{-# LANGUAGE NoOverloadedStrings #-} module LimitedMessageBoxTest (test) where import Control.Monad ( forever, replicateM, void, when, ) import Data.Function (fix) import Data.Maybe ( fromMaybe, isNothing, ) import Data.Proxy (Proxy (Proxy)) import MessageBoxCommon (testContentionRobustness) import UnliftIO.MessageBox.Util.Future (tryNow) import UnliftIO.MessageBox.Class ( IsInput (deliver), IsMessageBox (newInput, receive, tryReceive), IsMessageBoxFactory (MessageBox, newMessageBox), receiveAfter, ) import UnliftIO.MessageBox.Limited ( BlockingBoxLimit (..), MessageLimit (..), NonBlockingBoxLimit (..), WaitingBoxLimit (..), messageLimitToInt, ) import QCOrphans () import Test.QuickCheck ( Positive (Positive), Small (Small), ioProperty, withMaxSuccess, (==>), ) import Test.Tasty as Tasty (TestTree, testGroup) import Test.Tasty.HUnit as Tasty ( assertBool, assertEqual, testCase, (@?=), ) import Test.Tasty.QuickCheck as Tasty (testProperty) import UnliftIO (concurrently, race, timeout) import UnliftIO.Concurrent (threadDelay) import Utils (allEnumMethodsImplemented, allEqOrdShowMethodsImplemented) test :: Tasty.TestTree test = testGroup "UnliftIO.MessageBox.Limited" [ testBlockingBox, testWaitingBox, testNonBlockingBox, testCommon BlockingBoxLimit, testCommon NonBlockingBoxLimit, testCommon (WaitingBoxLimit Nothing 5_000_000), testCommon (WaitingBoxLimit (Just (48 * 3600_000_000)) 5_000_000), derivedInstances ] testCommon :: forall boxCfg cfg. ( IsMessageBoxFactory boxCfg, Show boxCfg, cfg ~ MessageBox boxCfg ) => (MessageLimit -> boxCfg) -> Tasty.TestTree testCommon mkCfg = let mkBox :: MessageLimit -> IO (cfg a) mkBox = newMessageBox . mkCfg in Tasty.testGroup ("Common Functionality for " <> show (mkCfg MessageLimit_64) <> " Note: Tests may vary the limit") [ testProperty "when createBox is applied to a limit > 0, then limit messages can be enqueued" $ \limit -> limit <= MessageLimit_128 ==> ioProperty $ do i <- mkBox limit :: IO (cfg String) o <- newInput i results <- replicateM (messageLimitToInt limit) (deliver o "test message") pure $ last results, testProperty "when the message box is 'full' not more then one more messages can be enqueued" $ \limit -> ioProperty $ do let nOfMessagesThatCanBeWritten = messageLimitToInt limit i <- mkBox limit o <- newInput i let countDeliveries n = timeout 100_000 (deliver o "some test message") >>= maybe (return n) (\ok -> if ok then countDeliveries (n + 1) else return n) nDelivered <- countDeliveries 0 assertBool ( "at least " <> show nDelivered <> " messages should be delivered, in a queue of minimum size " <> show nOfMessagesThatCanBeWritten ) (nDelivered >= nOfMessagesThatCanBeWritten) assertBool ( "at most " <> show nDelivered <> " messages may be delivered, in a queue of minimum size " <> show nOfMessagesThatCanBeWritten ) (nDelivered <= 2 * nOfMessagesThatCanBeWritten), Tasty.testCase "When the message limit is 2, two messages can be enqueued" $ do i <- mkBox MessageLimit_2 o <- newInput i r1 <- deliver o "Messge 1" r1 @?= True r2 <- deliver o "Messge 2" r2 @?= True, Tasty.testCase "when writing into an empty Input, True is returned" $ do i <- mkBox MessageLimit_32 o <- newInput i deliver o "Stop the climate crisis" >>= (@?