{-# LANGUAGE ForeignFunctionInterface, CPP #-} -- | This module provides wrappers around Win32 API calls. These functions provide initialization, -- shutdown, and input event handling. module Graphics.Vty.Platform.Windows.WindowsInterfaces ( readBuf, configureInput, configureOutput ) where #include "windows_cconv.h" import Graphics.Vty.Platform.Windows.WindowsConsoleInput import Graphics.Vty.Input.Events ( Event(EvResize), InternalEvent(InputEvent) ) import Control.Concurrent (yield) import Control.Concurrent.STM ( TChan, atomically, writeTChan ) import Control.Monad (foldM) import Data.Bits ((.|.), (.&.), shiftL) import Codec.Binary.UTF8.String (encodeChar) import Data.Word (Word8) import Foreign.Storable (Storable(..)) import GHC.Ptr ( Ptr ) import System.IO ( Handle ) import System.Win32.Types ( HANDLE, withHandleToHANDLE, DWORD ) import System.Win32.Console foreign import ccall "windows.h WaitForSingleObject" c_WaitForSingleObject :: HANDLE -> DWORD -> IO DWORD -- | Read the contents of the Windows input buffer. The contents are parsed and either written to -- the TChan queue for Window size events, or written to the Word8 buffer for keyboard events and -- VT sequences. Returns the # of bytes written to the Word8 buffer. readBuf :: TChan InternalEvent -> Ptr WinConsoleInputEvent -> Handle -> Ptr Word8 -> Int -> IO Int readBuf eventChannel inputEventPtr handle bufferPtr maxInputRecords = do ret <- withHandleToHANDLE handle (`c_WaitForSingleObject` 500) yield -- otherwise, the above foreign call causes the loop to never -- respond to the killThread if ret /= 0 then readBuf eventChannel inputEventPtr handle bufferPtr maxInputRecords else readBuf' eventChannel inputEventPtr handle bufferPtr maxInputRecords readBuf' :: TChan InternalEvent -> Ptr WinConsoleInputEvent -> Handle -> Ptr Word8 -> Int -> IO Int readBuf' eventChannel inputEventPtr handle bufferPtr maxInputRecords = do inputEvents <- readConsoleInput inputEventPtr maxInputRecords handle (offset, _) <- foldM handleInputEvent (0, Nothing) inputEvents return offset where handleInputEvent :: (Int, Maybe Int) -> WinConsoleInputEvent -> IO (Int, Maybe Int) handleInputEvent (offset, mSurrogateVal) inputEvent = do case inputEvent of KeyEventRecordU (KeyEventRecordC isKeyDown _ _ _ cwChar _) -> do -- Process the character if this is a 'key down' event, -- AND the char is not NULL if isKeyDown && cwChar /= 0 then processCWChar (offset, mSurrogateVal) $ fromEnum cwChar else return (offset, Nothing) WindowBufferSizeRecordU (WindowBufferSizeRecordC (COORD x y)) -> do let resize = EvResize (fromIntegral x) (fromIntegral y) atomically $ writeTChan eventChannel (InputEvent resize) return (offset, Nothing) _ -> return (offset, Nothing) processCWChar :: (Int, Maybe Int) -> Int -> IO (Int, Maybe Int) processCWChar (offset, Nothing) charVal = do if isSurrogate charVal then return (offset, Just charVal) else encodeAndWriteToBuf offset charVal where isSurrogate :: Int -> Bool isSurrogate c = 0xD800 <= c && c < 0xDC00 processCWChar (offset, Just surogateVal) charVal = do let charVal' = (((surogateVal .&. 0x3FF) `shiftL` 10) .|. (charVal .&. 0x3FF)) + 0x10000 encodeAndWriteToBuf offset charVal' encodeAndWriteToBuf :: Int -> Int -> IO (Int, Maybe Int) encodeAndWriteToBuf offset charVal = do let utf8Char = encodeChar $ toEnum charVal mapM_ (\(w, offset') -> pokeElemOff bufferPtr (offset + offset') w) $ zip utf8Char [0..] return (offset + length utf8Char, Nothing) -- | Configure Windows to correctly handle input for a Vty application configureInput :: Handle -> IO (IO (), IO ()) configureInput inputHandle = do withHandleToHANDLE inputHandle $ \wh -> do original <- getConsoleMode wh let setMode = setConsoleMode wh $ eNABLE_VIRTUAL_TERMINAL_INPUT .|. eNABLE_EXTENDED_FLAGS pure (setMode, setConsoleMode wh original) -- | Configure Windows to correctly handle output for a Vty application configureOutput :: Handle -> IO (IO ()) configureOutput outputHandle = do withHandleToHANDLE outputHandle $ \wh -> do original <- getConsoleMode wh setConsoleOutputCP 65001 setConsoleMode wh $ eNABLE_VIRTUAL_TERMINAL_PROCESSING .|. eNABLE_PROCESSED_OUTPUT pure (setConsoleMode wh original)