{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns, ConstraintKinds, FlexibleContexts, GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving, MultiParamTypeClasses, StandaloneDeriving, TupleSections #-} {- | Module : Data.Graph.Unordered.Algorithms.Clustering Description : Graph partitioning Copyright : (c) Ivan Lazar Miljenovic License : MIT Maintainer : Ivan.Miljenovic@gmail.com -} module Data.Graph.Unordered.Algorithms.Clustering (bgll ,EdgeMergeable ) where import Data.Graph.Unordered import Data.Graph.Unordered.Internal import Control.Arrow (first, (***)) import Control.Monad (void) import Data.Bool (bool) import Data.Function (on) import Data.Hashable (Hashable) import Data.HashMap.Strict (HashMap) import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as HM import Data.List (delete, foldl', foldl1', group, maximumBy, sort) import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe, mapMaybe) import Data.Proxy (Proxy (Proxy)) -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | Find communities in weighted graphs using the algorithm by -- Blondel, Guillaume, Lambiotte and Lefebvre in their paper -- . bgll :: (ValidGraph et n, EdgeMergeable et, Fractional el, Ord el) => Graph et n nl el -> [[n]] bgll g = maybe [nodes g] nodes (recurseUntil pass g') where pass = fmap phaseTwo . phaseOne -- HashMap doesn't allow directly mapping the keys g' = Gr { nodeMap = HM.fromList . map ((: []) *** void) . HM.toList $ nodeMap g , edgeMap = HM.map (first (fmap (: []))) (edgeMap g) , nextEdge = nextEdge g } data CGraph et n el = CG { comMap :: HashMap Community (Set [n]) , cGraph :: Graph et [n] Community el } deriving (Show, Read) deriving instance (Eq n, Eq el, Eq (et [n])) => Eq (CGraph et n el) newtype Community = C Word deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Read, Enum, Bounded, Hashable) type ValidC et n el = (ValidGraph et n, EdgeMergeable et, Fractional el, Ord el) phaseOne :: (ValidC et n el) => Graph et [n] nl el -> Maybe (CGraph et n el) phaseOne = recurseUntil moveAll . initCommunities initCommunities :: (ValidC et n el) => Graph et [n] nl el -> CGraph et n el initCommunities g = CG { comMap = cm , cGraph = Gr { nodeMap = nm' , edgeMap = edgeMap g , nextEdge = nextEdge g } } where nm = nodeMap g ((_,cm),nm') = mapAccumWithKeyL go (C minBound, HM.empty) nm go (!c,!cs) ns al = ( (succ c, HM.insert c (HM.singleton ns ()) cs) , c <$ al ) moveAll :: (ValidC et n el) => CGraph et n el -> Maybe (CGraph et n el) moveAll cg = uncurry (bool Nothing . Just) $ foldl' go (cg,False) (nodes (cGraph cg)) where go pr@(cg',_) = maybe pr (,True) . tryMove cg' tryMove :: (ValidC et n el) => CGraph et n el -> [n] -> Maybe (CGraph et n el) tryMove cg ns = moveTo <$> bestMove cg ns where cm = comMap cg g = cGraph cg currentC = getC g ns currentCNs = cm HM.! currentC moveTo c = CG { comMap = HM.adjust (HM.insert ns ()) c cm' , cGraph = nmapFor (const c) g ns } where currentCNs' = HM.delete ns currentCNs cm' | HM.null currentCNs' = HM.delete currentC cm | otherwise = HM.adjust (const currentCNs') currentC cm bestMove :: (ValidC et n el) => CGraph et n el -> [n] -> Maybe Community bestMove cg n | null vs = Nothing | null cs = Nothing | maxDQ <= 0 = Nothing | otherwise = Just maxC where g = cGraph cg c = getC g n vs = neighbours g n cs = delete c . map head . group . sort . map (getC g) $ vs (maxC, maxDQ) = maximumBy (compare`on`snd) . map ((,) <*> diffModularity cg n) $ cs getC :: (ValidC et n el) => Graph et [n] Community el -> [n] -> Community getC g = fromMaybe (error "Node doesn't have a community!") . nlab g -- This is the 𝝙Q function. Assumed that @i@ is not within the