeSelectEvent a -> GridRangeSelectEvent ()
downcastGridRangeSelectEvent obj = objectCast obj

downcastGridSizeEvent :: GridSizeEvent a -> GridSizeEvent ()
downcastGridSizeEvent obj = objectCast obj

downcastGridSizer :: GridSizer a -> GridSizer ()
downcastGridSizer obj = objectCast obj

downcastGridTableBase :: GridTableBase a -> GridTableBase ()
downcastGridTableBase obj = objectCast obj

downcastHelpController :: HelpController a -> HelpController ()
downcastHelpController obj = objectCast obj

downcastHelpControllerBase :: HelpControllerBase a -> HelpControllerBase ()
downcastHelpControllerBase obj = objectCast obj

downcastHelpEvent :: HelpEvent a -> HelpEvent ()
downcastHelpEvent obj = objectCast obj

downcastHtmlCell :: HtmlCell a -> HtmlCell ()
downcastHtmlCell obj = objectCast obj

downcastHtmlColourCell :: HtmlColourCell a -> HtmlColourCell ()
downcastHtmlColourCell obj = objectCast obj

downcastHtmlContainerCell :: HtmlContainerCell a -> HtmlContainerCell ()
downcastHtmlContainerCell obj = objectCast obj

downcastHtmlDCRenderer :: HtmlDCRenderer a -> HtmlDCRenderer ()
downcastHtmlDCRenderer obj = objectCast obj

downcastHtmlEasyPrinting :: HtmlEasyPrinting a -> HtmlEasyPrinting ()
downcastHtmlEasyPrinting obj = objectCast obj

downcastHtmlFilter :: HtmlFilter a -> HtmlFilter ()
downcastHtmlFilter obj = objectCast obj

downcastHtmlHelpController :: HtmlHelpController a -> HtmlHelpController ()
downcastHtmlHelpController obj = objectCast obj

downcastHtmlHelpData :: HtmlHelpData a -> HtmlHelpData ()
downcastHtmlHelpData obj = objectCast obj

downcastHtmlHelpFrame :: HtmlHelpFrame a -> HtmlHelpFrame ()
downcastHtmlHelpFrame obj = objectCast obj

downcastHtmlLinkInfo :: HtmlLinkInfo a -> HtmlLinkInfo ()
downcastHtmlLinkInfo obj = objectCast obj

downcastHtmlParser :: HtmlParser a -> HtmlParser ()
downcastHtmlParser obj = objectCast obj

downcastHtmlPrintout :: HtmlPrintout a -> HtmlPrintout ()
downcastHtmlPrintout obj = objectCast obj

downcastHtmlTag :: HtmlTag a -> HtmlTag ()
downcastHtmlTag obj = objectCast obj

downcastHtmlTagHandler :: HtmlTagHandler a -> HtmlTagHandler ()
downcastHtmlTagHandler obj = objectCast obj

downcastHtmlTagsModule :: HtmlTagsModule a -> HtmlTagsModule ()
downcastHtmlTagsModule obj = objectCast obj

downcastHtmlWidgetCell :: HtmlWidgetCell a -> HtmlWidgetCell ()
downcastHtmlWidgetCell obj = objectCast obj

downcastHtmlWindow :: HtmlWindow a -> HtmlWindow ()
downcastHtmlWindow obj = objectCast obj

downcastHtmlWinParser :: HtmlWinParser a -> HtmlWinParser ()
downcastHtmlWinParser obj = objectCast obj

downcastHtmlWinTagHandler :: HtmlWinTagHandler a -> HtmlWinTagHandler ()
downcastHtmlWinTagHandler obj = objectCast obj

downcastHTTP :: HTTP a -> HTTP ()
downcastHTTP obj = objectCast obj

downcastIcon :: Icon a -> Icon ()
downcastIcon obj = objectCast obj

downcastIconizeEvent :: IconizeEvent a -> IconizeEvent ()
downcastIconizeEvent obj = objectCast obj

downcastIdleEvent :: IdleEvent a -> IdleEvent ()
downcastIdleEvent obj = objectCast obj

