-- The University of New Mexico's Haskell Image Processing Library -- Copyright (C) 2013 Joseph Collard -- -- This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify -- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by -- the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or -- (at your option) any later version. -- -- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, -- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of -- MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the -- GNU General Public License for more details. -- -- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License -- along with this program. If not, see . {-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies, FlexibleContexts, FlexibleInstances, ViewPatterns #-} {-# OPTIONS_GHC -O2 #-} module Data.Image.Internal(-- * Images Image(..), PixelOp, MaxMin(..), Listable(..), -- * Basic dimensions, maxIntensity, minIntensity, transpose, matrixProduct, medianFilter, normalize, imageFold, imageMap, -- * Resizing Images pad, crop, downsampleRows, downsampleCols, downsample, upsampleRows, upsampleCols, upsample, -- * Concatenation of Images leftToRight, leftToRight', topToBottom, topToBottom', -- * Images as Arrays imageToArray, arrayToImage) where --base>=4 import Data.Monoid import Data.List(sort) --array>= import Data.Array.IArray -- | A function of a row and column that returns a pixel at that location type PixelOp px = Int -> Int -> px -- | An Image can be thought of as a 2 dimensional array of pixel values class Image i where -- | The type of Pixel to be stored in images of type i. type Pixel i :: * {-| Given an Int m, Int n, and a PixelOp f, returns an Image with dimensions m x n and the Pixel value at each (i, j) is (f i j) >>>let gradient = makeImage 128 128 (\r c -> fromIntegral (r*c)) :: GrayImage >>>gradient < Image 128x128 > -} makeImage :: Int -> Int -> PixelOp (Pixel i) -> i {-| Given an Image i, row i, and column j, returns the Pixel in i at row i and column j. >>>ref gradient 12 52 624.0 -} ref :: i -> Int -> Int -> (Pixel i) {-| Given an Image i, returns the number of rows in i >>>rows gradient 128 -} rows :: i -> Int {-| Given an Image i, returns the number of columns in i >>>cols gradient 128 -} cols :: i -> Int {-| Given an Image i, returns a list containing all of the pixels in i. The order in which the pixels are returned is from top left to bottom right. >>> take 5 . reverse . pixelList $ gradient [16129.0,16002.0,15875.0,15748.0,15621.0] -} pixelList :: i -> [Pixel i] pixelList i = [ ref i r c | r <- [0..(rows i - 1)], c <- [0..(cols i - 1)]] {-| Given a function of two pixel values to a pixel value f, an image X, and an image Y, return an Image that for each pixel value at (i,j) is the result of applying f to X(i,j) and Y(i,j). Note: The dimensions of X and Y must be equal otherwise the result of imageOp is undefined. >>>let white = makeImage 128 128 (\ r c -> 8000) :: GrayImage >>>let diff = imageOp (-) gradient white >>>diff < Image 128x128 > >>>ref diff 0 0 -8000.0 -} imageOp :: (Pixel i -> Pixel i -> Pixel i) -> i -> i -> i imageOp op i0 i1 = makeImage (rows i0) (cols i0) operate where operate r c = op (ref i0 r c) (ref i1 r c) {-| Something is Listable if it can be converted to a list. This type class is mostly for convenience when using leftToRight' and topToBottom'. -} class Listable a where -- | The type of the elements in the list type Elem a :: * toList :: a -> [Elem a] instance Listable [a] where type Elem [a] = a toList = id instance Listable (a,a) where type Elem (a,a) = a toList (a,b) = [a,b] instance Listable (a,a,a) where type Elem (a,a,a) = a toList (a,b,c) = [a,b,c] class MaxMin m where -- | Given a [m] returns the maximal m in the list maximal :: [m] -> m -- | Given a [m] returns the minimal m in the list minimal :: [m] -> m {-| Given an Image i, return a pair (rows i, cols i) >>>dimensions gradient (128, 128) -} dimensions :: Image i => i -> (Int, Int) dimensions i = (rows i, cols i) {-| Given an Image i, returns the value of the Pixel with the maximal intensity >>>maxIntensity gradient 16129.0 >>>maxIntensity cacti RGB (254.0, 254.0, 254.0) -} maxIntensity :: (Image img, MaxMin (Pixel img)) => img -> Pixel img maxIntensity = maximal . pixelList {-| Given an Image i, returns the value of the Pixel with the minimal intensity >>>minIntensity gradient 0.0 >>>minIntensity cacti RGB (18.0, 18.0, 18.0) -} minIntensity :: (Image img, MaxMin (Pixel img)) => img -> Pixel img minIntensity = minimal . pixelList {-| Given an Image i, returns an Image created by interchanging the rows and columns of i, i.e., the pixel value at location (i, j) of the resulting Image is the value of i at location (j, i). >>> transpose frog < Image 242x225 > -} transpose :: (Image img) => img -> img transpose img@(dimensions -> (rows, cols)) = makeImage cols rows trans where trans r c = ref img c r {-| Given m, n, and img, pad returns an Image with m rows and n columns where the value at location (i, j) of the result image is the value of img at location (i, j) if i is less than m and j is less than n and mempty otherwise. >>> pad 256 256 frog < Image 256x256 > -} pad :: (Image img, Monoid (Pixel img)) => Int -> Int -> img -> img pad rs cs img@(dimensions -> (rows, cols)) = makeImage rs cs pad where pad r c | r < rows && c < cols = ref img r c | otherwise = mempty {-| Given a i0, j0, m, n, and img, crop returns an image with m rows and n columns where the value at location (i, j) of the result image is the value of img at location (i0 + i, j0 + j). >>> crop 64 64 128 128 frog < Image 128x128 > -} crop :: (Image img) => Int -> Int -> Int -> Int -> img -> img crop r0 c0 w h img = makeImage w h crop where crop r c = ref img (r+r0) (c+c0) {-| Given img, downsampleCols returns the image created by discarding the odd numbered rows, i.e., the value at location (i, j) of the result image is the value of img at location (2i, j). >>> downsampleCols frog < Image 112x242 > -} downsampleCols :: (Image img) => img -> img downsampleCols img@(dimensions -> (rows, cols)) = makeImage (rows `div` 2) cols downsample where downsample r c = ref img (r*2) c {-| Given img, downsampleRows returns the image created by discarding the odd numbered columns, i.e., the value at location (i, j) is the value of img at location (i, 2j). >>> downsampleRows frog < Image 225x121 > -} downsampleRows :: (Image img) => img -> img downsampleRows img@(dimensions -> (rows, cols)) = makeImage rows (cols `div` 2) downsample where downsample r c = ref img r (c*2) {-| Given img, downsample returns the image created by discarding the odd numbered rows and columns, i.e., the value at location (i, j) is the value of img at location (2i, 2j) >>>let smallfrog = downsample frog >>>smallfrog < Image 112x121 > -} downsample :: (Image img) => img -> img downsample = downsampleRows . downsampleCols {-| Given img, upsampleCols returns an image with twice the number of rows where the value at location (i, j) of the result image is the value of img at location (i/2, j) if i is even and mempty otherwise. >>>upsampleCols smallfrog < Image 224x121 > -} upsampleCols :: (Image img, Monoid (Pixel img)) => img -> img upsampleCols img@(dimensions -> (rows, cols)) = makeImage (rows*2) cols upsample where upsample r c | even r = ref img (r `div` 2) c | otherwise = mempty {-| Given img, upsampleRows returns an image with twice the number of columns where the value at location (i, j) of the result image is the value of img at location (i, j/2) if j is even and mempty otherwise. >>>upsampleRows smallfrog < Image 112x242 > -} upsampleRows :: (Image img, Monoid (Pixel img)) => img -> img upsampleRows img@(dimensions -> (rows, cols)) = makeImage rows (cols*2) upsample where upsample r c | even c = ref img r (c `div` 2) | otherwise = mempty {-| Given img, upsample returns an image with twice the number of rows and columns where the value at location (i, j) of the resulting image is the value of img at location (i/2, j/2) if i and jare are even and mempty otherwise. >>>upsample smallfrog < Image 224x242 > -} upsample :: (Image img, Monoid (Pixel img)) => img -> img upsample = upsampleRows . upsampleCols {-| Given an image X1 and an image X2, where the number of columns of X1 equals the number of rows of X2, matrixProduct returns an image representing the matrix product of X1 and X2. >>>let cropped = crop 64 64 128 128 frog >>>matrixProduct cropped cropped < Image 128x128 > -} matrixProduct :: (Image img, Num (Pixel img)) => img -> img -> img matrixProduct a@(dimensions -> (arows, acols)) b@(dimensions -> (brows, bcols)) = if check then makeImage arows bcols product else err where check = acols == brows err = error "Matrix Product requires images with matching inner dimensions AxN and NxB and produces a new image with dimensions AxB." product r c = sum . zipWith (*) arow $ bcol where arow = map (ref a r) [0..acols-1] bcol = map (flip (ref b) c) [0..brows-1] {-| Given two positive integers, m