module UHC.Light.Compiler.Base.Common
( module UHC.Util.Hashable
, module UHC.Light.Compiler.Base.HsName
, module UHC.Light.Compiler.Base.Range
, module UHC.Light.Compiler.Base.UID
, module UHC.Util.AssocL
, module Data.Typeable, module Data.Generics
, ppAppTop
, ppCon, ppCmt
, ppSpaced
, ParNeed (..), ParNeedL, parNeedApp
, ppParNeed
, CompilePoint (..)
, Fixity (..)
, fixityMaxPrio
, NmLev, nmLevAbsent, nmLevBuiltin, nmLevOutside, nmLevModule
, tokMkInt, tokMkStr
, tokMkQNames
, hsnLclSupply, hsnLclSupplyWith
, AlwaysEq (..)
, VarId, VarIdS
, whenM, unlessM
, str2stMp, str2stMpWithOmit, showStr2stMp
, unions
, withLkupLiftCyc1, withLkupChkVisitLift, withLkupLift
, lookupLiftCycMb1, lookupLiftCycMb2
, MetaLev, metaLevVal
, listCombineUniq
, metaLevTy, metaLevKi, metaLevSo
, ppFld, mkPPAppFun, mkPPAppFun'
, mkExtAppPP, mkExtAppPP'
, tokMkQName
, uidHNm
, uidQualHNm
, module UHC.Light.Compiler.Base.Fld
, module UHC.Light.Compiler.CodeGen.Tag
, module UHC.Light.Compiler.Base.Strictness
, ppHsnNonAlpha, ppHsnEscaped, hsnEscapeeChars, ppHsnEscapeWith, hsnOkChars, hsnNotOkStrs
, ppSemi
, ppPair
, showPP
, ppFM
, putCompileMsg
, writePP, writeToFile
, CLbl (..), clbl
, Unbox (..)
, replicateBy
, strPadLeft, strBlankPad
, Verbosity (..)
, splitByRadix
, strHex
, Backend (..)
, Presence (..)
, fmap2Tuple
, genNmMap
, MaybeOk (..), isJustOk, isNotOk, maybeOk, fromJustOk, fromNotOk
, KnownPrim (..)
, allKnownPrimMp
, module UHC.Light.Compiler.Base.RLList
, PredOccId (..)
, mkPrId, poiHNm
, mkPrIdCHR
, emptyPredOccId
, ppListV
, snd3, thd
, CHRScoped (..)
, InstVariant (..)
, VarUIDHsName (..), vunmNm
, vunmMbVar
, combineToDistinguishedElts
, LinkingStyle (..)
, fixityAppPrio
, InstDerivingFrom (..)
, SrcConst (..)
, ppAppTop'
, PkgName, emptyPkgName
, graphVisit )
import UHC.Util.Utils
import UHC.Util.Hashable
import UHC.Light.Compiler.Base.HsName
import UHC.Light.Compiler.Base.HsName.Builtin
import UHC.Light.Compiler.Base.Range
import UHC.Light.Compiler.Base.UID
import UHC.Util.AssocL
import Data.Typeable (Typeable)
import Data.Generics (Data)
import UHC.Util.Pretty
import Data.List
import Control.Applicative ((<|>))
import UHC.Util.ScanUtils
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import Control.Monad
import UHC.Util.VarLookup (MetaLev,metaLevVal)
import UHC.Light.Compiler.Scanner.Token
import UHC.Light.Compiler.Scanner.Machine(scanpredIsIdChar,scanpredIsKeywExtra)
import UHC.Util.FPath
import System.IO
import System.Environment
import System.Exit
import Data.Char
import Data.Maybe
import Numeric
import UHC.Light.Compiler.Base.Fld
import UHC.Light.Compiler.CodeGen.Tag
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import UHC.Light.Compiler.Base.Strictness
import qualified Control.Monad.State as ST
import UHC.Light.Compiler.Base.RLList
import UHC.Util.Binary
import UHC.Util.Serialize
import GHC.Generics (Generic)
import Data.Version