downcastImage :: Image a -> Image ()
downcastImage obj = objectCast obj

downcastImageHandler :: ImageHandler a -> ImageHandler ()
downcastImageHandler obj = objectCast obj

downcastImageList :: ImageList a -> ImageList ()
downcastImageList obj = objectCast obj

downcastIndividualLayoutConstraint :: IndividualLayoutConstraint a -> IndividualLayoutConstraint ()
downcastIndividualLayoutConstraint obj = objectCast obj

downcastInitDialogEvent :: InitDialogEvent a -> InitDialogEvent ()
downcastInitDialogEvent obj = objectCast obj

downcastInputSinkEvent :: InputSinkEvent a -> InputSinkEvent ()
downcastInputSinkEvent obj = objectCast obj

downcastIntProperty :: IntProperty a -> IntProperty ()
downcastIntProperty obj = objectCast obj

downcastIPV4address :: IPV4address a -> IPV4address ()
downcastIPV4address obj = objectCast obj

downcastJoystick :: Joystick a -> Joystick ()
downcastJoystick obj = objectCast obj

downcastJoystickEvent :: JoystickEvent a -> JoystickEvent ()
downcastJoystickEvent obj = objectCast obj

downcastKeyEvent :: KeyEvent a -> KeyEvent ()
downcastKeyEvent obj = objectCast obj

downcastLayoutAlgorithm :: LayoutAlgorithm a -> LayoutAlgorithm ()
downcastLayoutAlgorithm obj = objectCast obj

downcastLayoutConstraints :: LayoutConstraints a -> LayoutConstraints ()
downcastLayoutConstraints obj = objectCast obj

downcastLEDNumberCtrl :: LEDNumberCtrl a -> LEDNumberCtrl ()
downcastLEDNumberCtrl obj = objectCast obj

downcastList :: List a -> List ()
downcastList obj = objectCast obj

downcastListBox :: ListBox a -> ListBox ()
downcastListBox obj = objectCast obj

downcastListCtrl :: ListCtrl a -> ListCtrl ()
downcastListCtrl obj = objectCast obj

downcastListEvent :: ListEvent a -> ListEvent ()
downcastListEvent obj = objectCast obj

downcastListItem :: ListItem a -> ListItem ()
downcastListItem obj = objectCast obj

downcastMask :: Mask a -> Mask ()
downcastMask obj = objectCast obj

downcastMaximizeEvent :: MaximizeEvent a -> MaximizeEvent ()
downcastMaximizeEvent obj = objectCast obj

downcastMDIChildFrame :: MDIChildFrame a -> MDIChildFrame ()
downcastMDIChildFrame obj = objectCast obj

downcastMDIClientWindow :: MDIClientWindow a -> MDIClientWindow ()
downcastMDIClientWindow obj = objectCast obj

downcastMDIParentFrame :: MDIParentFrame a -> MDIParentFrame ()
downcastMDIParentFrame obj = objectCast obj

downcastMediaCtrl :: MediaCtrl a -> MediaCtrl ()
downcastMediaCtrl obj = objectCast obj

downcastMediaEvent :: MediaEvent a -> MediaEvent ()
downcastMediaEvent obj = objectCast obj

downcastMemoryDC :: MemoryDC a -> MemoryDC ()
downcastMemoryDC obj = objectCast obj

downcastMemoryFSHandler :: MemoryFSHandler a -> MemoryFSHandler ()
downcastMemoryFSHandler obj = objectCast obj

downcastMenu :: Menu a -> Menu ()
downcastMenu obj = objectCast obj

downcastMenuBar :: MenuBar a -> MenuBar ()
downcastMenuBar obj = objectCast obj

downcastMenuEvent :: MenuEvent a -> MenuEvent ()
downcastMenuEvent obj = objectCast obj

downcastMenuItem :: MenuItem a -> MenuItem ()
downcastMenuItem obj = objectCast obj

downcastMessageDialog :: MessageDialog a -> MessageDialog ()
downcastMessageDialog obj = objectCast obj

downcastMetafile :: Metafile a -> Metafile ()
downcastMetafile obj = objectCast obj

downcastMetafileDC :: MetafileDC a -> MetafileDC ()
downcastMetafileDC obj = objectCast obj

