# unleash-client-haskell-core This is a library for evaluating [Unleash](https://www.getunleash.io/) feature toggles. It currently meets all [client specifications per v4.2.2](https://github.com/Unleash/client-specification/releases/tag/v4.2.2). The `Unleash` module provides functions and types for checking feature toggles and variants. Does not include an HTTP client. See [unleash-client-haskell](https://github.com/finn-no/unleash-client-haskell) for a ready-to-use Haskell Unleash client SDK. ## Build ``` nix-build ``` ## Run tests ``` # Fetch Unleash specification git submodule init git submodule update nix-shell cabal test ``` ## Maintainers - [Even Brenden](mailto:uch@anythingexternal.com) - [Eirik Meland](mailto:eirik.meland@gmail.com) ## Dependencies - aeson (BSD-3-Clause) - aeson-pretty (BSD-3-Clause) - attoparsec (BSD-3-Clause) - bytestring (BSD-3-Clause) - containers (BSD-3-Clause) - hspec (MIT) - murmur3 (MIT) - random (BSD-3-Clause) - text (BSD-2-Clause) - text-show (BSD-3-Clause) - time (BSD-2-Clause) - versions (BSD-3-Clause)