{-# OPTIONS -Wall #-}

-- |
-- Module      :  Wumpus.Drawing.Connectors.BoxConnectors
-- Copyright   :  (c) Stephen Tetley 2011
-- License     :  BSD3
-- Maintainer  :  Stephen Tetley <stephen.tetley@gmail.com>
-- Stability   :  highly unstable
-- Portability :  GHC
-- Box connectors

module Wumpus.Drawing.Connectors.BoxConnectors
  , connbox
  , conntube

  ) where

-- import Wumpus.Drawing.Connectors.Base
import Wumpus.Drawing.Connectors.ConnectorProps

import Wumpus.Basic.Kernel                      -- package: wumpus-basic

import Wumpus.Core                              -- package: wumpus-core

import Data.Monoid

-- NOTE - boxes (currently) seem to only support stroke otherwise
-- they would obliterate what they connect.

-- | The type of BoxConnectors - a query from start and end point 
-- to a Path. 
-- Note - unlike a @Connector@, a BoxConnnector is expected to be 
-- closed, then filled, stroked or bordered.
type ConnectorBox u = ConnectorGraphic u

-- DESIGN NOTE - boxes (probably) should not use source and dest
-- separators.

-- | Draw a stroked, rectangular box around the connector points.
-- The rectangle will be inclined to the line.
connbox :: (Real u, Floating u, InterpretUnit u) 
        => ConnectorProps -> ConnectorBox u
connbox props = promoteConn $ \p0 p1 -> 
    connectorBoxHalfSize props >>= \sz ->
    applyLoc (drawPlacedTrail CSTROKE $ cfconnbox sz (pvec p0 p1)) p0

conntube :: (Real u, Floating u, InterpretUnit u) 
        => ConnectorProps -> ConnectorBox u
conntube props = promoteConn $ \p0 p1 -> 
    connectorBoxHalfSize props >>= \sz ->
    applyLoc (drawPlacedTrail CSTROKE $ cfconntube sz (pvec p0 p1)) p0

-- Box connectors aren\'t especially coordinate free.

-- | @v1@ is the /interior/ vector.
cfconnbox :: (Real u, Floating u) => u -> Vec2 u -> PlacedTrail u
cfconnbox du v1 = 
    placeCatTrail (orthoVec (-du) (-du) ang) $ mconcat $
      [ trail_theta_right w ang
      , trail_theta_up h ang
      , trail_theta_left w ang
      , trail_theta_down h ang
    ang = vdirection v1 
    w   = (2*du) + vlength v1
    h   = 2*du

-- | @v1@ is the /interior/ vector.
cfconntube :: (Real u, Floating u) => u -> Vec2 u -> PlacedTrail u
cfconntube du v1 = 
    placeCatTrail (orthoVec 0 (-du) ang) $ mconcat $
      [ trail_theta_right w ang
      , semicircleCCW vup
      , trail_theta_left w ang
      , semicircleCCW vdown
    ang   = vdirection v1 
    w     = vlength v1
    vup   = avec (ang + half_pi) (2*du)
    vdown = avec (ang - half_pi) (2*du)