downcastMiniFrame :: MiniFrame a -> MiniFrame ()
downcastMiniFrame obj = objectCast obj

downcastMirrorDC :: MirrorDC a -> MirrorDC ()
downcastMirrorDC obj = objectCast obj

downcastModule :: Module a -> Module ()
downcastModule obj = objectCast obj

downcastMouseCaptureChangedEvent :: MouseCaptureChangedEvent a -> MouseCaptureChangedEvent ()
downcastMouseCaptureChangedEvent obj = objectCast obj

downcastMouseEvent :: MouseEvent a -> MouseEvent ()
downcastMouseEvent obj = objectCast obj

downcastMoveEvent :: MoveEvent a -> MoveEvent ()
downcastMoveEvent obj = objectCast obj

downcastMultiCellCanvas :: MultiCellCanvas a -> MultiCellCanvas ()
downcastMultiCellCanvas obj = objectCast obj

downcastMultiCellItemHandle :: MultiCellItemHandle a -> MultiCellItemHandle ()
downcastMultiCellItemHandle obj = objectCast obj

downcastMultiCellSizer :: MultiCellSizer a -> MultiCellSizer ()
downcastMultiCellSizer obj = objectCast obj

downcastNavigationKeyEvent :: NavigationKeyEvent a -> NavigationKeyEvent ()
downcastNavigationKeyEvent obj = objectCast obj

downcastNewBitmapButton :: NewBitmapButton a -> NewBitmapButton ()
downcastNewBitmapButton obj = objectCast obj

downcastNotebook :: Notebook a -> Notebook ()
downcastNotebook obj = objectCast obj

downcastNotebookEvent :: NotebookEvent a -> NotebookEvent ()
downcastNotebookEvent obj = objectCast obj

downcastNotifyEvent :: NotifyEvent a -> NotifyEvent ()
downcastNotifyEvent obj = objectCast obj

downcastPageSetupDialog :: PageSetupDialog a -> PageSetupDialog ()
downcastPageSetupDialog obj = objectCast obj

downcastPageSetupDialogData :: PageSetupDialogData a -> PageSetupDialogData ()
downcastPageSetupDialogData obj = objectCast obj

downcastPaintDC :: PaintDC a -> PaintDC ()
downcastPaintDC obj = objectCast obj

downcastPaintEvent :: PaintEvent a -> PaintEvent ()
downcastPaintEvent obj = objectCast obj

downcastPalette :: Palette a -> Palette ()
downcastPalette obj = objectCast obj

downcastPaletteChangedEvent :: PaletteChangedEvent a -> PaletteChangedEvent ()
downcastPaletteChangedEvent obj = objectCast obj

downcastPanel :: Panel a -> Panel ()
downcastPanel obj = objectCast obj

downcastPathList :: PathList a -> PathList ()
downcastPathList obj = objectCast obj

downcastPen :: Pen a -> Pen ()
downcastPen obj = objectCast obj

downcastPenList :: PenList a -> PenList ()
downcastPenList obj = objectCast obj

downcastPGProperty :: PGProperty a -> PGProperty ()
downcastPGProperty obj = objectCast obj

downcastPlotCurve :: PlotCurve a -> PlotCurve ()
downcastPlotCurve obj = objectCast obj

downcastPlotEvent :: PlotEvent a -> PlotEvent ()
downcastPlotEvent obj = objectCast obj

downcastPlotOnOffCurve :: PlotOnOffCurve a -> PlotOnOffCurve ()
downcastPlotOnOffCurve obj = objectCast obj

downcastPlotWindow :: PlotWindow a -> PlotWindow ()
downcastPlotWindow obj = objectCast obj

downcastPopupTransientWindow :: PopupTransientWindow a -> PopupTransientWindow ()
downcastPopupTransientWindow obj = objectCast obj

downcastPopupWindow :: PopupWindow a -> PopupWindow ()
downcastPopupWindow obj = objectCast obj

downcastPostScriptDC :: PostScriptDC a -> PostScriptDC ()
downcastPostScriptDC obj = objectCast obj

downcastPostScriptPrintNativeData :: PostScriptPrintNativeData a -> PostScriptPrintNativeData ()
downcastPostScriptPrintNativeData obj = objectCast obj

