{-# LANGUAGE NoImplicitPrelude, UnicodeSyntax #-} module Data.BCD ( BCD4, unmarshalBCD4, decodeBCD ) where -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Imports -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- from base: import Prelude ( fromInteger, fromIntegral, (-) ) import Control.Monad ( (>>) ) import Data.Bits ( Bits, shiftL, shiftR, bitSize ) import Data.Bool ( otherwise ) import Data.Function ( ($) ) import Data.List ( map ) import Data.Ord ( (<) ) import Data.Int ( Int ) import Data.Word ( Word16 ) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Binary Coded Decimals -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | A decoded 16 bits Binary Coded Decimal using 4 bits for each digit. type BCD4 = (Int, Int, Int, Int) -- | Decode a @Word16@ as a Binary Coded Decimal using 4 bits per digit. unmarshalBCD4 ∷ Word16 → BCD4 unmarshalBCD4 abcd = (a, b, c, d) where [a, b, c, d] = map fromIntegral $ decodeBCD 4 abcd {-| @decodeBCD bitsInDigit bcd@ decodes the Binary Coded Decimal @bcd@ to a list of its encoded digits. @bitsInDigit@, which is usually 4, is the number of bits used to encode a single digit. See: -} decodeBCD ∷ Bits α ⇒ Int → α → [α] decodeBCD bitsInDigit abcd = go shftR [] where shftR = bitSize abcd - bitsInDigit go shftL ds | shftL < 0 = ds | otherwise = go (shftL - bitsInDigit) (((abcd `shiftL` shftL) `shiftR` shftR) : ds) -- The End ---------------------------------------------------------------------