module Devel.Compile
( initCompile
, compile
, finishCompile
) where
import IdeSession
import Distribution.PackageDescription
import Distribution.ModuleName
import Distribution.PackageDescription.Parse
import Distribution.PackageDescription.Configuration
import Language.Haskell.Extension
import Data.Text (unpack)
import Data.Monoid ((<>))
import Devel.Paths
import Devel.Types
import System.FilePath.Posix (takeExtension, pathSeparator)
import System.Directory (doesFileExist)
import Data.List (union, delete, isInfixOf, nub)
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)
import Control.Monad (filterM)
initCompile :: SessionConfig -> Maybe IdeSession -> IO (IdeSession, [GhcExtension], [FilePath])
initCompile sessionConfig mSession = do
session <- case mSession of
Just session -> return session
Nothing -> initSession
(extensionList, srcDir, cabalSrcList) <- getExtensions
sourceList <- getSourceList srcDir cabalSrcList
return (session, extensionList, sourceList)
getSourceList :: [FilePath] -> [FilePath] -> IO [FilePath]
getSourceList srcDir cabalSrcList = do
fileList' <- mapM getRecursiveContents srcDir
fileList = foldr union [] fileList'
fileListNoTests = filter (not.(\x -> isInfixOf "test/" x || isInfixOf "cabal-sandbox/" x || isInfixOf "stack-work/" x)) fileList
fileListCombined = fileListNoTests ++ cabalSrcList
sourceList' = filter
(\f -> let ext = takeExtension f in ext == ".lhs" || ext == ".hs")
sourceList = nub $ delete "app/DevelMain.hs" $ delete "app/devel.hs" sourceList'
return sourceList
compile :: IdeSession -> FilePath -> [GhcExtension] -> [FilePath] -> IO (IdeSession, IdeSessionUpdate)
compile session buildFile extensionList sourceList = do
let targetList = TargetsInclude (if buildFile `elem` sourceList
then sourceList
else buildFile : sourceList) :: Targets
update = updateTargets targetList
<> updateCodeGeneration True
<> updateGhcOpts (["-Wall", "-ddump-hi", "-ddump-to-file"] ++ extensionList)
return (session, update)
finishCompile :: (IdeSession, IdeSessionUpdate) -> IO (Either [SourceError'] IdeSession)
finishCompile (session, update) = do
_ <- updateSession session update print
errorList' <- getSourceErrors session
let errorList = case filterErrors errorList' of
[] -> []
_ -> prettyPrintErrors errorList'
mapM_ putStrLn $ prettyPrintErrors errorList'
return $ case errorList of
[] -> Right session
_ -> Left errorList
getExtensions :: IO ([GhcExtension], [FilePath], [FilePath])
getExtensions = do
cabalFilePath <- getCabalFile
cabalFile <- readFile cabalFilePath
let unsafePackageDescription = parsePackageDescription cabalFile
genericPackageDescription = case unsafePackageDescription of
ParseOk _ a -> a
_ -> error "failed package description."
packDescription = flattenPackageDescription genericPackageDescription
rawExt = usedExtensions $ head $ allBuildInfo packDescription
lib = fromMaybe emptyLibrary $ library packDescription
srcDir = hsSourceDirs $ libBuildInfo lib
srcList = extraSrcFiles packDescription
parseExtension :: Extension -> String
parseExtension (EnableExtension extension) = "-X" ++ show extension
parseExtension (DisableExtension extension) = "-XNo" ++ show extension
parseExtension (UnknownExtension extension) = "-X" ++ show extension
extensions = map parseExtension rawExt
execList = executables packDescription
paths <- mapM getPathList execList
return (extensions, srcDir, (srcList ++ (concat paths)))
getPathList :: Executable -> IO [FilePath]
getPathList exec =
let mainModule' = modulePath exec
bInfo = buildInfo exec
execModuleList = otherModules bInfo
srcDirsList = hsSourceDirs bInfo
execSrcFileList = map toFilePath execModuleList
nonPaths = [dir ++ (pathSeparator : fp) | fp <- execSrcFileList, dir <- srcDirsList]
paths' = map (++ (pathSeparator : mainModule') ) srcDirsList
++ [x++y | x <- nonPaths, y <- [".hs", ".lhs"]]
in filterM doesFileExist paths'
filterErrors :: [SourceError] -> [SourceError]
filterErrors [] = []
filterErrors (x:xs) =
case errorKind x of
KindWarning -> filterErrors xs
_ -> x : filterErrors xs
prettyPrintErrors :: [SourceError] -> [SourceError']
prettyPrintErrors [] = []
prettyPrintErrors (x: xs) =
case errorKind x of
KindWarning -> ("Warning: " ++ show (errorSpan x) ++ " " ++ unpack (errorMsg x)) : prettyPrintErrors xs
KindError -> ("Error: " ++ show (errorSpan x) ++ " " ++ unpack (errorMsg x)) : prettyPrintErrors xs
KindServerDied -> show (errorKind x) : prettyPrintErrors xs