{- This file is part of webfinger-client. - - Written in 2015 by fr33domlover . - - ♡ Copying is an act of love. Please copy, reuse and share. - - The author(s) have dedicated all copyright and related and neighboring - rights to this software to the public domain worldwide. This software is - distributed without any warranty. - - You should have received a copy of the CC0 Public Domain Dedication along - with this software. If not, see - . -} -- For Text and ByteString literals {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} -- For generating Hashable instance {-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-} -- To allow Language-hashed maps be FromJSON {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-} module Web.Finger.Client ( Account (..) , Resource (..) , Auth (..) , Query (..) , Link (..) , Description (..) , Result (..) , newManager , webfinger ) where import Control.Applicative import Control.Exception import Data.Aeson hiding (Result, Success) import Data.Aeson.Types (typeMismatch) import Data.Default.Class import Data.Hashable import Data.Monoid ((<>)) import GHC.Generics (Generic) import qualified Data.ByteString as B import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as BC import qualified Data.HashMap.Lazy as M import qualified Data.Text as T import qualified Network.HTTP.Client as H import qualified Network.HTTP.Client.TLS as H import qualified Network.HTTP.Types as HT import qualified URI.ByteString as U {- URI ideas * [/] allow to pass a URI string or a URI as per Network.URI, does http-client not depend on it anyway? * [x] - // - URI.ByteString * [x] allow to pass user and host and treat as an acct URI * [/] if URI has no scheme and a single @, assume it is user@host and treat as acct * [x] if URI has no ':' but does have '@', treat as an acct URI * [x] in Go it takes absolute URL or email - should I require that a URI passed be absolute? what does it mean not to be absolute? DONE assume it's absolute * [x] make acct URIs get parsed, i.e. hostname extracted correctly - Other Nodes * [ ] Add a list of properties and link relations, the Python module has one... * [x] Add an HTTP Accept header containing the JRD MIME type, the python module does it. But first read in the RFC to make sure it's ok -} -- | A given user at a given host. For example, /john@example.org/ means the -- user is /john/ and the host is /example.org/. data Account = Account { acctUser :: B.ByteString , acctHost :: B.ByteString } -- | A web resource about which you'd like to make a query. data Resource = ResAccount Account | ResUri U.URI | ResUriStr B.ByteString -- | HTTP user authentication details. data Auth = Auth { authUser :: B.ByteString , authPassword :: B.ByteString } -- | A WebFinger query, for which the client can get a response. -- -- In the 'Default' instance, all fields are empty/null and there are no -- auth details. Therefore you must at least (but it is also enough to) specify -- the 'qryTarget' URI. data Query = Query { -- | A URI representing an entity about which you would like to get -- information. qryTarget :: Resource -- | A list of link relations by which to filter the link list in the -- returned description. If you'd like to receive /all/ the links, leave -- this list empty. , qryLinkRels :: [B.ByteString] -- | You can explicitly specify a host (e.g. @www.example.org@) here, to -- which the WebFinger query will be sent. If you don't specify a host -- here, it will be extracted from the 'qryTarget' field (if it has a -- host part). Therefore this field is useful in special cases where the -- WebFinger server isn't the one referred by the target URI, or the URI -- doesn't have a host. , qryHost :: Maybe B.ByteString -- | HTTP authentication details. If the WebFinger server requires a -- username and password to access it, specify them here. For publicly -- available WebFinger servers, pass 'Nothing'. , qryAuth :: Maybe Auth } instance Default Query where def = Query { qryTarget = ResUriStr B.empty , qryLinkRels = [] , qryHost = Nothing , qryAuth = Nothing } -- | Natural Language code. Used to express in which language a text string is -- written. data Language -- | A specific language specified using a code, e.g. @en-us@. = LanguageCode T.Text -- | No specific language. However it doesn't mean that nothing is -- specified. It means that "language undefined" is explicity specified. | LanguageUndefined deriving (Eq, Generic, Show) instance Hashable Language toLang :: T.Text -> Language toLang t = if t == "und" then LanguageUndefined else LanguageCode t instance FromJSON (M.HashMap Language T.Text) where parseJSON v = M.fromList . map f . M.toList <$> parseJSON v where f (l, t) = (toLang l, t) -- | Represents a link from the target resource to some other web resource. -- This is more than a simple webpage link: It also has a relation type (i.e. -- what is the relation between the target resource and the referred resource) -- and additional properties. data Link = Link { -- | The link relation type. Determines the relation between the target -- resource (about which the query was made) and the resource referred by -- the link. For example, if the target resource is a user and the linked -- resource is the user's avatar image, the link relation may be -- /avatar/. -- -- A link relation may be a URI or one of the registered relation type -- names. lnkRelation :: T.Text --TODO: URI or registered relation type. Maybe parse it and give more typed info? -- | The MIME type to be expected of the content behind the link URI. For -- example, if the link refers to a user's