= True), Tasty.testCase "when writing into a full Input deliver returns False or blocks forever" $ do i <- mkBox MessageLimit_64 o <- newInput i fix $ \next -> timeout 100_000 (deliver o "Stop the climate crisis") >>= \case Just False -> assertBool "expected 'False' when the queue is full" True Just True -> next Nothing -> return (), testProperty "when messages are send until the limit is reached,\ \and when x, x < limit messages are received, then \ \x more messages can be delivered again, and all \ \messages are in FIFO order" $ \limit (Positive (Small x)) -> x < messageLimitToInt limit ==> withMaxSuccess 20 $ ioProperty $ do i <- mkBox limit -- write until the real limit is reached nFirstMessages <- do o <- newInput i let go msgId | msgId < messageLimitToInt limit = do success <- fromMaybe False <$> timeout 50_000 (deliver o msgId) if success then go (msgId + 1) else return msgId | otherwise = return msgId go 0 assertBool ( "internal error less than 'limit' messages could be delivered: " <> show nFirstMessages <> " < " <> show limit ) (nFirstMessages >= messageLimitToInt limit) firstXReceived <- replicateM x (receive i) assertEqual "could not receive x messages" (Just <$> [0 .. x -1]) firstXReceived do nNextMessages <- do o <- newInput i maybe 0 length <$> timeout 5_000_000 (mapM (deliver o) [nFirstMessages .. nFirstMessages + x - 1]) assertEqual "unexpected number of messages delivered" x nNextMessages nextReceived <- replicateM nFirstMessages (receive i) assertEqual "could not receive x messages" (Just <$> [x .. x + nFirstMessages -1]) nextReceived, let queueSize = MessageLimit_512 in testContentionRobustness (mkBox queueSize :: IO (cfg (Int, Int))) (messageLimitToInt queueSize) 50 ] testBlockingBox :: TestTree testBlockingBox = Tasty.testGroup "BlockingBox" [ Tasty.testCase "receive on an empty queue blocks forever" $ do i <- newMessageBox (BlockingBoxLimit MessageLimit_16) let foreverInMicros = 100_000 receiveAfter i foreverInMicros >>= assertEqual "timeout expected" (Nothing :: Maybe Int), Tasty.testCase "tryReceive from an empty queue returns future that returns Nothing" $ do i <- newMessageBox (BlockingBoxLimit MessageLimit_16) f <- tryReceive i timeout 1_000_000 (tryNow f) >>= assertEqual "the future must not block and should return Nothing" (Just (Nothing @Int)), Tasty.testCase "when a message box is full, deliver will block forever" $ do i <- newMessageBox (BlockingBoxLimit MessageLimit_16) o <- newInput i let sendWhileNotFull = do success <- deliver o (666 :: Int) when success sendWhileNotFull timeout 1_000_000 sendWhileNotFull >>= assertBool "deliver must block" . isNothing, Tasty.testProperty "when sending faster than receiving all messages must be received" $ \queueSize -> withMaxSuccess 20 $ ioProperty $ do let nGood = 256 tSend = 200 tRecv = 5 * tSend receiverIn <- newMessageBox (BlockingBoxLimit queueSize) receiverOut <- newInput receiverIn let doReceive = replicateM nGood ( threadDelay tRecv *> receive receiverIn ) let doSend = replicateM nGood ( threadDelay tSend *> deliver receiverOut ("Test Message" :: String) ) (received, sendResults) <- concurrently doReceive doSend assertEqual "not all messages could be sent" (replicate nGood True) sendResults assertEqual "not all messages could be received" (replicate nGood (Just "Test Message")) received ] testWaitingBox :: TestTree testWaitingBox = testGroup "WaitingBox" [ Tasty.testCase "when the receive timeout is Nothing receive blocks forever" $ do i <- newMessageBox (WaitingBoxLimit Nothing 123 MessageLimit_16) let foreverInMicros = 100_000 timeout foreverInMicros (receive i) >>= assertEqual "receive did not block" (Nothing :: Maybe (Maybe Int)), Tasty.testCase "when the receive timeout is Just x, receive returns Nothing after x micro seconds" $ do i <- newMessageBox (WaitingBoxLimit (Just 234) 123 MessageLimit_16) let foreverInMicros = 100_000 timeout foreverInMicros (receive i) >>= assertEqual "receive did