{-# language CPP #-} module Vulkan.Extensions.VK_NV_cooperative_matrix ( getPhysicalDeviceCooperativeMatrixPropertiesNV , PhysicalDeviceCooperativeMatrixFeaturesNV(..) , PhysicalDeviceCooperativeMatrixPropertiesNV(..) , CooperativeMatrixPropertiesNV(..) , ScopeNV( SCOPE_DEVICE_NV , SCOPE_WORKGROUP_NV , SCOPE_SUBGROUP_NV , SCOPE_QUEUE_FAMILY_NV , .. ) , ComponentTypeNV( COMPONENT_TYPE_FLOAT16_NV , COMPONENT_TYPE_FLOAT32_NV , COMPONENT_TYPE_FLOAT64_NV , COMPONENT_TYPE_SINT8_NV , COMPONENT_TYPE_SINT16_NV , COMPONENT_TYPE_SINT32_NV , COMPONENT_TYPE_SINT64_NV , COMPONENT_TYPE_UINT8_NV , COMPONENT_TYPE_UINT16_NV , COMPONENT_TYPE_UINT32_NV , COMPONENT_TYPE_UINT64_NV , .. ) , NV_COOPERATIVE_MATRIX_SPEC_VERSION , pattern NV_COOPERATIVE_MATRIX_SPEC_VERSION , NV_COOPERATIVE_MATRIX_EXTENSION_NAME , pattern NV_COOPERATIVE_MATRIX_EXTENSION_NAME ) where import Control.Exception.Base (bracket) import Control.Monad (unless) import Control.Monad.IO.Class (liftIO) import Foreign.Marshal.Alloc (allocaBytesAligned) import Foreign.Marshal.Alloc (callocBytes) import Foreign.Marshal.Alloc (free) import GHC.Base (when) import GHC.IO (throwIO) import GHC.Ptr (nullFunPtr) import Foreign.Ptr (nullPtr) import Foreign.Ptr (plusPtr) import GHC.Read (choose) import GHC.Read (expectP) import GHC.Read (parens) import GHC.Show (showParen) import GHC.Show (showString) import GHC.Show (showsPrec) import Text.ParserCombinators.ReadPrec ((+++)) import Text.ParserCombinators.ReadPrec (prec) import Text.ParserCombinators.ReadPrec (step) import Control.Monad.Trans.Class (lift) import Control.Monad.Trans.Cont (evalContT) import Data.Vector (generateM) import Control.Monad.IO.Class (MonadIO) import Data.String (IsString) import Data.Typeable (Typeable) import Foreign.Storable (Storable) import Foreign.Storable (Storable(peek)) import Foreign.Storable (Storable(poke)) import qualified Foreign.Storable (Storable(..)) import GHC.Generics (Generic) import GHC.IO.Exception (IOErrorType(..)) import GHC.IO.Exception (IOException(..)) import Data.Int (Int32) import Foreign.Ptr (FunPtr) import Foreign.Ptr (Ptr) import GHC.Read (Read(readPrec)) import Data.Word (Word32) import Text.Read.Lex (Lexeme(Ident)) import Data.Kind (Type) import Control.Monad.Trans.Cont (ContT(..)) import Data.Vector (Vector) import Vulkan.CStruct.Utils (advancePtrBytes) import Vulkan.Core10.FundamentalTypes (bool32ToBool) import Vulkan.Core10.FundamentalTypes (boolToBool32) import Vulkan.NamedType ((:::)) import Vulkan.Core10.FundamentalTypes (Bool32) import Vulkan.CStruct (FromCStruct) import Vulkan.CStruct (FromCStruct(..)) import Vulkan.Dynamic (InstanceCmds(pVkGetPhysicalDeviceCooperativeMatrixPropertiesNV)) import Vulkan.Core10.Handles (PhysicalDevice) import Vulkan.Core10.Handles (PhysicalDevice(..)) import Vulkan.Core10.Handles (PhysicalDevice_T) import Vulkan.Core10.Enums.Result (Result) import Vulkan.Core10.Enums.Result (Result(..)) import