{-# LANGUAGE StrictData #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeSynonymInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}

-- |
-- Module    : Geography.VectorTile.Raw
-- Copyright : (c) Azavea, 2016
-- License   : Apache 2
-- Maintainer: Colin Woodbury <cwoodbury@azavea.com>
-- Raw Vector Tile data is stored as binary protobuf data.
-- This module reads and writes raw protobuf ByteStrings between a data type
-- which closely matches the current Mapbox vector tile spec defined here:
-- https://github.com/mapbox/vector-tile-spec/blob/master/2.1/vector_tile.proto
-- As this raw version of the data is hard to work with, in practice we convert
-- to a more canonical Haskell type for further processing.
-- See `Geography.VectorTile` for the user-friendly version.
-- Please import this module @qualified@ to avoid namespace clashes:
-- > import qualified Geography.VectorTile.Raw as R

module Geography.VectorTile.Raw
  ( -- * Types
  , RawLayer(..)
  , RawVal(..)
  , RawFeature(..)
  , GeomType(..)
  , Geom(..)
    -- * Encoding / Decoding
  , decode
  , encode
  , decodeIO
  , encodeIO
  ) where

import           Control.DeepSeq (NFData)
import qualified Data.ByteString as BS
import           Data.Int
import           Data.ProtocolBuffers hiding (decode, encode)
import           Data.Serialize.Get
import           Data.Serialize.Put
import           Data.Text (Text, pack)
import           Data.Word
import           GHC.Generics (Generic)
import qualified Geography.VectorTile.Geometry as G


-- | A list of `RawLayer`s.
data RawVectorTile = RawVectorTile { layers :: Repeated 3 (Message RawLayer) }
                   deriving (Generic,Show,Eq)

instance Encode RawVectorTile
instance Decode RawVectorTile
instance NFData RawVectorTile

-- | Contains a pseudo-map of metadata, to be shared across all `RawFeature`s
-- of this `RawLayer`.
data RawLayer = RawLayer { version :: Required 15 (Value Word32)
                         , name :: Required 1 (Value Text)
                         , features :: Repeated 2 (Message RawFeature)
                         , keys :: Repeated 3 (Value Text)
                         , values :: Repeated 4 (Message RawVal)
                         , extent :: Optional 5 (Value Word32)
                         } deriving (Generic,Show,Eq)

instance Encode RawLayer
instance Decode RawLayer
instance NFData RawLayer

-- | The /Value/ types of metadata fields.
data RawVal = RawVal { string :: Optional 1 (Value Text)
                     , float :: Optional 2 (Value Float)
                     , double :: Optional 3 (Value Double)
                     , int64 :: Optional 4 (Value Int64)
                     , uint64 :: Optional 5 (Value Word64)
                     , sint :: Optional 6 (Value (Signed Int64))  -- ^ Z-encoded.
                     , bool :: Optional 7 (Value Bool)
                     } deriving (Generic,Show,Eq)

instance Encode RawVal
instance Decode RawVal
instance NFData RawVal

-- | A set of geometries unified by some theme.
data RawFeature = RawFeature { featureId :: Optional 1 (Value Word64)
                             , tags :: Packed 2 (Value Word32)
                             , geom :: Optional 3 (Enumeration GeomType)
                             , geometries :: Packed 4 (Value Word32)
                             } deriving (Generic,Show,Eq)

instance Encode RawFeature
instance Decode RawFeature
instance NFData RawFeature

-- | The four potential Geometry types. The spec allows for encoders to set
-- `Unknown` as the type, but our decoder ignores these.
data GeomType = Unknown | Point | LineString | Polygon
              deriving (Generic,Enum,Show,Eq)

instance Encode GeomType
instance Decode GeomType
instance NFData GeomType

-- | A `Geom` can recover its `GeomType` from its `G.Geometry` instance.
class G.Geometry g => Geom g where
  -- | The @g@ here is a proxy argument to discern the type.
  geomType :: g -> GeomType

instance Geom G.Point where
  geomType _ = Point

instance Geom G.LineString where
  geomType _ = LineString

instance Geom G.Polygon where
  geomType _ = Polygon

-- | Attempt to decode a `BS.ByteString` of raw protobuf data into a mid-level
-- representation of a `RawVectorTile`.
decode :: BS.ByteString -> Either Text RawVectorTile
decode bs = case runGet decodeMessage bs of
  Left e -> Left $ pack e
  Right vt -> Right vt

-- | Encode a mid-level representation of a `RawVectorTile` into raw protobuf data.
encode :: RawVectorTile -> BS.ByteString
encode = runPut . encodeMessage

-- | Given a filename, attempt to decode bytes read from that file.
decodeIO :: FilePath -> IO (Either Text RawVectorTile)
decodeIO = fmap decode . BS.readFile

-- | Write a mid-level representation of a `RawVectorTile` to a file as raw
-- protobuf data.
encodeIO :: RawVectorTile -> FilePath -> IO ()
encodeIO vt fp = BS.writeFile fp $ encode vt