-- | This provides a simple stand-alone server for 'WebSockets' applications.
-- Note that in production you want to use a real webserver such as snap or
-- warp.
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
module Network.WebSockets.Server
    ( ServerApp
    , runServer
    , runServerWith
    , makeListenSocket
    , makePendingConnection
    ) where

import           Control.Concurrent            (forkIO)
import           Control.Exception             (finally, throwIO)
import           Control.Monad                 (forever)
import           Network.Socket                (Socket)
import qualified Network.Socket                as S

import           Network.WebSockets.Connection
import           Network.WebSockets.Http
import qualified Network.WebSockets.Stream     as Stream
import           Network.WebSockets.Types

-- | WebSockets application that can be ran by a server. Once this 'IO' action
-- finishes, the underlying socket is closed automatically.
type ServerApp = PendingConnection -> IO ()

-- | Provides a simple server. This function blocks forever. Note that this
-- is merely provided for quick-and-dirty standalone applications, for real
-- applications, you should use a real server.
runServer :: String     -- ^ Address to bind
          -> Int        -- ^ Port to listen on
          -> ServerApp  -- ^ Application
          -> IO ()      -- ^ Never returns
runServer host port app = runServerWith host port defaultConnectionOptions app

-- | A version of 'runServer' which allows you to customize some options.
runServerWith :: String -> Int -> ConnectionOptions -> ServerApp -> IO ()
runServerWith host port opts app = S.withSocketsDo $ do
    sock <- makeListenSocket host port
    _    <- forever $ do
        -- TODO: top level handle
        (conn, _) <- S.accept sock
        _         <- forkIO $ finally (runApp conn opts app) (S.sClose conn)
        return ()
    S.sClose sock

-- | Create a standardized socket on which you can listen for incomming
-- connections. Should only be used for a quick and dirty solution! Should be
-- preceded by the call 'Network.Socket.withSocketsDo'.
makeListenSocket :: String -> Int -> IO Socket
makeListenSocket host port = do
    sock  <- S.socket S.AF_INET S.Stream S.defaultProtocol
    _     <- S.setSocketOption sock S.ReuseAddr 1
    host' <- S.inet_addr host
    S.bindSocket sock (S.SockAddrInet (fromIntegral port) host')
    S.listen sock 5
    return sock

runApp :: Socket
       -> ConnectionOptions
       -> ServerApp
       -> IO ()
runApp socket opts app = do
    pending <- makePendingConnection socket opts
    app pending

-- | Turns a socket, connected to some client, into a 'PendingConnection'.
    :: Socket -> ConnectionOptions -> IO PendingConnection
makePendingConnection sock opts = do
    stream   <- Stream.makeSocketStream sock
    -- TODO: we probably want to send a 40x if the request is bad?
    mbRequest <- Stream.parse stream (decodeRequestHead False)
    case mbRequest of
        Nothing      -> throwIO ConnectionClosed
        Just request -> return PendingConnection
            { pendingOptions  = opts
            , pendingRequest  = request
            , pendingOnAccept = \_ -> return ()
            , pendingStream   = stream