name: wild-bind-x11 version: author: Toshio Ito maintainer: Toshio Ito license: BSD3 license-file: LICENSE synopsis: X11-specific implementation for WildBind description: X11-specific implementation for WildBind. See category: UserInterface cabal-version: >= 1.10 build-type: Simple extra-source-files:, homepage: bug-reports: library default-language: Haskell2010 hs-source-dirs: src ghc-options: -Wall -fno-warn-unused-imports other-extensions: GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving, FlexibleContexts, TypeSynonymInstances, OverloadedStrings exposed-modules: WildBind.X11, WildBind.X11.Emulate, WildBind.X11.Emulate.Example, WildBind.X11.KeySym, WildBind.X11.Internal.Key, WildBind.X11.Internal.Window, WildBind.X11.Internal.NotificationDebouncer other-modules: WildBind.X11.Internal.FrontEnd, WildBind.X11.Internal.GrabMan build-depends: base >=4.6 && <4.16, wild-bind >=0.1.0 && <0.2, text >=1.2.0 && <1.3, X11 >=1.6.1 && <1.11, containers >=0.5.0 && <0.7, transformers >=0.3.0 && <0.6, mtl >=2.2.1 && <2.3, fold-debounce >=0.2.0 && <0.3, stm >=2.4.2 && <2.6, semigroups >= && <0.21 -- executable wild-bind-x11 -- default-language: Haskell2010 -- hs-source-dirs: src -- main-is: Main.hs -- ghc-options: -Wall -fno-warn-unused-imports -- -- other-modules: -- -- other-extensions: -- build-depends: base >=4 && <5 flag test-interactive description: Run tests that require the user to interact with the test script. default: False test-suite spec type: exitcode-stdio-1.0 default-language: Haskell2010 hs-source-dirs: test ghc-options: -Wall -fno-warn-unused-imports -threaded "-with-rtsopts=-M512m -N" if flag(test-interactive) cpp-options: -DTEST_INTERACTIVE main-is: Spec.hs other-extensions: FlexibleContexts, CPP, OverloadedStrings other-modules: WildBind.X11Spec, WildBind.X11.EmulateSpec, WildBind.X11.Internal.NotificationDebouncerSpec, WildBind.X11.TestUtil build-tool-depends: hspec-discover:hspec-discover build-depends: base, wild-bind-x11, wild-bind, X11, text, transformers, hspec >=2.1.7, time >=1.5.0 && <1.10, async >=2.0.2 && <2.3 source-repository head type: git location: