Resolving dependencies... Configuring mtl-2.2.1... Configuring fgl- Building fgl- Building mtl-2.2.1... Installed mtl-2.2.1 Configuring network- Building network- Configuring pqueue-1.3.2... Installed fgl- Building pqueue-1.3.2... Configuring old-locale- Installed pqueue-1.3.2 Building old-locale- Configuring primitive- Installed network- Building primitive- Configuring syb-0.6... Installed old-locale- Building syb-0.6... Configuring text- Installed primitive- Building text- Configuring uulib-0.9.22... Installed syb-0.6 Building uulib-0.9.22... Configuring fclabels- Installed uulib-0.9.22 Building fclabels- Configuring logict- Installed text- Building logict- Installed fclabels- Configuring old-time- Building old-time- Configuring vector- Installed logict- Building vector- Configuring hashable- Installed old-time- Building hashable- Installed hashable- Configuring logict-state- Building logict-state- Configuring time-compat- Installed logict-state- Building time-compat- Installed time-compat- Configuring uhc-util- Building uhc-util- Installed vector- Installed uhc-util- Downloading uhc-light- Configuring uhc-light- Building uhc-light- Failed to install uhc-light- Build log ( /home/builder/.cabal/logs/uhc-light- ): cabal: Entering directory '/tmp/cabal-tmp-10933/uhc-light-' Configuring uhc-light- Building uhc-light- Preprocessing library uhc-light- on the commandline: warning: -XOverlappingInstances is deprecated: instead use per-instance pragmas OVERLAPPING/OVERLAPPABLE/OVERLAPS [ 1 of 236] Compiling UHC.Light.Compiler.VarLookup ( src/UHC/Light/Compiler/VarLookup.hs, dist/build/UHC/Light/Compiler/VarLookup.o ) [ 2 of 236] Compiling UHC.Light.Compiler.SourceCodeSig ( src/UHC/Light/Compiler/SourceCodeSig.hs, dist/build/UHC/Light/Compiler/SourceCodeSig.o ) [ 3 of 236] Compiling UHC.Light.Compiler.Scanner.Token ( src/UHC/Light/Compiler/Scanner/Token.hs, dist/build/UHC/Light/Compiler/Scanner/Token.o ) src/ehc/Scanner/Token.chs:47:13: warning: [-Wtabs] Tab character found here, and in 11 further locations. Please use spaces instead. [ 4 of 236] Compiling UHC.Light.Compiler.Scanner.TokenParser ( src/UHC/Light/Compiler/Scanner/TokenParser.hs, dist/build/UHC/Light/Compiler/Scanner/TokenParser.o ) src/ehc/Scanner/TokenParser.chs:79:47: warning: [-Wtabs] Tab character found here. Please use spaces instead. [ 5 of 236] Compiling UHC.Light.Compiler.Scanner.Machine ( src/UHC/Light/Compiler/Scanner/Machine.hs, dist/build/UHC/Light/Compiler/Scanner/Machine.o ) src/ehc/Scanner/Machine.chs:79:29: error: • Couldn't match expected type ‘Set.Set [Char]’ with actual type ‘containers- String Bool’ • In the second argument of ‘Set.member’, namely ‘scoPragmasTxt opts’ In the first argument of ‘(.)’, namely ‘(`Set.member` scoPragmasTxt opts)’ In the expression: (`Set.member` scoPragmasTxt opts) . map toUpper cabal: Leaving directory '/tmp/cabal-tmp-10933/uhc-light-' cabal: Error: some packages failed to install: uhc-light- failed during the building phase. The exception was: ExitFailure 1