{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-} {-# LANGUAGE CPP #-} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} {-# LANGUAGE PackageImports #-} {-# LANGUAGE PatternGuards #-} {-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-} {-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-} {-# LANGUAGE TupleSections #-} {-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-deprecations #-} module Network.Wai.Handler.Warp.Run where import "iproute" Data.IP (toHostAddress, toHostAddress6) import Control.Arrow (first) import qualified Control.Concurrent as Conc (yield) import Control.Exception as E import qualified Data.ByteString as S import Data.Char (chr) import Data.IORef (IORef, newIORef, readIORef, writeIORef, atomicModifyIORef') import Data.Streaming.Network (bindPortTCP) import Foreign.C.Error (Errno(..), eCONNABORTED) import GHC.IO.Exception (IOException(..)) import qualified Network.HTTP2 as H2 import Network.Socket (Socket, close, accept, withSocketsDo, SockAddr(SockAddrInet, SockAddrInet6), setSocketOption, SocketOption(..)) import qualified Network.Socket.ByteString as Sock import Network.Wai import Network.Wai.Internal (ResponseReceived (ResponseReceived)) import System.Environment (lookupEnv) import qualified System.TimeManager as T import System.Timeout (timeout) import Network.Wai.Handler.Warp.Buffer import Network.Wai.Handler.Warp.Counter import qualified Network.Wai.Handler.Warp.Date as D import qualified Network.Wai.Handler.Warp.FdCache as F import qualified Network.Wai.Handler.Warp.FileInfoCache as I import Network.Wai.Handler.Warp.HTTP2 (http2) import Network.Wai.Handler.Warp.HTTP2.Types (isHTTP2) import Network.Wai.Handler.Warp.Header import Network.Wai.Handler.Warp.Imports hiding (readInt) import Network.Wai.Handler.Warp.ReadInt import Network.Wai.Handler.Warp.Recv import Network.Wai.Handler.Warp.Request import Network.Wai.Handler.Warp.Response import Network.Wai.Handler.Warp.SendFile import Network.Wai.Handler.Warp.Settings import Network.Wai.Handler.Warp.Types #if WINDOWS import Network.Wai.Handler.Warp.Windows #else import Network.Socket (fdSocket) #endif -- | Creating 'Connection' for plain HTTP based on a given socket. socketConnection :: Socket -> IO Connection socketConnection s = do bufferPool <- newBufferPool writeBuf <- allocateBuffer bufferSize let sendall = Sock.sendAll s return Connection { connSendMany = Sock.sendMany s , connSendAll = sendall , connSendFile = sendFile s writeBuf bufferSize sendall , connClose = close s , connFree = freeBuffer writeBuf , connRecv = receive s bufferPool , connRecvBuf = receiveBuf s , connWriteBuffer = writeBuf , connBufferSize = bufferSize } -- | Run an 'Application' on the given port. -- This calls 'runSettings' with 'defaultSettings'. run :: Port -> Application -> IO () run p = runSettings defaultSettings { settingsPort = p } -- | Run an 'Application' on the port present in the @PORT@ -- environment variable. Uses the 'Port' given when the variable is unset. -- This calls 'runSettings' with 'defaultSettings'. -- -- Since 3.0.9 runEnv :: Port -> Application -> IO () runEnv p app = do mp <- lookupEnv "PORT" maybe (run p app) runReadPort mp where runReadPort :: String -> IO () runReadPort sp = case reads sp of ((p', _):_) -> run p' app _ -> fail $ "Invalid value in $PORT: " ++ sp -- | Run an 'Application' with the given 'Settings'. -- This opens a listen socket on the port defined in 'Settings' and -- calls 'runSettingsSocket'. runSettings :: Settings -> Application -> IO () runSettings set app = withSocketsDo $ bracket (bindPortTCP (settingsPort set) (settingsHost set)) close (\socket -> do setSocketCloseOnExec socket runSettingsSocket set socket app) -- | This installs a shutdown handler for the given socket and -- calls 'runSettingsConnection' with the default connection setup action -- which handles plain (non-cipher) HTTP. -- When the listen socket in the second argument is