downcastPreviewCanvas :: PreviewCanvas a -> PreviewCanvas ()
downcastPreviewCanvas obj = objectCast obj

downcastPreviewControlBar :: PreviewControlBar a -> PreviewControlBar ()
downcastPreviewControlBar obj = objectCast obj

downcastPreviewFrame :: PreviewFrame a -> PreviewFrame ()
downcastPreviewFrame obj = objectCast obj

downcastPrintData :: PrintData a -> PrintData ()
downcastPrintData obj = objectCast obj

downcastPrintDialog :: PrintDialog a -> PrintDialog ()
downcastPrintDialog obj = objectCast obj

downcastPrintDialogData :: PrintDialogData a -> PrintDialogData ()
downcastPrintDialogData obj = objectCast obj

downcastPrinter :: Printer a -> Printer ()
downcastPrinter obj = objectCast obj

downcastPrinterDC :: PrinterDC a -> PrinterDC ()
downcastPrinterDC obj = objectCast obj

downcastPrintout :: Printout a -> Printout ()
downcastPrintout obj = objectCast obj

downcastPrintPreview :: PrintPreview a -> PrintPreview ()
downcastPrintPreview obj = objectCast obj

downcastProcess :: Process a -> Process ()
downcastProcess obj = objectCast obj

downcastProcessEvent :: ProcessEvent a -> ProcessEvent ()
downcastProcessEvent obj = objectCast obj

downcastProgressDialog :: ProgressDialog a -> ProgressDialog ()
downcastProgressDialog obj = objectCast obj

downcastPropertyCategory :: PropertyCategory a -> PropertyCategory ()
downcastPropertyCategory obj = objectCast obj

downcastPropertyGrid :: PropertyGrid a -> PropertyGrid ()
downcastPropertyGrid obj = objectCast obj

downcastPropertyGridEvent :: PropertyGridEvent a -> PropertyGridEvent ()
downcastPropertyGridEvent obj = objectCast obj

downcastProtocol :: Protocol a -> Protocol ()
downcastProtocol obj = objectCast obj

downcastQuantize :: Quantize a -> Quantize ()
downcastQuantize obj = objectCast obj

downcastQueryCol :: QueryCol a -> QueryCol ()
downcastQueryCol obj = objectCast obj

downcastQueryField :: QueryField a -> QueryField ()
downcastQueryField obj = objectCast obj

downcastQueryLayoutInfoEvent :: QueryLayoutInfoEvent a -> QueryLayoutInfoEvent ()
downcastQueryLayoutInfoEvent obj = objectCast obj

downcastQueryNewPaletteEvent :: QueryNewPaletteEvent a -> QueryNewPaletteEvent ()
downcastQueryNewPaletteEvent obj = objectCast obj

downcastRadioBox :: RadioBox a -> RadioBox ()
downcastRadioBox obj = objectCast obj

downcastRadioButton :: RadioButton a -> RadioButton ()
downcastRadioButton obj = objectCast obj

downcastRecordSet :: RecordSet a -> RecordSet ()
downcastRecordSet obj = objectCast obj

downcastRegion :: Region a -> Region ()
downcastRegion obj = objectCast obj

downcastRegionIterator :: RegionIterator a -> RegionIterator ()
downcastRegionIterator obj = objectCast obj

downcastRemotelyScrolledTreeCtrl :: RemotelyScrolledTreeCtrl a -> RemotelyScrolledTreeCtrl ()
downcastRemotelyScrolledTreeCtrl obj = objectCast obj

downcastSashEvent :: SashEvent a -> SashEvent ()
downcastSashEvent obj = objectCast obj

downcastSashLayoutWindow :: SashLayoutWindow a -> SashLayoutWindow ()
downcastSashLayoutWindow obj = objectCast obj

downcastSashWindow :: SashWindow a -> SashWindow ()
downcastSashWindow obj = objectCast obj

downcastScreenDC :: ScreenDC a -> ScreenDC ()
downcastScreenDC obj = objectCast obj

downcastScrollBar :: ScrollBar a -> ScrollBar ()
downcastScrollBar obj = objectCast obj

