`vgrep` -- A pager for `grep` ============================= ![Screenshot](./screenshot.gif) ## Usage * As a pager: ```bash grep -rn data /some/path | vgrep # -n for line numbers ``` * As a drop-in replacement for `grep`: ```bash vgrep data /some/path # recursive by default vgrep data /some/path | vgrep default # works with pipes, too ``` * With a `git` alias defined in your `~/.gitconfig`: ```bash git config --global alias.vgrep '!__git_vgrep () { git grep --color=always "$@" | vgrep; }; __git_vgrep' git vgrep data ``` * Using [`ack`][ack]/[`ag`][ag] instead of `grep`? No problem: ```bash ack data | vgrep # Output of `ack` is compatible ack --color data | vgrep # Even coloring works ag --color data | vgrep # Same for `ag` ``` [ack]: http://beyondgrep.com/ [ag]: https://github.com/ggreer/the_silver_searcher Keybindings: * Use `hjkl` or the arrow keys to navigate * `Enter` opens a pager with the selected file * `e` opens the selected file in `$EDITOR` * `Tab` switches between results list and pager * `q` closes the pager and then the entire application. ## Installation ### Via [`nix`] from [nixpkgs] ``` nix-env -iA nixpkgs.haskellPackages.vgrep ``` ### From [Hackage] Installation from Hackage via [`stack`] is recommended: ```bash stack update stack install vgrep ``` This will install `vgrep` to your `~/.local/bin` directory. ### From [source] ```bash git clone https://github.com/fmthoma/vgrep.git cd vgrep stack setup stack install ``` [`nix`]: https://nixos.org/ [nixpkgs]: https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs [Hackage]: https://hackage.haskell.org/package/vgrep [`stack`]: https://github.com/commercialhaskell/stack/blob/master/doc/install_and_upgrade.md [source]: https://github.com/fmthoma/vgrep