closed, all live -- connections are gracefully shut down. -- -- The supplied socket can be a Unix named socket, which -- can be used when reverse HTTP proxying into your application. -- -- Note that the 'settingsPort' will still be passed to 'Application's via the -- 'serverPort' record. runSettingsSocket :: Settings -> Socket -> Application -> IO () runSettingsSocket set socket app = do settingsInstallShutdownHandler set closeListenSocket runSettingsConnection set getConn app where getConn = do #if WINDOWS (s, sa) <- windowsThreadBlockHack $ accept socket #else (s, sa) <- accept socket #endif setSocketCloseOnExec s -- NoDelay causes an error for AF_UNIX. setSocketOption s NoDelay 1 `E.catch` \(E.SomeException _) -> return () conn <- socketConnection s return (conn, sa) closeListenSocket = close socket -- | The connection setup action would be expensive. A good example -- is initialization of TLS. -- So, this converts the connection setup action to the connection maker -- which will be executed after forking a new worker thread. -- Then this calls 'runSettingsConnectionMaker' with the connection maker. -- This allows the expensive computations to be performed -- in a separate worker thread instead of the main server loop. -- -- Since 1.3.5 runSettingsConnection :: Settings -> IO (Connection, SockAddr) -> Application -> IO () runSettingsConnection set getConn app = runSettingsConnectionMaker set getConnMaker app where getConnMaker = do (conn, sa) <- getConn return (return conn, sa) -- | This modifies the connection maker so that it returns 'TCP' for 'Transport' -- (i.e. plain HTTP) then calls 'runSettingsConnectionMakerSecure'. runSettingsConnectionMaker :: Settings -> IO (IO Connection, SockAddr) -> Application -> IO () runSettingsConnectionMaker x y = runSettingsConnectionMakerSecure x (toTCP <$> y) where toTCP = first ((, TCP) <$>) ---------------------------------------------------------------- -- | The core run function which takes 'Settings', -- a connection maker and 'Application'. -- The connection maker can return a connection of either plain HTTP -- or HTTP over TLS. -- -- Since 2.1.4 runSettingsConnectionMakerSecure :: Settings -> IO (IO (Connection, Transport), SockAddr) -> Application -> IO () runSettingsConnectionMakerSecure set getConnMaker app = do settingsBeforeMainLoop set counter <- newCounter withII $ acceptConnection set getConnMaker app counter where withII action = withTimeoutManager $ \tm -> D.withDateCache $ \dc -> F.withFdCache fdCacheDurationInSeconds $ \fdc -> I.withFileInfoCache fdFileInfoDurationInSeconds $ \fic -> do let ii = InternalInfo tm dc fdc fic action ii !fdCacheDurationInSeconds = settingsFdCacheDuration set * 1000000 !fdFileInfoDurationInSeconds = settingsFileInfoCacheDuration set * 1000000 !timeoutInSeconds = settingsTimeout set * 1000000 withTimeoutManager f = case settingsManager set of Just tm -> f tm Nothing -> bracket (T.initialize timeoutInSeconds) T.stopManager f -- Note that there is a thorough discussion of the exception safety of the -- following code at: https://github.com/yesodweb/wai/issues/146 -- -- We need to make sure of two things: -- -- 1. Asynchronous exceptions are not blocked entirely in the main loop. -- Doing so would make it impossible to kill the Warp thread. -- -- 2. Once a connection maker is received via acceptNewConnection, the -- connection is guaranteed to be closed, even in the presence of -- async exceptions. -- -- Our approach is explained in the comments below. acceptConnection :: Settings -> IO (IO (Connection, Transport), SockAddr) -> Application -> Counter -> InternalInfo -> IO () acceptConnection set getConnMaker app counter ii = do -- First mask all exceptions in acceptLoop. This is necessary to -- ensure that no async exception is throw between the call to -- acceptNewConnection and the registering of connClose. -- -- acceptLoop can be broken by closing the listing socket. void $ mask_ acceptLoop -- In some cases, we want to stop Warp here without graceful shutdown. -- So, async exceptions are allowed here. -- That's why `finally` is not used. gracefulShutdown set counter where acceptLoop = do -- Allow async exceptions before receiving the next connection maker. allowInterrupt -- acceptNewConnection will try to receive the next incoming -- request. It returns a /connection maker/, not a connection, -- since in some circumstances creating a working connection -- from a raw socket may be an expensive operation, and this -- expensive work should not be performed in the main event -- loop. An example of something expensive would be TLS -- negotiation. mx <- acceptNewConnection case mx of Nothing -> return () Just (mkConn, addr) -> do fork set mkConn addr app counter ii acceptLoop acceptNewConnection = do ex <- try getConnMaker case ex of Right x -> return $ Just x Left e -> do let eConnAborted = getErrno eCONNABORTED getErrno (Errno cInt) = cInt if ioe_errno e == Just eConnAborted then acceptNewConnection else do settingsOnException set Nothing $ toException e return Nothing -- Fork a new worker thread for this connection maker, and ask for a -- function to unmask (i.e., allow async exceptions to be thrown). fork :: Settings -> IO (Connection, Transport) -> SockAddr -> Application -> Counter -> InternalInfo -> IO () fork set mkConn addr app counter ii = settingsFork set $ \unmask -> -- Call the user-supplied on exception code if any -- exceptions are thrown. handle (settingsOnException set Nothing) . -- Allocate a new IORef indicating whether the connection has been -- closed, to avoid double-freeing a connection withClosedRef $ \ref -> -- Run the connection maker to get a new connection, and ensure -- that the connection is closed. If the mkConn call throws an -- exception, we will leak the connection. If the mkConn call is -- vulnerable to attacks (e.g., Slowloris), we do nothing to -- protect the server. It is therefore vital that mkConn is well -- vetted. -- -- We grab the connection before registering timeouts since the -- timeouts will be useless during connection creation, due to the -- fact that async exceptions are still masked. bracket mkConn (cleanUp ref) (serve unmask ref) where withClosedRef inner = newIORef False >>= inner closeConn ref conn = do isClosed <- atomicModifyIORef' ref $ \x -> (True, x) unless isClosed $ connClose conn cleanUp ref (conn, _) = closeConn ref conn `finally` connFree conn -- We need to register a timeout handler for this thread, and -- cancel that handler as soon as we exit. We additionally close -- the connection immediately in case the child thread catches the -- async exception or performs some long-running cleanup action. serve unmask ref (conn, transport) = bracket register cancel $ \th -> do -- We now have fully registered a connection close handler in -- the case of all exceptions, so it is safe to once again -- allow async exceptions. unmask . -- Call the user-supplied code for connection open and -- close events bracket (onOpen addr) (onClose addr) $ \goingon -> -- Actually serve this connection. bracket with closeConn -- above ensures the connection is closed. when goingon $ serveConnection conn ii th addr transport set app where register = T.registerKillThread (timeoutManager ii) (closeConn ref conn) cancel = T.cancel onOpen adr = increase counter >> settingsOnOpen set adr onClose adr _ = decrease counter >> settingsOnClose set adr serveConnection :: Connection -> InternalInfo -> T.Handle -> SockAddr -> Transport -> Settings -> Application -> IO () serveConnection conn ii th origAddr transport settings app = do -- fixme: Upgrading to HTTP/2 should be supported. (h2,bs) <- if isHTTP2 transport then return (True, "") else do bs0 <- connRecv conn if S.length bs0 >= 4 && "PRI " `S.isPrefixOf` bs0 then return (True, bs0) else return (False, bs0) istatus <- newIORef False if settingsHTTP2Enabled settings && h2 