{-# LINE 104 "src/ehc/Base/Common.chs" #-}
deriving instance Generic Version

instance Hashable Version

{-# LINE 114 "src/ehc/Base/Common.chs" #-}
ppHsnEscapeWith :: Char -> (Char -> Bool) -> (String -> Bool) -> (HsName -> Bool) -> HsName -> (PP_Doc,Bool)
ppHsnEscapeWith escChar okChars notOkStr leaveAsIs n = flip ST.runState False $ do
    let shown = hsnShow' showUIDParseable show (\s -> "{" ++ s ++ "}") "." "``" n
    if leaveAsIs n
      then return $ pp n
      else do cs <- fmap concat $ forM shown esc
              isEscaped <- ST.get
              return $ pp $ if isEscaped || notOkStr shown then escChar:cs else cs
  where esc c | okChars c = return [c]
              | otherwise = ST.put True >> return [escChar,c]

ppHsnEscaped :: Either Char (Set.Set Char) -> Char -> Set.Set Char -> HsName -> PP_Doc
ppHsnEscaped first escChar escapeeChars
  = \n -> let (nh:nt) = show n
          in  pp $ hd ++ chkhd nh ++ (concatMap esc nt)
  where (hd,chkhd) = either (\c -> ([c],(:""))) (\chs -> ("",\h -> if Set.member h chs then [escChar,h] else esc h)) first
        escapeeChars' = Set.unions [escapeeChars, Set.fromList [escChar]]
        hexChars      = Set.fromList $ ['\NUL'..' '] ++ "\t\r\n"
        esc c | Set.member c escapeeChars' = [escChar,c]
              | Set.member c hexChars      = [escChar,'x'] ++ pad_out (showHex (ord c) "")
              | otherwise                  = [c]
        pad_out ls = (replicate (2 - length ls) '0') ++ ls

hsnEscapeeChars :: Char -> ScanOpts -> Set.Set Char
hsnEscapeeChars escChar scanOpts
  = Set.fromList [escChar] `Set.union` scoSpecChars scanOpts `Set.union` scoOpChars scanOpts

hsnOkChars :: Char -> ScanOpts -> Char -> Bool
hsnOkChars escChar scanOpts c
  = c /= escChar && (scanpredIsIdChar c || scanpredIsKeywExtra scanOpts c)

hsnNotOkStrs :: ScanOpts -> String -> Bool
hsnNotOkStrs scanOpts s = s `Set.member` scoKeywordsTxt scanOpts

ppHsnNonAlpha :: ScanOpts -> HsName -> PP_Doc
ppHsnNonAlpha scanOpts
  = p
  where escapeeChars = hsnEscapeeChars '$' scanOpts
        p n = let name = show n
              in  {- if name `elem`  scoKeywordsTxt scanOpts
                   then pp ('$' : '_' : name)
                   else -}
                        let s = foldr (\c r -> if c `Set.member` escapeeChars then '$':c:r else c:r) [] name
                         in  pp ('$':s)

{-# LINE 165 "src/ehc/Base/Common.chs" #-}
newtype PredOccId
  = PredOccId
      { poiId       :: UID
  deriving (Show,Eq,Ord)

{-# LINE 173 "src/ehc/Base/Common.chs" #-}
mkPrId :: UID -> PredOccId
mkPrId u = PredOccId u

poiHNm :: PredOccId -> HsName
poiHNm = uidHNm . poiId

{-# LINE 181 "src/ehc/Base/Common.chs" #-}
mkPrIdCHR :: UID -> PredOccId
mkPrIdCHR = mkPrId

{-# LINE 186 "src/ehc/Base/Common.chs" #-}
emptyPredOccId :: PredOccId
emptyPredOccId = mkPrId uidStart

{-# LINE 195 "src/ehc/Base/Common.chs" #-}
ppAppTop :: PP arg => (HsName,arg) -> [arg] -> PP_Doc -> PP_Doc
ppAppTop (conNm,con) argL dflt
  =  if       (  hsnIsArrow conNm
              || hsnIsPrArrow conNm
              ) && length argL == 2
                                then  ppListSep "" "" (" " >|< con >|< " ") argL
     else if  hsnIsProd  conNm  then  ppParensCommas argL
     else if  hsnIsList  conNm  then  ppBracketsCommas argL
     else if  hsnIsRec   conNm  then  ppListSep (hsnORec >|< con) hsnCRec "," argL
     else if  hsnIsSum   conNm  then  ppListSep (hsnOSum >|< con) hsnCSum "," argL
     else if  hsnIsRow   conNm  then  ppListSep (hsnORow >|< con) hsnCRow "," argL
                                else  dflt

{-# LINE 216 "src/ehc/Base/Common.chs" #-}
ppAppTop' :: PP arg => (HsName,arg) -> [arg] -> [Bool] -> PP_Doc -> PP_Doc
ppAppTop' cc@(conNm,_) [_,a] [True,_] _ | hsnIsArrow conNm || hsnIsPrArrow conNm    = pp a
ppAppTop' cc argL _ dflt                                                            = ppAppTop cc argL dflt

