module Up.Program ( main ) where import Data.Char (toLower) import Data.Function (on) import Data.List (intercalate) import Data.List.Split (splitOneOf) import System.Directory (canonicalizePath) import System.Environment (getArgs, getEnv) import System.FilePath (joinDrive, splitDrive, (), pathSeparator) import Up.Options import Up.ParseCmdLine import qualified System.Exit data ExitCode = Program_Success | Program_BadArgs | UpTo_BadDestination deriving (Enum, Eq) exitWith :: ExitCode -> IO a exitWith = System.Exit.exitWith . fromNumericCode . fromEnum where fromNumericCode 0 = System.Exit.ExitSuccess fromNumericCode n = System.Exit.ExitFailure n main :: IO () main = do args <- getArgs case parseUpOptions args of Nothing -> runHelp >> exitWith Program_BadArgs Just res -> runOpt (separator res) (upOption res) >>= exitWith -- NOTE: canonicalizePath expands symlinks fixupPath :: FilePath -> IO FilePath fixupPath = canonicalizePath splitDirectories :: FilePath -> [String] splitDirectories = splitOneOf "\\/" useSeparator :: Separator -> FilePath -> FilePath useSeparator sep = joiner . splitDirectories where joiner = intercalate $ case sep of ForwardSlash -> "/" BackSlash -> "\\" runHelp :: IO ExitCode runHelp = mapM putStrLn [ "Usage: up [OPTION]" , "Emits a path to go up a certain amount of directories based on OPTIONs." , "" , "--help: Display this help and exit." , "" , "-r, --relative: Emit the path as a relative path." , "" , "-a, --absolute: Emit the path as an absolute path." , "" , "-s, --separator (forward|back): The type of file separator to emit as. If this option is not supplied, the emitted separator is implementation defined but will be compliant with the program's operating system." , "" , "-i, --ignore-case: Ignore case when matching strings." , "" , "-m, --from-by DIRECTORY AMOUNT: Goes up DIRECTORY by AMOUNT. Emits as an absolute path by default." , "" , "-n, --by AMOUNT: Goes up the current directory by AMOUNT. Emits as a relative path by default." , "" , "-f, --from-to DIRECTORY PATHPART: Goes up DIRECTORY until you hit PATHPART. Emits as an absolute path by default." , "" , "-t, --to PATHPART: Goes up the current directory until you hit PATHPART. Emits as a relative path by default." , "" , "In the above options, AMOUNT can be of two forms. (1) a non-negative integer. (2) a series of consecutive '.' (dot) characters. Case (2) is the same as (1) if AMOUNT were the number of dots minus one." , "The following flags do not need to be explicitly written and can be implied: --by, --to. If AMOUNT is supplied, --by is chosen. In all other cases, --to is chosen." , "If multiple options are supplied and any of them conflict, the rightmost option takes precedence unless any of the conflicting options is defined by an implicit flag. In that case, it is a usage error." ] >> return Program_Success getWorkingDir :: IO String getWorkingDir = getEnv "PWD" -- not using getCurrentDirectory because symlinks would get expanded runUpBy :: Separator -> Maybe FilePath -> PathType -> Int -> IO ExitCode runUpBy sep mDir pt n = do dir <- case mDir of Just dir -> return dir Nothing -> fixupPath =<< getWorkingDir let relPath = upBy n putStr . useSeparator sep =<< case pt of RelativePath -> return relPath AbsolutePath -> fixupPath $ dir relPath return Program_Success runUpTo :: Separator -> Maybe FilePath -> PathType -> Bool -> String -> IO ExitCode runUpTo sep mDir pt ic part = do dir <- case mDir of Just dir -> return dir Nothing -> fixupPath =<< getWorkingDir case upTo ic dir part of Nothing -> return UpTo_BadDestination Just relPath -> do putStr . useSeparator sep =<< case pt of RelativePath -> return relPath AbsolutePath -> fixupPath $ dir relPath return Program_Success runOpt :: Maybe Separator -> UpOption -> IO ExitCode runOpt mSep opt = case opt of Help -> runHelp UpBy mDir pt n -> runUpBy sep mDir pt n UpTo mDir pt ic str -> runUpTo sep mDir pt ic str where sep = maybe defaultSep id mSep defaultSep = case pathSeparator of '\\' -> BackSlash '/' -> ForwardSlash _ -> ForwardSlash mkPath :: String -> [String] -> FilePath mkPath defaultPath parts = case intercalate "/" parts of "" -> defaultPath path -> path upBy :: Int -> FilePath upBy = mkPath "." . flip replicate ".." upTo :: Bool -> FilePath -> String -> Maybe FilePath upTo ic path = upTo' ic $ splitDirectories path upTo' :: Bool -> [String] -> String -> Maybe FilePath upTo' ic targets target = case targets' of [] -> Nothing _ -> Just $ upBy $ length targets - length targets' where targets' = reverse . dropWhile pred . reverse $ targets pred = if ic then on (/=) (map toLower) target else (/= target)