#ifndef __WRAPPER_H #define __WRAPPER_H /* MSC: disable warning about int-to-bool conversion (just affects performance) */ #pragma warning(disable: 4800) /* MSC: disable warning about using different code page (just affects performance) */ #pragma warning(disable: 4819) /* just to ensure that intptr_t exists */ #ifndef _MSC_VER #include /* MSVC-6 defines _MSC_VER=1200 */ #elif _MSC_VER> 1200 #else /* MSVC-6 does not define intptr_t */ typedef int intptr_t; #endif #include "ewxw_def.h" #include "wx/wx.h" #if (wxVERSION_NUMBER >= 2600) #include "wx/apptrait.h" #endif #include "wx/tabctrl.h" #include "wx/notebook.h" #include "wx/spinctrl.h" #include "wx/statline.h" #include "wx/checklst.h" #include "wx/treectrl.h" #include "wx/grid.h" #include "wx/calctrl.h" #include "wx/dnd.h" #include "wx/config.h" #include "wx/imaglist.h" #include "wx/listctrl.h" #include "wx/splitter.h" #include "wx/image.h" #include "wx/clipbrd.h" #include "wx/colordlg.h" #include "wx/fontdlg.h" #include "wx/sckipc.h" #include "wx/html/helpctrl.h" #include "wx/print.h" #include "wx/sashwin.h" #include "wx/laywin.h" #include "wx/minifram.h" #include "wx/wizard.h" extern "C" { typedef void _cdecl (*ClosureFun)( void* _fun, void* _data, void* _evt ); typedef bool _cdecl (*AppInitFunc)(void); typedef void _cdecl (*EiffelFunc) (void* _obj, void* _evt); typedef int _cdecl (*TextDropFunc) (void* _obj, long x, long y, void* _txt); typedef int _cdecl (*FileDropFunc) (void* _obj, long x, long y, void* _fle, int _cnt); typedef void _cdecl (*DragZeroFunc) (void* _obj); typedef int _cdecl (*DragTwoFunc) (void* _obj, long x, long y); typedef int _cdecl (*DragThreeFunc) (void* _obj, long x, long y, int def); typedef void* _cdecl (*TGetText) (void* _obj, void* _txt); typedef int _cdecl (*DataGetDataSize) (void* _obj); typedef int _cdecl (*DataGetDataHere) (void* _obj, void* _buf); typedef int _cdecl (*DataSetData) (void* _obj, int _size, const void* _buf); typedef int _cdecl (*ValidateFunc) (void* _obj); typedef int _cdecl (*TCPAdviseFunc) (void* _obj, void* _topic, void* _item, void* _data, int _size, int _fmt); typedef int _cdecl (*TCPExecuteFunc) (void* _obj, void* _topic, void* _data, int _size, int _fmt); typedef wxChar* _cdecl (*TCPRequestFunc) (void* _obj, void* _topic, void* _item, void* _size, int _fmt); typedef int _cdecl (*TCPPokeFunc) (void* _obj, void* _topic, void* _item, void* _data, int _size, int _fmt); typedef int _cdecl (*TCPStartAdviseFunc) (void* _obj, void* _topic, void* _item); typedef int _cdecl (*TCPStopAdviseFunc) (void* _obj, void* _topic, void* _item); typedef void* _cdecl (*TCPOnConnection) (void* _obj, void* _cnt); typedef int _cdecl (*TCPOnDisconnect) (void* _obj); typedef int _cdecl (*PrintBeginDocument) (void* _obj, int _start, int _end); typedef void _cdecl (*PrintCommon) (void* _obj); typedef int _cdecl (*PrintBeginPage) (void* _obj, int _page); typedef void _cdecl (*PrintPageInfo) (void* _obj, int* _min, int* _max, int* _from, int* _to); typedef int _cdecl (*PreviewFrameFunc) (void* _obj); typedef int _cdecl (*TreeCompareFunc) (void* _obj, void* _itm1, void* _itm2); } /* Miscellaneous helper functions */ /* Copies the contents of a wxString to a buffer and returns the length of the string */ int copyStrToBuf(void* dst, wxString& src); /* A Closure is used to call foreign functions. They