{-# LINE 222 "src/ehc/Base/Common.chs" #-}
ppCon :: HsName -> PP_Doc
ppCon nm =  if    hsnIsProd nm
            then  ppParens (text (replicate (hsnProdArity nm - 1) ','))
            else  pp nm

ppCmt :: PP_Doc -> PP_Doc
ppCmt p = "{-" >#< p >#< "-}"

{-# LINE 232 "src/ehc/Base/Common.chs" #-}
ppSemi :: PP x => x -> PP_Doc
ppSemi = (>|< ";")

{-# LINE 237 "src/ehc/Base/Common.chs" #-}

ppSpaced :: PP a => [a] -> PP_Doc
ppSpaced = ppListSep "" "" " "

{-# LINE 244 "src/ehc/Base/Common.chs" #-}
ppFld :: String -> Maybe HsName -> HsName -> PP_Doc -> PP_Doc -> PP_Doc
ppFld sep positionalNm nm nmPP f
  = case positionalNm of
      Just pn | pn == nm -> f
      _                  -> nmPP >#< sep >#< f

mkPPAppFun' :: String -> HsName -> PP_Doc -> PP_Doc
mkPPAppFun' sep c p = if c == hsnRowEmpty then empty else p >|< sep

mkPPAppFun :: HsName -> PP_Doc -> PP_Doc
mkPPAppFun = mkPPAppFun' "|"

{-# LINE 258 "src/ehc/Base/Common.chs" #-}
mkExtAppPP' :: String -> (HsName,PP_Doc,[PP_Doc]) -> (HsName,PP_Doc,[PP_Doc],PP_Doc) -> (PP_Doc,[PP_Doc])
mkExtAppPP' sep (funNm,funNmPP,funPPL) (argNm,argNmPP,argPPL,argPP)
  =  if hsnIsRec funNm || hsnIsSum funNm
     then (mkPPAppFun' sep argNm argNmPP,argPPL)
     else (funNmPP,funPPL ++ [argPP])

mkExtAppPP :: (HsName,PP_Doc,[PP_Doc]) -> (HsName,PP_Doc,[PP_Doc],PP_Doc) -> (PP_Doc,[PP_Doc])
mkExtAppPP = mkExtAppPP' "|"

{-# LINE 274 "src/ehc/Base/Common.chs" #-}
ppPair :: (PP a, PP b) => (a,b) -> PP_Doc
ppPair (x,y) = ppParens (pp x >|< "," >|< pp y)

{-# LINE 279 "src/ehc/Base/Common.chs" #-}
showPP :: PP a => a -> String
showPP x = disp (pp x) 100 ""

{-# LINE 284 "src/ehc/Base/Common.chs" #-}
ppFM :: (PP k,PP v) => Map.Map k v -> PP_Doc
ppFM = ppAssocL . Map.toList

{-# LINE 289 "src/ehc/Base/Common.chs" #-}
ppListV :: PP a => [a] -> PP_Doc
ppListV = vlist . map pp

{-# LINE 298 "src/ehc/Base/Common.chs" #-}
putCompileMsg :: Verbosity -> Verbosity -> String -> Maybe String -> HsName -> FPath -> IO ()
putCompileMsg v optsVerbosity msg mbMsg2 modNm fNm
  = if optsVerbosity >= v
    then do { hPutStrLn stdout (strBlankPad 40 msg ++ " " ++ strBlankPad 22 (show modNm) ++ " (" ++ fpathToStr fNm ++ maybe "" (\m -> ", " ++ m) mbMsg2 ++ ")")
            ; hFlush stdout
    else return ()

{-# LINE 308 "src/ehc/Base/Common.chs" #-}
writePP ::  (a -> PP_Doc) -> a -> FPath -> IO ()
writePP f text fp = writeToFile (show.f $ text) fp

writeToFile' :: Bool -> String -> FPath -> IO ()
writeToFile' binary str fp
  = do { (fn, fh) <- openFPath fp WriteMode binary
       ; (if binary then hPutStr else hPutStrLn) fh str
       ; hClose fh

writeToFile :: String -> FPath -> IO ()
writeToFile = writeToFile' False

{-# LINE 333 "src/ehc/Base/Common.chs" #-}
data ParNeed =  ParNotNeeded | ParNeededLow | ParNeeded | ParNeededHigh | ParOverrideNeeded
                deriving (Eq,Ord)

type ParNeedL = [ParNeed]

