{- This file is part of vcs-web-hook-parse.
 - Written in 2015 by fr33domlover <fr33domlover@rel4tion.org>.
 - ♡ Copying is an act of love. Please copy, reuse and share.
 - The author(s) have dedicated all copyright and related and neighboring
 - rights to this software to the public domain worldwide. This software is
 - distributed without any warranty.
 - You should have received a copy of the CC0 Public Domain Dedication along
 - with this software. If not, see
 - <http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/>.

{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}

module Web.Hook.GitLab
    ( CommitID
    , Url
    , Author (..)
    , User (..)
    , Commit (..)
    , MergeEndpoint (..)
    , Repository (..)
    , Issue (..)
    , MergeRequest (..)
    , Push (..)
    , IssueEvent (..)
    , MergeRequestEvent (..)
    , Event (..)
    , parse

import Control.Applicative
import Control.Monad (mzero)
import Data.Aeson
import Data.Aeson.Types (Parser)
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as B
import qualified Data.Text as T

type CommitID = T.Text

type Url = T.Text

data Author = Author
    { authorName  :: T.Text
    , authorEmail :: T.Text

data User = User
    { userName     :: T.Text
    , userUsername :: T.Text
    , userAvatar   :: Url

data Commit = Commit
    { commitId        :: CommitID
    , commitMessage   :: T.Text
    , commitTimestamp :: T.Text
    , commitUrl       :: Url
    , commitAuthor    :: Author

data MergeEndpoint = MergeEndpoint
    { mepName       :: T.Text
    , mepSshUrl     :: Url
    , mepHttpurl    :: Url
    , mepVisibility :: Int
    , mepNamespace  :: T.Text

data Repository = Repository
    { repoName       :: T.Text
    , repoUrl        :: Url
    , repoDesc       :: T.Text
    , repoHomepage   :: Url
    , repoGitHttpUrl :: Url
    , repoGitSshUrl  :: Url
    , repoVisibility :: Int

data Issue = Issue
    { issueInternalId  :: Int
    , issueTitle       :: T.Text
    , issueAssigneeId  :: Int
    , issueAuthorId    :: Int
    , issueProjectId   :: Int
    , issueCreatedAt   :: T.Text
    , issueUpdatedAt   :: T.Text
    , issuePosition    :: Int
    , issueBranch      :: Maybe T.Text
    , issueDescription :: T.Text
    , issueMilestoneId :: Maybe Int
    , issueState       :: T.Text
    , issueId          :: Int
    , issueUrl         :: Url

data MergeRequest = MergeRequest
    { mrInternalId      :: Int
    , mrTargetBranch    :: T.Text
    , mrSourceBranch    :: T.Text
    , mrSourceProjectId :: Int
    , mrAuthorId        :: Int
    , mrAssigneeId      :: Maybe Int
    , mrTitle           :: T.Text
    , mrCreatedAt       :: T.Text
    , mrUpdatedAt       :: T.Text
    --, mrStCommits       :: [Int] -- dummy type; what is this?
    --, mrStDiffs         :: [Int] -- dummy type; what is this?
    , mrMilestoneId     :: Maybe Int
    , mrState           :: T.Text
    , mrMergeStatus     :: T.Text
    , mrTargetProjectId :: Int
    , mrId              :: Int
    , mrDescription     :: T.Text
    , mrSource          :: MergeEndpoint
    , mrTarget          :: MergeEndpoint
    , mrLastCommit      :: Commit
    , mrUrl             :: Url

data Push = Push
    { pushBefore       :: CommitID
    , pushAfter        :: CommitID
    , pushRef          :: T.Text
    , pushUserId       :: Int
    , pushUserName     :: T.Text
    , pushUserEmail    :: T.Text
    , pushProjectId    :: Int
    , pushRepository   :: Repository
    , pushCommits      :: [Commit]
    , pushCommitsTotal :: Int

data IssueEvent = IssueEvent
    { ieUser   :: User
    , ieIssue  :: Issue
    , ieAction :: T.Text

data MergeRequestEvent = MergeRequestEvent
    { mreUser    :: User
    , mreRequest :: MergeRequest
    , mreAction  :: T.Text

data Event
    = EventPush Push
    | EventPushTag Push
    | EventIssue IssueEvent
    | EventMergeRequest MergeRequestEvent