Vulkan.Core10.Enums.ShaderStageFlagBits (ShaderStageFlags) import Vulkan.Core10.Enums.StructureType (StructureType) import Vulkan.CStruct (ToCStruct) import Vulkan.CStruct (ToCStruct(..)) import Vulkan.Exception (VulkanException(..)) import Vulkan.Zero (Zero) import Vulkan.Zero (Zero(..)) import Vulkan.Core10.Enums.StructureType (StructureType(STRUCTURE_TYPE_COOPERATIVE_MATRIX_PROPERTIES_NV)) import Vulkan.Core10.Enums.StructureType (StructureType(STRUCTURE_TYPE_PHYSICAL_DEVICE_COOPERATIVE_MATRIX_FEATURES_NV)) import Vulkan.Core10.Enums.StructureType (StructureType(STRUCTURE_TYPE_PHYSICAL_DEVICE_COOPERATIVE_MATRIX_PROPERTIES_NV)) import Vulkan.Core10.Enums.Result (Result(SUCCESS)) foreign import ccall #if !defined(SAFE_FOREIGN_CALLS) unsafe #endif "dynamic" mkVkGetPhysicalDeviceCooperativeMatrixPropertiesNV :: FunPtr (Ptr PhysicalDevice_T -> Ptr Word32 -> Ptr CooperativeMatrixPropertiesNV -> IO Result) -> Ptr PhysicalDevice_T -> Ptr Word32 -> Ptr CooperativeMatrixPropertiesNV -> IO Result -- | vkGetPhysicalDeviceCooperativeMatrixPropertiesNV - Returns properties -- describing what cooperative matrix types are supported -- -- = Description -- -- If @pProperties@ is @NULL@, then the number of cooperative matrix -- properties available is returned in @pPropertyCount@. Otherwise, -- @pPropertyCount@ /must/ point to a variable set by the user to the -- number of elements in the @pProperties@ array, and on return the -- variable is overwritten with the number of structures actually written -- to @pProperties@. If @pPropertyCount@ is less than the number of -- cooperative matrix properties available, at most @pPropertyCount@ -- structures will be written. If @pPropertyCount@ is smaller than the -- number of cooperative matrix properties available, -- 'Vulkan.Core10.Enums.Result.INCOMPLETE' will be returned instead of -- 'Vulkan.Core10.Enums.Result.SUCCESS', to indicate that not all the -- available cooperative matrix properties were returned. -- -- == Valid Usage (Implicit) -- -- - @physicalDevice@ /must/ be a valid -- 'Vulkan.Core10.Handles.PhysicalDevice' handle -- -- - @pPropertyCount@ /must/ be a valid pointer to a @uint32_t@ value -- -- - If the value referenced by @pPropertyCount@ is not @0@, and -- @pProperties@ is not @NULL@, @pProperties@ /must/ be a valid pointer -- to an array of @pPropertyCount@ 'CooperativeMatrixPropertiesNV' -- structures -- -- == Return Codes -- -- [] -- -- - 'Vulkan.Core10.Enums.Result.SUCCESS' -- -- - 'Vulkan.Core10.Enums.Result.INCOMPLETE' -- -- [] -- -- - 'Vulkan.Core10.Enums.Result.ERROR_OUT_OF_HOST_MEMORY' -- -- - 'Vulkan.Core10.Enums.Result.ERROR_OUT_OF_DEVICE_MEMORY' -- -- = See Also -- -- 'CooperativeMatrixPropertiesNV', 'Vulkan.Core10.Handles.PhysicalDevice' getPhysicalDeviceCooperativeMatrixPropertiesNV :: forall io . (MonadIO io) => -- | @physicalDevice@ is the physical device. PhysicalDevice -> io (Result, ("properties" ::: Vector