name: wkt-geom version: 0.0.11 synopsis: A parser of WKT, WKB and eWKB. description: Well Known Text (WKT), Well Known Binary (WKB) and the PostgreSQL extension Extended Well Know Binary (eWKB) are vector geometry representations. . The text or binary representations are parsed and turned into their GeoJSON representations. The binary representations use vectors throughout whereas the text representation still uses a list and then is converted to a vector representation. homepage: bug-reports: license: Apache-2.0 license-file: LICENSE author: Andrew Newman, Dominic Endrei maintainer: copyright: 2017-2020 Wkt-Geom Project category: Data build-type: Simple extra-source-files: , cabal-version: >=1.10 flag error-check manual: True default: False description: Compile with error-checking library hs-source-dirs: src exposed-modules: Data.Ewkb , Data.Hex , Data.Wkb , Data.Wkt , Data.Internal.Ewkb.Geometry , Data.Internal.Wkb.Endian , Data.Internal.Wkb.Geometry , Data.Internal.Wkb.GeometryCollection , Data.Internal.Wkb.Geospatial , Data.Internal.Wkb.Line , Data.Internal.Wkb.Point , Data.Internal.Wkb.Polygon , Data.Internal.Wkt.Common , Data.Internal.Wkt.Box , Data.Internal.Wkt.Line , Data.Internal.Wkt.Point , Data.Internal.Wkt.Polygon , Data.Internal.Wkt.GeometryCollection build-depends: base < 5 && >= 4.8 , base16-bytestring >= , binary >= 0.8 , bytestring >= 0.10 , containers >= , geojson < 5 && >= 4.0.1 , scientific >= 0.3.6 , trifecta >= 1.7 , utf8-string >= 1 , vector >= 0.10 ghc-options: -Wall default-language: Haskell2010 test-suite wkt-geom-test type: exitcode-stdio-1.0 hs-source-dirs: test other-modules: Data.Internal.Ewkb.GeometrySpec , Data.Internal.Ewkb.LineSpec , Data.Internal.Ewkb.PointSpec , Data.Internal.Wkb.EndianSpec , Data.Internal.Wkb.GeometryCollectionSpec , Data.Internal.Wkb.GeometrySpec , Data.Internal.Wkb.HexParsingSpec , Data.Internal.Wkb.LineSpec , Data.Internal.Wkb.PointSpec , Data.Internal.Wkb.PolygonSpec , Data.Internal.Wkt.BoxSpec , Data.Internal.Wkt.GeometryCollectionSpec , Data.Internal.Wkt.LineSpec , Data.Internal.Wkt.PointSpec , Data.Internal.Wkt.PolygonSpec , Data.SpecHelper main-is: Spec.hs build-depends: base < 5 && >= 4.8 , base16-bytestring >= , binary >= 0.8 , ansi-wl-pprint >= 0.6 , bytestring >= 0.10 , containers >= , geojson >= 4.0.1 , hedgehog < 0.7 && >= 0.5 , hspec < 3 && >= 2.4 , hw-hspec-hedgehog < 0.2 && >= , lens < 4.18 && >= 4 , QuickCheck < 2.13 && > 2.7 , scientific >= 0.3.6 , trifecta >= 1.7 , vector >= 0.10 , wkt-geom ghc-options: -Wall default-language: Haskell2010 test-suite wkt-geom-hlint hs-source-dirs: hlint main-is: Main.hs type: exitcode-stdio-1.0 build-depends: base , hlint default-language: Haskell2010 ghc-options: -Wall -threaded if flag(error-check) ghc-options: -Werror source-repository head type: git location: source-repository this type: git location: tag: 0.0.11