-- -*-haskell-*- -- Vision (for the Voice): an XMMS2 client. -- -- Author: Oleg Belozeorov -- Created: 12 Jul. 2010 -- -- Copyright (C) 2010 Oleg Belozeorov -- -- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or -- modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as -- published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of -- the License, or (at your option) any later version. -- -- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, -- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of -- MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU -- General Public License for more details. -- {-# LANGUAGE DoRec, TupleSections #-} {-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-incomplete-patterns #-} module Properties.Impex ( initImpex , showPropertyExport , showPropertyImport ) where import Control.Applicative import Control.Monad import Control.Monad.Trans import Control.Concurrent.MVar import Data.Char import qualified Data.Map as Map import Data.Maybe import Data.List import Codec.Binary.UTF8.String import System.FilePath import System.IO.Error import System.IO.Unsafe import Text.JSON import Graphics.UI.Gtk import XMMS2.Client hiding (Property) import qualified XMMS2.Client as X import UI import Context import Medialib import Utils import XMMS data Impex = Impex { iExportDlg :: Chooser , iImportDlg :: Chooser } showPropertyExport = runChooser (iExportDlg context) . exportProps showPropertyImport = runChooser (iImportDlg context) importProps initImpex = do context <- initContext let ?context = context return ?context initContext = do exportDlg <- unsafeInterleaveIO makeExportDlg importDlg <- unsafeInterleaveIO makeImportDlg return $ augmentContext Impex { iExportDlg = exportDlg , iImportDlg = importDlg } makeExportDlg = makeChooser "Export properties" FileChooserActionSave stockSave exportProps ids file = do pbar <- progressBarNew -- FIXME retrieveProperties ids $ \prog -> case prog of Left _ -> return () Right list -> do let base = dropFileName $ decodeString file text = encodeStrict $ showJSON $ map (exConv base . snd) list widgetDestroy pbar -- FIXME writeFile file text `catch` \e -> putStrLn $ "Export failed" ++ (decodeString file) ++ ": " ++ ioeGetErrorString e exConv base info = ((url', args), Map.difference info readOnlyProps) where url' = stripBase $ decodeURL path (path, args) = break (== '?') url X.PropString url = fromJust $ Map.lookup "url" info stripBase url | Just path <- stripPrefix "file://" url , Just tail <- stripPrefix base path = tail | otherwise = url readOnlyProps = Map.fromList $ map (, undefined) [ "added", "bitrate", "chain", "channels", "duration" , "id", "laststarted", "lmod", "mime", "sample_format" , "samplerate", "size", "status", "timesplayed", "url" , "startms", "stopms", "isdir", "intsort" ] makeImportDlg = makeChooser "Import properties" FileChooserActionOpen stockOpen importProps name = importAll `catch` (erep . ioeGetErrorString) where importAll = do text <- readFile name case decodeStrict text of Ok recs -> mapM_ (importOne base) recs Error _ -> erep "invalid file format" base = dropFileName decn decn = decodeString name erep = putStrLn . (("Import failed: " ++ decn ++ ": ") ++) importOne base ((url, args), props) = medialibAddEntryEncoded xmms enc >>* do liftIO $ medialibGetIdEncoded xmms enc >>* do id <- result unless (id == 0) $ liftIO $ setProps id props return False return False where enc = (encodeURL url') ++ args url' | isInfixOf "://" url = url | otherwise = "file://" ++ joinPath [base, url] setProps id props = mapM_ set $ Map.toList props where set (k, v) = medialibEntryPropertySet xmms id src k v src = Just "client/generic/override/vision" data Chooser = Chooser { cLock :: MVar () , cChooser :: FileChooserDialog } makeChooser title action stockId = do lock <- newMVar () chooser <- fileChooserDialogNew (Just title) Nothing action [ (stockCancel, ResponseCancel) , (stockId, ResponseAccept) ] hideOnDeleteEvent chooser filter <- fileFilterNew fileFilterSetName filter "Vision property files" fileFilterAddCustom filter [FileFilterFilename] $ \name _ _ _ -> return $ maybe False ((==) ".vpf" . map toLower . takeExtension) name fileChooserAddFilter chooser filter filter <- fileFilterNew fileFilterSetName filter "All files" fileFilterAddCustom filter [] $ \_ _ _ _ -> return True fileChooserAddFilter chooser filter return Chooser { cLock = lock , cChooser = chooser } runChooser Chooser { cLock = lock, cChooser = chooser } onAccept = do locked <- isJust <$> tryTakeMVar lock when locked $ do windowSetTransientFor chooser window rec { cid <- chooser `onResponse` \resp -> do signalDisconnect cid case resp of ResponseAccept -> do name <- fileChooserGetFilename chooser fmaybeM_ name onAccept _ -> return () widgetHide chooser putMVar lock () } return () windowPresent chooser instance JSON X.Property where showJSON (X.PropInt32 i) = showJSON i showJSON (X.PropString s) = showJSON s readJSON (JSRational _ i) = return $ X.PropInt32 $ truncate i readJSON (JSString s) = return $ X.PropString $ fromJSString s