{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}

module Bio.VCF.Parser.Parser where

import qualified Data.Attoparsec.ByteString.Char8 as AC8 (notChar, char)
import qualified Data.ByteString as B (ByteString, append)
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as BS8 (singleton, words, unpack, split)
import Control.Applicative (liftA2, (<|>), (<$>))
import Data.Attoparsec.ByteString (try, takeWhile1, takeByteString, skipWhile, Parser, string, takeTill)
import Text.Read (readMaybe)

import Bio.VCF.Internal.Types
import Bio.VCF.Parser.Helpers

parseMetaInformation :: Parser B.ByteString
parseMetaInformation = AC8.char '#' *>
                       AC8.char '#' *>

parseFormatLine :: Parser B.ByteString
parseFormatLine = AC8.char '#' *>
                  liftA2 B.append
                         (BS8.singleton `fmap` AC8.notChar '#')

parsePatients :: Parser [Patient]
parsePatients = AC8.char '#' *>
                string "CHROM" *>
                skipWhile tabOrSpace *>
                string "POS" *>
                skipWhile tabOrSpace *>
                string "ID" *>
                skipWhile tabOrSpace *>
                string "REF" *>
                skipWhile tabOrSpace *>
                string "ALT" *>
                skipWhile tabOrSpace *>
                string "QUAL" *>
                skipWhile tabOrSpace *>
                string "FILTER" *>
                skipWhile tabOrSpace *>
                string "INFO" *>
                skipWhile tabOrSpace *>
                string "FORMAT" *>
                skipWhile tabOrSpace *>
--TODO use `sepBy` in this part instead of words to gain performance
                (fmap . fmap) Patient (BS8.words <$> takeTill endOfLine)

parseChrom :: Parser B.ByteString
parseChrom = try (string  "<ID>") <|> takeWhile1 notTabOrSpace

{-We don't care about the additional characters, it should be delegated to
 - the whole parser-}
parsePosition :: Parser Int
parsePosition =  read . BS8.unpack <$> takeWhile1 isNumber

parseID :: Parser [B.ByteString]
parseID = BS8.split ':' <$> takeWhile1 notTabOrSpace

parseRef :: Parser B.ByteString
parseRef = takeWhile1 isBase

parseAlt :: Parser [B.ByteString]
parseAlt = try (makeList <$> string "<ID>") <|>
           BS8.split ',' <$> takeWhile1 isBaseOrDeletion
  where makeList x = [x]

parseQual :: Parser (Maybe Float)
parseQual = readMaybe . BS8.unpack <$> takeWhile1 isFloatNumber

parseFilter :: Parser [B.ByteString]
parseFilter = try (makeList <$> string "PASS") <|>
              BS8.split ';' <$> takeWhile1 notTabOrSpace
  where makeList x = [x]

parseInformation :: Parser [B.ByteString]
parseInformation = BS8.split ';' <$> takeWhile1 notTabOrSpace

parseFormat :: Parser (Maybe [B.ByteString])
parseFormat = try ((Just . BS8.split ':') <$> takeWhile1 notTabOrSpace) <|>
                pure Nothing

parseGenotypes :: Parser [Genotypes]
parseGenotypes = fmap (BS8.split ':') . BS8.split ' ' <$> takeByteString

parseVariation :: Parser (Variation, [Genotypes])
parseVariation = do
  vChrom <- parseChrom
  skipWhile tabOrSpace
  vPos <- parsePosition
  skipWhile tabOrSpace
  vId <- parseID
  skipWhile tabOrSpace
  vRef <- parseRef
  skipWhile tabOrSpace
  vAlt <- parseAlt
  skipWhile tabOrSpace
  vQual <- parseQual
  skipWhile tabOrSpace
  vFilter <- parseFilter
  skipWhile tabOrSpace
  vInfo <- parseInformation
  skipWhile tabOrSpace
  maybeFormat <- parseFormat
  let variation = Variation vChrom vPos vId vRef vAlt vQual vFilter vInfo Nothing
  case maybeFormat of
    Just formats -> do
      skipWhile tabOrSpace
      genotypes <- parseGenotypes
      return (variation{format = Just formats}, genotypes)
    Nothing -> return (variation, [])