CooperativeMatrixPropertiesNV)) getPhysicalDeviceCooperativeMatrixPropertiesNV physicalDevice = liftIO . evalContT $ do let vkGetPhysicalDeviceCooperativeMatrixPropertiesNVPtr = pVkGetPhysicalDeviceCooperativeMatrixPropertiesNV (instanceCmds (physicalDevice :: PhysicalDevice)) lift $ unless (vkGetPhysicalDeviceCooperativeMatrixPropertiesNVPtr /= nullFunPtr) $ throwIO $ IOError Nothing InvalidArgument "" "The function pointer for vkGetPhysicalDeviceCooperativeMatrixPropertiesNV is null" Nothing Nothing let vkGetPhysicalDeviceCooperativeMatrixPropertiesNV' = mkVkGetPhysicalDeviceCooperativeMatrixPropertiesNV vkGetPhysicalDeviceCooperativeMatrixPropertiesNVPtr let physicalDevice' = physicalDeviceHandle (physicalDevice) pPPropertyCount <- ContT $ bracket (callocBytes @Word32 4) free r <- lift $ vkGetPhysicalDeviceCooperativeMatrixPropertiesNV' physicalDevice' (pPPropertyCount) (nullPtr) lift $ when (r < SUCCESS) (throwIO (VulkanException r)) pPropertyCount <- lift $ peek @Word32 pPPropertyCount pPProperties <- ContT $ bracket (callocBytes @CooperativeMatrixPropertiesNV ((fromIntegral (pPropertyCount)) * 48)) free _ <- traverse (\i -> ContT $ pokeZeroCStruct (pPProperties `advancePtrBytes` (i * 48) :: Ptr CooperativeMatrixPropertiesNV) . ($ ())) [0..(fromIntegral (pPropertyCount)) - 1] r' <- lift $ vkGetPhysicalDeviceCooperativeMatrixPropertiesNV' physicalDevice' (pPPropertyCount) ((pPProperties)) lift $ when (r' < SUCCESS) (throwIO (VulkanException r')) pPropertyCount' <- lift $ peek @Word32 pPPropertyCount pProperties' <- lift $ generateM (fromIntegral (pPropertyCount')) (\i -> peekCStruct @CooperativeMatrixPropertiesNV (((pPProperties) `advancePtrBytes` (48 * (i)) :: Ptr CooperativeMatrixPropertiesNV))) pure $ ((r'), pProperties') -- | VkPhysicalDeviceCooperativeMatrixFeaturesNV - Structure describing -- cooperative matrix features that can be supported by an implementation -- -- = Members -- -- The members of the 'PhysicalDeviceCooperativeMatrixFeaturesNV' structure -- describe the following features: -- -- = Description -- -- If the 'PhysicalDeviceCooperativeMatrixFeaturesNV' structure is included -- in the @pNext@ chain of -- 'Vulkan.Core11.Promoted_From_VK_KHR_get_physical_device_properties2.PhysicalDeviceFeatures2', -- it is filled with values indicating whether the feature is supported. -- 'PhysicalDeviceCooperativeMatrixFeaturesNV' /can/ also be included in -- the @pNext@ chain of 'Vulkan.Core10.Device.DeviceCreateInfo' to enable -- features. -- -- == Valid Usage (Implicit) -- -- = See Also -- -- 'Vulkan.Core10.FundamentalTypes.Bool32', -- 'Vulkan.Core10.Enums.StructureType.StructureType' data PhysicalDeviceCooperativeMatrixFeaturesNV = PhysicalDeviceCooperativeMatrixFeaturesNV { -- | @cooperativeMatrix@ indicates that the implementation supports the -- @CooperativeMatrixNV@ SPIR-V capability. cooperativeMatrix :: Bool , -- | @cooperativeMatrixRobustBufferAccess@ indicates that the implementation -- supports robust buffer access for SPIR-V @OpCooperativeMatrixLoadNV@ and -- @OpCooperativeMatrixStoreNV@ instructions. cooperativeMatrixRobustBufferAccess :: Bool } deriving (Typeable, Eq) #if defined(GENERIC_INSTANCES) deriving instance Generic (PhysicalDeviceCooperativeMatrixFeaturesNV) #endif deriving instance Show PhysicalDeviceCooperativeMatrixFeaturesNV instance ToCStruct PhysicalDeviceCooperativeMatrixFeaturesNV where withCStruct x f = allocaBytesAligned 24 8 $ \p -> pokeCStruct p x (f p) pokeCStruct p PhysicalDeviceCooperativeMatrixFeaturesNV{..} f = do poke ((p `plusPtr` 0 :: Ptr StructureType)) (STRUCTURE_TYPE_PHYSICAL_DEVICE_COOPERATIVE_MATRIX_FEATURES_NV) poke ((p `plusPtr` 8 :: Ptr (Ptr ()))) (nullPtr) poke ((p `plusPtr` 16 :: Ptr Bool32)) (boolToBool32 (cooperativeMatrix)) poke ((p `plusPtr` 20 :: Ptr Bool32)) (boolToBool32 (cooperativeMatrixRobustBufferAccess)) f cStructSize = 24 cStructAlignment = 8 pokeZeroCStruct p f = do poke ((p `plusPtr` 0 :: Ptr StructureType)) (STRUCTURE_TYPE_PHYSICAL_DEVICE_COOPERATIVE_MATRIX_FEATURES_NV) poke ((p `plusPtr` 8 :: Ptr (Ptr ()))) (nullPtr) poke ((p `plusPtr` 16 :: Ptr Bool32)) (boolToBool32 (zero)) poke ((p `plusPtr` 20 :: Ptr Bool32)) (boolToBool32 (zero)) f instance FromCStruct PhysicalDeviceCooperativeMatrixFeaturesNV where peekCStruct p = do cooperativeMatrix <- peek @Bool32 ((p `plusPtr` 16 :: Ptr Bool32)) cooperativeMatrixRobustBufferAccess <- peek @Bool32 ((p `plusPtr` 20 :: Ptr Bool32)) pure $ PhysicalDeviceCooperativeMatrixFeaturesNV (bool32ToBool cooperativeMatrix) (bool32ToBool cooperativeMatrixRobustBufferAccess) instance Storable PhysicalDeviceCooperativeMatrixFeaturesNV where sizeOf ~_ = 24 alignment ~_ = 8 peek = peekCStruct poke ptr poked = pokeCStruct ptr poked (pure ()) instance Zero PhysicalDeviceCooperativeMatrixFeaturesNV where zero = PhysicalDeviceCooperativeMatrixFeaturesNV zero zero -- | VkPhysicalDeviceCooperativeMatrixPropertiesNV - Structure describing -- cooperative matrix properties supported by an implementation -- -- = Members -- -- The members of the 'PhysicalDeviceCooperativeMatrixPropertiesNV' -- structure describe the following implementation-dependent limits: -- -- = Description -- -- If the 'PhysicalDeviceCooperativeMatrixPropertiesNV' structure is -- included in the @pNext@ chain of -- 'Vulkan.Core11.Promoted_From_VK_KHR_get_physical_device_properties2.PhysicalDeviceProperties2', -- it is filled with the implementation-dependent limits. -- -- == Valid Usage (Implicit) -- -- = See Also -- -- 'Vulkan.Core10.Enums.ShaderStageFlagBits.ShaderStageFlags', -- 'Vulkan.Core10.Enums.StructureType.StructureType' data PhysicalDeviceCooperativeMatrixPropertiesNV = PhysicalDeviceCooperativeMatrixPropertiesNV { -- | @cooperativeMatrixSupportedStages@ is a bitfield of -- 'Vulkan.Core10.Enums.ShaderStageFlagBits.ShaderStageFlagBits' describing -- the shader stages that cooperative matrix instructions are