{-# LANGUAGE CPP #-} {-# LANGUAGE TupleSections #-} {-# LANGUAGE DeriveLift #-} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} {-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-} module Text.Collate.Lang ( Lang(..) , parseLang , renderLang , lookupLang ) where import Data.Maybe (listToMaybe) import Control.Monad (mzero) import Data.Ord (Down(..)) import Data.List (sortOn) import Data.Char (isAlphaNum, isAscii, isDigit, isSpace, isAlpha) import Data.Text (Text) import qualified Data.Text as T import qualified Text.Parsec as P import Data.Binary (Binary(..)) import Data.String import Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax (Lift(..)) import Instances.TH.Lift () #if MIN_VERSION_base(4,11,0) #else import Data.Semigroup (Semigroup(..)) #endif -- | Represents a BCP 47 language tag (). data Lang = Lang{ langLanguage :: Text , langScript :: Maybe Text , langRegion :: Maybe Text , langVariants :: [Text] , langExtensions :: [(Text, [(Text , Text)])] , langPrivateUse :: [Text] } deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Lift) instance IsString Lang where fromString = fromRight (Lang "und" Nothing Nothing [] [] []) . parseLang . T.pack instance Binary Lang where put (Lang a b c d e f) = put (a,b,c,d,e,f) get = do (a,b,c,d,e,f) <- get return $ Lang a b c d e f -- | Find best match for a 'Lang' in an association list. -- We require a match in 'langLanguage'; after that, -- we look for matches in the following priority order: -- 'langScript', 'langRegion', 'langVariants', -- 'langExtensions' (under @"u"@), -- collation ('langExtensions' under @"u-co"@). lookupLang :: Lang -> [(Lang, a)] -> Maybe (Lang, a) lookupLang lang = listToMaybe . sortOn (Down . scoreMatch) . filter (\(l,_) -> langLanguage l == langLanguage lang) where scoreMatch :: (Lang, a) -> Int scoreMatch (l,_) = (if langScript l == langScript lang then 20 else 0) + (if langRegion l == langRegion lang then 10 else 0) + (if langVariants l == langVariants lang then 5 else 0) + (if lookup "u" (langExtensions l) == lookup "u" (langExtensions lang) then 2 else 0) + (if (lookup "u" (langExtensions l) >>= lookup "co") == (lookup "u" (langExtensions lang) >>= lookup "co") then 1 else 0) -- | Render a 'Lang' in BCP 47 form. renderLang :: Lang -> Text renderLang lang = langLanguage lang <> maybe "" (T.cons '-') (langScript lang) <> maybe "" (T.cons '-') (langRegion lang) <> mconcat (map (T.cons '-') (langVariants lang)) <> mconcat (map renderExtension (langExtensions lang)) <> renderPrivateUse (langPrivateUse lang) where renderExtension (c, ks) = "-" <> c <> mconcat (map renderKeyword ks) renderKeyword (k, v) = "-" <> k <> if T.null v then "" else "-" <> v renderPrivateUse [] = "" renderPrivateUse ts = "-x" <> mconcat (map (T.cons '-') ts) -- | Parse a BCP 47 language tag as a 'Lang'. parseLang :: Text -> Either String Lang parseLang lang = case P.parse pLangTag "lang" (T.split (\c -> c == '-' || c == '_') $ T.takeWhile (not . isSpace) lang) of Right r -> Right r Left e -> Left $ show e where -- langtag = language -- ["-" script] -- ["-" region] -- *("-" variant) -- *("-" extension) pLangTag = do language <- pLanguage P. "language" script <- P.option Nothing (Just <$> pScript P. "script") region <- P.option Nothing (Just <$> pRegion P. "region") variants <- P.many pVariant P. "variant" extensions <- P.many pExtension P. "extension" privateUse <- P.option [] (pPrivateUse P. "private use") -- P.eof -- like CSL, we allow garbage afterwards return Lang{ langLanguage = language , langScript = script , langRegion = region , langVariants = variants , langExtensions = extensions , langPrivateUse = privateUse } -- language = 2*3ALPHA ; shortest ISO 639 code -- ["-" extlang] ; sometimes followed by -- ; extended language subtags -- / 4ALPHA ; or reserved for future use -- / 5*8ALPHA ; or registered language subtag pLanguage = (do baselang <- T.toLower <$> alphasBetween 2 3 extlang <- P.option Nothing $ Just <$> pExtlang case extlang of Nothing -> pure baselang Just ext -> pure $ baselang <> "-" <> ext) P.