parNeedApp :: HsName -> (ParNeed,ParNeedL)
parNeedApp conNm
  =  let  pr  | hsnIsArrow  conNm   =  (ParNeededLow,[ParNotNeeded,ParNeeded])
              | hsnIsProd   conNm   =  (ParOverrideNeeded,repeat ParNotNeeded)
              | hsnIsList   conNm   =  (ParOverrideNeeded,[ParNotNeeded])
              | hsnIsRec    conNm   =  (ParOverrideNeeded,[ParNotNeeded])
              | hsnIsSum    conNm   =  (ParOverrideNeeded,[ParNotNeeded])
              | hsnIsRow    conNm   =  (ParOverrideNeeded,repeat ParNotNeeded)
              | otherwise           =  (ParNeeded,repeat ParNeededHigh)
     in   pr

{-# LINE 355 "src/ehc/Base/Common.chs" #-}
ppParNeed :: PP p => ParNeed -> ParNeed -> p -> PP_Doc
ppParNeed locNeed globNeed p
  = par (pp p)
  where par = if globNeed > locNeed then ppParens else id

{-# LINE 381 "src/ehc/Base/Common.chs" #-}
-- | Expressions in a CBound position optionally may be labelled
data CLbl
  = CLbl_None
  | CLbl_Nm
      { clblNm		:: !HsName
  | CLbl_Tag
      { clblTag		:: !CTag
  deriving (Show,Eq,Ord)

clbl :: a -> (HsName -> a) -> (CTag -> a) -> CLbl -> a
clbl f _ _  CLbl_None   = f
clbl _ f _ (CLbl_Nm  n) = f n
clbl _ _ f (CLbl_Tag t) = f t

{-# LINE 399 "src/ehc/Base/Common.chs" #-}
instance PP CLbl where
  pp = clbl empty pp pp

{-# LINE 408 "src/ehc/Base/Common.chs" #-}
data Unbox
  = Unbox_FirstField
  | Unbox_Tag         !Int
  | Unbox_None

{-# LINE 419 "src/ehc/Base/Common.chs" #-}
unions :: Eq a => [[a]] -> [a]
unions = foldr union []

{-# LINE 424 "src/ehc/Base/Common.chs" #-}
listCombineUniq :: Eq a => [[a]] -> [a]
listCombineUniq = nub . concat

{-# LINE 444 "src/ehc/Base/Common.chs" #-}
replicateBy :: [a] -> b -> [b]
replicateBy l e = replicate (length l) e

{-# LINE 453 "src/ehc/Base/Common.chs" #-}
strPadLeft :: Char -> Int -> String -> String
strPadLeft c n s = replicate (n - length s) c ++ s

strBlankPad :: Int -> String -> String
strBlankPad n s = s ++ replicate (n - length s) ' '

{-# LINE 461 "src/ehc/Base/Common.chs" #-}
snd3 :: (a,b,c) -> b
snd3 (a,b,c) = b

thd :: (a,b,c) -> c
thd (a,b,c) = c

{-# LINE 473 "src/ehc/Base/Common.chs" #-}
data Verbosity
  = VerboseQuiet | VerboseMinimal | VerboseNormal | VerboseALot | VerboseDebug
  deriving (Eq,Ord,Enum)

{-# LINE 483 "src/ehc/Base/Common.chs" #-}
data CHRScoped
  = CHRScopedInstOnly | CHRScopedMutualSuper | CHRScopedAll
  deriving (Eq,Ord)

{-# LINE 493 "src/ehc/Base/Common.chs" #-}
data CompilePoint
  = CompilePoint_Imports
  | CompilePoint_Parse
  | CompilePoint_AnalHS
  | CompilePoint_AnalEH
  | CompilePoint_Core
  | CompilePoint_All
  deriving (Eq,Ord,Show)

{-# LINE 510 "src/ehc/Base/Common.chs" #-}
data Fixity
  = Fixity_Infix | Fixity_Infixr | Fixity_Infixl
  deriving (Eq,Ord,Show,Enum)

instance PP Fixity where
  pp Fixity_Infix  = pp "infix"
  pp Fixity_Infixl = pp "infixl"
  pp Fixity_Infixr = pp "infixr"

{-# LINE 521 "src/ehc/Base/Common.chs" #-}
fixityMaxPrio :: Int
fixityMaxPrio = 9

{-# LINE 526 "src/ehc/Base/Common.chs" #-}
fixityAppPrio :: Int
fixityAppPrio = fixityMaxPrio + 1

