cabal-version: 2.0 name: uu-tc-error version: homepage: bug-reports: license: BSD3 license-file: LICENSE author: Andres Loeh , Johan Jeuring , Doaitse Swierstra , Adolfo OchagavĂ­a maintainer: description: This library tries to be a drop in replacement for @[uu-tc]( that provides error messages. However, we could not avoid additional type class constraints on @parse@. Notice that you might need to add @Ord@ and @Show@ constraints to your own functions and ensure your own data types are @deriving (Ord, Show)@. . If you are only interested in full parses of some parser @p@, enforce full parses on the @Parser@ level using the @"ParseLib.Abstract.Derived".eof@ combinator as in @parse (p <* eof) input@. This ensures error reporting. . We highly recommend using @parseImproved@ instead of @parse@. Please look at @parseImproved@'s documentation in the "ParseLib.Abstract.Core" module. . Report bugs to [gitlab]( or @p.rednaz\, please. . __Description of @@__ . Course software for INFOB3TC (Languages & Compilers) . This library currently contains two Haskell 98 parser combinator libraries. . * The default library, available as @ParseLib@ or more explicitly by importing @ParseLib.Simple@, is the one described in the lecture notes, using a type synonym as the type for parsers. . * The second library can be chosen by importing @ParseLib.Abstract@. It defines the same functions as @ParseLib.Simple@, but keeps the parser type abstract. . In future versions of this package, more libraries with more advanced implementations of parser combinators may be added. synopsis: Haskell 98 parser combintors for INFOB3TC at Utrecht University category: Text, Parsing build-type: Simple source-repository head type: git location: library build-depends: base ^>= || ^>= || ^>= || ^>= || ^>= || ^>= || ^>= || ^>= , uu-tc-error-error ^>= exposed-modules: ParseLib ParseLib.Abstract ParseLib.Abstract.Applications ParseLib.Abstract.Core ParseLib.Abstract.Derived ParseLib.Abstract.Run ParseLib.Simple ParseLib.Simple.Applications ParseLib.Simple.Core ParseLib.Simple.Derived ParseLib.Simple.Run hs-source-dirs: src default-language: Haskell2010 default-extensions: LambdaCase NamedFieldPuns