// Testing show rules with figures with a simple theorem display #show figure.where(kind: "theorem"): it => { let name = none if not it.caption == none { name = [ #emph(it.caption)] } else { name = [] } let title = none if not it.numbering == none { title = it.supplement if not it.numbering == none { title += " " + it.counter.display(it.numbering) } } title = strong(title) pad( top: 0em, bottom: 0em, block( fill: green.lighten(90%), stroke: 1pt + green, inset: 10pt, width: 100%, radius: 5pt, breakable: false, [#title#name#h(0.1em):#h(0.2em)#it.body#v(0.5em)] ) ) } #set page(width: 150pt) #figure( $a^2 + b^2 = c^2$, supplement: "Theorem", kind: "theorem", caption: "Pythagoras' theorem.", numbering: "1", ) #figure( $a^2 + b^2 = c^2$, supplement: "Theorem", kind: "theorem", caption: "Another Pythagoras' theorem.", numbering: none, ) #figure( ```rust fn main() { println!("Hello!"); } ```, caption: [Hello world in _rust_], )