Changelog ========= ## v0.2.3 * Replace `lens` dependency with `microlens` for faster builds * Compatibility with GHC 8.4 to 8.10, stackage LTS-12 to LTS-17 * Explicitly passing a tty to the editor process, rather than stdin, to work around a vim bug ## v0.2.2 * Add support for aeson 1.2.x to enable build with Stackage LTS 10.x ## v0.2.1 * Add support for aeson 1.x to enable build with Stackage LTS 9.x * Add `less`-like keybindings Ctrl-u, Ctrl-d (half-page-up/down, only in pager) and Ctrl-b, Ctrl-f (full-page-up/down). ## v0.2 * Added support for a config file: A YAML file located at `~/.vgrep/config.yaml` is recognized as configuration file for colors, keybindings and other settings. The default config file can be produced using `vgrep --dump-default-config > ~/.vgrep/config.yaml`. * Added support for colorized input ([ANSI CSI/SGR escape codes]( `vgrep` can now be used together wit `grep --color=always` (and `git grep --color=always`), which is now enabled by default when using `vgrep` as drop-in replacement for `grep`. ## v0.1.4.1 * Switch to strict `Text` * Less dependent on `template-haskell` ## v0.1.4 * User events (like key events) now have priority over other events, the UI does not block any more. * `--help` and `--version` now produce sensible output. ## v0.1.3 * Fix pageUp in Results view ## v0.1.2 * Performance improvements * Tests for Pager and Results widget * Haddock documentation ## v0.1.1 * Fixed `j`/`k` keys in pager view * Additional `h`/`l`/`←`/`→` keybindings for horizontal scrolling in pager * Matching lines are now highlighted in pager view ## v0.1