then do rawRecvN <- makeReceiveN bs (connRecv conn) (connRecvBuf conn) let recvN = wrappedRecvN th istatus (settingsSlowlorisSize settings) rawRecvN -- fixme: origAddr checkTLS http2 conn ii origAddr settings recvN app else do src <- mkSource (wrappedRecv conn th istatus (settingsSlowlorisSize settings)) writeIORef istatus True leftoverSource src bs addr <- getProxyProtocolAddr src http1 True addr istatus src `E.catch` \e -> case fromException e of -- See comment below referencing -- https://github.com/yesodweb/wai/issues/618 Just NoKeepAliveRequest -> return () Nothing -> do _ <- sendErrorResponse (dummyreq addr) istatus e throwIO e where getProxyProtocolAddr src = case settingsProxyProtocol settings of ProxyProtocolNone -> return origAddr ProxyProtocolRequired -> do seg <- readSource src parseProxyProtocolHeader src seg ProxyProtocolOptional -> do seg <- readSource src if S.isPrefixOf "PROXY " seg then parseProxyProtocolHeader src seg else do leftoverSource src seg return origAddr parseProxyProtocolHeader src seg = do let (header,seg') = S.break (== 0x0d) seg -- 0x0d == CR maybeAddr = case S.split 0x20 header of -- 0x20 == space ["PROXY","TCP4",clientAddr,_,clientPort,_] -> case [x | (x, t) <- reads (decodeAscii clientAddr), null t] of [a] -> Just (SockAddrInet (readInt clientPort) (toHostAddress a)) _ -> Nothing ["PROXY","TCP6",clientAddr,_,clientPort,_] -> case [x | (x, t) <- reads (decodeAscii clientAddr), null t] of [a] -> Just (SockAddrInet6 (readInt clientPort) 0 (toHostAddress6 a) 0) _ -> Nothing ("PROXY":"UNKNOWN":_) -> Just origAddr _ -> Nothing case maybeAddr of Nothing -> throwIO (BadProxyHeader (decodeAscii header)) Just a -> do leftoverSource src (S.drop 2 seg') -- drop CRLF return a decodeAscii = map (chr . fromEnum) . S.unpack shouldSendErrorResponse se | Just ConnectionClosedByPeer <- fromException se = False | otherwise = True sendErrorResponse req istatus e = do status <- readIORef istatus if shouldSendErrorResponse e && status then do sendResponse settings conn ii th req defaultIndexRequestHeader (return S.empty) (errorResponse e) else return False dummyreq addr = defaultRequest { remoteHost = addr } errorResponse e = settingsOnExceptionResponse settings e http1 firstRequest addr istatus src = do (req', mremainingRef, idxhdr, nextBodyFlush) <- recvRequest firstRequest settings conn ii th addr src let req = req' { isSecure = isTransportSecure transport } keepAlive <- processRequest istatus src req mremainingRef idxhdr nextBodyFlush `E.catch` \e -> do settingsOnException settings (Just req) e -- Don't throw the error again to prevent calling settingsOnException twice. return False -- When doing a keep-alive connection, the other side may just -- close the connection. We don't want to treat that as an -- exceptional situation, so we pass in False to http1 (which -- in turn passes in False to recvRequest), indicating that -- this is not the first request. If, when trying to read the -- request headers, no data is available, recvRequest will -- throw a NoKeepAliveRequest exception, which we catch here -- and ignore. See: https://github.com/yesodweb/wai/issues/618 when keepAlive $ http1 False addr istatus src processRequest istatus src req mremainingRef idxhdr nextBodyFlush = do -- Let the application run for as long as it wants T.pause th -- In the event that some scarce resource was acquired during -- creating the request, we need to make sure that we don't get -- an async exception before calling the ResponseSource. keepAliveRef <- newIORef $ error "keepAliveRef not filled" r <- E.try $ app req $ \res -> do T.resume th -- FIXME consider forcing evaluation of the res here to -- send more meaningful error messages to the user. -- However, it may affect performance. writeIORef istatus False keepAlive <- sendResponse settings conn ii th req idxhdr (readSource src) res writeIORef keepAliveRef keepAlive return ResponseReceived case r of Right ResponseReceived -> return () Left e@(SomeException _) | Just (ExceptionInsideResponseBody e') <- fromException e -> throwIO e' | otherwise -> do keepAlive <- sendErrorResponse req istatus e settingsOnException settings (Just req) e writeIORef keepAliveRef keepAlive keepAlive <- readIORef keepAliveRef -- We just send a Response and it takes a time to -- receive a Request again. If we immediately call recv, -- it is likely to fail and cause the IO manager to do some work. -- It is very costly, so we yield to another Haskell -- thread hoping that the next Request will arrive -- when this Haskell thread will be re-scheduled. -- This improves performance at least when -- the number of cores is small. Conc.yield if keepAlive then -- If there is an unknown or large amount of data to still be read -- from the request body, simple drop this connection instead of -- reading it all in to satisfy a keep-alive request. case settingsMaximumBodyFlush settings of Nothing -> do flushEntireBody nextBodyFlush T.resume th return True Just maxToRead -> do let tryKeepAlive = do -- flush the rest of the request body isComplete <- flushBody nextBodyFlush maxToRead if isComplete then do T.resume th return True else return False case mremainingRef of Just ref -> do remaining <- readIORef ref if remaining <= maxToRead then tryKeepAlive else return False Nothing -> tryKeepAlive else return False checkTLS = case transport of TCP -> return () -- direct tls -> unless (tls12orLater tls) $ goaway conn H2.InadequateSecurity "Weak TLS" tls12orLater tls = tlsMajorVersion tls == 3 && tlsMinorVersion tls >= 3 -- connClose must not be called here since Run:fork calls it goaway :: Connection -> H2.ErrorCodeId -> ByteString -> IO () goaway Connection{..} etype debugmsg = connSendAll bytestream where einfo = H2.encodeInfo id 0 frame = H2.GoAwayFrame 0 etype debugmsg bytestream = H2.encodeFrame einfo frame flushEntireBody :: IO ByteString -> IO () flushEntireBody src = loop where loop = do bs <- src unless (S.null bs) loop flushBody :: IO ByteString -- ^ get next chunk -> Int -- ^ maximum to flush -> IO Bool -- ^ True == flushed the entire body, False == we didn't flushBody src = loop where loop toRead = do bs <- src let toRead' = toRead - S.length bs case () of () | S.null bs -> return True | toRead' >= 0 -> loop toRead' | otherwise -> return False wrappedRecv :: Connection -> T.Handle -> IORef Bool -> Int -> IO ByteString wrappedRecv Connection { connRecv = recv } th istatus slowlorisSize = do bs <- recv unless (S.null bs) $ do writeIORef istatus True when (S.length bs >= slowlorisSize) $ T.tickle th return bs wrappedRecvN :: T.Handle -> IORef Bool -> Int -> (BufSize -> IO ByteString) -> (BufSize -> IO ByteString) wrappedRecvN th istatus slowlorisSize readN bufsize = do bs <- readN bufsize unless (S.null bs) $ do writeIORef istatus True -- TODO: think about the slowloris protection in HTTP2: current code -- might open a slow-loris attack vector. Rather than timing we should -- consider limiting the per-client connections assuming that in HTTP2 -- we should allow only few connections per host (real-world -- deployments with large NATs may be trickier). when (S.length bs >= slowlorisSize || bufsize <= slowlorisSize) $ T.tickle th return bs -- | Set flag FileCloseOnExec flag on a socket (on Unix) -- -- Copied from: https://github.com/mzero/plush/blob/master/src/Plush/Server/Warp.hs -- -- @since 3.2.17 setSocketCloseOnExec :: Socket -> IO () #if WINDOWS setSocketCloseOnExec _ = return () #else setSocketCloseOnExec socket = do #if MIN_VERSION_network(3,0,0) fd <- fdSocket socket #else let fd = fdSocket socket #endif F.setFileCloseOnExec $ fromIntegral fd #endif gracefulShutdown :: Settings -> Counter -> IO () gracefulShutdown set counter = case settingsGracefulShutdownTimeout set of Nothing -> waitForZero counter (Just seconds) -> void (timeout (seconds * microsPerSecond) (waitForZero counter)) where microsPerSecond = 1000000