--- parse tree --- [ Code "test/typ/compiler/include-00.typ" ( line 1 , column 2 ) (Let (BasicBind (Just (Identifier "test"))) (FuncExpr [ NormalParam (Identifier "x") , NormalParam (Identifier "y") ] (Block (CodeBlock [ If [ ( Equals (Ident (Identifier "x")) (Ident (Identifier "y")) , Block (Content [ Text "\9989" ]) ) , ( Literal (Boolean True) , Block (Content [ Text "\10060" , Text "(" , Code "test/typ/compiler/include-00.typ" ( line 1 , column 47 ) (FuncCall (Ident (Identifier "repr")) [ NormalArg (Ident (Identifier "x")) ]) , Space , Text "/" , Text "=" , Space , Code "test/typ/compiler/include-00.typ" ( line 1 , column 59 ) (FuncCall (Ident (Identifier "repr")) [ NormalArg (Ident (Identifier "y")) ]) , Text ")" ]) ) ] ])))) , SoftBreak , Code "test/typ/compiler/include-00.typ" ( line 2 , column 2 ) (Set (Ident (Identifier "page")) [ KeyValArg (Identifier "width") (Literal (Numeric 200.0 Pt)) ]) , ParBreak , Heading 1 [ Text "Document" ] , Comment , Code "test/typ/compiler/include-00.typ" ( line 7 , column 2 ) (Include (Literal (String "modules/chap1.typ"))) , ParBreak , Comment , Code "test/typ/compiler/include-00.typ" ( line 10 , column 2 ) (Let (BasicBind (Just (Identifier "chap2"))) (Include (Plus (Plus (Literal (String "modu")) (Literal (String "les/chap"))) (Literal (String "2.typ"))))) , ParBreak , EnDash , Space , Emph [ Text "Intermission" ] , Space , EnDash , SoftBreak , Code "test/typ/compiler/include-00.typ" ( line 13 , column 2 ) (Ident (Identifier "chap2")) , ParBreak ] --- evaluated --- { text(body: [ ]), parbreak(), heading(body: text(body: [Document]), level: 1), text(body: [ ]), parbreak(), heading(body: text(body: [Chapter 1]), level: 2), text(body: [Klaus]), text(body: [ stood in a field of wheat. There was nothing of particular interest about the field ]), text(body: [Klaus]), text(body: [ just casually surveyed for any paths on which the corn would not totally ruin his semi-new outdorsy jacket but then again, most of us spend considerable time in non-descript environments.]), parbreak(), parbreak(), parbreak(), text(body: [– ]), emph(body: text(body: [Intermission])), text(body: [ – ]), text(body: [ ]), parbreak(), heading(body: text(body: [Chapter 2]), level: 2), text(body: [Their motivations, however, were pretty descript, so to speak. ]), text(body: [Klaus]), text(body: [ had not yet conceptualized their consequences, but that should change pretty quickly. ]), text(body: [Klaus]), text(body: [ approached the center of the field and picked up a 4-foot long disk made from what could only be cow manure. The hair on the back of ]), text(body: [Klaus]), text(body: [” neck bristled as he stared at the unusual sight. After studying the object for a while, he promptly popped the question, “How much?”]), parbreak(), parbreak() }