avatar image, the MIME type -- may be @image/png@ (i.e. an image file in PNG format). , lnkMediaType :: Maybe T.Text -- | The link address itself. It is optional, because there may be cases -- in which all the information about the link is provided by the -- properties (the 'lnkProperties' field). For example, if the link is a -- user's avatar image, the address may be -- @https://example.org/users/john/avatar.png@. , lnkAddress :: Maybe T.Text -- | Optional title(s) for the link, possibly in various languages. , lnkTitles :: M.HashMap Language T.Text -- | Additional properties the link may have. Maps property names, which -- are URIs, to string values. , lnkProperties :: M.HashMap T.Text (Maybe T.Text) --TODO use IANA database to parse known values? } deriving (Show) instance FromJSON Link where parseJSON (Object o) = Link <$> o .: "rel" <*> o .:? "type" <*> o .:? "href" <*> o .:? "titles" .!= M.empty <*> o .:? "properties" .!= M.empty parseJSON v = typeMismatch "Link" v -- | Information about the target resource, returned when a query succeeds. data Description = Description { -- | A URI representing the resource being described. This is the same -- resource specified in the query, but the URI may slightly differ (e.g. -- appear in canonical form). desSubject :: Maybe T.Text -- | List of URIs which identify the same resource as the 'desSubject' -- URI. , desAliases :: [T.Text] -- | Additional information about the subject. Maps property names, which -- are URIs, to string values. , desProperties :: M.HashMap T.Text (Maybe T.Text) --TODO use IANA database to parse known values? -- | Links of various relation types from the subject resource to other -- resources represented by URIs. , desLinks :: [Link] } deriving (Show) instance FromJSON Description where parseJSON (Object o) = Description <$> o .:? "subject" <*> o .:? "aliases" .!= [] <*> o .:? "properties" .!= M.empty <*> o .:? "links" .!= [] parseJSON v = typeMismatch "Description" v -- | Response to the query. data Result -- | The WebFinger server returned a valid resource description. = Success Description -- | The server returned a description but we failed to parse it. | InvalidDesc String -- | The server doesn't have information about the query target. | NoInfoFound -- | The server says the target URI is either absent from the HTTP request, -- or is malformed. | TargetMalformed -- | We (client side) couldn't determine the host to which to send the -- query. This usually means no host was explicitly specified, and the -- attempt to extract the host from the query target resource failed. | HostNotDetected String deriving (Show) -- | A connection manager, see "Network.HTTP.Client" for details. This function -- creates a manager which can handle HTTPS, which is /required/ for WebFinger -- and regular HTTP /isn't allowed/. If you'd like to make queries in other -- ways which require more support (e.g. perhaps Tor), create your own manager -- instead using one of the @http-client-*@ packages. newManager :: IO H.Manager newManager = H.newManager H.tlsManagerSettings -- | Try to get the host from a resource URI. getHost :: U.URI -> Either String B.ByteString getHost uri = case U.uriAuthority uri of Nothing -> Left "Resource URI has no authority part" Just au -> Right $ U.hostBS $ U.authorityHost au -- | Determine URI and host from resource. If no host is found, return a -- message instead which explains why. parseResource :: Resource -> (B.ByteString, Either String B.ByteString) parseResource (ResAccount a) = ( "acct:" <> acctUser a <> "@" <> acctHost a -- escape user! do i need to espcape host? , Right $ acctHost a -- do i need to escape host? does http-client do it anyway? ) parseResource (ResUri u) = ( U.serializeURI' u , getHost u ) parseResource (ResUriStr s) = let prefix = "acct:" s' = if ':' `BC.notElem` s && '@' `BC.elem` s then prefix <> s else s rest = B.drop (B.length prefix) s' needSlash = not (B.null rest) && BC.head rest /= '/' s'' = if prefix `B.isPrefixOf` s' && needSlash then prefix <> "//" <> rest else s' in ( s' , case U.parseURI U.laxURIParserOptions s'' of Left e -> Left $ show e Right uri -> getHost uri ) -- | Send a WebFinger query over HTTPS to a WebFinger server, and get a -- response. -- -- Some HTTP exceptions which represent common query results are caught and -- used to determine the return value, i.e. the 'Result'. All other HTTP -- exceptions aren't handled. webfinger :: H.Manager -- ^ Connection manager. See 'newManager'. -> Query -- ^ A query expressing what you'd like to know, and whom to ask. -> IO Result webfinger manager q = let (uri, eith) = parseResource $ qryTarget q eith' = maybe eith Right $ qryHost q in case eith' of Left err -> return $ HostNotDetected err Right host -> do let req = def { H.method = HT.methodGet , H.secure = True , H.host = host , H.port = 443 , H.path = "/.well-known/webfinger" --TODO maybe make a Haskell package for well-known URIs? , H.requestHeaders = [(HT.hAccept, "application/jrd+json")] } req' = case qryAuth q of Nothing -> req Just (Auth user pass) -> H.applyBasicAuth user pass req res = ("resource", Just uri) rels = map ((,) "rel" . Just) $ qryLinkRels q params = res : rels req'' = H.setQueryString params req' eresp <- try (H.httpLbs req'' manager) case eresp of Left e -> case e :: H.HttpException of H.StatusCodeException s _ _ | s == HT.badRequest400 -> return TargetMalformed | s == HT.notFound404 -> return NoInfoFound | otherwise -> throwIO e _ -> throwIO e Right resp -> return $ case eitherDecode $ H.responseBody resp of Left err -> InvalidDesc err Right desc -> Success desc