{-# LANGUAGE NoOverloadedStrings #-} module CommandTest (test) where import Control.Monad.Reader ( MonadIO (liftIO), ReaderT (runReaderT), void, ) import Data.Functor (($>)) import Data.Maybe ( fromJust, fromMaybe, isJust, isNothing, ) import Data.Semigroup (All (All, getAll)) import UnliftIO.MessageBox.Command ( Command, CommandError (..), DuplicateReply (..), Message (Blocking, NonBlocking), ReturnType (FireAndForget, Return), call, callAsync, cast, delegateCall, replyTo, tryTakeReply, waitForReply, ) import UnliftIO.MessageBox.Util.CallId (CallId (MkCallId)) import qualified UnliftIO.MessageBox.Util.CallId as CallId import UnliftIO.MessageBox.Util.Fresh (CounterVar, fresh, newCounterVar) import UnliftIO.MessageBox.Class ( IsMessageBox (..), IsMessageBoxFactory (..), handleMessage, ) import UnliftIO.MessageBox.Limited ( BlockingBoxLimit (BlockingBoxLimit), MessageLimit (..), ) import UnliftIO.MessageBox.Unlimited (BlockingUnlimited (BlockingUnlimited)) import Test.Tasty (TestTree, testGroup) import Test.Tasty.HUnit ( assertBool, assertEqual, assertFailure, testCase, ) import Test.Tasty.QuickCheck ( Arbitrary (arbitrary), Large (getLarge), NonEmptyList (getNonEmpty), Positive (..), PrintableString (..), Property, ioProperty, testProperty, ) import UnliftIO ( conc, concurrently, newEmptyMVar, putMVar, runConc, takeMVar, throwTo, timeout, try, tryReadMVar, ) import UnliftIO.Concurrent (forkIO, threadDelay) import Utils (NoOpInput (OnDeliver), untilJust, withCallIds) test :: TestTree test = testGroup "UnliftIO.MessageBox.Command" [ unitTests, integrationTests ] integrationTests :: TestTree integrationTests = testGroup "integration tests" [ testCase "Show instance of the Message data family works" $ CallId.newCallIdCounter >>= \cv -> flip runReaderT cv $ do bookStoreOutput <- newMessageBox BlockingUnlimited bookStoreInput <- newInput bookStoreOutput let blockingMsg = GetBooks nonblockingMsg = Donate (Donor (PersonName "A" "B") 1) ( Book "Unsere Welt neu denken: Eine Einladung" (Author (PersonName "Maya" "Goepel") 208) (Publisher "Ullstein") (Year 2020) [] ) (_, shownBlockingMsg) <- concurrently (call bookStoreInput blockingMsg 1_000_000) (handleMessage bookStoreOutput (return . show)) (_, shownNonBlockingMsg) <- concurrently (cast bookStoreInput nonblockingMsg) (handleMessage bookStoreOutput (return . show)) liftIO $ assertEqual "bad Show instance" (Just ("B: " <> showsPrec 9 blockingMsg " <1>")) shownBlockingMsg liftIO $ assertEqual "bad Show instance" (Just ("NB: " <> showsPrec 9 nonblockingMsg "")) shownNonBlockingMsg, testProperty "all books that many donors concurrently donate into the book store end up in the bookstore" allDonatedBooksAreInTheBookStore, testCase "handling a cast succeeds" $ do bookStoreOutput <- newMessageBox BlockingUnlimited bookStoreInput <- newInput bookStoreOutput let expected = Donate (Donor (PersonName "Mueller" "Hans") 1) ( Book "Wann wenn nicht wir." (Author (PersonName "Schmitt" "Agent") 477) (Publisher "Kletten Verlag") (Year 2019) [] ) wasHandleMessageCalled <- newEmptyMVar void (forkIO (void (cast bookStoreInput expected))) result <- handleMessage bookStoreOutput $ \case NonBlocking actual -> do putMVar wasHandleMessageCalled () assertEqual "correct message" expected actual a -> assertFailure ("unexpected message: " <> show a) tryReadMVar wasHandleMessageCalled >>= assertBool "handle message must be called" . isJust assertBool "handling the message was successful" (isJust result), testCase "handling