{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-}

-- | GetAttributes is used by the GraphEditor to pop up HTk windows
-- to get information from the user.
module Graphs.GetAttributes(
   NodeTypeAttributes(..), -- instance of Typeable
   getNodeTypeAttributes, -- :: IO (Maybe NodeTypeAttributes)
   NodeAttributes(..), -- instance of Typeable
   getNodeAttributes, -- :: IO (Maybe NodeAttributes)
   ArcTypeAttributes(..), -- instance of Typeable
   getArcTypeAttributes, -- :: IO (Maybe ArcTypeAttributes)
   ArcAttributes(..), -- instance of Typeable
   getArcAttributes, -- :: IO (Maybe ArcAttributes)
   displayError, -- :: String -> IO ()
   ) where

import Control.Exception

import Util.Dynamics
import Util.Registry hiding (getValue)
import qualified Util.Registry as Registry (getValue)
import Util.Messages

import HTk.Toplevel.HTk hiding (Icon)
import HTk.Toolkit.InputWin
import HTk.Toolkit.InputForm

import qualified Graphs.GraphConfigure as GraphConfigure

-- NodeTypes

data ShapeSort = Box | Circle | Ellipse | Rhombus | Triangle | Icon
   deriving (Enum,Read,Show)

instance GUIValue ShapeSort where
   cdefault = Box

data NodeTypeAttributes nodeLabel = NodeTypeAttributes {
   shape :: GraphConfigure.Shape nodeLabel,
   nodeTypeTitle :: String
   } deriving (Read,Show,Typeable)

data PreAttributes = PreAttributes {
   shapeSort :: ShapeSort,
   nodeTypeTitle' :: String

getNodeTypeAttributes :: IO (Maybe(NodeTypeAttributes nodeLabel))
getNodeTypeAttributes =
   allowCancel (
         PreAttributes {shapeSort=shapeSort,nodeTypeTitle'=nodeTypeTitle} <-

         shape <- case shapeSort of
            Box -> return GraphConfigure.Box
            Circle -> return GraphConfigure.Circle
            Ellipse -> return GraphConfigure.Ellipse
            Rhombus -> return GraphConfigure.Rhombus
            Triangle -> return GraphConfigure.Triangle
            Icon ->
                  fname <- getSingleString "Icon filename"
                  return (GraphConfigure.Icon fname)

         return NodeTypeAttributes {shape=shape,nodeTypeTitle=nodeTypeTitle}        )

getNodeTypeAttributes1 :: IO PreAttributes
-- This returns the sort of shape + the node type title.
getNodeTypeAttributes1 =
      let def = PreAttributes {shapeSort=Box,nodeTypeTitle'=""}
      (iw, form) <- createInputWin "Node Type Attributes"
                                (\p-> newInputForm p (Just def) []) []
      newEnumField form [Box .. Icon] [
         -- text "Node Shape",
         selector shapeSort,
         modifier (\ old newShape -> old {shapeSort = newShape})
      newEntryField form [
         text "Node Type title",
         selector nodeTypeTitle',
         modifier (\ old newTitle -> old {nodeTypeTitle' = newTitle}),
         width 20
      result <- wait iw True
      case result of
         Just value -> return value
         Nothing -> cancelQuery

-- Nodes

data NodeAttributes nodeType = NodeAttributes {
   nodeType :: nodeType,
   nodeTitle :: String
   } deriving (Read,Show,Typeable)

data NodePreAttributes = NodePreAttributes {
   preNodeType :: String,
   preNodeTitle :: String
   } deriving Show

getNodeAttributes :: (Registry String nodeType) ->
   IO (Maybe (NodeAttributes nodeType))
-- getNodeAttributes gets the required attributes of a node given
-- its possible types (with their titles).
getNodeAttributes registry =
   allowCancel (
         knownTypeNames <- listKeys registry
         case knownTypeNames of
            [] ->
                  displayError "You must first define some node types"
            _ -> return ()
            def = NodePreAttributes {
               preNodeType=head knownTypeNames,
            -- iform p = newInputForm p (Just def) []
         (inputWin, form) <- createInputWin "Node Attributes"
                                         (\p-> newInputForm p (Just def) []) []
         newEnumField form knownTypeNames [
            -- text "Node Type",
            selector preNodeType,
            modifier (\ old nodeTypeName ->
               old {preNodeType = nodeTypeName})
         newEntryField form [
            text "Node title",
            selector preNodeTitle,
            modifier (\ old newTitle -> old {preNodeTitle = newTitle}),
            width 20
         result <- wait inputWin True
         case result of
            Just (NodePreAttributes {
               preNodeTitle = nodeTitle,
               preNodeType = nodeTypeName
               }) ->
                     nodeType <- Registry.getValue registry nodeTypeName
                     return (NodeAttributes {
                        nodeTitle = nodeTitle,
                        nodeType = nodeType
            Nothing -> cancelQuery

-- Arc Types

data ArcTypeAttributes = ArcTypeAttributes {
   arcTypeTitle :: String
   } deriving (Read,Show,Typeable)

getArcTypeAttributes :: IO (Maybe ArcTypeAttributes)
getArcTypeAttributes =
      let def = ArcTypeAttributes {arcTypeTitle=""}
      (iw, form) <- createInputWin "Arc Type Attributes"
                                (\p-> newInputForm p (Just def) []) []
      newEntryField form [
         text "Arc Type title",
         selector arcTypeTitle,
         modifier (\ old newTitle -> old {arcTypeTitle = newTitle}),
         width 20
      wait iw True

-- Arcs

data ArcAttributes arcType = ArcAttributes {
   arcType :: arcType
   } deriving (Read,Show,Typeable)

data ArcPreAttributes = ArcPreAttributes {
   preArcType :: String

getArcAttributes :: (Registry String arcType) ->
   IO (Maybe (ArcAttributes arcType))
-- getArcAttributes gets the required attributes of an arc given
-- its possible types (with their titles).
getArcAttributes registry =
   allowCancel (
         knownTypeNames <- listKeys registry
         case knownTypeNames of
            [] ->
                  displayError "You must first define some arc types"
            _ -> return ()
            def = ArcPreAttributes {
               preArcType=head knownTypeNames
         (iw, form) <- createInputWin "Arc Attributes"
                                   (\p-> newInputForm p (Just def) []) []
         newEnumField form knownTypeNames [
            -- text "Arc Type",
            selector preArcType,
            modifier (\ old arcTypeName ->
               old {preArcType = arcTypeName})
         result <- wait iw True
         case result of
            Just (ArcPreAttributes {
               preArcType = arcTypeName
               }) ->
                     arcType <- Registry.getValue registry arcTypeName
                     return (ArcAttributes {
                        arcType = arcType
            Nothing -> cancelQuery

-- General Routines

displayError :: String -> IO ()
-- This displays an error message.
displayError = errorMess

getSingleString :: String -> IO String
-- This gets a single string from the user, prompting with the argument
-- provided.
getSingleString query =
      (inputWin, form) <- createInputWin "" (\p-> newInputForm p (Just "") []) []
      (entryField :: EntryField String String) <-
         newEntryField form [
            text query,
            selector id,
            modifier (\ oldValue newValue -> newValue),
            width 20
      result <- wait inputWin True
      case result of
         Just value -> return value
         Nothing -> cancelQuery

newtype CancelException = CancelException () deriving (Typeable)

cancelQuery :: IO anything
cancelQuery = throwDyn (CancelException ())

allowCancel :: IO a -> IO (Maybe a)
allowCancel action =
         result <- action
         return (Just result)
      (\ (CancelException ()) -> return Nothing)