Module      : WebApi.Client
License     : BSD3
Stability   : experimental

Provides a client for a web api for a given contract.

{-# LANGUAGE ConstraintKinds       #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds             #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DefaultSignatures     #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts      #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances     #-}
{-# LANGUAGE GADTs                 #-}
{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase            #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings     #-}
{-# LANGUAGE PolyKinds             #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables   #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies          #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators         #-}
{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances  #-}
module WebApi.Client
         -- * Client related functions
       , fromClientResponse
       , toClientRequest
       , link

         -- * Types
       , ClientSettings (..)
       , UnknownClientException

         -- * Connection manager
       , HC.Manager
       , HC.newManager
       , HC.closeManager
       , HC.withManager
       , HC.HasHttpManager (..)

         -- ** Connection manager settings
       , HC.ManagerSettings
       , HC.defaultManagerSettings
       , HC.tlsManagerSettings
       ) where

import           Blaze.ByteString.Builder              (toByteString)
import           Control.Exception
import           Data.ByteString                       (ByteString)
import           Data.Either                           (isRight)
import           Data.List                             (find)
import           Data.Proxy
import           Data.Text.Encoding                    (decodeUtf8)
import           Data.Typeable                         (Typeable)
import qualified Network.HTTP.Client                   as HC
import qualified Network.HTTP.Client.MultipartFormData as HC
import qualified Network.HTTP.Client.TLS               as HC (tlsManagerSettings)
import           Network.HTTP.Media                    (RenderHeader (..),
import           Network.HTTP.Types                    hiding (Query)
import           Network.Wai.Parse                     (fileContent)
import           WebApi.ContentTypes
import           WebApi.Contract
import           WebApi.Internal
import           WebApi.Param
import           WebApi.Util

-- | Datatype representing the settings related to client.
data ClientSettings = ClientSettings { baseUrl           :: String     -- ^ base url of the API being called.
                                     , connectionManager :: HC.Manager -- ^ connection manager for the connection.

data Route' m r = Route'

-- | Creates the 'Response' type from the response body.
fromClientResponse :: forall m r.( FromHeader (HeaderOut m r)
                              , ParamErrToApiErr (ApiErr m r)
                              , Decodings (ContentTypes m r) (ApiOut m r)
                              , Decodings (ContentTypes m r) (ApiErr m r)
                              , CookieOut m r ~ ()
                             ) => HC.Response HC.BodyReader -> IO (Response m r)
fromClientResponse hcResp = do
  let status   = HC.responseStatus hcResp
      hdrsOut  = HC.responseHeaders hcResp
      respBody = HC.responseBody hcResp
      respHdr  = fromHeader hdrsOut :: Validation [ParamErr] (HeaderOut m r)
      -- respCk   = fromCookie
  respBodyBS <- respBody
  return $ case statusIsSuccessful status of
    True  -> case Success <$> pure status
                         <*> (Validation $ toParamErr $ decode' (Route' :: Route' m r) respBodyBS)
                         <*> respHdr
                         <*> pure () of
      Validation (Right success) -> success
      Validation (Left errs) -> Failure $ Left $ ApiError status (toApiErr errs) Nothing Nothing
    False -> case ApiError
                  <$> pure status
                  <*> (Validation $ toParamErr $ decode' (Route' :: Route' m r) respBodyBS)
                  <*> (Just <$> respHdr)
                  -- TODO: Handle cookies
                  <*> pure Nothing of
               Validation (Right failure) -> (Failure . Left) failure
               Validation (Left _errs) -> Failure $ Right (OtherError (toException UnknownClientException))

    where toParamErr :: Either String a -> Either [ParamErr] a
          toParamErr (Left _str) = Left []
          toParamErr (Right r)  = Right r

          decode' :: ( Decodings (ContentTypes m r) a
                   ) => apiRes m r -> ByteString -> Either String a
          decode' r o = case getContentType (HC.responseHeaders hcResp) of
            Just ctype -> let decs = decodings (reproxy r) o
                          in maybe (firstRight (map snd decs)) id (mapContentMedia decs ctype)
            Nothing    -> firstRight (map snd (decodings (reproxy r) o))

          reproxy :: apiRes m r -> Proxy (ContentTypes m r)
          reproxy = const Proxy

          firstRight :: [Either String b] -> Either String b
          firstRight = maybe (Left "Couldn't find matching Content-Type") id . find isRight