{-# LINE 535 "src/ehc/Base/Common.chs" #-}
data InstVariant
  = InstNormal | InstDefault
  | InstDeriving InstDerivingFrom
  deriving (Eq,Ord,Show)

{-# LINE 544 "src/ehc/Base/Common.chs" #-}
-- | Either a deriving combined from a datatype directly or a standalone
data InstDerivingFrom
  = InstDerivingFrom_Datatype
  | InstDerivingFrom_Standalone
  deriving (Eq,Ord,Show)

{-# LINE 556 "src/ehc/Base/Common.chs" #-}
type NmLev = Int

nmLevAbsent, nmLevBuiltin, nmLevOutside, nmLevModule :: NmLev
nmLevAbsent  = -3
nmLevBuiltin = -2
nmLevOutside = -1
nmLevModule  =  0

{-# LINE 577 "src/ehc/Base/Common.chs" #-}
-- Assumption: tokTpIsInt (genTokTp t) == True
tokMkInt :: Token -> Int
tokMkInt t
  = case genTokTp t of
      Just TkInteger10 -> read v
      _                -> 0
  where v = tokenVal t

tokMkStr :: Token -> String
tokMkStr = tokenVal

{-# LINE 595 "src/ehc/Base/Common.chs" #-}
tokMkQName :: Token -> HsName
tokMkQName t
  = case genTokTp t of
      Just tp | tokTpIsInt tp -> mkHNmPos $ tokMkInt t
      _                       -> mkHNm $ map hsnFromString $ tokenVals t

{-# LINE 605 "src/ehc/Base/Common.chs" #-}
tokMkQNames :: [Token] -> [HsName]
tokMkQNames = map tokMkQName

instance HSNM Token where
  mkHNm = tokMkQName

{-# LINE 617 "src/ehc/Base/Common.chs" #-}
hsnLclSupplyWith :: HsName -> [HsName]
hsnLclSupplyWith n = map (\i -> hsnSuffix n $ "_" ++ show i) [1..]

hsnLclSupply :: [HsName]
hsnLclSupply = hsnLclSupplyWith (hsnFromString "")

{-# LINE 629 "src/ehc/Base/Common.chs" #-}
splitByRadix :: (Integral b) => Int -> Int -> b -> (Int,[Int])
splitByRadix len radix num
  = ( fromIntegral $ signum num
    , replicate difflen 0 ++ drop (-difflen) repr
  where radix' = fromIntegral radix
        repr = reverse $
                 (\b -> if b == 0
                        then Nothing
                        else let (q,r) = b `divMod` radix'
                             in  Just (fromIntegral r, q))
                 (abs num)
        difflen = len - length repr

{-# LINE 646 "src/ehc/Base/Common.chs" #-}
strHex :: (Show a, Integral a) => Int -> a -> String
strHex prec x
  = replicate (prec - length h) '0' ++ h
  where h = showHex x []

{-# LINE 657 "src/ehc/Base/Common.chs" #-}
data Backend
  = BackendGrinByteCode
  | BackendSilly
  deriving (Eq, Ord)

{-# LINE 668 "src/ehc/Base/Common.chs" #-}
data VarUIDHsName
  = VarUIDHs_Name       { vunmId :: !UID, vunmNm' :: !HsName }
  | VarUIDHs_UID        { vunmId :: !UID }
  | VarUIDHs_Var        !UID
  deriving (Eq, Ord)

vunmNm :: VarUIDHsName -> HsName
vunmNm (VarUIDHs_Name _ n) = n
vunmNm (VarUIDHs_UID  i  ) = mkHNm i
vunmNm _                   = panic "Common.assnmNm"

{-# LINE 681 "src/ehc/Base/Common.chs" #-}
vunmMbVar :: VarUIDHsName -> Maybe UID
vunmMbVar (VarUIDHs_Var v) = Just v
vunmMbVar _                = Nothing

{-# LINE 687 "src/ehc/Base/Common.chs" #-}
instance Show VarUIDHsName where
  show (VarUIDHs_Name _ n) = show n
  show (VarUIDHs_UID  i  ) = show i
  show (VarUIDHs_Var  i  ) = show i

instance PP VarUIDHsName where
  pp a = pp $ show a

{-# LINE 701 "src/ehc/Base/Common.chs" #-}
withLkupLiftCyc2 :: (t -> Maybe UID) -> (t -> UIDS) -> (UID -> Maybe t) -> x -> (UIDS -> t -> x) -> (t -> x) -> UIDS -> UID -> x
withLkupLiftCyc2 get noVisit lookup dflt yes no vsVisited v
  = case lookup v of
      Just t | not (v `Set.member` vsVisited)
        -> yes (Set.insert v $ Set.union (noVisit t) vsVisited) t
      _ -> dflt

