{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell, OverloadedStrings, DeriveDataTypeable #-}
-- | This module exposes <https://hackage.haskell.org/package/webdriver webdriver> actions that can
-- be used to interact with a page which uses <http://angularjs.org/ AngularJs>.  This provides
-- similar functionality as <https://github.com/angular/protractor protractor> and in fact we share
-- some code with protractor.
module Test.WebDriver.Commands.Angular (
    -- * Loading

    -- * Searching for elements
    , NgException(..)
    , NgSelector(..)
    , findNg
    , findNgs
    , findNgFrom
    , findNgsFrom
    , NgRepeater(..)
    , findRepeater
    , findRepeaters
    , findRepeaterFrom
    , findRepeatersFrom

    -- * Misc
    , ngEvaluate
    , getLocationAbsUrl
    ) where

import Control.Applicative ((<$>))
import Control.Monad.IO.Class (liftIO, MonadIO)
import Control.Exception (throwIO, Exception)
import Data.Maybe (catMaybes)
import Data.Monoid ((<>))
import Data.Typeable (Typeable)
import Test.WebDriver.Classes
import Test.WebDriver.Commands
import Test.WebDriver.JSON (fromJSON')
import Test.WebDriver.Commands.Internal (clientScripts)
import Language.Haskell.TH (runIO, litE, stringL)
import qualified Data.Aeson as A
import qualified Data.HashMap.Lazy as M
import qualified Data.Text as T

-- | Map of the clientsidescripts for angular
cs :: M.HashMap T.Text T.Text
cs = either (\err -> error $ "Error parsing scripts " ++ err) id mhash
        mhash = clientScripts j
        j = $(runIO (readFile "js/angular-clientsidescripts.js") >>= litE . stringL)

execCS :: (WebDriver wd, A.FromJSON a) => T.Text -> [JSArg] -> wd a
execCS script arg = executeJS arg body
        body = maybe (error $ "Unable to find " ++ T.unpack script) id $ M.lookup script cs

-- | Variant of execCS that fails properly on Null
execElems :: WebDriver wd => T.Text -> [JSArg] -> wd [Element]
execElems script arg = do
    x <- execCS script arg
    case (x, A.fromJSON x) of
        (A.Null, _) -> return []
        (A.Array _, A.Success [A.Null]) -> return []
        _ -> catMaybes <$> fromJSON' x -- parse as [Maybe Element] and drop the nothings because
                                       -- looking up ByRow returns Nulls in the list.

asyncCS :: (WebDriver wd, A.FromJSON a) => T.Text -> [JSArg] -> wd (Maybe a)
asyncCS script arg = asyncJS arg body
        body = maybe (error $ "Unable to find " ++ T.unpack script) id $ M.lookup script cs

-- | Wait until Angular has finished rendering before continuing.  @False@ indicates the timeout
-- was hit (see 'setScriptTimeout') and we stopped waiting and @True@ means that angular has
-- finished rendering.
waitForAngular :: (MonadIO wd, WebDriver wd) 
               => T.Text -- ^ CSS selector to element which has ng-app
               -> wd Bool
waitForAngular sel = do
    --a <- asyncCS "waitForAngular" [JSArg sel] :: WebDriver wd => wd (Maybe 
    let body = maybe (error $ "Unable to find waitForAngular") id $ M.lookup "waitForAngular" cs
        body' = "var oldDone = arguments[1]; arguments[1] = function(e) { oldDone(e || true); };" <> body
    a <- asyncJS [JSArg sel] body'
    case a of
        Nothing -> return False
        Just (A.Bool True) -> return True
        Just _ -> liftIO $ throwIO $ NgException $ "Error waiting for angular: " ++ show a

-- | Exceptions of this type will be thrown when an element is unable to be located.
data NgException = NgException String
  deriving (Show, Eq, Typeable)
instance Exception NgException

checkOne :: (Show s, MonadIO wd, WebDriver wd) => s -> [Element] -> wd Element
checkOne _ [e] = return e
checkOne sel es = liftIO $ throwIO err
        err = NgException $ "Selector " ++ show sel ++ " returned " ++ show es

data NgSelector = 
    ByBinding T.Text -- ^ Argument is the binding, e.g. {{dog.name}}
  | ByModel T.Text   -- ^ Argument is the model name.  Searches for elements with the @ng-model=\"name\"@ attribute.
  | BySelectedOption T.Text -- ^ Argument is a model name. Searches for selected options within a select element
                            --   matching the modelname.  That is, the @\<option:checked\>@ elements within a 
                            --   @\<select ng-model=\"name\" ... \>@.
  deriving (Show,Eq)

