module Waldo.Stalk (
OS(..), Browser(..), NetSpeed(..)
, PersonalData(..)
, StalkRequest, wai2stalk
, StalkDB, loadStalkDB
, stalk
) where
import Data.Word
import Data.Bits
import Data.Maybe
import Data.Bifunctor
import Control.Monad
import Data.List (intercalate)
import Data.Geolocation.GeoIP
import Data.ByteString (ByteString)
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Data.Text.Encoding as TE
import Data.Aeson (ToJSON(toJSON), FromJSON(parseJSON), (.=), (.:), (.:?))
import Network.Socket (SockAddr(SockAddrInet, SockAddrInet6))
import Data.Either (rights)
import System.FilePath ((</>))
import qualified Text.Regex.TDFA as R
import qualified Text.Regex.TDFA.ByteString as RB
import qualified Data.Aeson as JS
import qualified Data.ByteString as BS
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as BS8
import qualified Network.Wai as WAI
import qualified Network.HTTP.Types as HTTP
import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as Map
import qualified Data.CaseInsensitive as CI
import Network.URI
import Data.Geo.Coord
import Safe
import Data.BrowsCap
import Data.BrowsCap.Aquire
data Browser =
| Safari
| FireFox
| InternetExplorer
| Opera
| Netscape
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
data OS =
| Linux
| Windows
| Mac
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
data NetSpeed =
| Cellular
| CableDSL
| Corporate
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
data PersonalData =
PersonalData {
pdLocal :: [ByteString]
, pdOrg :: Maybe ByteString
, pdISP :: Maybe ByteString
, pdNetSpeed :: Maybe NetSpeed
, pdReferer :: Maybe ByteString
, pdRefURI :: Maybe URI
, pdBrowser :: Maybe Browser
, pdOS :: Maybe OS
, pdLatLon :: Maybe Coord
, pdScreen :: (Int, Int)
, pdBrowserEntry :: Maybe BrowserEntry
, pdStalk :: StalkRequest
} deriving (Eq, Show)
data StalkRequest =
StalkRequest {
srParams :: HTTP.Query
, srHeaders :: HTTP.RequestHeaders
, srFromIP :: Maybe ByteString
, srTrustForward :: Bool
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
instance ToJSON StalkRequest where
toJSON (StalkRequest {srParams=p, srHeaders=h, srFromIP=ip, srTrustForward=t}) =
JS.object [ "params" .= map (bimap TE.decodeUtf8 (fmap TE.decodeUtf8)) p
, "headers" .= map (\(k, v) -> (TE.decodeUtf8 $ CI.original k, TE.decodeUtf8 v)) h
, "ip" .= fmap TE.decodeUtf8 ip
, "trust_forward" .= t
instance FromJSON StalkRequest where
parseJSON (JS.Object o) = do
ip <- (fmap TE.encodeUtf8) <$> (o .:? "ip")
p <- (map (bimap TE.encodeUtf8 (fmap (TE.encodeUtf8)))) <$> (o .: "params")
t <- o .: "trust_forward"
h <- (map (bimap ( . TE.encodeUtf8) TE.encodeUtf8)) <$> (o .: "headers")
return $ StalkRequest {
, srHeaders=h
, srFromIP=ip
, srTrustForward=t
parseJSON _ = mzero
data StalkDB =
StalkDB {
sdbBrowserCap :: BrowsCap
, sdbMaxMindCity :: GeoDB
, sdbMaxMindOrg :: GeoDB
, sdbMaxMindISP :: GeoDB
, sdbMaxMindNet :: GeoDB
loadStalkDB :: FilePath -> IO StalkDB
loadStalkDB dd = do
bc <- browsCapFromFile $ dd </> "full_php_browscap.ini"
cdb <- openGeoDB mmap_cache $ dd </> "GeoIPCity.dat"
odb <- openGeoDB mmap_cache $ dd </> "GeoIPOrg.dat"
idb <- openGeoDB mmap_cache $ dd </> "GeoIPISP.dat"
ndb <- openGeoDB mmap_cache $ dd </> "GeoIPNet.dat"
return $ StalkDB {
sdbBrowserCap = bc
, sdbMaxMindCity = cdb
, sdbMaxMindOrg = odb
, sdbMaxMindISP = idb
, sdbMaxMindNet = ndb
wai2stalk :: WAI.Request -> StalkRequest
wai2stalk req =
StalkRequest {
srParams = WAI.queryString req
, srHeaders = WAI.requestHeaders req
, srFromIP = ip
, srTrustForward = True
ip =
case WAI.remoteHost req of
SockAddrInet _ addr4 ->
let (x0, x1, x2, x3) = w32to8 addr4
in Just $ TE.encodeUtf8 . T.pack $ concat [show x3, ".", show x2, ".", show x1, ".", show x0]
SockAddrInet6 _ _ _ _ -> Nothing
_ -> Nothing
stalk :: StalkDB -> StalkRequest -> IO PersonalData
stalk sdb req = do
bc <- lookupBrowser (sdbBrowserCap sdb) $ fromMaybe "" agnt
let mips = if srTrustForward req
then (maybeToList $ lookup "X-Forwarded-For" (srHeaders req)) ++
(map snd $ filter (\h -> (fst h) `elem` ["X-Forward-For"]) (srHeaders req))