{-# LINE 710 "src/ehc/Base/Common.chs" #-}
withLkupLiftCyc1 :: (t -> Maybe UID) -> (t -> UIDS) -> (UID -> Maybe t) -> (UIDS -> t -> x) -> (t -> x) -> UIDS -> t -> x
withLkupLiftCyc1 get noVisit lookup yes no vsVisited t
  = maybe dflt (withLkupLiftCyc2 get noVisit lookup dflt yes no vsVisited) $ get t
  where dflt = no t

withLkupChkVisitLift :: (t -> Maybe UID) -> (t -> UIDS) -> (UID -> Maybe t) -> (t -> x) -> (t -> x) -> t -> x
withLkupChkVisitLift get noVisit lookup yes no t
  = withLkupLiftCyc1 get noVisit lookup (\_ t -> yes t) no Set.empty t

withLkupLift :: (t -> Maybe UID) -> (UID -> Maybe t) -> (t -> x) -> (t -> x) -> t -> x
withLkupLift get
  = withLkupChkVisitLift get (const Set.empty)

{-# LINE 725 "src/ehc/Base/Common.chs" #-}
lookupLiftCyc1 :: (x -> Maybe UID) -> (UID -> Maybe x) -> x' -> (x->x') -> x -> x'
lookupLiftCyc1 get lookup dflt found x
  = lk Set.empty dflt found x
  where lk s dflt found x = withLkupLiftCyc1 get (const Set.empty) lookup (\s t -> lk s (found t) found t) (const dflt) s x

lookupLiftCyc2 :: (x -> Maybe UID) -> (UID -> Maybe x) -> x' -> (x->x') -> UID -> x'
lookupLiftCyc2 get lookup dflt found x
  = maybe dflt (\x -> lookupLiftCyc1 get lookup (found x) found x) $ lookup x

{-# LINE 736 "src/ehc/Base/Common.chs" #-}
lookupLiftCycMb1 :: (x -> Maybe UID) -> (UID -> Maybe x) -> x -> Maybe x
lookupLiftCycMb1 get lookup x = lookupLiftCyc1 get lookup Nothing Just x

lookupLiftCycMb2 :: (x -> Maybe UID) -> (UID -> Maybe x) -> UID -> Maybe x
lookupLiftCycMb2 get lookup x = lookupLiftCyc2 get lookup Nothing Just x

{-# LINE 748 "src/ehc/Base/Common.chs" #-}
data Presence = Present | Absent deriving (Eq,Ord,Show)

{-# LINE 756 "src/ehc/Base/Common.chs" #-}
-- | Combine [[x1..xn],..,[y1..ym]] to [[x1..y1],[x2..y1],..,[xn..ym]].
--   Each element [xi..yi] is distinct based on the the key k in xi==(k,_)
combineToDistinguishedElts :: Eq k => [AssocL k v] -> [AssocL k v]
combineToDistinguishedElts []     = []
combineToDistinguishedElts [[]]   = []
combineToDistinguishedElts [x]    = map (:[]) x
combineToDistinguishedElts (l:ls)
  = combine l $ combineToDistinguishedElts ls
  where combine l ls
          = concatMap (\e@(k,_)
                         -> mapMaybe (\ll -> maybe (Just (e:ll)) (const Nothing) $ lookup k ll)
                      ) l

{-# LINE 779 "src/ehc/Base/Common.chs" #-}
data AlwaysEq a = AlwaysEq a

instance Eq (AlwaysEq a) where
  _ == _ = True

instance Ord (AlwaysEq a) where
  _ `compare` _ = EQ

instance Show a => Show (AlwaysEq a) where
  show (AlwaysEq x) = show x

instance PP a => PP (AlwaysEq a) where
  pp (AlwaysEq x) = pp x

{-# LINE 799 "src/ehc/Base/Common.chs" #-}
type PkgName = String

emptyPkgName = ""

{-# LINE 809 "src/ehc/Base/Common.chs" #-}
-- | How to do linking/packaging
data LinkingStyle
  = LinkingStyle_None			-- ^ no linking (e.g. indicated by --compile-only flag)
  | LinkingStyle_Exec			-- ^ executable linking
  | LinkingStyle_Pkg			-- ^ package linking
  deriving (Eq,Ord,Enum,Bounded)