data NgRepeater =
    ByRows T.Text    -- ^ All the rows matching the repeater (e.g. 'dog in dogs')
  | ByRow T.Text Int -- ^ A single row specified by the text of the repeater (e.g. 'dog in dogs') and the row index
  | ByColumn T.Text T.Text -- ^ A single column matching the text of the repeater (e.g. 'dog in dogs') and the
                         -- column binding (e.g '{{dog.name}}').
  | ByRowAndCol T.Text Int T.Text -- ^ A single row and column, given (repeater, row index, column binding).
  deriving (Show,Eq)

-- | Find a single element from the document matching the given Angular selector.  If zero or more
-- than one element is returned, an exception of type 'NgException' is thrown.
findNg :: (MonadIO wd, WebDriver wd) => NgSelector -> wd Element
findNg s = checkOne s =<< findNg' (JSArg A.Null) s

-- | Find elements from the document matching the given Angular selector.
findNgs :: WebDriver wd => NgSelector -> wd [Element]
findNgs = findNg' $ JSArg A.Null

-- | Find a single element from within the given element which matches the given Angular selector. If
-- zero or more than one element is returned, an exception of type 'NgException' is thrown.
findNgFrom :: (MonadIO wd, WebDriver wd) => Element -> NgSelector -> wd Element
findNgFrom e s = checkOne s =<< findNg' (JSArg e) s

-- | Find elements from within the given element which match the given Angular selector.
findNgsFrom :: WebDriver wd => Element -> NgSelector -> wd [Element]
findNgsFrom e = findNg' $ JSArg e

findNg' :: WebDriver wd => JSArg -> NgSelector -> wd [Element]
findNg' e (ByBinding name) = execElems "findBindings" [e, JSArg name]
findNg' e (ByModel name) = execElems "findByModel" [e, JSArg name]
findNg' e (BySelectedOption name) = execElems "findSelectedOptions" [e, JSArg name]

-- | Find an element from the document which matches the Angular repeater.  If zero or more than one
-- element are returned, an exception of type 'NgException' is thrown.
findRepeater :: (MonadIO wd, WebDriver wd) => NgRepeater -> wd Element
findRepeater r = checkOne r =<< findRepeater' (JSArg A.Null) r

-- | Find elements from the document which match the Angular repeater.
findRepeaters :: WebDriver wd => NgRepeater -> wd [Element]
findRepeaters = findRepeater' $ JSArg A.Null

-- | Find an element from the given element which matches the Angular repeater.  If zero or more than
-- one are returned, an exception of type 'NgException' is thrown.
findRepeaterFrom :: (MonadIO wd, WebDriver wd) => Element -> NgRepeater -> wd Element
findRepeaterFrom e r = checkOne r =<< findRepeater' (JSArg e) r

-- | Find elements from the given element which match the Angular repeater.
findRepeatersFrom :: WebDriver wd => Element -> NgRepeater -> wd [Element]
findRepeatersFrom e = findRepeater' $ JSArg e

findRepeater' :: WebDriver wd => JSArg -> NgRepeater -> wd [Element]
findRepeater' e (ByRows rep) = execElems "findAllRepeaterRows" [e, JSArg rep]
findRepeater' e (ByRow rep idx) = execElems "findRepeaterRows" [e, JSArg rep, JSArg idx]
findRepeater' e (ByColumn rep idx) = execElems "findRepeaterColumn" [e, JSArg rep, JSArg idx]
findRepeater' e (ByRowAndCol rep row col) = execElems "findRepeaterElement" [e, JSArg rep, JSArg row, JSArg col]

-- | Evaluate an angular expression, using the scope attached to the given element.
ngEvaluate :: (WebDriver wd, A.FromJSON a) 
           => Element -- ^ element in whose scope to evaluate
           -> T.Text  -- ^ expression to evaluate, e.g. \"dog.name | reverse\"
           -> wd a
ngEvaluate e expr = execCS "evaluate" [JSArg e, JSArg expr]

-- | Return the current absolute url according to Angular (using @$location.absUrl()@).
getLocationAbsUrl :: WebDriver wd => T.Text -- ^ CSS selector to element which has ng-app
                                  -> wd T.Text
getLocationAbsUrl sel = execCS "getLocationAbsUrl" [JSArg sel]