downcastScrolledWindow :: ScrolledWindow a -> ScrolledWindow ()
downcastScrolledWindow obj = objectCast obj

downcastScrollEvent :: ScrollEvent a -> ScrollEvent ()
downcastScrollEvent obj = objectCast obj

downcastScrollWinEvent :: ScrollWinEvent a -> ScrollWinEvent ()
downcastScrollWinEvent obj = objectCast obj

downcastServer :: Server a -> Server ()
downcastServer obj = objectCast obj

downcastServerBase :: ServerBase a -> ServerBase ()
downcastServerBase obj = objectCast obj

downcastSetCursorEvent :: SetCursorEvent a -> SetCursorEvent ()
downcastSetCursorEvent obj = objectCast obj

downcastShowEvent :: ShowEvent a -> ShowEvent ()
downcastShowEvent obj = objectCast obj

downcastSingleChoiceDialog :: SingleChoiceDialog a -> SingleChoiceDialog ()
downcastSingleChoiceDialog obj = objectCast obj

downcastSizeEvent :: SizeEvent a -> SizeEvent ()
downcastSizeEvent obj = objectCast obj

downcastSizer :: Sizer a -> Sizer ()
downcastSizer obj = objectCast obj

downcastSizerItem :: SizerItem a -> SizerItem ()
downcastSizerItem obj = objectCast obj

downcastSlider :: Slider a -> Slider ()
downcastSlider obj = objectCast obj

downcastSlider95 :: Slider95 a -> Slider95 ()
downcastSlider95 obj = objectCast obj

downcastSliderMSW :: SliderMSW a -> SliderMSW ()
downcastSliderMSW obj = objectCast obj

downcastSockAddress :: SockAddress a -> SockAddress ()
downcastSockAddress obj = objectCast obj

downcastSocketBase :: SocketBase a -> SocketBase ()
downcastSocketBase obj = objectCast obj

downcastSocketClient :: SocketClient a -> SocketClient ()
downcastSocketClient obj = objectCast obj

downcastSocketEvent :: SocketEvent a -> SocketEvent ()
downcastSocketEvent obj = objectCast obj

downcastSocketServer :: SocketServer a -> SocketServer ()
downcastSocketServer obj = objectCast obj

downcastSound :: Sound a -> Sound ()
downcastSound obj = objectCast obj

downcastSpinButton :: SpinButton a -> SpinButton ()
downcastSpinButton obj = objectCast obj

downcastSpinCtrl :: SpinCtrl a -> SpinCtrl ()
downcastSpinCtrl obj = objectCast obj

downcastSpinEvent :: SpinEvent a -> SpinEvent ()
downcastSpinEvent obj = objectCast obj

downcastSplashScreen :: SplashScreen a -> SplashScreen ()
downcastSplashScreen obj = objectCast obj

downcastSplitterEvent :: SplitterEvent a -> SplitterEvent ()
downcastSplitterEvent obj = objectCast obj

downcastSplitterScrolledWindow :: SplitterScrolledWindow a -> SplitterScrolledWindow ()
downcastSplitterScrolledWindow obj = objectCast obj

downcastSplitterWindow :: SplitterWindow a -> SplitterWindow ()
downcastSplitterWindow obj = objectCast obj

downcastStaticBitmap :: StaticBitmap a -> StaticBitmap ()
downcastStaticBitmap obj = objectCast obj

downcastStaticBox :: StaticBox a -> StaticBox ()
downcastStaticBox obj = objectCast obj

downcastStaticBoxSizer :: StaticBoxSizer a -> StaticBoxSizer ()
downcastStaticBoxSizer obj = objectCast obj

downcastStaticLine :: StaticLine a -> StaticLine ()
downcastStaticLine obj = objectCast obj

downcastStaticText :: StaticText a -> StaticText ()
downcastStaticText obj = objectCast obj

downcastStatusBar :: StatusBar a -> StatusBar ()
downcastStatusBar obj = objectCast obj

downcastStringList :: StringList a -> StringList ()
downcastStringList obj = objectCast obj

downcastStringProperty :: StringProperty a -> StringProperty ()
downcastStringProperty obj = objectCast obj