are closures because they don't just contain a function pointer but also some local data supplied at creation time. The closures are reference counted by 'Callbacks'. Each event handler uses callbacks to react to primitive events like EVT_LEFT_CLICK and EVT_MOTION. These callbacks invoke the corresponding closure. Due to reference counting, a single closure can handle a range of events. */ class wxClosure : public wxClientData { protected: int m_refcount; /* callbacks reference count the closures */ ClosureFun m_fun; /* the foreign function to call */ void* m_data; /* the associated data, passed along with the function call */ public: wxClosure( ClosureFun fun, void* data ); ~wxClosure(); virtual void IncRef(); virtual void DecRef(); virtual void Invoke( wxEvent* event ); virtual void* GetData(); }; class wxCallback: public wxObject { private: wxClosure* m_closure; /* the closure to invoke */ public: wxCallback( wxClosure* closure ); ~wxCallback(); void Invoke( wxEvent* event ); wxClosure* GetClosure(); }; extern wxClosure* initClosure; /* called on wxApp::OnInit */ class ELJApp: public wxApp { public: bool OnInit (void); int OnExit (void); void HandleEvent(wxEvent& _evt); void InitZipFileSystem(); void InitImageHandlers(); }; class ELJDataObject: public wxObject { public: ELJDataObject(void* _data) : wxObject() {data = _data;}; void* data; }; class ELJDropTarget : public wxDropTarget { private: DragThreeFunc on_data_func; DragTwoFunc on_drop_func; DragThreeFunc on_enter_func; DragThreeFunc on_drag_func; DragZeroFunc on_leave_func; void* obj; public: ELJDropTarget(void* _obj) : wxDropTarget() { on_data_func = NULL; on_drop_func = NULL; on_enter_func = NULL; on_drag_func = NULL; on_leave_func = NULL; obj = _obj; }; wxDragResult OnData (wxCoord x, wxCoord y, wxDragResult def); bool OnDrop (wxCoord x, wxCoord y); wxDragResult OnEnter (wxCoord x, wxCoord y, wxDragResult def); wxDragResult OnDragOver(wxCoord x, wxCoord y, wxDragResult def); void OnLeave (); void SetOnData (DragThreeFunc _func) {on_data_func = _func;}; void SetOnDrop (DragTwoFunc _func) {on_drop_func = _func;}; void SetOnEnter (DragThreeFunc _func) {on_enter_func = _func;}; void SetOnDragOver (DragThreeFunc _func) {on_drag_func = _func;}; void SetOnLeave (DragZeroFunc _func) {on_leave_func = _func;}; }; class ELJDragDataObject : public wxDataObjectSimple { private: void* obj; DataGetDataSize OnGetDataSize; DataGetDataHere OnGetDataHere; DataSetData OnSetData; public: ELJDragDataObject(void* _obj, wxChar* _fmt, DataGetDataSize _func1, DataGetDataHere _func2, DataSetData _func3) : wxDataObjectSimple(_fmt) {obj = _obj; OnGetDataSize = _func1; OnGetDataHere = _func2; OnSetData = _func3;} size_t GetDataSize() const {return (size_t)OnGetDataSize(obj);} bool GetDataHere(void* buf) const {return OnGetDataHere(obj, buf) != 0;} bool SetData(size_t len, const void* buf) {return OnSetData(obj, (int)len, buf) != 0;} }; class ELJTextDropTarget : public wxTextDropTarget { private: DragThreeFunc on_data_func; DragTwoFunc on_drop_func; DragThreeFunc on_enter_func; DragThreeFunc on_drag_func; DragZeroFunc on_leave_func; TextDropFunc func; void* obj; public: ELJTextDropTarget(void* _obj, TextDropFunc _func) : wxTextDropTarget() { on_data_func = NULL; on_drop_func = NULL; on_enter_func = NULL; on_drag_func = NULL; on_leave_func = NULL; func = _func; obj = _obj; }; virtual bool OnDropText(wxCoord x, wxCoord y, const wxString& text); wxDragResult OnData (wxCoord x, wxCoord y, wxDragResult def); bool OnDrop (wxCoord x, wxCoord y); wxDragResult OnEnter (wxCoord x, wxCoord y, wxDragResult def); wxDragResult OnDragOver(wxCoord x, wxCoord y, wxDragResult def); void OnLeave (); void SetOnData (DragThreeFunc _func) {on_data_func = _func;}; void SetOnDrop (DragTwoFunc _func) {on_drop_func = _func;}; void SetOnEnter (DragThreeFunc _func) {on_enter_func = _func;}; void SetOnDragOver (DragThreeFunc _func) {on_drag_func = _func;}; void SetOnLeave (DragZeroFunc _func) {on_leave_func = _func;}; }; class ELJFileDropTarget : public wxFileDropTarget { private: DragThreeFunc on_data_func; DragTwoFunc on_drop_func; DragThreeFunc on_enter_func; DragThreeFunc on_drag_func; DragZeroFunc on_leave_func; FileDropFunc func; void* obj; public: ELJFileDropTarget(void* _obj, FileDropFunc _func) : wxFileDropTarget() { on_data_func = NULL; on_drop_func = NULL; on_enter_func = NULL; on_drag_func = NULL; on_leave_func = NULL; func = _func; obj = _obj; }; virtual bool OnDropFiles(wxCoord x, wxCoord y, const wxArrayString& filenames); wxDragResult OnData (wxCoord x, wxCoord y, wxDragResult def); bool OnDrop (wxCoord x, wxCoord y); wxDragResult OnEnter (wxCoord x, wxCoord y, wxDragResult def); wxDragResult OnDragOver(wxCoord x, wxCoord y, wxDragResult def); void OnLeave (); void SetOnData (DragThreeFunc _func) {on_data_func = _func;}; void SetOnDrop (DragTwoFunc _func) {on_drop_func = _func;}; void SetOnEnter (DragThreeFunc _func) {on_enter_func = _func;}; void SetOnDragOver (DragThreeFunc _func) {on_drag_func = _func;}; void SetOnLeave (DragZeroFunc _func) {on_leave_func = _func;}; }; class ELJTextValidator : public wxTextValidator { public: ELJTextValidator(void* _obj, void* _fnc, void* _txt, long _stl) : wxTextValidator (_stl, &buf) {obj = _obj; fnc = (ValidateFunc)_fnc; buf = (const wxChar*) _txt;}; ELJTextValidator(const ELJTextValidator& other) { Copy (other); obj = other.obj; fnc = other.fnc; buf = other.buf; }; virtual wxObject *Clone(void) const { return new ELJTextValidator(*this); } virtual bool Validate(wxWindow* _prt); private: wxString buf; void* obj; ValidateFunc fnc; }; class ELJConnection : public wxTCPConnection { private: TCPAdviseFunc DoOnAdvise; TCPExecuteFunc DoOnExecute; TCPRequestFunc DoOnRequest; TCPPokeFunc DoOnPoke; TCPStartAdviseFunc DoOnStartAdvise; TCPStopAdviseFunc DoOnStopAdvise; TCPOnDisconnect DoOnDisconnect; void* EiffelObject; public: ELJConnection() : wxTCPConnection() { DoOnAdvise = NULL; DoOnExecute = NULL; DoOnRequest = NULL; DoOnPoke = NULL; DoOnStartAdvise = NULL; DoOnStopAdvise = NULL; DoOnDisconnect = NULL; EiffelObject = NULL; } ELJConnection(wxChar* _buf, int _sze) : wxTCPConnection(_buf, _sze) { DoOnAdvise = NULL; DoOnExecute = NULL; DoOnRequest = NULL; DoOnPoke = NULL; DoOnStartAdvise = NULL; DoOnStopAdvise = NULL; DoOnDisconnect = NULL; EiffelObject = NULL; } void SetOnAdvise (void* _fnc) {DoOnAdvise = (TCPAdviseFunc)_fnc;}; void SetOnExecute (void* _fnc) {DoOnExecute = (TCPExecuteFunc) _fnc;}; void SetOnRequest (void* _fnc) {DoOnRequest = (TCPRequestFunc)_fnc;}; void SetOnPoke (void* _fnc) {DoOnPoke = (TCPPokeFunc)_fnc;}; void SetOnStartAdvise (void* _fnc) {DoOnStartAdvise = (TCPStartAdviseFunc)_fnc;}; void SetOnStopAdvise (void* _fnc) {DoOnStopAdvise = (TCPStopAdviseFunc)_fnc;}; void SetOnDisconnect (void* _fnc) {DoOnDisconnect = (TCPOnDisconnect)_fnc;}; void SetEiffelObject (void* _obj) {EiffelObject = _obj;}; virtual bool OnExecute ( const wxString& topic, char *data, int size, wxIPCFormat format ) { return DoOnExecute ? DoOnExecute (EiffelObject, (void*)topic.c_str(), data, size, (int) format) != 0 : FALSE; }; virtual wxChar *OnRequest ( const wxString& topic, const wxString& item, int *size, wxIPCFormat format ) { return DoOnRequest ? DoOnRequest (EiffelObject, (void*)topic.c_str(), (void*)item.c_str(), (void*)size, (int) format) : (wxChar*)NULL; }; virtual bool OnPoke ( const wxString& topic, const wxString& item, wxChar *data, int size, wxIPCFormat format ) { return DoOnPoke ? DoOnPoke (EiffelObject, (void*)topic.c_str(), (void*)item.c_str(), data, size, (int) format) : FALSE; }; virtual bool OnStartAdvise ( const wxString& topic, const wxString& item ) { return DoOnStartAdvise ? DoOnStartAdvise (EiffelObject, (void*)topic.c_str(), (void*)item.c_str()) : FALSE; }; virtual bool OnStopAdvise ( const wxString& topic, const wxString& item ) { return DoOnStopAdvise ? DoOnStopAdvise (EiffelObject, (void*)topic.c_str(), (void*)item.c_str()) : FALSE; }; virtual bool OnAdvise ( const wxString& topic, const wxString& item, char *data, int size, wxIPCFormat format ) { return DoOnAdvise ? DoOnAdvise (EiffelObject, (void*)topic.c_str(), (void*)item.c_str(), data, size, (int) format) : FALSE; }; virtual bool OnDisconnect () { return DoOnDisconnect ? DoOnDisconnect (EiffelObject) : wxTCPConnection::OnDisconnect(); }; }; class ELJServer : public wxTCPServer { private: void* EiffelObject; TCPOnConnection DoOnConnect; public: ELJServer(void* _obj, void* _fnc) : wxTCPServer() {EiffelObject = _obj; DoOnConnect = (TCPOnConnection)_fnc;}; virtual wxConnectionBase* OnAcceptConnection(const wxString& topic) { ELJConnection* result = new ELJConnection(); result->SetEiffelObject (DoOnConnect (EiffelObject, (void*)result)); return result; }; }; class ELJClient : public wxTCPClient { private: void* EiffelObject; TCPOnConnection DoOnConnect; public: ELJClient(void* _obj, void* _fnc) : wxTCPClient() {EiffelObject = _obj; DoOnConnect = (TCPOnConnection)_fnc;}; virtual wxConnectionBase* OnMakeConnection() { ELJConnection* result = new ELJConnection(); result->SetEiffelObject (DoOnConnect (EiffelObject, (void*)result)); return result; }; }; class ELJPrintout : public wxPrintout { private: void* EiffelObject; PrintBeginDocument DoOnBeginDocument; PrintCommon DoOnEndDocument; PrintCommon DoOnBeginPrinting; PrintCommon DoOnEndPrinting; PrintCommon DoOnPreparePrinting; PrintBeginPage DoOnPrintPage; PrintBeginPage DoOnHasPage; PrintPageInfo DoOnPageInfo; public: ELJPrintout(void* title, void* _obj, void* _DoOnBeginDocument, void* _DoOnEndDocument, void* _DoOnBeginPrinting, void* _DoOnEndPrinting, void* _DoOnPreparePrinting, void* _DoOnPrintPage, void* _DoOnHasPage, void* _DoOnPageInfo) : wxPrintout((wxChar*)title) { EiffelObject = _obj; DoOnBeginDocument = (PrintBeginDocument)_DoOnBeginDocument; DoOnEndDocument = (PrintCommon)_DoOnEndDocument; DoOnBeginPrinting = (PrintCommon)_DoOnBeginPrinting; DoOnEndPrinting = (PrintCommon)_DoOnEndPrinting; DoOnPreparePrinting = (PrintCommon)_DoOnPreparePrinting; DoOnPrintPage = (PrintBeginPage)_DoOnPrintPage; DoOnHasPage = (PrintBeginPage)_DoOnHasPage; DoOnPageInfo = (PrintPageInfo)_DoOnPageInfo; } virtual bool OnBeginDocument(int startPage, int endPage) { return wxPrintout::OnBeginDocument(startPage, endPage) && (DoOnBeginDocument (EiffelObject, startPage, endPage) != 0); } virtual void OnEndDocument() { wxPrintout::OnEndDocument(); DoOnEndDocument (EiffelObject); } virtual void OnBeginPrinting() { DoOnBeginPrinting (EiffelObject); } virtual void OnEndPrinting() { DoOnEndPrinting (EiffelObject); } virtual void OnPreparePrinting() { DoOnPreparePrinting (EiffelObject); } virtual bool OnPrintPage(int page) { return DoOnPrintPage (EiffelObject, page) != 0; } virtual bool HasPage(int page) { return DoOnHasPage (EiffelObject, page) != 0; } virtual void GetPageInfo(int *minPage, int *maxPage, int *pageFrom, int *pageTo) { DoOnPageInfo (EiffelObject, minPage, maxPage, pageFrom, pageTo); } }; class ELJPreviewFrame: public wxPreviewFrame { private: void* EiffelObject; PreviewFrameFunc DoInitialize; PreviewFrameFunc DoCreateCanvas; PreviewFrameFunc DoCreateControlBar; public: ELJPreviewFrame(void* _obj, void* _init, void* _create_canvas, void* _create_toolbar, void* preview, void* parent, void* title, int x, int y, int w, int h, int style) : wxPreviewFrame( (wxPrintPreviewBase*)preview, (wxFrame*)parent, (wxChar*)title, wxPoint(x, y), wxSize(w, h), (long)style) { EiffelObject = _obj; DoInitialize = (PreviewFrameFunc)_init; DoCreateCanvas = (PreviewFrameFunc)_create_canvas; DoCreateControlBar = (PreviewFrameFunc)_create_toolbar; } virtual void Initialize() { if ((DoInitialize) && DoInitialize(EiffelObject)) return; wxPreviewFrame::Initialize();} virtual void CreateCanvas() { if ((DoCreateCanvas) && DoCreateCanvas(EiffelObject)) return; wxPreviewFrame::CreateCanvas();} virtual void CreateControlBar() { if ((DoCreateControlBar) && DoCreateControlBar(EiffelObject)) return; wxPreviewFrame::CreateControlBar();} void SetPreviewCanvas (void* _obj) { m_previewCanvas = (wxPreviewCanvas*) _obj; } void SetControlBar (void* _obj) { m_controlBar = (wxPreviewControlBar*) _obj; } void SetPrintPreview (void* _obj) { m_printPreview = (wxPrintPreviewBase*) _obj; } void* GetPreviewCanvas () { return (void*)m_previewCanvas; } void* GetControlBar () { return (void*)m_controlBar; } void* GetPrintPreview () { return (void*)m_printPreview; } }; class ELJTreeControl : public wxTreeCtrl { DECLARE_DYNAMIC_CLASS(ELJTreeControl) private: TreeCompareFunc compare_func; void* EiffelObject; public: ELJTreeControl() : wxTreeCtrl () { EiffelObject = NULL; compare_func = NULL; }; ELJTreeControl(void* _obj, void* _cmp, wxWindow *parent, wxWindowID id = -1, const wxPoint& pos = wxDefaultPosition, const wxSize& size = wxDefaultSize, long style = wxTR_HAS_BUTTONS | wxTR_LINES_AT_ROOT, const wxValidator& validator = wxDefaultValidator, const wxString& name = wxT("wxTreeCtrl")) : wxTreeCtrl (parent, id, pos, size, style, validator, name) { EiffelObject = _obj; compare_func = (TreeCompareFunc)_cmp; }; virtual int OnCompareItems(const wxTreeItemId& item1, const wxTreeItemId& item2) { return EiffelObject ? compare_func (EiffelObject, (void*)&item1, (void*)&item2) : wxTreeCtrl::OnCompareItems(item1, item2); } }; DECLARE_APP(ELJApp); #endif /* #ifndef __WRAPPER_H */