{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-} module Network.Ethereum.Web3.Test.Utils ( injectExportedEnvironmentVariables , runWeb3Configured , runWeb3Configured' , withAccounts , withPrimaryEthereumAccount , callFromTo , sleepSeconds , microtime , awaitBlock ) where import Control.Concurrent (MVar, threadDelay, tryTakeMVar) import Control.Monad.IO.Class (liftIO) import Data.Default import Data.Either (isRight) import Data.List.Split (splitOn) import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe) import Data.Ratio (numerator) import Data.String (IsString, fromString) import qualified Data.Text as T import Data.Time.Clock.POSIX (getPOSIXTime) import Data.Traversable (for) import Network.Ethereum.ABI.Prim.Address (Address) import Network.Ethereum.Web3.Eth (accounts, blockNumber) import Network.Ethereum.Web3.Provider (Provider (..), Web3, Web3Error, runWeb3') import Network.Ethereum.Web3.Types (Call (..), Quantity) import System.Environment (lookupEnv, setEnv) import Test.Hspec.Expectations (shouldSatisfy) rpcUri :: IO String rpcUri = liftIO (fromMaybe "http://localhost:8545" <$> lookupEnv "WEB3_PROVIDER") exportStore :: String exportStore = "./test-support/.detected-contract-addresses" loadExportedEnvironmentVariables :: IO [(String, String)] loadExportedEnvironmentVariables = do exportables <- lines <$> readFile exportStore detecteds <- for exportables $ \line -> case words line of ["export", e] -> case splitOn "=" e of [x] -> detectedEnv x "" [k, v] -> detectedEnv k v _ -> warnMalformation $ "oddly structured export statement " ++ line _ -> warnMalformation $ "no export in line " ++ line return $ concat detecteds where warnMalformation m = do putStrLn $ m ++ ". are you sure you're using the right inject-contract-addresses.sh?" pure [] detectedEnv k v = do -- putStrLn $ "detected " ++ k ++ "=" ++ v pure [(k, v)] injectExportedEnvironmentVariables :: IO () injectExportedEnvironmentVariables = do detectedEnvs <- loadExportedEnvironmentVariables sequence_ (uncurry setEnv <$> detectedEnvs) runWeb3Configured :: Show a => Web3 a -> IO a runWeb3Configured f = do provider <- HttpProvider <$> rpcUri v <- runWeb3' provider f v `shouldSatisfy` isRight let Right a = v in return a runWeb3Configured' :: Web3 a -> IO a runWeb3Configured' f = do provider <- HttpProvider <$> rpcUri Right v <- runWeb3' provider f return v withAccounts :: ([Address] -> IO a) -> IO a withAccounts f = runWeb3Configured accounts >>= f withPrimaryEthereumAccount :: IO Address withPrimaryEthereumAccount = withAccounts (pure . head) callFromTo :: Address -> Address -> Call callFromTo from to = def { callFrom = Just from , callTo = Just to , callGasPrice = Just 4000000000 } sleepSeconds :: Int -> IO () sleepSeconds = threadDelay . (* 1000000) microtime :: IO Integer microtime = numerator . toRational . (* 1000000) <$> getPOSIXTime awaitBlock :: Quantity -> IO () awaitBlock bn = do bn' <- runWeb3Configured blockNumber putStrLn $ "awaiting block " ++ show bn ++ ", currently " ++ show bn' if bn' >= bn then return () else threadDelay 1000000 >> awaitBlock bn