{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables , FlexibleContexts #-} module Main where import App (app) import App.Types (Env (Env, envHost, envPort, envPath, envSecure), runAppM, handleInitException, InitException (NoURIAuthority, URIParseException)) import Options.Applicative (Parser, strArgument, ParserInfo, metavar, help, fullDesc, progDesc, header, helper, info, execParser) import Network.URI (parseURI, uriAuthority, uriRegName, uriUserInfo, uriScheme, uriPath, uriPort) import Data.Monoid ((<>)) import Control.Monad.Catch (throwM, handle) -- * Options Parsing -- | Application-wide options newtype AppOpts = AppOpts { url :: String } -- | Options for each field appOpts :: Parser AppOpts appOpts = AppOpts <$> urlOpt where urlOpt :: Parser String urlOpt = strArgument $ metavar "TARGET" <> help "The websocket address to connect to - example:\ \ `ws://localhost:3000/foo`" -- | Options for entire app opts :: ParserInfo AppOpts opts = info (helper <*> appOpts) $ fullDesc <> progDesc "Connect to a websocket" <> header "ws - a CLI websocket tool" -- * Executable main :: IO () main = do env <- handle handleInitException $ appOptsToEnv =<< execParser opts runAppM env app -- | Translate the CLI parsed options to a sane type we can use in our app appOptsToEnv :: AppOpts -> IO Env appOptsToEnv (AppOpts u) = case parseURI u of Nothing -> throwM $ URIParseException u Just u' -> case uriAuthority u' of Nothing -> throwM $ NoURIAuthority u Just a -> let host = uriUserInfo a ++ uriRegName a port = fromIntegral $ let ps = drop 1 (uriPort a) in if ps /= "" then read ps else if uriScheme u' == "wss:" then 443 :: Int else 80 path' = let p = uriPath u' in if p == "" then "/" else p in pure Env { envHost = host , envPort = port , envPath = path' , envSecure = uriScheme u' == "wss:" }