instance FromJSON Author where
    parseJSON (Object v) =
        Author <$>
        v .: "name" <*>
        v .: "email"
    parseJSON _          = mzero

instance FromJSON User where
    parseJSON (Object v) =
        User <$>
        v .: "name" <*>
        v .: "username" <*>
        v .: "avatar_url"
    parseJSON _          = mzero

instance FromJSON Commit where
    parseJSON (Object v) =
        Commit <$>
        v .: "id" <*>
        v .: "message" <*>
        v .: "timestamp" <*>
        v .: "url" <*>
        v .: "author"
    parseJSON _          = mzero

instance FromJSON MergeEndpoint where
    parseJSON (Object v) =
        MergeEndpoint <$>
        v .: "name" <*>
        v .: "ssh_url" <*>
        v .: "http_url" <*>
        v .: "visibility_level" <*>
        v .: "namespace"
    parseJSON _          = mzero

instance FromJSON Repository where
    parseJSON (Object v) =
        Repository <$>
        v .: "name" <*>
        v .: "url" <*>
        v .: "description" <*>
        v .: "homepage" <*>
        v .: "git_http_url" <*>
        v .: "git_ssh_url" <*>
        v .: "visibility_level"
    parseJSON _          = mzero

instance FromJSON Issue where
    parseJSON (Object v) =
        Issue <$>
        v .: "id" <*>
        v .: "title" <*>
        v .: "assignee_id" <*>
        v .: "author_id" <*>
        v .: "project_id" <*>
        v .: "created_at" <*>
        v .: "updated_at" <*>
        v .: "position" <*>
        v .: "branch_name" <*>
        v .: "description" <*>
        v .: "milestone_id" <*>
        v .: "state" <*>
        v .: "iid" <*>
        v .: "url"
    parseJSON _          = mzero

instance FromJSON MergeRequest where
    parseJSON (Object v) =
        MergeRequest <$>
        v .: "id" <*>
        v .: "target_branch" <*>
        v .: "source_branch" <*>
        v .: "source_project_id" <*>
        v .: "author_id" <*>
        v .: "assignee_id" <*>
        v .: "title" <*>
        v .: "created_at" <*>
        v .: "updated_at" <*>
        --v .: "st_commits" <*>
        --v .: "st_diffs" <*>
        v .: "milestone_id" <*>
        v .: "state" <*>
        v .: "merge_status" <*>
        v .: "target_project_id" <*>
        v .: "iid" <*>
        v .: "description" <*>
        v .: "source" <*>
        v .: "target" <*>
        v .: "last_commit" <*>
        v .: "url"
    parseJSON _          = mzero

instance FromJSON Push where
    parseJSON (Object v) =
        Push <$>
        v .: "before" <*>
        v .: "after" <*>
        v .: "ref" <*>
        v .: "user_id" <*>
        v .: "user_name" <*>
        v .: "user_email" <*>
        v .: "project_id" <*>
        v .: "repository" <*>
        v .: "commits" <*>
        v .: "total_commits_count"
    parseJSON _          = mzero

text :: Parser T.Text -> T.Text -> Parser T.Text
text parser expected = do
    got <- parser
    if got == expected
        then return got
        else mzero

instance FromJSON IssueEvent where
    parseJSON (Object o) = do
        user <- o .: "user"
        attrs <- o .: "object_attributes"
        mr <- o .: "object_attributes"
        action <- attrs .: "action"
        return $ IssueEvent user mr action
    parseJSON _          = mzero

instance FromJSON MergeRequestEvent where
    parseJSON (Object o) = do
        user <- o .: "user"
        attrs <- o .: "object_attributes"
        issue <- o .: "object_attributes"
        action <- attrs .: "action"
        return $ MergeRequestEvent user issue action
    parseJSON _          = mzero

instance FromJSON Event where
    parseJSON v@(Object o) =
        let kind = text $ o .: "object_kind"
        in  kind "push"          *> (EventPush         <$> parseJSON v) <|>
            kind "tag_push"      *> (EventPushTag      <$> parseJSON v) <|>
            kind "issue"         *> (EventIssue        <$> parseJSON v) <|>
            kind "merge_request" *> (EventMergeRequest <$> parseJSON v)
    parseJSON _          = mzero

-- | Parse a JSON string (the body of the HTTP request) into event information.
-- If parsing fails, return 'Left' an error message.
parse :: B.ByteString -> Either String Event
parse = eitherDecode