{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} module Spec.Network.Wai.Middleware.Auth.OAuth2 (tests) where import Control.Monad (void) import Data.Function ((&)) import qualified Data.Text as T import qualified Data.Text.Encoding as TE import GHC.Exts (fromList) import qualified Network.HTTP.Types.Status as Status import qualified Network.Wai as Wai import Network.Wai.Auth.Test (ChangeProvider, FakeProviderConf(..), fakeProvider, const200, get) import qualified Network.Wai.Handler.Warp as Warp import qualified Network.Wai.Middleware.Auth as Auth import Network.Wai.Middleware.Auth.OAuth2 (OAuth2(..), getAccessToken) import Network.Wai.Middleware.Auth.Provider (Provider(..), ProviderInfo(..)) import Network.Wai.Test (Session, assertHeader, assertStatus, runSession, setClientCookie) import Test.Tasty (TestTree, testGroup) import Test.Tasty.HUnit (testCase) import qualified Web.Cookie as Cookie import qualified Web.ClientSession tests :: TestTree tests = testGroup "Network.Wai.Auth.OAuth2" [ testCase "when a request without a session is made then redirect to re-authorize" $ runSessionWithProvider const200 $ \host _ -> do redirect1 <- get "/hi" assertStatus 303 redirect1 assertHeader "Location" "/prefix" redirect1 redirect2 <- get "/prefix" assertStatus 303 redirect2 assertHeader "location" "/prefix/oauth2" redirect2 redirect3 <- get "/prefix/oauth2" assertStatus 303 redirect3 assertHeader "location" (TE.encodeUtf8 host <> "/authorize?scope=scope1%2Cscope2&client_id=client-id&response_type=code&redirect_uri=http%3A%2F%2Flocalhost%2Fprefix%2Foauth2%2Fcomplete") redirect3 , testCase "when a request is made with a valid session then pass the request through" $ runSessionWithProvider const200 $ \_ _ -> do createSession response <- get "/some/endpoint" assertStatus 200 response , testCase "when an access token expired and no refresh token is available then redirect to re-authorize" $ runSessionWithProvider const200 $ \_ changeProvider -> do changeProvider (\c -> c { accessTokenExpiresIn = -600, returnRefreshToken = False }) createSession response <- get "/some/endpoint" assertStatus 303 response , testCase "when an access token expired then use a refresh token" $ runSessionWithProvider const200 $ \_ changeProvider -> do changeProvider (\c -> c { accessTokenExpiresIn = -600 }) createSession response <- get "/some/endpoint" assertStatus 200 response , testCase "when a request is made with an invalid session redirect to re-authorize" $ runSessionWithProvider const200 $ \_ _ -> do -- First create a known valid session, so we can see that it's the act -- of corrupting it that makes the test fail. createSession setClientCookie Cookie.defaultSetCookie { Cookie.setCookieName = "auth-cookie" , Cookie.setCookieValue = "garbage" } response <- get "/some/endpoint" assertStatus 303 response , testCase "when a request is made to the complete endpoint then create a session" $ runSessionWithProvider const200 $ \_ _ -> do response <- get "/prefix/oauth2/complete?code=1234" assertStatus 303 response assertHeader "location" "/" response , testCase "when a request with a valid session is made then the app can access the session" $ let app req respond = case getAccessToken req of Nothing -> respond $ Wai.responseLBS Status.badRequest400 [] "" Just _ -> respond $ Wai.responseLBS Status.ok200 [] "" in runSessionWithProvider app $ \_ _ -> do createSession response <- get "/some/endpoint" assertStatus 200 response ] createSession :: Session () createSession = void $ get "/prefix/oauth2/complete?code=1234" authSettings :: T.Text -> Auth.AuthSettings authSettings host = Auth.defaultAuthSettings & Auth.setAuthProviders (fromList [("oauth2", provider host)]) & Auth.setAuthPrefix "prefix" & Auth.setAuthCookieName "auth-cookie" & Auth.setAuthKey (snd <$> Web.ClientSession.randomKey) provider :: T.Text -> Provider provider host = Provider OAuth2 { oa2ClientId = "client-id" , oa2ClientSecret = "client-secret" , oa2AuthorizeEndpoint = host <> "/authorize" , oa2AccessTokenEndpoint = host <> "/token" , oa2Scope = Just ["scope1", "scope2"] , oa2ProviderInfo = ProviderInfo { providerTitle = "" , providerLogoUrl = "" , providerDescr = "" } } runSessionWithProvider :: Wai.Application -> (T.Text -> ChangeProvider -> Session a) -> IO a runSessionWithProvider app session = do (p, changeProvider) <- fakeProvider Warp.testWithApplication (pure p) $ \port -> do let host = "http://localhost:" <> T.pack (show port) middleware <- Auth.mkAuthMiddleware $ authSettings host let app' = middleware app runSession (session host changeProvider) app'