downcastStringTokenizer :: StringTokenizer a -> StringTokenizer ()
downcastStringTokenizer obj = objectCast obj

downcastStyledTextCtrl :: StyledTextCtrl a -> StyledTextCtrl ()
downcastStyledTextCtrl obj = objectCast obj

downcastStyledTextEvent :: StyledTextEvent a -> StyledTextEvent ()
downcastStyledTextEvent obj = objectCast obj

downcastSVGFileDC :: SVGFileDC a -> SVGFileDC ()
downcastSVGFileDC obj = objectCast obj

downcastSysColourChangedEvent :: SysColourChangedEvent a -> SysColourChangedEvent ()
downcastSysColourChangedEvent obj = objectCast obj

downcastSystemOptions :: SystemOptions a -> SystemOptions ()
downcastSystemOptions obj = objectCast obj

downcastSystemSettings :: SystemSettings a -> SystemSettings ()
downcastSystemSettings obj = objectCast obj

downcastTabCtrl :: TabCtrl a -> TabCtrl ()
downcastTabCtrl obj = objectCast obj

downcastTabEvent :: TabEvent a -> TabEvent ()
downcastTabEvent obj = objectCast obj

downcastTablesInUse :: TablesInUse a -> TablesInUse ()
downcastTablesInUse obj = objectCast obj

downcastTaskBarIcon :: TaskBarIcon a -> TaskBarIcon ()
downcastTaskBarIcon obj = objectCast obj

downcastTextCtrl :: TextCtrl a -> TextCtrl ()
downcastTextCtrl obj = objectCast obj

downcastTextEntryDialog :: TextEntryDialog a -> TextEntryDialog ()
downcastTextEntryDialog obj = objectCast obj

downcastTextValidator :: TextValidator a -> TextValidator ()
downcastTextValidator obj = objectCast obj

downcastThinSplitterWindow :: ThinSplitterWindow a -> ThinSplitterWindow ()
downcastThinSplitterWindow obj = objectCast obj

downcastTime :: Time a -> Time ()
downcastTime obj = objectCast obj

downcastTimer :: Timer a -> Timer ()
downcastTimer obj = objectCast obj

downcastTimerBase :: TimerBase a -> TimerBase ()
downcastTimerBase obj = objectCast obj

downcastTimerEvent :: TimerEvent a -> TimerEvent ()
downcastTimerEvent obj = objectCast obj

downcastTimerEx :: TimerEx a -> TimerEx ()
downcastTimerEx obj = objectCast obj

downcastTipWindow :: TipWindow a -> TipWindow ()
downcastTipWindow obj = objectCast obj

downcastToggleButton :: ToggleButton a -> ToggleButton ()
downcastToggleButton obj = objectCast obj

downcastToolBar :: ToolBar a -> ToolBar ()
downcastToolBar obj = objectCast obj

downcastToolBarBase :: ToolBarBase a -> ToolBarBase ()
downcastToolBarBase obj = objectCast obj

downcastToolLayoutItem :: ToolLayoutItem a -> ToolLayoutItem ()
downcastToolLayoutItem obj = objectCast obj

downcastToolTip :: ToolTip a -> ToolTip ()
downcastToolTip obj = objectCast obj

downcastToolWindow :: ToolWindow a -> ToolWindow ()
downcastToolWindow obj = objectCast obj

downcastTopLevelWindow :: TopLevelWindow a -> TopLevelWindow ()
downcastTopLevelWindow obj = objectCast obj

downcastTreeCompanionWindow :: TreeCompanionWindow a -> TreeCompanionWindow ()
downcastTreeCompanionWindow obj = objectCast obj

downcastTreeCtrl :: TreeCtrl a -> TreeCtrl ()
downcastTreeCtrl obj = objectCast obj

downcastTreeEvent :: TreeEvent a -> TreeEvent ()
downcastTreeEvent obj = objectCast obj

downcastTreeLayout :: TreeLayout a -> TreeLayout ()
downcastTreeLayout obj = objectCast obj

downcastTreeLayoutStored :: TreeLayoutStored a -> TreeLayoutStored ()
downcastTreeLayoutStored obj = objectCast obj