a call succeeds" $ do freshCounter <- newCounterVar flip runReaderT (MkBookStoreEnv {_fresh = freshCounter}) $ do let expectedBooks = [ Book "Wann wenn nicht wir." (Author (PersonName "Schmitt" "Agent") 477) (Publisher "Kletten Verlag") (Year 2019) [] ] bookStoreOutput <- newMessageBox BlockingUnlimited bookStoreInput <- newInput bookStoreOutput let concurrentCallAction = call bookStoreInput GetBooks 100 concurrentBookStore = handleMessage bookStoreOutput $ \case Blocking GetBooks replyBox -> do Nothing <$ replyTo replyBox expectedBooks NonBlocking a -> pure (Just ("unexpected message: " <> show a)) (callResult, handleResult) <- concurrently concurrentCallAction concurrentBookStore liftIO $ do case callResult of Left err -> assertFailure $ "failed unexpectedly: " <> show err Right actualBooks -> assertEqual "call should return the right books" actualBooks expectedBooks case handleResult of Nothing -> assertFailure "could not receive message in handleMessage" Just Nothing -> return () Just (Just err) -> assertFailure err, testCase "reply to dead caller does not crash" $ do let delayDuration = 1000 freshCounter <- newCounterVar flip runReaderT (MkBookStoreEnv {_fresh = freshCounter}) $ do bookStoreOutput <- newMessageBox BlockingUnlimited bookStoreInput <- newInput bookStoreOutput let concurrentCallAction = do tId <- forkIO (void $ call bookStoreInput GetBooks (delayDuration * 3)) threadDelay (1 * delayDuration) throwTo tId $ userError "uh-oh" concurrentBookStore = handleMessage bookStoreOutput $ \case Blocking GetBooks replyBox -> do threadDelay (2 * delayDuration) replyTo replyBox [] pure True NonBlocking a -> error (show a) (_callResult, handleResult) <- concurrently concurrentCallAction concurrentBookStore liftIO $ assertEqual "expect bookStore to survive a failed reply" (Just True) handleResult, testCase "call to died thread returns Nothing" $ do let delayDuration = 1000_000 freshCounter <- newCounterVar flip runReaderT (MkBookStoreEnv {_fresh = freshCounter}) $ do bookStoreOutput <- newMessageBox BlockingUnlimited bookStoreInput <- newInput bookStoreOutput let concurrentCallAction = call bookStoreInput GetBooks (delayDuration * 2) concurrentBookStore = handleMessage bookStoreOutput $ \case Blocking GetBooks _replyBox -> do threadDelay delayDuration pure Nothing NonBlocking a -> pure (Just ("unexpected message: " <> show a)) (callResult, handleResult) <- concurrently concurrentCallAction concurrentBookStore liftIO $ do callId' <- runReaderT fresh freshCounter assertEqual "no message other than GetBooks received" (Just Nothing) handleResult case callResult of (Left (BlockingCommandTimedOut (MkCallId c))) | MkCallId (c + 1) == callId' -> pure () _ -> assertFailure "call result should match (Left (BlockingCommandTimedOut _))", testCase "replying to call within the given timeout is successful" $ do freshCounter <- newCounterVar flip runReaderT (MkBookStoreEnv {_fresh = freshCounter}) $ do let oneMilliSecond = 1_000 -- one milli second is 1000 micro seconds serverOutput <- newMessageBox BlockingUnlimited serverInput <- newInput serverOutput let bookstoreClient = call serverInput GetBooks (20 * oneMilliSecond) bookstoreServer = handleMessage serverOutput $ \case Blocking GetBooks replyBox -> do void (replyTo replyBox []) return Nothing NonBlocking a -> pure (Just ("unexpected message: " <> show a)) (clientResult, serverResult) <- concurrently bookstoreClient bookstoreServer liftIO $ do assertEqual "unexpected message received: " (Just