{-# OPTIONS -Wall #-}

-- |
-- Module      :  Wumpus.Basic.Arrows.Connectors
-- Copyright   :  (c) Stephen Tetley 2010
-- License     :  BSD3
-- Maintainer  :  Stephen Tetley <stephen.tetley@gmail.com>
-- Stability   :  highly unstable
-- Portability :  GHC
-- Draw arrows.

module Wumpus.Basic.Arrows.Connectors

  , connector
  , leftArrow
  , rightArrow
  , dblArrow
  , leftrightArrow
  , strokeConnector

  ) where

import Wumpus.Basic.Arrows.Tips
import Wumpus.Basic.Graphic
import Wumpus.Basic.Paths

import Wumpus.Core                      -- package: wumpus-core

import Control.Applicative

-- An arrowhead always know how to draw itself (filled triangle, 
-- stroked barb, etc.)
-- A Path might will typically be drawn with openStroke,
-- eventually there might be scope for drawing 
-- e.g. parallel lines  ====

-- A ConnectorPath gets wrapped with how it is drawn into
-- another type.

data Connector u = Connector 
      { connector_path  :: ConnectorPath u
      , opt_left_arrow  :: Maybe (Arrowhead u)
      , opt_right_arrow :: Maybe (Arrowhead u)

-- | connector with no arrow heads.
connector :: ConnectorPath u -> Connector u
connector cp = 
    Connector { connector_path  = cp
              , opt_left_arrow  = Nothing
              , opt_right_arrow = Nothing

leftArrow :: ConnectorPath u -> Arrowhead u -> Connector u
leftArrow cp la =
    Connector { connector_path  = cp
              , opt_left_arrow  = Just la
              , opt_right_arrow = Nothing

rightArrow :: ConnectorPath u -> Arrowhead u -> Connector u
rightArrow cp ra = 
    Connector { connector_path  = cp
              , opt_left_arrow  = Nothing
              , opt_right_arrow = Just ra

-- | Same tip both ends.
dblArrow :: ConnectorPath u -> Arrowhead u -> Connector u
dblArrow cp arw = leftrightArrow cp arw arw

leftrightArrow :: ConnectorPath u -> Arrowhead u -> Arrowhead u -> Connector u
leftrightArrow cp la ra =
    Connector { connector_path  = cp
              , opt_left_arrow  = Just la
              , opt_right_arrow = Just ra

strokeConnector :: (Real u, Floating u) 
                => Connector u -> ConnectorImage u (Path u)
strokeConnector (Connector cpF opt_la opt_ra) p0 p1 =
    tipEval opt_la (directionL pathc) p0 >>= \(dl,gfL) -> 
    tipEval opt_ra (directionR pathc) p1 >>= \(dr,gfR) ->
    intoImage (pure pathc) (gfR $ gfL $ drawP $ shortenPath dl dr pathc) 
    pathc       = cpF p0 p1
    drawP       = openStroke . toPrimPath   

-- for Paths.Base ?
shortenPath :: (Real u , Floating u) =>  u  -> u -> Path u -> Path u
shortenPath l r = shortenL l .  shortenR r 

-- 'tipEval' is a bit of an oddity. It has to evaluate the 
-- Arrowhead / Image in the DrawingCtx to get the retract 
-- distance. But doing so evaluates the tips to PrimGraphics, thus 
-- it has to wrap the tips back up as Graphics with @pure@ so they 
-- can be concatenated to the drawn path as GraphicTrafos.
-- The Arrowhead type could be changed, so rather than returning 
-- an Image (retract_distance, PrimGraphic) it returns 
-- (retract_distance, GraphicTrafo) but that would burden all 
-- arrowheads with some extra complexity.
-- In short - the code here works but it isn\'t exemplary, and it 
-- doesn\'t show whether or not GraphicTrafo is a valuable type or
-- if it is implemented correctly (as GraphicTrafo could having
-- different implementations according to how it regards the 
-- DrawingCtx).

tipEval :: Num u 
        => Maybe (Arrowhead u) -> Radian -> Point2 u 
        -> DrawingR (u, GraphicTrafoF u)
tipEval Nothing    _     _  = return (0,unmarked)
tipEval (Just arw) theta pt = getArrowhead arw theta pt >>= \(dx,prim) -> 
                              return (dx, superior $ pure prim)

unmarked :: GraphicTrafoF u
unmarked = id