supported in. -- @cooperativeMatrixSupportedStages@ will have the -- 'Vulkan.Core10.Enums.ShaderStageFlagBits.SHADER_STAGE_COMPUTE_BIT' bit -- set if any of the physical device’s queues support -- 'Vulkan.Core10.Enums.QueueFlagBits.QUEUE_COMPUTE_BIT'. cooperativeMatrixSupportedStages :: ShaderStageFlags } deriving (Typeable, Eq) #if defined(GENERIC_INSTANCES) deriving instance Generic (PhysicalDeviceCooperativeMatrixPropertiesNV) #endif deriving instance Show PhysicalDeviceCooperativeMatrixPropertiesNV instance ToCStruct PhysicalDeviceCooperativeMatrixPropertiesNV where withCStruct x f = allocaBytesAligned 24 8 $ \p -> pokeCStruct p x (f p) pokeCStruct p PhysicalDeviceCooperativeMatrixPropertiesNV{..} f = do poke ((p `plusPtr` 0 :: Ptr StructureType)) (STRUCTURE_TYPE_PHYSICAL_DEVICE_COOPERATIVE_MATRIX_PROPERTIES_NV) poke ((p `plusPtr` 8 :: Ptr (Ptr ()))) (nullPtr) poke ((p `plusPtr` 16 :: Ptr ShaderStageFlags)) (cooperativeMatrixSupportedStages) f cStructSize = 24 cStructAlignment = 8 pokeZeroCStruct p f = do poke ((p `plusPtr` 0 :: Ptr StructureType)) (STRUCTURE_TYPE_PHYSICAL_DEVICE_COOPERATIVE_MATRIX_PROPERTIES_NV) poke ((p `plusPtr` 8 :: Ptr (Ptr ()))) (nullPtr) poke ((p `plusPtr` 16 :: Ptr ShaderStageFlags)) (zero) f instance FromCStruct PhysicalDeviceCooperativeMatrixPropertiesNV where peekCStruct p = do cooperativeMatrixSupportedStages <- peek @ShaderStageFlags ((p `plusPtr` 16 :: Ptr ShaderStageFlags)) pure $ PhysicalDeviceCooperativeMatrixPropertiesNV cooperativeMatrixSupportedStages instance Storable PhysicalDeviceCooperativeMatrixPropertiesNV where sizeOf ~_ = 24 alignment ~_ = 8 peek = peekCStruct poke ptr poked = pokeCStruct ptr poked (pure ()) instance Zero PhysicalDeviceCooperativeMatrixPropertiesNV where zero = PhysicalDeviceCooperativeMatrixPropertiesNV zero -- | VkCooperativeMatrixPropertiesNV - Structure specifying cooperative -- matrix properties -- -- = Description -- -- If some types are preferred over other types (e.g. for performance), -- they /should/ appear earlier in the list enumerated by -- 'getPhysicalDeviceCooperativeMatrixPropertiesNV'. -- -- At least one entry in the list /must/ have power of two values for all -- of @MSize@, @KSize@, and @NSize@. -- -- == Valid Usage (Implicit) -- -- = See Also -- -- 'ComponentTypeNV', 'ScopeNV', -- 'Vulkan.Core10.Enums.StructureType.StructureType', -- 'getPhysicalDeviceCooperativeMatrixPropertiesNV' data CooperativeMatrixPropertiesNV = CooperativeMatrixPropertiesNV { -- | @MSize@ is the number of rows in matrices A, C, and D. mSize :: Word32 , -- | @NSize@ is the number of columns in matrices B, C, D. nSize :: Word32 , -- | @KSize@ is the number of columns in matrix A and rows in matrix B. kSize :: Word32 , -- | @AType@ is the component type of matrix A, of type 'ComponentTypeNV'. -- -- @AType@ /must/ be a valid 'ComponentTypeNV' value aType :: ComponentTypeNV , -- | @BType@ is the component type of matrix B, of type 