Nothing) serverResult case clientResult of (Right actualBooks) -> assertEqual "call should return the right books: " actualBooks [] other -> assertFailure $ "unexpected call result: " <> show other, testCase "when the server sends a reply after the call timeout has elapsed, the call function \ \returns 'Left BlockingCommandTimedOut', and the replyTo function returns False" $ do freshCounter <- newCounterVar flip runReaderT (MkBookStoreEnv {_fresh = freshCounter}) $ do bookStoreOutput <- newMessageBox BlockingUnlimited bookStoreInput <- newInput bookStoreOutput let client = do result <- call bookStoreInput GetBooks 100_000 case result of Left (BlockingCommandTimedOut _) -> -- this is the error we expected return $ return () unexpectedOther -> return $ assertFailure ( "call result should match (Left (BlockingCommandTimedOut _)), unexpected: " <> show unexpectedOther ) server = handleMessage bookStoreOutput $ \case Blocking GetBooks replyBox -> do threadDelay 500_000 -- artificial delay to cause the client to -- loose patience and timeout void (replyTo replyBox []) return (return ()) NonBlocking a -> return (assertFailure ("unexpected message: " <> show a)) (clientAssertion, serverAssertion) <- concurrently client server liftIO $ do clientAssertion fromMaybe (assertFailure "book store server died unexpectedly") serverAssertion, testCase "when the server receives the call and does not send a reply and immediately \ \exits, the call function returns a timeout error" $ do freshCounter <- newCounterVar let env = MkBookStoreEnv {_fresh = freshCounter} (serverResult, clientResult) <- flip runReaderT env $ do bookStoreOutput <- newMessageBox (BlockingBoxLimit MessageLimit_16) bookStoreInput <- newInput bookStoreOutput concurrently ( handleMessage bookStoreOutput $ \case Blocking GetBooks _replyBox -> return Nothing u -> return (Just ("unexpected message: " <> show u)) ) ( timeout 1_000_000 (call bookStoreInput GetBooks 100_000) ) assertEqual "unexpected serverResult" (Just Nothing) serverResult assertEqual "unexpected clientResult" (Just (Left (BlockingCommandTimedOut (MkCallId 1)))) clientResult ] newtype BookStoreEnv = MkBookStoreEnv {_fresh :: CounterVar CallId} instance CallId.HasCallIdCounter BookStoreEnv where getCallIdCounter MkBookStoreEnv {_fresh} = _fresh allDonatedBooksAreInTheBookStore :: [(Donor, Book)] -> Property allDonatedBooksAreInTheBookStore donorsAndBooks = ioProperty $ do bookStoreIn <- newMessageBox BlockingUnlimited bookStoreOut <- newInput bookStoreIn getAll <$> runConc ( foldMap ( \(donor, book) -> conc (cast bookStoreOut (Donate donor book) $> All True) ) donorsAndBooks <> pure (All True) ) data BookStore data instance Command BookStore _ where Donate :: Donor -> Book -> Command BookStore 'FireAndForget GetBooks :: Command BookStore ('Return [Book]) deriving stock instance Eq (Command BookStore 'FireAndForget) deriving stock instance Show (Command BookStore 'FireAndForget) deriving stock instance Eq (Command BookStore ('Return [Book])) deriving stock instance Show (Command BookStore ('Return [Book])) newtype Year = Year Int deriving newtype (Show, Eq, Ord) deriving (Arbitrary) via (Positive Int) newtype Page = Page String deriving newtype (Show, Eq, Ord) deriving (Arbitrary) via PrintableString data PersonName = PersonName { lastName :: String, surName :: String } deriving stock (Show, Eq, Ord) instance Arbitrary PersonName where arbitrary = PersonName <$> (getPrintableString <$> arbitrary) <*> (getPrintableString <$> arbitrary) data Donor = Donor { donorName :: PersonName, donorId :: Int } deriving stock (Show, Eq, Ord) instance Arbitrary Donor where arbitrary = Donor <$> arbitrary <*> (getLarge . getPositive <$> arbitrary) data Author = Author { authorName :: PersonName, authorId :: Int } deriving stock (Show, Eq, Ord) instance Arbitrary Author where arbitrary = Author <$> arbitrary <*> (getLarge . getPositive <$> arbitrary) newtype Publisher = Publisher String deriving newtype (Show, Eq, Ord) deriving (Arbitrary) via PrintableString data Book = Book { bookTitle :: String, bookAuthor :: Author, bookPublisher :: Publisher, bookYear :: Year, bookContent :: [Page] } deriving stock (Show, Eq, Ord) instance Arbitrary Book where arbitrary = Book <$> (getPrintableString <$> arbitrary) <*> arbitrary <*> arbitrary <*> arbitrary <*> (getNonEmpty <$> arbitrary) -- -------------------------------------------------------- -- Unit tests -- -------------------------------------------------------- unitTests :: TestTree unitTests = testGroup "unit tests" [ testCase "Message Show instance" $ do withCallIds ( callAsync ( OnDeliver $ \m -> do liftIO (assertEqual "bad show result" "B: (Echo \"123\") <1>" (show m)) return True ) (Echo "123") ) >>= assertBool "should not fail" . isJust withCallIds ( cast ( OnDeliver $ \m -> do liftIO (assertEqual "bad show result" "NB: (Tell 123)" (show m)) return True ) (Tell "123") ) >>= assertBool "should not fail", testCase "CommandError Show instance" $ do assertEqual "Show instance broken" "CouldNotEnqueueCommand <1>" (show (CouldNotEnqueueCommand (MkCallId 1))) assertEqual "Show instance broken" "BlockingCommandFailure <1>" (show (BlockingCommandFailure (MkCallId 1))) assertEqual "Show instance broken" "BlockingCommandTimedOut <1>" (show (BlockingCommandTimedOut (MkCallId 1))), testCase "when deliver returns False, BlockingCommandFailed\ \ should be returned" $ withCallIds ( call (OnDeliver (const (return False))) (Echo "123") 2_000_000 ) >>= assertEqual "bad call result" (Left (CouldNotEnqueueCommand (MkCallId 1))), testCase "when deliver blocks forever, call also blocks forever\ \ regardles of the timeout parameter" $ do res <- withCallIds $ timeout 10_000 $ call ( OnDeliver ( const $ do threadDelay 3600_000_000 return False ) ) (Echo "123") 1 assertEqual "bad call result" Nothing res, testCase "when deliver succeeds, but the reply box is ignored \ \and no replyTo invokation is done, BlockingCommandTimedOut\ \ should be returned" $ do res <- withCallIds $ call (OnDeliver (const (return True))) (Echo "123") 10_000 assertEqual "bad call result" (Left (BlockingCommandTimedOut (MkCallId 1))) res, testCase "when the reply box is passed to a new process, but\ \ replyTo is delayed very much,\ \ BlockingCommandTimedOut should be returned" $ do res <- withCallIds $ call ( OnDeliver ( \(Blocking (Echo x) rbox) -> do void $ forkIO $ do threadDelay 3600_000_000 replyTo rbox x return True ) ) (Echo "123") 10_000 assertEqual "bad call result" (Left (BlockingCommandTimedOut (MkCallId 1))) res, testCase "when the reply box is passed to a new process, that calls\ \ replyTo after x seconds, where x < rt (the receive timeou),\ \ then before y seconds have passed, where x <= y < rt,\ \ call returns the value passed to the reply box." $ do let x = 20_000 rt = 1_000_000 y = 500_000 res <- withCallIds $ timeout y $ call ( OnDeliver ( \(Blocking (Echo value) rbox) -> do void $ forkIO $ do threadDelay x replyTo rbox value return True ) ) (Echo "123") rt