DATA Mod | Mod ref2nm : {Ref2Nm} -- inverse lookup of locally introduced binding RRef's moduleNm : {HsName} moduleNr : {Int} -- sequence nr, index later into global table of modules stkDepth : {Int} -- max depth of stack for setting up globals metas : MetaL binds : {CRArray Bind} body : Exp DATA Meta | Data tyNm : {HsName} dataCons : DataConL TYPE MetaL = [Meta] SET AllMeta = Meta MetaL -- Equivalent of data type def holding the minimal pieces of info required for codegen DATA DataCon | Con conNm : {HsName} tagNr : {Int} -- runtime tag -- arity : {Int} -- nr of fields, excluding tag TYPE DataConL = [DataCon] SET AllDataCon = DataCon DataConL SET AllMetaNT = AllMeta AllDataCon DATA SExp -- base cases | Var ref : {RRef} | Int int : {Int} | Char char : {Char} | String str : {String} | Integer integer : {Integer} -- Debug only | Dbg msg : {String} DATA Exp -- base cases | SExp sexpr : SExp -- node constructor, tuple or data constructor, determined by tag | Tup tag : {Int} args : {CRArray SExp} -- let bindings, recursiveness allowed, yes/no eval made explicit in rhs of binding | Let -- lev : {Int} firstOff : {Int} -- offset of first binding ref2nm : {Ref2Nm} -- inverse lookup of locally introduced binding RRef's binds : {CRArray Bind} body : Exp -- application, abstraction | App -- isTailRec : {Bool} func : Exp args : {CRArray SExp} | Lam mbNm : {Maybe HsName} -- possibly bound to name -- lev : {Int} -- lexical level nrArgs : {Int} -- nr of arguments, 0 means it is a thunk -- nrBinds : {Int} -- nr stack frame locations to be allocated (excluding arguments) for locals stkDepth : {Int} -- max depth of stack ref2nm : {Ref2Nm} -- inverse lookup of locally introduced binding RRef's body : Exp -- thunking, forcing, partial applications | Force expr : Exp -- | Thunk expr : Exp -- expressed as parameterless Lam -- expr in a context to which must be returned (i.e. no tail rec) -- | Ret expr : Exp -- expr in a case alternative result context (with local bindings to be removed) -- | RetCase nrBinds : {Int} -- expr : Exp -- Tail context | Tail expr : Exp -- case | Case expr : SExp alts : {CRArray Alt} -- FFI call | FFI prim : {RunPrim} args : {CRArray SExp} {- | FFI callconv : {FFIWay} impEnt : {ForeignEnt} ty : {Ty} args : {CRArray Exp} -} DATA Alt | Alt ref2nm : {Ref2Nm} -- inverse lookup of locally introduced binding RRef's -- pat : Pat expr : Exp DATA Pat | Con tag : {Int} | BoolExpr expr : Exp SET AllNT = Mod SExp Exp Alt Pat