# Revision history for ukrainian-phonetics-basic ## -- 2020-10-21 * First version. Released on an unsuspecting world. ## -- 2020-10-22 * First version revised A. Fixed issue with existence of multi-vowel syllables in the module Languages.Phonetic.Ukrainian.Syllable. . ## -- 2020-10-24 * First version revised B. Added a new function convertToProperUkrainianX to the Melodics.Ukrainian module to get the boxed Vector of Char's. ## -- 2020-10-24 * First version revised C. Added a new function convertToProperUkrainianS to the module Melodics.ByteString.Ukrainian that is needed in some other cases. ## -- 2020-10-26 * First version revised D. Added new functions that convert from Data.Vector.Vector Char to the representation in the Melodics.ByteString.Ukrainian module. ## -- 2020-10-27 * First version revised E. Added two new functions to the module Languages.Phonetics.Ukrainian.Syllable to work with Data.Vector.Vector of Char. ## -- 2020-10-28 * First version revised F. Fixed some issues with palatalization and some combinations that were not properly handled. ## -- 2020-10-28 * First version revised G. Fixed some issues with empty ByteString in the Melodics.ByteString.Ukrainian module. ## -- 2020-11-05 * First version revised H. Fixed issues with classification functions inside the Melodics.ByteString.Ukrainian module. Changed the dependencies boundaries to use the latest improved versions of the packages. ## -- 2020-11-05 * First version revised I. Fixed issues with separating soft sign from the processed sound combinations inside the Melodics.ByteString.Ukrainian module. ## -- 2020-11-06 * First version revised J. Fixed issues with rare complex letter combinations in the Melodics.ByteString.Ukrainian module. The applyChanges uses now strict in the accumulator version of the foldr -- foldr'. ## -- 2020-11-06 * First version revised K. Some code improvements to do it more flexible in the module Melodics.ByteString.Ukrainian. Switched to the lazy version of the foldr in the applyChanges function. ## -- 2020-11-07 * Second version. Added new variants of the uzpp2Durat1 and syllableDurations functions, obtained from the execution of the pldUkr from the r-glpk-phonetic-languages-ukrainian-durations package. ## -- 2020-11-09 * Second version revised A. Some documentation improvements. ## -- 2020-11-10 * Second version revised B. Fixed issue with inexact documentation. ## -- 2020-11-25 * Third version. Added new functions to support not only vector-based computations in the Languages.Phonetics.Ukrainian.Syllable module, but also the list-based ones. Added a new dependency of subG package.