-- | Spawn provides an interface to Concurrent.forkIO which is supposed
-- to be implementable for both Hugs and GHC.
-- This is the GHC implementation.
module Events.Spawn(
   spawn -- :: IO () -> IO (IO ())
   ) where

import Control.Concurrent
import Control.Exception

-- | Do a fork, returning an action which may attempt to
-- kill the forked thread.  (Or may not . . .)
spawn :: IO () -> IO (IO ())
spawn action =
      let quietAction = goesQuietly action
      threadId <- forkIO quietAction
      return (killThread threadId)

-- --------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- goesQuietly
-- --------------------------------------------------------------------------

goesQuietly :: IO () -> IO ()
goesQuietly action =
      result <-
            (\ exception -> case exception of
               AsyncException ThreadKilled -> Just ()
               BlockedOnDeadMVar -> Just ()
               _ -> Nothing
      case result of
         Left () -> return ()
         Right () -> return ()