assertEqual "bad call result" (Just (Right "123")) res, testCase "when a call is delegated to, and replied by, another process, \ \ call should return that reply" $ do res <- withCallIds $ call ( OnDeliver ( \(Blocking (Echo value) rbox) -> delegateCall ( OnDeliver ( \(Blocking (Echo value') rbox') -> do replyTo rbox' value' return True ) ) (Echo value) rbox ) ) (Echo "123") 1_000 assertEqual "bad call result" (Right "123") res, testCase "when deliver has a delay, callAsync \ \ has at least the same delay" $ do res <- withCallIds $ timeout 90_000 ( callAsync ( OnDeliver ( \(Blocking (Echo _value) _rbox) -> do threadDelay 100_000 return False ) ) (Echo "123") ) assertBool "callAsync returned too soon" (isNothing res), testCase "when deliver fails, callAsync returns Nothing" $ do res <- withCallIds $ callAsync ( OnDeliver (\(Blocking (Echo _value) _rbox) -> return False) ) (Echo "123") assertBool "callAsync should fail" (isNothing res), testCase "when deliver succeeds, callAsync returns Just the pending reply" $ do res <- withCallIds $ callAsync ( OnDeliver (\(Blocking (Echo _value) _rbox) -> return True) ) (Echo "123") assertBool "callAsync should succeed" (isJust res), testCase "when deliver succeeds, but no reply is sent, \ \ waitForReply returns Left BlockingCommandTimedOut" $ withCallIds ( callAsync ( OnDeliver (\(Blocking (Echo _value) _rbox) -> return True) ) (Echo "123") >>= traverse (waitForReply 1_000) ) >>= assertEqual "timeout error expected" (Just (Left (BlockingCommandTimedOut (MkCallId 1)))), testCase "when deliver succeeds, but no reply is sent, \ \ tryTakeReply will return Nothing" $ withCallIds ( callAsync ( OnDeliver (\(Blocking (Echo _value) _rbox) -> return True) ) (Echo "123") >>= traverse tryTakeReply ) >>= assertBool "tryTakeReply should return Nothing" . isNothing . fromJust, testCase "when deliver succeeds, and a reply is sent, \ \ waitForReply will return Right with the reply" $ withCallIds ( callAsync ( OnDeliver ( \(Blocking (Echo value) rbox) -> do replyTo rbox value return True ) ) (Echo "123") >>= traverse (waitForReply 1_000_000) ) >>= assertEqual "waitForReply should return the reply" (Just (Right "123")), testCase "when deliver has succeeded, and a reply has been sent, \ \ tryTakeReply will eventually return Just Right the reply" $ withCallIds ( callAsync ( OnDeliver ( \(Blocking (Echo value) rbox) -> do replyTo rbox value return True ) ) (Echo "123") >>= ( \x -> do threadDelay 10_000 traverse tryTakeReply x ) ) >>= assertEqual "tryTakeReply should return the reply" (Just (Just (Right "123"))), testCase "after waitForReply returns Right the reply,\ \ any further call to waitForReply will return\ \ the same result immediately." $ withCallIds $ callAsync ( OnDeliver ( \(Blocking (Echo value) rbox) -> do replyTo rbox value return True ) ) (Echo "123") >>= maybe (liftIO $ assertFailure "callAsync failed unexpectedly") ( \pendingReply -> do waitForReply 1_000_000 pendingReply >>= liftIO . assertEqual "waitForReply should return the reply" (Right "123") timeout 1_000 (waitForReply 1_000_000 pendingReply) >>= liftIO . maybe (assertFailure "the second waitForReply should return immediately") ( assertEqual "the second waitForReply should return the reply" (Right "123") ) ), testCase "when waitForReply has returned, tryTakeReply will\ \ also return Just the same result" $ withCallIds $ callAsync ( OnDeliver ( \(Blocking (Echo value) rbox) -> do replyTo rbox value return True ) ) (Echo "123") >>= maybe (liftIO $ assertFailure "callAsync failed unexpectedly") ( \pendingReply -> do waitForReply 1_000_000 pendingReply >>= liftIO . assertEqual "waitForReply should return the reply" (Right "123") tryTakeReply pendingReply >>= liftIO . maybe (assertFailure "the second tryTakeReply should return Just (...)") ( assertEqual "tryTakeReply should return the reply" (Right "123") ) ), testCase "when tryTakeReply has returned Just a result, waitForReply will\ \ also return that same result" $ withCallIds $ callAsync ( OnDeliver ( \(Blocking (Echo value) rbox) -> do replyTo rbox value return True ) ) (Echo "123") >>= maybe (liftIO $ assertFailure "callAsync failed unexpectedly") ( \pendingReply -> do timeout 1_000_000 (untilJust (tryTakeReply pendingReply)) >>= maybe (liftIO $ assertFailure "tryTakeReply should return a result") ( liftIO . assertEqual "tryTakeReply should return the reply" (Right "123") ) waitForReply 1_000 pendingReply >>= liftIO . assertEqual "waitForReply should return the same reply" (Right "123") ), testCase "DuplicateReply Eq and Show instance" $ do assertEqual "Eq instance" (DuplicateReply (MkCallId 1)) (DuplicateReply (MkCallId 1)) assertEqual "Show instance" "more than one reply sent for: <1>" (show (DuplicateReply (MkCallId 1))), testCase "when replyTo is called again on the same replyBox, an error is thrown\ \ and the waitForResult will still return the first reply" $ withCallIds ( do reply <- timeout 1_000_000 $ try $ callAsync ( OnDeliver ( \(Blocking (Echo value) rbox) -> do replyTo rbox value replyTo rbox value return True ) ) (Echo "123") liftIO $ case reply of (Just (Left (DuplicateReply cId))) -> assertEqual "wrong callId in DuplicateReply exception" (MkCallId 1) cId (Just (Right _)) -> assertFailure "expected an exception to be thrown in second `replyTo` call" Nothing -> assertFailure "unexpectedly indefinitely blocked on `replyTo` call" ), testCase "tryTakeReply should return Nothing until the reply is sent, and\ \ from the moment the reply is available, it will always and\ \ immediately return the reply, it will never return Nothing again" $ withCallIds ( do replyNow <- newEmptyMVar replySent <- newEmptyMVar mPendingReply <- callAsync ( OnDeliver ( \(Blocking (Echo value) rbox) -> do void $ forkIO $ do () <- takeMVar replyNow replyTo rbox value putMVar replySent () return True ) ) (Echo "") case mPendingReply of Nothing -> liftIO $ assertFailure "callAsync failed" Just pendingReply -> do tryTakeReply pendingReply >>= liftIO . assertEqual "tryTakeReply failed" Nothing putMVar replyNow () takeMVar replySent tryTakeReply pendingReply >>= liftIO . assertEqual "tryTakeReply failed" (Just (Right "")) ), testCase "PendingResult's show instance contains the call Id and the \ \ name of the result type" $ do res <- withCallIds $ callAsync ( OnDeliver (const (return True)) ) (Echo (Just "123")) case res of Nothing -> assertFailure "unexpected delivery failure" Just pendingReply -> assertEqual "bad show instance for PendingResult" "AR: <1>" (show pendingReply) ] -- Echo Protocol for callTest data Echo data instance Command Echo _ where Echo :: a -> Command Echo ('Return a) instance (Show a) => Show (Command Echo ('Return a)) where showsPrec !d (Echo x) = showParen (d >= 9) (showString "Echo " . showsPrec 9 x) data Tell data instance Command Tell _ where Tell :: String -> Command Tell 'FireAndForget instance Show (Command Tell 'FireAndForget) where showsPrec !d (Tell x) = showParen (d >= 9) (showString "Tell " . showString x)