and n and a an image, medianFilter returns an image with the same dimensions where each pixel (i, j) in is replaced by the pixel with median value in the neighborhood of size m times n centered on (i, j). >>>medianFilter 5 5 frog < Image 225x242 > -} medianFilter :: (Image img, Ord (Pixel img)) => Int -> Int -> img -> img medianFilter m n img@(dimensions -> (rows, cols)) = makeImage rows cols avg where [moff, noff] = map (`div` 2) [m,n] avg r c = px !! ((fromIntegral . length $ px) `div` 2) where px = sort [ ref img i j | i <- [rm..rm+m], j <- [cm..cm+n], i >= 0, i < rows, j >= 0, j < cols] rm = r - moff cm = c - noff {-| Given img, normalize returns an image with the same dimensions where the values have been normalized to lie in the interval [0, 1]. >>>let normalfrog = normalize frog >>>ref frog 0 0 151.0 >>>ref normalfrog 0 0 0.592156862745098 -} normalize :: (Image img, MaxMin (Pixel img), RealFloat (Pixel img)) => img -> img normalize img@(dimensions -> (rows, cols)) = check where check = if isInfinite scale then blank else makeImage rows cols map where blank = makeImage rows cols (\ _ _ -> 0) map r c = scale * ((ref img r c) - min) (min, max) = (minimal px, maximal px) scale = 1 / (max - min) px = pixelList img {-| Folds over the pixels of the provided image >>>imageFold (+) 0 frog 6948219.0 -} imageFold :: Image img => (Pixel img -> b -> b) -> b -> img -> b imageFold f init img = foldr f init (pixelList img) {-| Maps a function over each pixel in the provided image. When using Boxed images, you should use fmap instead. >>>imageMap ((-1) *) frog :: GrayImage < Image 225x242 > -} imageMap :: (Image img, Image img') => (Pixel img -> Pixel img') -> img -> img' imageMap f img@(dimensions -> (rows, cols)) = makeImage rows cols map where map r c = f (ref img r c) {-| Given two images with the same number of rows X and Y, returns an image that is the concatenation of the two images from left to right. >>>leftToRight frog frog < Image 225x484 > -} leftToRight :: (Image img) => img -> img -> img leftToRight i0@(dimensions -> (rows, cols)) i1@(dimensions -> (rows', cols')) | rows /= rows' = error "leftToRight: Images must have matching row length." | otherwise = makeImage rows (cols + cols') concat where concat r c | c < cols = ref i0 r c | otherwise = ref i1 r (c - cols) {-| Given a Listable of images each of which have the same number of rows, returns an image that is the concatenation of all of the images from left to Right. >>>leftToRight' . replicate 3 $ frog < Image 225x726 > -} leftToRight' :: (Listable a, Image img, Image (Elem a), Elem a ~ img) => a -> img leftToRight' (toList -> imgs) = foldr1 leftToRight imgs {-| Given two images with the same number of columns X and Y, returns an image that is the concatenation of the two images from top to bottom. >>>topToBottom frog frog < Image 450x242 > -} topToBottom :: (Image img) => img -> img -> img topToBottom i0@(dimensions -> (rows, cols)) i1@(dimensions -> (rows',cols')) | cols /= cols' = error "topToBottom: Images must have matching column length." | otherwise = makeImage (rows + rows') cols concat where concat r c | r < rows = ref i0 r c | otherwise = ref i1 (r - rows) c {-| Given a Listable of images all of which have the same number of columns, returns an image that is the concatenation of all of theimages from top to bottom. >>>topToBottom' . replicate 3 $ frog < Image 675x242 > -} topToBottom' :: (Listable a, Image img, Image (Elem a), Elem a ~ img) => a -> img topToBottom' (toList -> imgs) = foldr1 topToBottom imgs {-| Given img, returns an two dimensional array of Pixel values indexed by pairs of Ints where the fst is the row and snd is the column. >>>let frogArr = imageToArray frog >>>frogArr ! (0, 0) 151.0 -} imageToArray :: (Image img) => img -> Array (Int, Int) (Pixel img) imageToArray img@(dimensions -> (rows, cols)) = listArray bounds elems where bounds = ((0,0), (rows-1,cols-1)) elems = pixelList img {-| Given a two dimensional array of Pixel values indexed by pairs of Ints where the fst is the row and snd is the column, returns an Image. >>>let img = arrayToImage (listArray ((0,0) (127,127)) [0..]) :: GrayImage >>>img < Image 128x128 > >>>ref img 0 0 0.0 >>>ref img 0 10 10.0 >>>ref img 10 0 1280.0 >>>ref img 10 10 1290.0 -} arrayToImage :: (Image img) => Array (Int, Int) (Pixel img) -> img arrayToImage arr = makeImage rows cols ref where ((rmin,cmin), (rmax, cmax)) = bounds arr rows = rmax - rmin + 1 cols = cmax - cmin + 1 ref r c = arr ! (r, c)