'ComponentTypeNV'. -- -- @BType@ /must/ be a valid 'ComponentTypeNV' value bType :: ComponentTypeNV , -- | @CType@ is the component type of matrix C, of type 'ComponentTypeNV'. -- -- @CType@ /must/ be a valid 'ComponentTypeNV' value cType :: ComponentTypeNV , -- | @DType@ is the component type of matrix D, of type 'ComponentTypeNV'. -- -- @DType@ /must/ be a valid 'ComponentTypeNV' value dType :: ComponentTypeNV , -- | @scope@ is the scope of all the matrix types, of type 'ScopeNV'. -- -- @scope@ /must/ be a valid 'ScopeNV' value scope :: ScopeNV } deriving (Typeable, Eq) #if defined(GENERIC_INSTANCES) deriving instance Generic (CooperativeMatrixPropertiesNV) #endif deriving instance Show CooperativeMatrixPropertiesNV instance ToCStruct CooperativeMatrixPropertiesNV where withCStruct x f = allocaBytesAligned 48 8 $ \p -> pokeCStruct p x (f p) pokeCStruct p CooperativeMatrixPropertiesNV{..} f = do poke ((p `plusPtr` 0 :: Ptr StructureType)) (STRUCTURE_TYPE_COOPERATIVE_MATRIX_PROPERTIES_NV) poke ((p `plusPtr` 8 :: Ptr (Ptr ()))) (nullPtr) poke ((p `plusPtr` 16 :: Ptr Word32)) (mSize) poke ((p `plusPtr` 20 :: Ptr Word32)) (nSize) poke ((p `plusPtr` 24 :: Ptr Word32)) (kSize) poke ((p `plusPtr` 28 :: Ptr ComponentTypeNV)) (aType) poke ((p `plusPtr` 32 :: Ptr ComponentTypeNV)) (bType) poke ((p `plusPtr` 36 :: Ptr ComponentTypeNV)) (cType) poke ((p `plusPtr` 40 :: Ptr ComponentTypeNV)) (dType) poke ((p `plusPtr` 44 :: Ptr ScopeNV)) (scope) f cStructSize = 48 cStructAlignment = 8 pokeZeroCStruct p f = do poke ((p `plusPtr` 0 :: Ptr StructureType)) (STRUCTURE_TYPE_COOPERATIVE_MATRIX_PROPERTIES_NV) poke ((p `plusPtr` 8 :: Ptr (Ptr ()))) (nullPtr) poke ((p `plusPtr` 16 :: Ptr Word32)) (zero) poke ((p `plusPtr` 20 :: Ptr Word32)) (zero) poke ((p `plusPtr` 24 :: Ptr Word32)) (zero) poke ((p `plusPtr` 28 :: Ptr ComponentTypeNV)) (zero) poke ((p `plusPtr` 32 :: Ptr ComponentTypeNV)) (zero) poke ((p `plusPtr` 36 :: Ptr ComponentTypeNV)) (zero) poke ((p `plusPtr` 40 :: Ptr ComponentTypeNV)) (zero) poke ((p `plusPtr` 44 :: Ptr ScopeNV)) (zero) f instance FromCStruct CooperativeMatrixPropertiesNV where peekCStruct p = do mSize <- peek @Word32 ((p `plusPtr` 16 :: Ptr Word32)) nSize <- peek @Word32 ((p `plusPtr` 20 :: Ptr Word32)) kSize <- peek @Word32 ((p `plusPtr` 24 :: Ptr Word32)) aType <- peek @ComponentTypeNV ((p `plusPtr` 28 :: Ptr ComponentTypeNV)) bType <- peek @ComponentTypeNV ((p `plusPtr` 32 :: Ptr ComponentTypeNV)) cType <- peek @ComponentTypeNV ((p `plusPtr` 36 :: Ptr ComponentTypeNV)) dType <- peek @ComponentTypeNV ((p `plusPtr` 40 :: Ptr ComponentTypeNV)) scope <- peek @ScopeNV ((p `plusPtr` 44 :: Ptr ScopeNV)) pure $ CooperativeMatrixPropertiesNV mSize nSize kSize aType bType cType dType scope instance Storable CooperativeMatrixPropertiesNV where sizeOf ~_ = 48 alignment ~_ = 8 peek = peekCStruct poke ptr poked = pokeCStruct ptr poked (pure ()) instance Zero CooperativeMatrixPropertiesNV