downcastUpdateUIEvent :: UpdateUIEvent a -> UpdateUIEvent ()
downcastUpdateUIEvent obj = objectCast obj

downcastURL :: URL a -> URL ()
downcastURL obj = objectCast obj

downcastValidator :: Validator a -> Validator ()
downcastValidator obj = objectCast obj

downcastVariant :: Variant a -> Variant ()
downcastVariant obj = objectCast obj

downcastVariantData :: VariantData a -> VariantData ()
downcastVariantData obj = objectCast obj

downcastView :: View a -> View ()
downcastView obj = objectCast obj

downcastWindow :: Window a -> Window ()
downcastWindow obj = objectCast obj

downcastWindowCreateEvent :: WindowCreateEvent a -> WindowCreateEvent ()
downcastWindowCreateEvent obj = objectCast obj

downcastWindowDC :: WindowDC a -> WindowDC ()
downcastWindowDC obj = objectCast obj

downcastWindowDestroyEvent :: WindowDestroyEvent a -> WindowDestroyEvent ()
downcastWindowDestroyEvent obj = objectCast obj

downcastWizard :: Wizard a -> Wizard ()
downcastWizard obj = objectCast obj

downcastWizardEvent :: WizardEvent a -> WizardEvent ()
downcastWizardEvent obj = objectCast obj

downcastWizardPage :: WizardPage a -> WizardPage ()
downcastWizardPage obj = objectCast obj

downcastWizardPageSimple :: WizardPageSimple a -> WizardPageSimple ()
downcastWizardPageSimple obj = objectCast obj

downcastWXCApp :: WXCApp a -> WXCApp ()
downcastWXCApp obj = objectCast obj

downcastWXCArtProv :: WXCArtProv a -> WXCArtProv ()
downcastWXCArtProv obj = objectCast obj

downcastWXCClient :: WXCClient a -> WXCClient ()
downcastWXCClient obj = objectCast obj

downcastWXCCommand :: WXCCommand a -> WXCCommand ()
downcastWXCCommand obj = objectCast obj

downcastWXCConnection :: WXCConnection a -> WXCConnection ()
downcastWXCConnection obj = objectCast obj

downcastWXCGridTable :: WXCGridTable a -> WXCGridTable ()
downcastWXCGridTable obj = objectCast obj

downcastWXCHtmlEvent :: WXCHtmlEvent a -> WXCHtmlEvent ()
downcastWXCHtmlEvent obj = objectCast obj

downcastWXCHtmlWindow :: WXCHtmlWindow a -> WXCHtmlWindow ()
downcastWXCHtmlWindow obj = objectCast obj

downcastWXCPlotCurve :: WXCPlotCurve a -> WXCPlotCurve ()
downcastWXCPlotCurve obj = objectCast obj

downcastWXCPreviewControlBar :: WXCPreviewControlBar a -> WXCPreviewControlBar ()
downcastWXCPreviewControlBar obj = objectCast obj

downcastWXCPreviewFrame :: WXCPreviewFrame a -> WXCPreviewFrame ()
downcastWXCPreviewFrame obj = objectCast obj

downcastWXCPrintEvent :: WXCPrintEvent a -> WXCPrintEvent ()
downcastWXCPrintEvent obj = objectCast obj

downcastWXCPrintout :: WXCPrintout a -> WXCPrintout ()
downcastWXCPrintout obj = objectCast obj

downcastWXCPrintoutHandler :: WXCPrintoutHandler a -> WXCPrintoutHandler ()
downcastWXCPrintoutHandler obj = objectCast obj

downcastWXCServer :: WXCServer a -> WXCServer ()
downcastWXCServer obj = objectCast obj

downcastWXCTextValidator :: WXCTextValidator a -> WXCTextValidator ()
downcastWXCTextValidator obj = objectCast obj

downcastWxObject :: WxObject a -> WxObject ()
downcastWxObject obj = objectCast obj

downcastXmlResource :: XmlResource a -> XmlResource ()
downcastXmlResource obj = objectCast obj

downcastXmlResourceHandler :: XmlResourceHandler a -> XmlResourceHandler ()
downcastXmlResourceHandler obj = objectCast obj