{-# LANGUAGE BlockArguments, CPP, OverloadedLists #-} module Unicode.Char.General.ScriptsSpec ( spec ) where import Data.Foldable (traverse_) import Test.Hspec import qualified Unicode.Char.General.Scripts as UScripts import qualified Unicode.Internal.Char.Scripts as S import GHC.Exts (Ptr(..), Char(..), Int(..), indexWord32OffAddr#, int2Word#, and#, isTrue#, eqWord#, leWord#, neWord#, andI#, (-#), (<#), ord#) #if MIN_VERSION_base(4,16,0) import GHC.Exts (word32ToWord#) #endif #ifdef WORDS_BIGENDIAN import GHC.Exts (byteSwap32#) #endif {- [NOTE] These tests may fail if the compiler’s Unicode version does not match the version of this package. +-------------+----------------+-----------------+ | GHC version | @base@ version | Unicode version | +=============+================+=================+ | 8.8 | 4.13 | 12.0 | | 8.10.[1-4] | 4.14.{0,1} | 12.0 | | 8.10.5+ | 4.14.2+ | 13.0 | | 9.0.[1-2] | 4.15.0 | 12.1 | | 9.2.[1-4] | 4.16.0 | 14.0 | | 9.4.[1-2] | 4.17.0 | 14.0 | | 9.6.1 | 4.18.0 | 15.0 | +-------------+----------------+-----------------+ -} spec :: Spec spec = do describe "Unicode scripts" do describe "Examples" do it "script" do let check s = (== s) . UScripts.script minBound `shouldSatisfy` check UScripts.Common maxBound `shouldSatisfy` check UScripts.Unknown '.' `shouldSatisfy` check UScripts.Common '1' `shouldSatisfy` check UScripts.Common 'A' `shouldSatisfy` check UScripts.Latin 'Α' `shouldSatisfy` check UScripts.Greek -- Greek capital 'α' `shouldSatisfy` check UScripts.Greek '\x0300' `shouldSatisfy` check UScripts.Inherited '\x0485' `shouldSatisfy` check UScripts.Inherited '\x0600' `shouldSatisfy` check UScripts.Arabic '\x060c' `shouldSatisfy` check UScripts.Common '\x0965' `shouldSatisfy` check UScripts.Common '\x1100' `shouldSatisfy` check UScripts.Hangul '\x3000' `shouldSatisfy` check UScripts.Common '\x4E00' `shouldSatisfy` check UScripts.Han '\x11FD0' `shouldSatisfy` check UScripts.Tamil '\x1F600' `shouldSatisfy` check UScripts.Common '\x20000' `shouldSatisfy` check UScripts.Han -- BOM '\xFEFF' `shouldSatisfy` check UScripts.Common '\xFFFF' `shouldSatisfy` check UScripts.Unknown -- Private Use Areas '\xE000' `shouldSatisfy` check UScripts.Unknown '\xF0000' `shouldSatisfy` check UScripts.Unknown it "scriptExtensions" do let check s = (== s) . UScripts.scriptExtensions minBound `shouldSatisfy` check [ UScripts.Common] maxBound `shouldSatisfy` check [ UScripts.Unknown] '.' `shouldSatisfy` check [ UScripts.Common] '1' `shouldSatisfy` check [ UScripts.Common] 'A' `shouldSatisfy` check [ UScripts.Latin] 'Α' `shouldSatisfy` check [ UScripts.Greek] 'α' `shouldSatisfy` check [ UScripts.Greek] '\x0300' `shouldSatisfy` check [ UScripts.Inherited] '\x0485' `shouldSatisfy` check [ UScripts.Cyrillic, UScripts.Latin] '\x0600' `shouldSatisfy` check [ UScripts.Arabic] '\x060C' `shouldSatisfy` check [ UScripts.Arabic , UScripts.Nko , UScripts.HanifiRohingya , UScripts.Syriac , UScripts.Thaana , UScripts.Yezidi ] '\x0965' `shouldSatisfy` check [ UScripts.Bengali , UScripts.Devanagari , UScripts.Dogra , UScripts.GunjalaGondi , UScripts.MasaramGondi , UScripts.Grantha , UScripts.Gujarati , UScripts.Gurmukhi , UScripts.Kannada , UScripts.Limbu , UScripts.Mahajani , UScripts.Malayalam , UScripts.Nandinagari , UScripts.Oriya , UScripts.Khudawadi , UScripts.Sinhala , UScripts.SylotiNagri , UScripts.Takri , UScripts.Tamil , UScripts.Telugu , UScripts.Tirhuta ] '\x1100' `shouldSatisfy` check [ UScripts.Hangul] '\x3001' `shouldSatisfy` check [ UScripts.Bopomofo , UScripts.Hangul , UScripts.Han , UScripts.Hiragana , UScripts.Katakana , UScripts.Yi ] '\x4E00' `shouldSatisfy` check [ UScripts.Han] '\x11FD0' `shouldSatisfy` check [ UScripts.Grantha, UScripts.Tamil ] '\x1F600' `shouldSatisfy` check [ UScripts.Common] '\x20000' `shouldSatisfy` check [ UScripts.Han] -- BOM '\xFEFF' `shouldSatisfy` check [ UScripts.Common ] '\xFFFF' `shouldSatisfy` check [ UScripts.Unknown ] -- Private Use Areas '\xE000' `shouldSatisfy` check [ UScripts.Unknown ] '\xF0000' `shouldSatisfy` check [ UScripts.Unknown ] it "Characters are in the definition of their corresponding script" let { check c = let s = UScripts.script c in if s `inScript` c then pure () else expectationFailure $ mconcat [ "Char “", show c, "” in not in the definition of “" , show s, "”." ] } in traverse_ check (enumFromTo minBound maxBound) it "Characters in a script definition have the corresponding script" let { checkChar s c = let s' = UScripts.script c in if s' == s then pure () else expectationFailure $ mconcat [ "Script is different for “", show c, "”. Expected: “" , show s, "” but got: “", show s', "”." ]; check s = let chars = UScripts.scriptDefinition s in traverse_ (checkChar s) chars } in traverse_ check (enumFromTo minBound maxBound) it "Characters in with a script extension different from its script" let { check c = let script = UScripts.script c exts = UScripts.scriptExtensions c in if exts == pure script || (isSpecialScript script && script `notElem` exts) || (script `elem` exts) then pure () else expectationFailure (show (c, script, exts)); isSpecialScript = \case UScripts.Common -> True UScripts.Inherited -> True _ -> False } in traverse_ check (enumFromTo minBound maxBound) {- HLINT ignore inScript "Eta reduce" -} -- Check if a character is in a 'S.Script'. -- This is faster than testing the string from UScripts.scriptDefinition inScript :: S.Script -> Char -> Bool inScript s (C# c#) = check (S.scriptDefinition s) where -- [NOTE] see 'scriptDefinition' for the description of the encoding. scriptRangeMask# = 0x80000000## -- 1 << 31 maskComplement# = 0x7fffffff## -- 1 << 31 ^ 0xffffffff cp# = int2Word# (ord# c#) check (Ptr addr#, I# n#) = let { getRawCodePoint k# = #ifdef WORDS_BIGENDIAN #if MIN_VERSION_base(4,16,0) byteSwap32# (word32ToWord# (indexWord32OffAddr# addr# k#)); #else byteSwap32# (indexWord32OffAddr# addr# k#); #endif #elif MIN_VERSION_base(4,16,0) word32ToWord# (indexWord32OffAddr# addr# k#); #else indexWord32OffAddr# addr# k#; #endif getCodePoint k# = and# maskComplement# k#; find k# = not (isTrue# (k# <# 0#)) && let { r1# = getRawCodePoint k#; c1# = getCodePoint r1#; isRange = isTrue# (and# r1# scriptRangeMask# `neWord#` 0##) } in if isRange then let { c2# = getCodePoint (getRawCodePoint (k# -# 1#)); found = isTrue# ((c2# `leWord#` cp#) `andI#` (cp# `leWord#` c1#)) } in found || find (k# -# 2#) else isTrue# (c1# `eqWord#` cp#) || find (k# -# 1#) } in find (n# -# 1#)