where zero = CooperativeMatrixPropertiesNV zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero -- | VkScopeNV - Specify SPIR-V scope -- -- = Description -- -- All enum values match the corresponding SPIR-V value. -- -- = See Also -- -- 'CooperativeMatrixPropertiesNV' newtype ScopeNV = ScopeNV Int32 deriving newtype (Eq, Ord, Storable, Zero) -- Note that the zero instance does not produce a valid value, passing 'zero' to Vulkan will result in an error -- | 'SCOPE_DEVICE_NV' corresponds to SPIR-V 'Vulkan.Core10.Handles.Device' -- scope. pattern SCOPE_DEVICE_NV = ScopeNV 1 -- | 'SCOPE_WORKGROUP_NV' corresponds to SPIR-V @Workgroup@ scope. pattern SCOPE_WORKGROUP_NV = ScopeNV 2 -- | 'SCOPE_SUBGROUP_NV' corresponds to SPIR-V @Subgroup@ scope. pattern SCOPE_SUBGROUP_NV = ScopeNV 3 -- | 'SCOPE_QUEUE_FAMILY_NV' corresponds to SPIR-V @QueueFamily@ scope. pattern SCOPE_QUEUE_FAMILY_NV = ScopeNV 5 {-# complete SCOPE_DEVICE_NV, SCOPE_WORKGROUP_NV, SCOPE_SUBGROUP_NV, SCOPE_QUEUE_FAMILY_NV :: ScopeNV #-} instance Show ScopeNV where showsPrec p = \case SCOPE_DEVICE_NV -> showString "SCOPE_DEVICE_NV" SCOPE_WORKGROUP_NV -> showString "SCOPE_WORKGROUP_NV" SCOPE_SUBGROUP_NV -> showString "SCOPE_SUBGROUP_NV" SCOPE_QUEUE_FAMILY_NV -> showString "SCOPE_QUEUE_FAMILY_NV" ScopeNV x -> showParen (p >= 11) (showString "ScopeNV " . showsPrec 11 x) instance Read ScopeNV where readPrec = parens (choose [("SCOPE_DEVICE_NV", pure SCOPE_DEVICE_NV) , ("SCOPE_WORKGROUP_NV", pure SCOPE_WORKGROUP_NV) , ("SCOPE_SUBGROUP_NV", pure SCOPE_SUBGROUP_NV) , ("SCOPE_QUEUE_FAMILY_NV", pure SCOPE_QUEUE_FAMILY_NV)] +++ prec 10 (do expectP (Ident "ScopeNV") v <- step readPrec pure (ScopeNV v))) -- | VkComponentTypeNV - Specify SPIR-V cooperative matrix component type -- -- = See Also -- -- 'CooperativeMatrixPropertiesNV' newtype ComponentTypeNV = ComponentTypeNV Int32 deriving newtype (Eq, Ord, Storable, Zero) -- | 'COMPONENT_TYPE_FLOAT16_NV' corresponds to SPIR-V @OpTypeFloat@ 16. pattern COMPONENT_TYPE_FLOAT16_NV = ComponentTypeNV 0 -- | 'COMPONENT_TYPE_FLOAT32_NV' corresponds to SPIR-V @OpTypeFloat@ 32. pattern COMPONENT_TYPE_FLOAT32_NV = ComponentTypeNV 1 -- | 'COMPONENT_TYPE_FLOAT64_NV' corresponds to SPIR-V @OpTypeFloat@ 64. pattern COMPONENT_TYPE_FLOAT64_NV = ComponentTypeNV 2 -- | 'COMPONENT_TYPE_SINT8_NV' corresponds to SPIR-V @OpTypeInt@ 8 1. pattern COMPONENT_TYPE_SINT8_NV = ComponentTypeNV 3 -- | 'COMPONENT_TYPE_SINT16_NV' corresponds to SPIR-V @OpTypeInt@ 16 1. pattern COMPONENT_TYPE_SINT16_NV = ComponentTypeNV 4 -- | 'COMPONENT_TYPE_SINT32_NV' corresponds to SPIR-V @OpTypeInt@ 32 1. pattern COMPONENT_TYPE_SINT32_NV = ComponentTypeNV 5 -- | 'COMPONENT_TYPE_SINT64_NV' corresponds to SPIR-V @OpTypeInt@ 64 1. pattern COMPONENT_TYPE_SINT64_NV = ComponentTypeNV 6 -- | 'COMPONENT_TYPE_UINT8_NV' corresponds to SPIR-V @OpTypeInt@ 8 0. pattern COMPONENT_TYPE_UINT8_NV = ComponentTypeNV 7 -- | 'COMPONENT_TYPE_UINT16_NV' corresponds