{-# LINE 849 "src/ehc/Base/Common.chs" #-}
metaLevTy, metaLevKi, metaLevSo :: MetaLev
metaLevTy  = metaLevVal + 1
metaLevKi  = metaLevTy  + 1
metaLevSo  = metaLevKi  + 1

{-# LINE 860 "src/ehc/Base/Common.chs" #-}
-- | Use as variable id
type VarId    = UID
type VarIdS   = Set.Set UID

{-# LINE 870 "src/ehc/Base/Common.chs" #-}
uidHNm :: UID -> HsName
uidHNm = mkHNm -- hsnFromString . show

{-# LINE 875 "src/ehc/Base/Common.chs" #-}
uidQualHNm :: HsName -> UID -> HsName
uidQualHNm modnm uid =
                        hsnPrefixQual modnm $
                        uidHNm uid

{-# LINE 893 "src/ehc/Base/Common.chs" #-}
data SrcConst
  = SrcConst_Int    Integer
  | SrcConst_Char   Char
  | SrcConst_Ratio  Integer Integer
  deriving (Eq,Show,Ord)

{-# LINE 905 "src/ehc/Base/Common.chs" #-}
fmap2Tuple :: Functor f => snd -> f x -> f (x,snd)
fmap2Tuple snd = fmap (\x -> (x,snd))

{-# LINE 914 "src/ehc/Base/Common.chs" #-}
-- | Variation of `when` where Boolean condition is computed in a monad
whenM :: Monad m => m Bool -> m () -> m ()
whenM c m = do
  c' <- c
  when c' m
{-# INLINE whenM #-}

-- | Variation of `unless` where Boolean condition is computed in a monad
unlessM :: Monad m => m Bool -> m () -> m ()
unlessM c m = do
  c' <- c
  unless c' m
{-# INLINE unlessM #-}

{-# LINE 934 "src/ehc/Base/Common.chs" #-}
genNmMap :: Ord x => (String->s) -> [x] -> Map.Map x s -> (Map.Map x s, [s])
genNmMap mk xs m
  = (m',reverse ns)
  where (m',_,ns)
          = foldl (\(m,sz,ns) x
                    -> case Map.lookup x m of
                         Just n -> (m, sz, n:ns)
                         _      -> (Map.insert x n m, sz+1, n:ns)
                                where n = mk $ ch sz
                  (m,Map.size m,[]) xs
        ch x | x < 26    = [chr $ ord 'a' + x]
             | otherwise = let (q,r) = x `quotRem` 26 in ch q ++ ch r

{-# LINE 954 "src/ehc/Base/Common.chs" #-}
data MaybeOk a
  = JustOk  a
  | NotOk   String
  deriving (Eq,Ord,Show)

isJustOk (JustOk _) = True
isJustOk _          = False

fromJustOk (JustOk x) = x
fromJustOk _          = panic "fromJustOk"

isNotOk (NotOk _) = True
isNotOk _         = False

fromNotOk (NotOk x) = x
fromNotOk _         = panic "fromNotOk"

maybeOk :: (String -> x) -> (a -> x) -> MaybeOk a -> x
maybeOk _ j (JustOk x) = j x
maybeOk n _ (NotOk  x) = n x

{-# LINE 981 "src/ehc/Base/Common.chs" #-}
-- | Abstract graph visit, over arbitrary structures
  :: (Ord node)
     => (thr -> graph -> node -> (thr,Set.Set node))        -- fun: visit node, get new thr and nodes to visit next
     -> (Set.Set node -> Set.Set node -> Set.Set node)      -- fun: combine new to visit + already known to visit (respectively)
     -> thr                                                 -- the accumulator, threaded as state
     -> Set.Set node                                        -- root/start
     -> graph                                               -- graph over which we visit
     -> thr                                                 -- accumulator is what we are interested in
graphVisit visit unionUnvisited thr start graph
  = snd $ v ((Set.empty,start),thr)
  where v st@((visited,unvisited),thr)
          | Set.null unvisited = st
          | otherwise          = let (n,unvisited2)      = Set.deleteFindMin unvisited
                                     (thr',newUnvisited) = visit thr graph n
                                     visited'            = Set.insert n visited
                                     unvisited3          = unionUnvisited (newUnvisited `Set.difference` visited') unvisited2
                                 in  v ((visited',unvisited3),thr')

{-# LINE 1006 "src/ehc/Base/Common.chs" #-}
data KnownPrim
    -- platform Int
  | KnownPrim_SubI
  | KnownPrim_MulI