community @c@. diffModularity :: (ValidC et n el) => CGraph et n el -> [n] -> Community -> el diffModularity cg i c = ((sumIn + kiIn)/m2 - sq ((sumTot + ki)/m2)) - (sumIn/m2 - sq (sumTot/m2) - sq (ki/m2)) where g = cGraph cg nm = nodeMap g em = edgeMap g -- Nodes within the community cNs = fromMaybe HM.empty (HM.lookup c (comMap cg)) -- Edges solely within the community cEMap = HM.filter (all (`HM.member`cNs) . edgeNodes . fst) em -- All edges incident with C incEs = HM.filter (any (`HM.member`cNs) . edgeNodes . fst) em -- Twice the weight of all edges in the graph (take into account both directions) m2 = eTot em -- Sum of weights of all edges within the community sumIn = eTot cEMap -- Sum of weights of all edges incident with the community sumTot = eTot incEs iAdj = maybe HM.empty fst $ HM.lookup i nm ki = kTot . HM.intersection em $ iAdj kiIn = kTot . HM.intersection incEs $ iAdj -- 2* because the EdgeMap only contains one copy of each edge. eTot = (2*) . kTot kTot = (2*) . sum . map snd . HM.elems sq x = x * x phaseTwo :: (ValidC et n el) => CGraph et n el -> Graph et [n] () el phaseTwo cg = mkGraph ns es where nsCprs = map ((,) <*> concat . HM.keys) . HM.elems $ comMap cg nsToC = HM.fromList . concatMap (\(vs,c) -> map (,c) (HM.keys vs)) $ nsCprs emNCs = HM.map (first (fmap (nsToC HM.!))) (edgeMap (cGraph cg)) es = compressEdgeMap Proxy emNCs ns = map (,()) (map snd nsCprs) -- eM' = map toCE -- . groupBy ((==)`on`fst) -- . sortBy (compare`on`fst) -- . map (first edgeNodes) -- . HM.elems -- $ edgeMap (cGraph cg) -- d -- toCE es = let ([u,v],_) = head es -- in (u,v, sum (map snd es)) -- The resultant (n,n) pairings will be unique compressEdgeMap :: (ValidC et n el) => Proxy et -> EdgeMap et [n] el -> [([n],[n],el)] compressEdgeMap p em = concatMap (\(u,vels) -> map (uncurry $ mkE u) (HM.toList vels)) (HM.toList esUndir) where -- Mapping on edge orders as created esDir = foldl1' (HM.unionWith (HM.unionWith (+))) . map ((\(u,v,el) -> HM.singleton u (HM.singleton v el)) . edgeTriple) $ HM.elems em esUndir = fst $ foldl' checkOpp (HM.empty, esDir) (HM.keys esDir) mkE u v el | el < 0 = (v,u,applyOpposite p el) | otherwise = (u,v,el) checkOpp (esU,esD) u | HM.null uVs = (esU , esD' ) | otherwise = (esU', esD'') where uVs = esD HM.! u -- So we don't worry about loops. esD' = HM.delete u esD uAdj = mapMaybe (\v -> fmap (v,) . HM.lookup u =<< (HM.lookup v esD')) (HM.keys (esD' `HM.intersection` uVs)) esD'' = foldl' (flip $ HM.adjust (HM.delete u)) esD' (map fst uAdj) uVs' = foldl' toE uVs uAdj toE m (v,el) = HM.insertWith (+) v (applyOpposite p el) m esU' = HM.insert u uVs' esU class (EdgeType et) => EdgeMergeable et where applyOpposite :: (Fractional el) => Proxy et -> el -> el instance EdgeMergeable DirEdge where applyOpposite _ = negate instance EdgeMergeable UndirEdge where applyOpposite _ = id -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- StateL was copied from the source of Data.Traversable in base- mapAccumWithKeyL :: (a -> k -> v -> (a, y)) -> a -> HashMap k v -> (a, HashMap k y) mapAccumWithKeyL f a m = runStateL (HM.traverseWithKey f' m) a where f' k v = StateL $ \s -> f s k v -- left-to-right state transformer newtype StateL s a = StateL { runStateL :: s -> (s, a) } instance Functor (StateL s) where fmap f (StateL k) = StateL $ \ s -> let (s', v) = k s in (s', f v) instance Applicative (StateL s) where pure x = StateL (\ s -> (s, x)) StateL kf <*> StateL kv = StateL $ \ s -> let (s', f) = kf s (s'', v) = kv s' in (s'', f v) -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- recurseUntil :: (a -> Maybe a) -> a -> Maybe a recurseUntil f = fmap go . f where go a = maybe a go (f a)