to SPIR-V @OpTypeInt@ 16 0. pattern COMPONENT_TYPE_UINT16_NV = ComponentTypeNV 8 -- | 'COMPONENT_TYPE_UINT32_NV' corresponds to SPIR-V @OpTypeInt@ 32 0. pattern COMPONENT_TYPE_UINT32_NV = ComponentTypeNV 9 -- | 'COMPONENT_TYPE_UINT64_NV' corresponds to SPIR-V @OpTypeInt@ 64 0. pattern COMPONENT_TYPE_UINT64_NV = ComponentTypeNV 10 {-# complete COMPONENT_TYPE_FLOAT16_NV, COMPONENT_TYPE_FLOAT32_NV, COMPONENT_TYPE_FLOAT64_NV, COMPONENT_TYPE_SINT8_NV, COMPONENT_TYPE_SINT16_NV, COMPONENT_TYPE_SINT32_NV, COMPONENT_TYPE_SINT64_NV, COMPONENT_TYPE_UINT8_NV, COMPONENT_TYPE_UINT16_NV, COMPONENT_TYPE_UINT32_NV, COMPONENT_TYPE_UINT64_NV :: ComponentTypeNV #-} instance Show ComponentTypeNV where showsPrec p = \case COMPONENT_TYPE_FLOAT16_NV -> showString "COMPONENT_TYPE_FLOAT16_NV" COMPONENT_TYPE_FLOAT32_NV -> showString "COMPONENT_TYPE_FLOAT32_NV" COMPONENT_TYPE_FLOAT64_NV -> showString "COMPONENT_TYPE_FLOAT64_NV" COMPONENT_TYPE_SINT8_NV -> showString "COMPONENT_TYPE_SINT8_NV" COMPONENT_TYPE_SINT16_NV -> showString "COMPONENT_TYPE_SINT16_NV" COMPONENT_TYPE_SINT32_NV -> showString "COMPONENT_TYPE_SINT32_NV" COMPONENT_TYPE_SINT64_NV -> showString "COMPONENT_TYPE_SINT64_NV" COMPONENT_TYPE_UINT8_NV -> showString "COMPONENT_TYPE_UINT8_NV" COMPONENT_TYPE_UINT16_NV -> showString "COMPONENT_TYPE_UINT16_NV" COMPONENT_TYPE_UINT32_NV -> showString "COMPONENT_TYPE_UINT32_NV" COMPONENT_TYPE_UINT64_NV -> showString "COMPONENT_TYPE_UINT64_NV" ComponentTypeNV x -> showParen (p >= 11) (showString "ComponentTypeNV " . showsPrec 11 x) instance Read ComponentTypeNV where readPrec = parens (choose [("COMPONENT_TYPE_FLOAT16_NV", pure COMPONENT_TYPE_FLOAT16_NV) , ("COMPONENT_TYPE_FLOAT32_NV", pure COMPONENT_TYPE_FLOAT32_NV) , ("COMPONENT_TYPE_FLOAT64_NV", pure COMPONENT_TYPE_FLOAT64_NV) , ("COMPONENT_TYPE_SINT8_NV", pure COMPONENT_TYPE_SINT8_NV) , ("COMPONENT_TYPE_SINT16_NV", pure COMPONENT_TYPE_SINT16_NV) , ("COMPONENT_TYPE_SINT32_NV", pure COMPONENT_TYPE_SINT32_NV) , ("COMPONENT_TYPE_SINT64_NV", pure COMPONENT_TYPE_SINT64_NV) , ("COMPONENT_TYPE_UINT8_NV", pure COMPONENT_TYPE_UINT8_NV) , ("COMPONENT_TYPE_UINT16_NV", pure COMPONENT_TYPE_UINT16_NV) , ("COMPONENT_TYPE_UINT32_NV", pure COMPONENT_TYPE_UINT32_NV) , ("COMPONENT_TYPE_UINT64_NV", pure COMPONENT_TYPE_UINT64_NV)] +++ prec 10 (do expectP (Ident "ComponentTypeNV") v <- step readPrec pure (ComponentTypeNV v))) type NV_COOPERATIVE_MATRIX_SPEC_VERSION = 1 -- No documentation found for TopLevel "VK_NV_COOPERATIVE_MATRIX_SPEC_VERSION" pattern NV_COOPERATIVE_MATRIX_SPEC_VERSION :: forall a . Integral a => a pattern NV_COOPERATIVE_MATRIX_SPEC_VERSION = 1 type NV_COOPERATIVE_MATRIX_EXTENSION_NAME = "VK_NV_cooperative_matrix" -- No documentation found for TopLevel "VK_NV_COOPERATIVE_MATRIX_EXTENSION_NAME" pattern NV_COOPERATIVE_MATRIX_EXTENSION_NAME :: forall a . (Eq a, IsString a) => a pattern NV_COOPERATIVE_MATRIX_EXTENSION_NAME = "VK_NV_cooperative_matrix"