else maybeToList $ srFromIP req
let ips = mapMaybe validIP mips
let browser = str2browser $ fromMaybe "" $ fmap beBrowser bc
let os = str2os $ fromMaybe "" $ fmap bePlatform bc
geos <- forM (ips) $ \ip -> do
gipCityM <- geoLocateByIPAddress (sdbMaxMindCity sdb) ip
gipOrgM <- geoStringByIPAddress (sdbMaxMindOrg sdb) ip
gipISPM <- geoStringByIPAddress (sdbMaxMindISP sdb) ip
gipNetM <- geoStringByIPAddress (sdbMaxMindNet sdb) ip
return $
if not $ or [isJust gipCityM, isJust gipOrgM, isJust gipISPM, isJust gipNetM]
then Nothing
else Just $ PersonalData {
pdLocal = (fromMaybe [] $ fmap city2locals gipCityM) ++ ["Earth"]
, pdOrg = fmap cleanOrg gipOrgM
, pdISP = gipISPM
, pdNetSpeed = join $ fmap str2speed gipNetM
, pdReferer = referer
, pdRefURI = refUri
, pdBrowser = browser
, pdOS = os
, pdLatLon = parseLatLon gipCityM
, pdScreen = scrn
, pdBrowserEntry = bc
, pdStalk = req
return $ fromMaybe (noGeoResult bc browser os) $ listToMaybe $ catMaybes geos
parseLatLon gipc = do
c <- gipc
return ((geoLatitude c) !.! (geoLongitude c))
city2locals :: GeoIPRecord -> [ByteString]
city2locals g = [geoCity g, geoRegion g, geoCountryCode3 g, geoCountryName g, geoContinentCode g]
noGeoResult bc browser os =
PersonalData {
pdLocal = ["Earth"]
, pdOrg = Nothing
, pdISP = Nothing
, pdNetSpeed = Nothing
, pdReferer = referer
, pdRefURI = refUri
, pdBrowser = browser
, pdOS = os
, pdLatLon = Nothing
, pdScreen = scrn
, pdBrowserEntry = bc
, pdStalk = req
parms = srParams req
hdrs = srHeaders req
scrn =
let x = case BS8.readInt (fromMaybe "" $ join $ lookup "w" parms) of
Nothing -> 0
Just (xi, _) -> xi
y = case BS8.readInt (fromMaybe "" $ join $ lookup "h" parms) of
Nothing -> 0
Just (yi, _) -> yi
in (x, y)
agnt = lookup "User-Agent" hdrs
referer = join $ lookup "r" parms
refUri = join $ fmap (parseURI . T.unpack . TE.decodeUtf8) referer
validIP :: ByteString -> Maybe ByteString
validIP fips0 = do
(x0, fips1) <- BS8.readInt fips0
(x1, fips2) <- BS8.readInt $ BS.drop 1 fips1
(x2, fips3) <- BS8.readInt $ BS.drop 1 fips2
(x3, _) <- BS8.readInt $ BS.drop 1 fips3
return $ TE.encodeUtf8 . T.pack $ intercalate "." [show x0, show x1, show x2, show x3]
rComp =
R.CompOption {R.multiline=False,R.rightAssoc=True
rExec =
R.ExecOption { R.captureGroups=False }
rCompile (p, r) =
case RB.compile rComp rExec p of
Left e -> Left e
Right c -> Right (c, r)
clean :: [(ByteString, ByteString)] -> BS.ByteString -> BS.ByteString
clean rules this = fromMaybe this $
fmap snd $ headMay $
filter (\(p, _) -> either (const False) isJust $ RB.regexec p this) $
rights $ map rCompile rules
cleanOrg :: BS.ByteString -> BS.ByteString
cleanOrg = clean [
("\\^Google", "Google")
str2speed =
flip Map.lookup (Map.fromList [
("Dialup", Dialup)
, ("Cellular", Cellular)
, ("Cable/DSL", CableDSL)
, ("Corporate", Corporate)
str2browser =
flip Map.lookup (Map.fromList [
("Chrome" , Chrome), ("Chromium", Chrome)
, ("Safari", Safari)
, ("Firefox", FireFox), ("Iceweasel", FireFox)
, ("IE", InternetExplorer)
, ("Opera", Opera), ("Opera Mini", Opera)
, ("Netscape", Netscape)
str2os =
flip Map.lookup (Map.fromList [
("MacOSX", Mac)
, ("Linux", Linux), ("Debian", Linux)
, ("FreeBSD", BSD), ("NetBSD", BSD), ("OpenBSD", BSD)
, ("IRIX", BSD), ("IRIX64", BSD)
, ("HP-UX", BSD)
, ("SunOS", BSD), ("Solaris", BSD)
, ("WinCE", Windows)
, ("Win16", Windows), ("Win32", Windows), ("Win64", Windows)
, ("Win31", Windows)
, ("Win95", Windows), ("Win98", Windows), ("WinME", Windows)
, ("WinNT", Windows)
, ("Win2000", Windows), ("Win2003", Windows)
, ("WinXP", Windows), ("WinVista", Windows)
, ("Win7", Windows), ("Win8", Windows)
w32to8 :: Word32 -> (Word8, Word8, Word8, Word8)
w32to8 w0 =
let (w0_h, w0_l) = w32to16 w0
((x0, x1), (x2, x3)) = (w16to8 w0_h, w16to8 w0_l)
in (x0, x1, x2, x3)
w32to16 :: Word32 -> (Word16, Word16)
w32to16 w0 =
let w_h = fromIntegral $ w0 `shiftR` 16
w_l = fromIntegral $ w0 .&. 0xFFFF
in (w_h, w_l)
w16to8 :: Word16 -> (Word8, Word8)
w16to8 w0 =
let w_h = fromIntegral $ w0 `shiftR` 8
w_l = fromIntegral $ w0 .&. 0xFF
in (w_h, w_l)