not timeout" (Just (Nothing :: Maybe Int)), Tasty.testCase "when the receive timeout is Just x, and another thread waits 2*x and delivers a message, receive returns Nothing" $ do let m1 = "Message 1" :: String mbox <- newMessageBox (WaitingBoxLimit (Just 150_000) 1_000 MessageLimit_16) input <- newInput mbox (senderOk, receiverOK) <- concurrently ( do threadDelay 300_000 s1Ok <- deliver input m1 return ( assertBool "delivering message failed" s1Ok ) ) ( do r <- receive mbox return $ assertEqual "wrong message received!" Nothing r ) senderOk receiverOK, Tasty.testCase "when the receive timeout is Just 150_000, and another thread waits 1000 and delivers a message, receive returns Just that message" $ do let m1 = "Message 1" :: String mbox <- newMessageBox (WaitingBoxLimit (Just 150_000) 1_000 MessageLimit_16) input <- newInput mbox (senderOk, receiverOK) <- concurrently ( do threadDelay 1000 s1Ok <- deliver input m1 return ( assertBool "delivering message failed" s1Ok ) ) ( do r <- receive mbox return $ assertEqual "wrong message received!" (Just m1) r ) senderOk receiverOK, Tasty.testCase "tryReceive from an empty queue returns a future that returns Nothing" $ do i <- newMessageBox (WaitingBoxLimit (Just 234) 123 MessageLimit_16) f <- tryReceive i timeout 1_000_000 (tryNow f) >>= assertEqual "the future must not block and should return Nothing" (Just (Nothing @Int)), Tasty.testCase "when a message box is full, deliver return False after the timeout elapsed" $ do i <- newMessageBox (WaitingBoxLimit (Just 234) 123 MessageLimit_16) o <- newInput i let sendWhileNotFull = do success <- deliver o (666 :: Int) when success sendWhileNotFull timeout 1_000_000 (sendWhileNotFull >> deliver o (666 :: Int)) >>= assertEqual "deliver must return False after the timeout has elapsed" (Just False), Tasty.testProperty "when sending faster than receiving\ \ and when the timeout is sufficiently large, all messages must be received" $ \limit -> withMaxSuccess 20 $ ioProperty $ do let nGood = 256 tSend = 200 tRecv = 5 * tSend receiverIn <- newMessageBox (WaitingBoxLimit Nothing 5_000_000 limit) receiverOut <- newInput receiverIn let doReceive = replicateM nGood ( threadDelay tRecv *> receive receiverIn ) let doSend = replicateM nGood ( threadDelay tSend *> deliver receiverOut ("Test Message" :: String) ) (received, sendResults) <- concurrently doReceive doSend assertEqual "not all messages could be sent" (replicate nGood True) sendResults assertEqual "not all messages could be received" (replicate nGood (Just "Test Message")) received, Tasty.testCase "When the message limit is 2, two messages can be enqueued" $ do i <- newMessageBox (WaitingBoxLimit Nothing 5_000_000 MessageLimit_2) o <- newInput i r1 <- deliver o "Messge 1" r1 @?= True r2 <- deliver o "Messge 2" r2 @?= True, Tasty.testCase "when writing into a full box, deliver returns False after the timeout" $ do i <- newMessageBox (WaitingBoxLimit Nothing 123 MessageLimit_32) o <- newInput i fix $ \next -> deliver o "Stop the climate crisis" >>= \case False -> return () True -> next deliver o "foo bar" >>= assertBool "expect tryToDeliverAndWait to return False (timeout)" . not, testGroup "receive with/without timeout" [ Tasty.testCase "when a receive timeout is Just t, and no message is delivered, receive returns Nothing after the timeout" $ do i <- newMessageBox (WaitingBoxLimit (Just 10) 123 MessageLimit_8) receive i >>= assertEqual "timeout expected" (Nothing :: Maybe String), Tasty.testCase "when a receive timeout is Nothing, and no message is delivered, receive never returns" $ do i <- newMessageBox (WaitingBoxLimit Nothing 123 MessageLimit_8) let foreverInMicros = 100_000 timeout foreverInMicros (receive i) >>= assertEqual "expected receive to block forever" (Nothing :: Maybe (Maybe String)) ] ] testNonBlockingBox :: TestTree testNonBlockingBox = Tasty.testGroup "NonBlockingBox" [ Tasty.testCase "only delivery is non-blocking, when a message box has no inputs then receive blocks forever" $ do mbox <- newMessageBox (NonBlockingBoxLimit MessageLimit_16) r <- timeout 100_000 (receive mbox) assertEqual "receive must not return" (Nothing :: Maybe (Maybe String)) r, Tasty.testCase "when writing into a full Input deliver returns False " $ do i <- newMessageBox (NonBlockingBoxLimit MessageLimit_16) o <- newInput i fix $ \next -> deliver o "Stop the climate crisis" >>= \case False -> return () True -> next deliver o "foo bar" >>= assertBool "deliver should not have succeeded" . not, Tasty.testCase "when using a limit smaller than half of the number\ \ of messsages in the test, deliver first succeeds and then fails" $ do let lGood = MessageLimit_128 nGood = messageLimitToInt lGood nAmbigous = 2 * nGood nBad = 123 receiverOut <- newMessageBox (NonBlockingBoxLimit lGood) >>= newInput let doReceive = threadDelay 300_000_000 let good = [("Test-Message GOOD", Just n) | n <- [1 .. nGood :: Int]] ambigous = [("Test-Message ambigous", Just n) | n <- [1 .. nAmbigous :: Int]] bad = [("Test-Message Base", Just n) | n <- [1 .. nBad :: Int]] let doSend = traverse (deliver receiverOut) good <> traverse (fmap (const True) . deliver receiverOut) ambigous <> traverse (deliver receiverOut) bad result <- race doReceive doSend result @?= Right ( replicate nGood True <> replicate nAmbigous True <> replicate nBad False ), Tasty.testCase "when sending 5 times faster then receiving, then deliver \ \will begin to fail after some time" $ do let lGood = MessageLimit_128 nGood = messageLimitToInt lGood nAmbigous = 2 * nGood + 1 nBad = nGood tSend = 500 tRecv = 5 * tSend receiverIn <- newMessageBox (NonBlockingBoxLimit lGood) receiverOut <- newInput receiverIn let doReceive = void (forever (receive receiverIn >> threadDelay tRecv)) let !good = [("Test-Message GOOD", Just n) | !n <- [1 .. nGood :: Int]] !ambigous = [("Test-Message ambigous", Just n) | !n <- [1 .. nAmbigous :: Int]] !bad = [("Test-Message Base", Just n) | !n <- [1 .. nBad :: Int]] let doSend = traverse (\ !m -> threadDelay tSend >> deliver receiverOut m) good <> traverse (\ !m -> threadDelay tSend >> deliver receiverOut m >> return True) ambigous <> traverse (\ !m -> threadDelay tSend >> deliver receiverOut m) bad Right result <- race doReceive doSend let !resultGoodPart = take nGood result !resultBad = drop (nGood + nAmbigous) result assertBool "first messages succeed" (and resultGoodPart) assertBool "last messages fail" (not $ and resultBad) ] -- This ONLY exists because I wanted the test-code coverage to be 100% derivedInstances :: TestTree derivedInstances = testGroup "Derived instances" [ -- this is just to get to 100% code coverage for -- even for derived instances testProperty "MessageLimit code coverage" (allEnumMethodsImplemented (Proxy @MessageLimit)), testProperty "MessageLimit code coverage" (allEqOrdShowMethodsImplemented (Proxy @MessageLimit)), testProperty "BlockingBoxLimit code coverage" (allEqOrdShowMethodsImplemented (Proxy @BlockingBoxLimit)), testProperty "NonBlockingBoxLimit code coverage" (allEqOrdShowMethodsImplemented (Proxy @NonBlockingBoxLimit)), testProperty "WaitingBoxLimit code coverage" (allEqOrdShowMethodsImplemented (Proxy @WaitingBoxLimit)) ]