    -- platform Float
  | KnownPrim_AddF
  | KnownPrim_SubF
  | KnownPrim_MulF

    -- platform Double
  | KnownPrim_AddD
  | KnownPrim_SubD
  | KnownPrim_MulD

    -- 8 bit
  | KnownPrim_Add8          -- add: 1 byte / 8 bit, etc etc
  | KnownPrim_Sub8
  | KnownPrim_Mul8

    -- 16 bit
  | KnownPrim_Add16
  | KnownPrim_Sub16
  | KnownPrim_Mul16

    -- 32 bit
  | KnownPrim_Add32
  | KnownPrim_Sub32
  | KnownPrim_Mul32

    -- 64 bit
  | KnownPrim_Add64
  | KnownPrim_Sub64
  | KnownPrim_Mul64
  deriving (Show,Eq,Enum,Bounded)

{-# LINE 1052 "src/ehc/Base/Common.chs" #-}
instance PP KnownPrim where
  pp = pp . show

{-# LINE 1057 "src/ehc/Base/Common.chs" #-}
allKnownPrimMp :: Map.Map String KnownPrim
  = Map.fromList [ (drop prefixLen $ show t, t) | t <- [ minBound .. maxBound ] ]
  where prefixLen = length "KnownPrim_"

{-# LINE 1072 "src/ehc/Base/Common.chs" #-}
str2stMpWithOmit :: (Show opt, Enum opt, Bounded opt, Eq opt) => [opt] -> Map.Map String opt
str2stMpWithOmit omits = Map.fromList [ (show o, o) | o <- [minBound .. maxBound] \\ omits ]

str2stMp :: (Show opt, Enum opt, Bounded opt, Eq opt) => Map.Map String opt
str2stMp = str2stMpWithOmit []

showStr2stMp :: Map.Map String opt -> String
showStr2stMp = concat . intersperse " " . Map.keys

{-# LINE 1087 "src/ehc/Base/Common.chs" #-}
deriving instance Data KnownPrim
deriving instance Typeable KnownPrim

{-# LINE 1092 "src/ehc/Base/Common.chs" #-}
deriving instance Typeable VarUIDHsName
deriving instance Data VarUIDHsName

deriving instance Typeable TagDataInfo
deriving instance Data TagDataInfo

deriving instance Typeable Fixity
deriving instance Data Fixity

#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 708
deriving instance Typeable  AlwaysEq
deriving instance Typeable1 AlwaysEq
deriving instance Data x => Data (AlwaysEq x)

deriving instance Typeable PredOccId
deriving instance Data PredOccId

deriving instance Typeable CLbl
deriving instance Data CLbl

{-# LINE 1121 "src/ehc/Base/Common.chs" #-}
instance Binary KnownPrim where
  put = putEnum8
  get = getEnum8

instance Serialize KnownPrim where
  sput = sputPlain
  sget = sgetPlain

instance Serialize TagDataInfo where
  sput (TagDataInfo a b) = sput a >> sput b
  sget = liftM2 TagDataInfo sget sget

instance Serialize VarUIDHsName where
  sput (VarUIDHs_Name a b) = sputWord8 0 >> sput a >> sput b
  sput (VarUIDHs_UID  a  ) = sputWord8 1 >> sput a
  sput (VarUIDHs_Var  a  ) = sputWord8 2 >> sput a
  sget = do t <- sgetWord8
            case t of
              0 -> liftM2 VarUIDHs_Name sget sget
              1 -> liftM  VarUIDHs_UID  sget
              2 -> liftM  VarUIDHs_Var  sget

instance Serialize CLbl where
  sput (CLbl_Nm   a  ) = sputWord8 0 >> sput a
  sput (CLbl_Tag  a  ) = sputWord8 1 >> sput a
  sput (CLbl_None    ) = sputWord8 2
  sget = do t <- sgetWord8
            case t of
              0 -> liftM  CLbl_Nm 	sget
              1 -> liftM  CLbl_Tag  sget
              2 -> return CLbl_None

instance Binary Fixity where
  put = putEnum8
  get = getEnum8

instance Serialize Fixity where
  sput = sputPlain
  sget = sgetPlain

instance Binary x => Binary (AlwaysEq x) where
  put (AlwaysEq x) = put x
  get = liftM AlwaysEq get

instance Serialize x => Serialize (AlwaysEq x) where
  sput (AlwaysEq x) = sput x
  sget = liftM AlwaysEq sget

instance Binary PredOccId where
  put (PredOccId a) = put a
  get = liftM PredOccId get

instance Serialize PredOccId where
  sput = sputPlain
  sget = sgetPlain