-- | Creates a request from the 'Request' type.
toClientRequest :: forall m r.( ToParam (PathParam m r) 'PathParam
                          , ToParam (QueryParam m r) 'QueryParam
                          , ToParam (FormParam m r) 'FormParam
                          , ToHeader (HeaderIn m r)
                          , ToParam (FileParam m r) 'FileParam
                          , SingMethod m
                          , MkPathFormatString r
                          , PartEncodings (RequestBody m r)
                          , ToHListRecTuple (StripContents (RequestBody m r))
                          ) => HC.Request -> Request m r -> IO HC.Request
toClientRequest clientReq req = do
  let cReq' = clientReq
              { HC.method = singMethod (Proxy :: Proxy m)
              , HC.path = uriPath
              , HC.requestHeaders = toHeader $ headerIn req
              -- , HC.cookieJar = error "TODO: cookieJar"
      cReqQP = HC.setQueryString queryPar cReq'
      cReqUE = if Prelude.null formPar
               then cReqQP
               else HC.urlEncodedBody formPar cReqQP
      fileParts = if Prelude.null filePar
                  then []
                  else Prelude.map (\(pname, finfo) -> HC.partFileSource (decodeUtf8 pname) (fileContent finfo)) filePar
      cReqMP = if Prelude.null filePar && Prelude.null formPar
               then case partEncs of
                 (_ : _) -> do
                    let (mt, b) = firstPart
                    return cReqUE { HC.requestHeaders = HC.requestHeaders cReqUE ++ [(hContentType, renderHeader mt)]
                                  , HC.requestBody = HC.RequestBodyBS $ toByteString b
                 [] -> return cReqUE
               else if not (Prelude.null filePar) then HC.formDataBody fileParts cReqUE else return cReqUE
  where queryPar = toQueryParam $ queryParam req
        formPar = toFormParam $ formParam req
        filePar = toFileParam $ fileParam req
        uriPath = renderUriPath (HC.path clientReq) (pathParam req) req
        firstPart = head . head $ partEncs
        partEncs = partEncodings cts (toRecTuple cts' (requestBody req))
        cts     = Proxy :: Proxy (RequestBody m r)
        cts'     = Proxy :: Proxy (StripContents (RequestBody m r))

-- | Given a `Request` type, create the request and obtain a response. Gives back a 'Response'.
client :: ( CookieOut m r ~ ()
          , ToParam (PathParam m r) 'PathParam
          , ToParam (QueryParam m r) 'QueryParam
          , ToParam (FormParam m r) 'FormParam
          , ToHeader (HeaderIn m r)
          , ToParam (FileParam m r) 'FileParam
          , FromHeader (HeaderOut m r)
          , Decodings (ContentTypes m r) (ApiOut m r)
          , Decodings (ContentTypes m r) (ApiErr m r)
          , ParamErrToApiErr (ApiErr m r)
          , SingMethod m
          , MkPathFormatString r
          , PartEncodings (RequestBody m r)
          , ToHListRecTuple (StripContents (RequestBody m r))
          ) => ClientSettings -> Request m r -> IO (Response m r)
client sett req = do
  cReqInit <- HC.parseUrl (baseUrl sett)
  cReq <- toClientRequest cReqInit req
  HC.withResponse cReq (connectionManager sett) fromClientResponse

-- | This exception is used to signal an irrecoverable error while deserializing the response.
data UnknownClientException = UnknownClientException
                            deriving (Typeable, Show)

instance Exception UnknownClientException where