-- Copyright 2009-2010 Corey O'Connor
module Graphics.Vty.Output.XTermColor ( reserveTerminal )

import Graphics.Vty.Output.Interface
import qualified Graphics.Vty.Output.TerminfoBased as TerminfoBased

import Blaze.ByteString.Builder (writeToByteString)
import Blaze.ByteString.Builder.Word (writeWord8)

import Control.Applicative
import Control.Monad.Trans

import Data.Foldable (foldMap)

import System.IO

-- | Initialize the display to UTF-8. 
reserveTerminal :: ( Applicative m, MonadIO m ) => String -> Handle -> m Output
reserveTerminal variant outHandle = liftIO $ do
    let flushedPut str = do
            hPutStr outHandle str
            hFlush outHandle
    -- If the terminal variant is xterm-color use xterm instead since, more often than not,
    -- xterm-color is broken.
    let variant' = if variant == "xterm-color" then "xterm" else variant
    flushedPut setUtf8CharSet
    t <- TerminfoBased.reserveTerminal variant' outHandle
    let t' = t
             { terminalID = terminalID t ++ " (xterm-color)"
             , releaseTerminal = do
                 liftIO $ flushedPut setDefaultCharSet
                 releaseTerminal t
             , mkDisplayContext = \tActual r -> do
                dc <- mkDisplayContext t tActual r
                return $ dc { inlineHack = xtermInlineHack t' }
    return t'

-- | These sequences set xterm based terminals to UTF-8 output.
-- \todo I don't know of a terminfo cap that is equivalent to this.
setUtf8CharSet, setDefaultCharSet :: String
setUtf8CharSet = "\ESC%G"
setDefaultCharSet = "\ESC%@"

-- | I think xterm is broken: Reseting the background color as the first bytes serialized on a
-- new line does not effect the background color xterm uses to clear the line. Which is used
-- *after* the next newline.
xtermInlineHack :: Output -> IO ()
xtermInlineHack t = do
    let writeReset = foldMap (writeWord8.toEnum.fromEnum) "\ESC[K"
    outputByteBuffer t $ writeToByteString writeReset