# 1.2.1 (June 2021) * Include test suite data in the Hackage tarball. # 1.2 (June 2021) This is primarily a bugfix release, but also adds support for GHC 9.x * Tweaks to the `SolverEvent` data type to remove partial fields. * Fix issue #126. The shift operations of `What4.SWord` were not correctly handling cases where the shift amount has more bits than the word to be shifted. * Fix issue #121. The ordering of inputs in generated Verilog files is now more predictable. Previously, it was determined by the order the inputs were encountered during term traversal. Now the user can provide a list of (input, name) pairs which are declared in order. Any additional inputs discovered during traversal will be added after these specified inputs. * Fix issue #113. The `bvSliceLE` and `bvSliceBE` functions of `What4.SWord` did not properly handle size 0 bit-vectors and requests for 0 length slices. They now correctly fail for slice lengths longer than 0 on 0-length vectors, and correctly allow 0 length slices regardless of the length of the input. * Fix issue #103. Some of the string operations would give incorrect results when string offsets are out-of-bounds. The SMTLib 2.6 standard specifies precise results for these cases, which we now implement. * Configuration parameters relative to solvers have been renamed in a more consistent and heirarchical fashion; the old configuration parameters still work but will emit deprecation warnings when used. * `default_solver` --> `solver.default` * `abc_path` --> `solver.abc.path` * `boolector_path` --> `solver.boolector.path` * `cvc4_path` --> `solver.cvc4.path` * `cvc4.random-seed` --> `solver.cvc4.random-seed` * `cvc4_timeout` --> `solver.cvc4.timeout` * `dreal_path` --> `solver.dreal.path` * `stp_path` --> `solver.stp.path` * `stp.random-seed` --> `solver.stp.random-seed` * `yices_path` --> `solver.yices.path` * `yices_enable-mcsat` --> `solver.yices.enable-mcsat` * `yices_enable-interactive` --> `solver.yices.enable-interactive` * `yices_goal_timeout` --> `solver.yices.goal-timeout` * `yices.*` --> `solver.yices.*` for many yices internal options * `z3_path` --> `solver.z3.path` * `z3_timeout` --> `solver.z3.timeout` * Added the `solver.strict_parsing` configuration parameter. This is enabled by default but could be disabled to allow running solvers in debug mode or to workaround other unexpected output from solver processes. # 1.1 (February 2021) * Use multithread-safe storage primitive for configuration options, and clarify single-threaded use assumptions for other data structures. * Fix issue #63, which caused traversals to include the bodies of defined functions at call sites, which yielded confusing results. * Add concrete evaluation and constant folding for floating-point operations via the `libBF` library. * Add min and max operations for integers and reals to the expression interface. * Remove `BaseNatType` from the set of base types. There were bugs relating to having nat types appear in structs, arrays and functions that were difficult to fix. Natural number values are still available as scalars (where they are represented by integers with nonzero assumptions) via the `SymNat` type. * Support for exporting What4 terms to Verilog syntax. * Various documentation fixes and improvements. * Test coverage improvements. * Switch to use the `prettyprinter` package for user-facing output. # 1.0 (July 2020) * Initial Hackage release