module Network.Wai.Util where

import Data.Char (isAscii)
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)
import Data.Monoid (mappend, mempty)
import Control.Monad (liftM2)
import Control.Arrow ((***))
import Data.String (IsString, fromString)
import Control.Monad.IO.Class (MonadIO, liftIO)

import Network.URI (URI, uriIsAbsolute)
import Network.HTTP.Types (statusIsRedirection, Status, ResponseHeaders, Header)
import Network.Wai (Request, Response(ResponseBuilder,ResponseFile,ResponseSource), responseLBS, requestBody, responseSource)
import Network.Wai.Parse (BackEnd)
import Network.Mail.Mime (Part(..), Encoding(QuotedPrintableText, Base64))
import Control.Monad.Trans.Resource (runResourceT, ResourceT)
import Data.Conduit (($$), Flush(Chunk))
import Data.Conduit.List (fold, sinkNull)

import Data.ByteString (ByteString)
import Data.Text (Text)

import qualified Blaze.ByteString.Builder as Builder
import qualified Blaze.ByteString.Builder.Char.Utf8 as Builder
import qualified Data.Aeson as Aeson
import qualified Data.Text.Encoding as T
import qualified Data.CaseInsensitive as CI

-- | 'BackeEnd' for 'parseRequestBody' that throws out any file uploads
noStoreFileUploads :: BackEnd ()
noStoreFileUploads _ _ = sinkNull

-- | Slurp in the entire request body as a 'ByteString'
bodyBytestring :: Request -> ResourceT IO ByteString
bodyBytestring req = requestBody req $$ fold mappend mempty

-- | Run a function over the headers in a 'Response'
mapHeaders :: (ResponseHeaders -> ResponseHeaders) -> Response -> Response
mapHeaders f (ResponseFile s h b1 b2) = ResponseFile s (f h) b1 b2
mapHeaders f (ResponseBuilder s h b) = ResponseBuilder s (f h) b
mapHeaders f (ResponseSource s h b) = ResponseSource s (f h) b

-- | Set a default value for a header in a 'Response'
defHeader :: Header -> Response -> Response
defHeader h = mapHeaders (defHeader' h)

-- | Set a default value for a header in 'ResponseHeaders'
defHeader' :: Header -> ResponseHeaders -> ResponseHeaders
defHeader' (n, v) headers = case lookup n headers of
		Just _  -> headers
		Nothing -> (n, v):headers

-- | Set the matching header name to this in a 'Response'
replaceHeader :: Header -> Response -> Response
replaceHeader h = mapHeaders (replaceHeader' h)

-- | Set the matching header name to this in 'ResponseHeaders'
replaceHeader' :: Header -> ResponseHeaders -> ResponseHeaders
replaceHeader' (n, v) = ((n,v):) . filter ((/=n) . fst)

-- | Smart constructor to build a 'Response' from a 'String'
string :: (MonadIO m) => Status -> ResponseHeaders -> String -> m Response
string status headers = return . defHeader defCT . ResponseBuilder status headers . Builder.fromString
	Just defCT = stringHeader ("Content-Type", "text/plain; charset=utf-8")

-- | Smart constructor to build a 'Response' from a 'Text'
text :: (MonadIO m) => Status -> ResponseHeaders -> Text -> m Response
text status headers = return . defHeader defCT . ResponseBuilder status headers . Builder.fromText
	Just defCT = stringHeader ("Content-Type", "text/plain; charset=utf-8")

-- | Smart constructor to build a JSON 'Response' using Aeson
json :: (MonadIO m, Aeson.ToJSON a) => Status -> ResponseHeaders -> a -> m Response
json status headers = return . defHeader defCT . responseLBS status headers . Aeson.encode . Aeson.toJSON
	Just defCT = stringHeader ("Content-Type", "application/json; charset=utf-8")

-- | Smart constructor to build a redirect
-- Checks if the 'Status' is a redirection and the 'URI' is absolute
redirect :: Status -> ResponseHeaders -> URI -> Maybe Response
redirect status headers uri
	| statusIsRedirection status && uriIsAbsolute uri = do
		uriBS <- stringAscii (show uri)
		return $ responseLBS status ((location, uriBS):headers) mempty
	| otherwise = Nothing
	Just location = stringAscii "Location"

-- | Smart constructor to build a redirect
-- Asserts redirect conditions with an irrefutable pattern match, only use
-- on hard-coded values.
redirect' :: (Monad m) => Status -> ResponseHeaders -> URI -> m Response
redirect' status headers uri =
	let Just r = redirect status headers uri in return r

-- | Safely convert a 'String' to types that can only encode ASCII
stringAscii :: (IsString s) => String -> Maybe s
stringAscii s
	| all isAscii s = Just (fromString s)
	| otherwise     = Nothing

-- | Safely convert a pair of 'String' to a pair suitable for use as a
-- 'Header', ensuring only ASCII characters are present.
stringHeader :: (IsString s1, IsString s2) => (String, String) -> Maybe (s1, s2)
stringHeader (n, v) = liftM2 (,) (stringAscii n) (stringAscii v)

-- | Safely convert a list of pairs of 'String' to a pair suitable for
-- use as a 'Header', ensuring only ASCII characters are present.
stringHeaders :: (IsString s1, IsString s2) => [(String, String)] -> Maybe [(s1, s2)]
stringHeaders = mapM stringHeader

-- | Unsafely convert a list of pairs of 'String' to a pair suitable for
-- use as a 'Header', ensuring only ASCII characters are present.
-- Asserts success with an irrefutable pattern match, only use on
-- hard-coded values.
stringHeaders' :: (IsString s1, IsString s2) => [(String, String)] -> [(s1, s2)]
stringHeaders' hs = let Just headers = stringHeaders hs in headers

-- | Convert a WAI 'Response' to an email 'Part'
-- Useful for re-using 'Application' code/smart constructors to send emails
responseToMailPart :: (MonadIO m) => Bool -> Response -> m Part
responseToMailPart asTxt r = do
	body <- liftIO $ Builder.toLazyByteString `fmap` builderBody
	return $ Part (T.decodeUtf8 contentType) contentEncode Nothing headers body
	chunkFlatAppend m (Chunk more) = m `mappend` more
	chunkFlatAppend m _ = m
	headers = map (CI.original *** T.decodeUtf8) $ filter ((/=contentTypeName) . fst) headers'
	contentType = fromMaybe defContentType $ lookup contentTypeName headers'
	contentEncode  | asTxt     = QuotedPrintableText
	               | otherwise = Base64
	defContentType | asTxt     = fromString "text/plain; charset=utf-8"
	               | otherwise = fromString "application/octet-stream"
	builderBody = runResourceT $ body' $$ fold chunkFlatAppend mempty
	(_, headers', body') = responseSource r
	contentTypeName = fromString "Content-Type"