<|> T.toLower <$> alphasBetween 4 8 -- extlang = 3ALPHA ; selected ISO 639 codes -- *2("-" 3ALPHA) ; permanently reserved pExtlang = T.intercalate "-" <$> countBetween 1 3 (T.toLower <$> alphas 3) -- script = 4ALPHA ; ISO 15924 code pScript = T.toTitle <$> alphas 4 -- region = 2ALPHA ; ISO 3166-1 code -- / 3DIGIT ; UN M.49 code pRegion = T.toUpper <$> alphas 2 P.<|> digits 3 -- variant = 5*8alphanum ; registered variants -- / (DIGIT 3alphanum) pVariant = T.toLower <$> (alphanumsBetween 5 8 P.<|> tok (\t -> T.all isAsciiAlphaNum t && T.length t == 4 && isDigit (T.head t))) -- extension = singleton 1*("-" (2*8alphanum)) -- RFC6087: -- An 'attribute' is a subtag with a length of three to eight -- characters following the singleton and preceding any 'keyword' -- sequences. No attributes were defined at the time of this -- document's publication. -- A 'keyword' is a sequence of subtags consisting of a 'key' subtag, -- followed by zero or more 'type' subtags (so a 'key' might appear -- alone and not be accompanied by a 'type' subtag). A 'key' MUST -- NOT appear more than once in a language tag's extension string. -- The order of the 'type' subtags within a 'keyword' is sometimes -- significant to their interpretation. -- A. A 'key' is a subtag with a length of exactly two characters. -- Each 'key' is followed by zero or more 'type' subtags. -- B. A 'type' is a subtag with a length of three to eight -- characters following a 'key'. 'Type' subtags are specific to -- a particular 'key' and the order of the 'type' subtags MAY be -- significant to the interpretation of the 'keyword'. pExtension = do c <- T.toLower <$> tok (\t -> T.length t == 1 && T.all isAsciiAlphaNum t) attrs <- P.many (T.toLower <$> tok (\t -> T.all isAsciiAlphaNum t && lengthBetween 3 8 t)) keywords <- P.many pKeyword return (c, map (, "") attrs ++ keywords) pKeyword = do key <- alphas 2 types <- P.many (alphanumsBetween 3 8) return (key, T.intercalate "-" types) -- privateuse = "x" 1*("-" (1*8alphanum)) pPrivateUse = do _ <- tok (\t -> T.toLower t == "x") P.many1 (alphanumsBetween 1 8) tok :: (Text -> Bool) -> P.Parsec [Text] () Text tok f = P.tokenPrim T.unpack (\pos t _ -> P.incSourceColumn pos (T.length t)) (\t -> if f t then Just t else Nothing) countBetween (low :: Int) (hi :: Int) p = P.try $ countBetween' low hi p 1 countBetween' low hi p (n :: Int) = (do res <- p if n >= hi then return [res] else (res:) <$> countBetween' low hi p (n + 1)) P.<|> (if n > low then return [] else mzero) isAsciiAlpha c = isAscii c && isAlpha c alphas len = tok (\t -> T.all isAsciiAlpha t && T.length t == len) digits len = tok (\t -> T.all isDigit t && T.length t == len) alphasBetween minLen maxLen = tok (\t -> T.all isAsciiAlpha t && lengthBetween minLen maxLen t) alphanumsBetween minLen maxLen = tok (\t -> T.all isAsciiAlphaNum t && lengthBetween minLen maxLen t) lengthBetween lo hi t = let len = T.length t in len >= lo && len <= hi isAsciiAlphaNum c = isAscii c && isAlphaNum c -- We define fromRight here instead of importing it, -- because it doesn't exist in some base versions we support. fromRight :: b -> Either a b -> b fromRight fallback (Left _) = fallback fromRight _ (Right x) = x