module Network.Whois (
  WhoisServer (..)
  , serverFor
  , whois
  , whois1
) where

import Control.Monad (liftM2)
import Data.Char (toLower)
import Data.List (isInfixOf)
import Data.List.Split (splitOn)
import Network
import Network.URI (isIPv6address, isIPv4address)
import System.IO

data WhoisServer = WhoisServer {
  hostname :: String
  , port :: Int
  , query :: String
} deriving (Show, Eq)

-- | Determines whether or not a given string is a valid IPv4 or IPv6 address.
isIpAddress :: String -> Bool
isIpAddress = liftM2 (||) isIPv4address isIPv6address

  Given an IP address or domain name, attempt to figure out which whois server
  to use. If we're given a domain name, this is (except in some special cases)
  usually \<tld\> If we're given an IP address, we default to
  a transient server (ARIN), which can give us referral servers to try.

  > serverFor ""            -- WhoisServer "" 43 "n + "
serverFor :: String -> Maybe WhoisServer
serverFor a
  | isIpAddress a     = Just $ WhoisServer "" 43 "n + "
  | "." `isInfixOf` a = Just findServer
  | otherwise         = Nothing
    tld = reverse . takeWhile (/= '.') $ reverse a
    findServer = case tld of
      "ly" -> WhoisServer "" 43 ""
      "gd" -> WhoisServer "" 43 "" -- answers directly
      "io" -> WhoisServer "" 43 "" -- answers directly
      "de" -> WhoisServer "" 43 "-T dn,ace "
      "so" -> WhoisServer "" 43 ""
      _ -> WhoisServer (tld  ++ "") 43 "domain "

{-| Returns whois information. -}
whois :: String -> IO (Maybe String, Maybe String)
whois a = do
  m <- fetchWhois a $ serverFor a
  n <- case m of
    Just n -> fetchWhois a $ referralServer n
    _ -> return Nothing

  return (m, n)

{-| Returns whois information from a particular server. -}
whois1 :: String -> WhoisServer -> IO (Maybe String)
whois1 a b = fetchWhois a (Just b)

fetchWhois :: String -> Maybe WhoisServer -> IO (Maybe String)
fetchWhois a (Just server) = withSocketsDo $ do
  sock <- connectTo (hostname server) (PortNumber $ fromIntegral $ port server)
  hPutStr sock $ query server ++ a ++ "\r\n"
  contents <- hGetContents sock
  return $ Just contents
fetchWhois a Nothing = return Nothing

{-| Looks for a referral server in the response of a whois lookup.

    This function is private but not yet used, so it triggers a warning when
    we compile with -Wall. This is known and intentional. This will be used in
    a function which is yet to be implemented.
getReferralServer :: String -> Maybe String
getReferralServer x = if null r
                      then Nothing
                      else Just (p $ head r)
    l = lines $ map toLower x
    f y = filter (map toLower y `isInfixOf`) l
    r = concatMap f ["referralserver: ", "whois server: "]
    p y = splitOn ": " y !! 1

{-| Parse referral server into a WhoisServer. -}
parseReferralServer :: Maybe String -> Maybe WhoisServer
parseReferralServer Nothing = Nothing
parseReferralServer (Just s) = Just whoisServer
    noPrefix = reverse $ takeWhile (/= '/') $ reverse s
    splitPort = splitOn ":" noPrefix
    whoisServer = if length splitPort > 1
                  then WhoisServer (head splitPort) (read (splitPort !! 1) :: Int) ""
                  else WhoisServer (head splitPort) 43 ""

referralServer :: String -> Maybe WhoisServer
referralServer a = parseReferralServer $ getReferralServer a