module Data.Graph.Inductive.Helper where

import           Data.Graph.Inductive as Graph
import qualified Data.Map             as Map
import           Data.Maybe
import qualified Data.Set             as Set
import qualified Data.Tree            as Tree
import           Safe

findRootPaths :: Graph gr => gr n e -> Graph.Context n e -> (Node, [[Node]])
findRootPaths = findRootPathsBy (\(_, node, _, _) -> node)

findRootPathsBy :: Graph gr => (Graph.Context n e -> a) -> gr n e -> Graph.Context n e -> (a, [[a]])
findRootPathsBy f graph ctx = (f ctx, findRootPathsRec [] ctx) where
    findRootPathsRec path ctx'@(inward, _, _, _) = case inward of
        [] -> [f ctx' : path]
        a  -> concatMap (findRootPathsRec (f ctx' : path) . context graph . snd) a

    :: Graph gr
    => (st -> Graph.Context n e -> (a, st)) -- ^ The stateful fold function
    -> st                                   -- ^ The initial state
    -> gr n e                               -- ^ The graph to traverse
    -> Graph.Context n e                    -- ^ The initial context
    -> Tree.Tree (a, st)                    -- ^ The resulting tree of values and states at each node.
treeRootStatefulBy f st graph = trsbRec st where
    trsbRec st' ctx'@(inward, _, _, _) =
        let val = f st' ctx'
        in Tree.Node val (trsbRec (snd val) . context graph . snd <$> inward)

cyclesOfGraph :: Graph gr => gr n l -> [[LNode n]]
cyclesOfGraph graph = fromMaybe []   -- give a default to bring this out of the Maybe
                    . sequence       -- sequence again from [Maybe [...]] to Maybe [[...]]
                    . fmap           -- construct lnodes from each bare node
                            ( sequence -- sequence from [Maybe ...] t0 Maybe [...]
                            . fmap (\n -> (,) n <$> lab graph n)) -- make the lnode from the node
                    . filter hasSome -- filter out any with only 1 element
                    . scc $ graph    -- get the strongly connected components

    Given a graph, generate a possibly empty list of subgraphs that are the it's cycles.
cyclicSubgraphs :: forall gr n e. (DynGraph gr, Ord n, Ord e) => gr n e -> [gr n e]
cyclicSubgraphs graph = flip subgraph graph <$> filter hasSomeLI (scc graph) where
    -- hasSome but is inclusive of loops (nodes with edges to itself)
    hasSomeLI :: [Node] -> Bool
    hasSomeLI [] = False
    hasSomeLI [n] = not . null $ filter (\(n1,n2,_) -> n == n1 && n1 == n2) (out graph n ++ inn graph n)
    hasSomeLI _ = True

-- | Returns true if a list has more than 1 element
hasSome :: [a] -> Bool
hasSome []  = False
hasSome [_] = False
hasSome _   = True

-- | Returns true if a list of contexts has more than one element or a loop in it's only element.
hasSome' :: [Graph.Context n l] -> Bool
hasSome' [] = False
hasSome' [(_, noden, _, outward)] = any ((== noden) . snd) outward
hasSome' _ = True

    Build a graph with no edges from a foldable container of node values.
buildFromNodes :: (DynGraph gr, Foldable t) => t a -> gr a ()
buildFromNodes =
    fst . foldr (\n (gr, h : tl) -> (([], h, n, []) & gr, tl)) (Graph.empty, [(0 :: Node)..])

    A version of topsort that returns cycles as groups rather than
    incorperating them into it's result arbitrarily.

    It's result is a list of eithers, with Left values representing
    cycles and Right values as nodes not within a cycle, in an order
    similar to what is given by a regular topsort.
topsortWithCycles :: (Graph gr, Ord a) => gr a b -> [Either [a] a]
topsortWithCycles graph =
        -- Map of all nodes that are within a cycle to the cycle they are a member of.
        -- Given the cycle finding function uses fgl's strongly connected components
        -- function, there should be no nodes that exist in more than one cycle.
        cycleMap = Map.fromList . concat $ (\cy -> zip cy (repeat (Set.fromList cy))) . fmap snd <$> cyclesOfGraph graph
        -- Get the initial topsort.
        tsorted  = topsort' graph
        -- Crummy hack to sieve out cycles as they appear in the topsort result
        sieveCycles []     = []
        sieveCycles (h : tl) = case Map.lookup h cycleMap of
            Nothing -> Right h : sieveCycles tl
            Just cy -> Left (Set.toList cy) : sieveCycles (filter (`Set.notMember` cy) tl)
    in sieveCycles tsorted

    Convert a tree into a list of all of it's paths.
treeToPaths :: Tree.Tree a -> [[a]]
treeToPaths (Tree.Node l []) = [[l]]
treeToPaths (Tree.Node l sbf) = (l :) <$> concat (treeToPaths <$> sbf)

    Build a topsort inclusive of outward edges. Nodes without outward edges
    are ignored.

    If there are cycles in the graph, Nothing is returned.
edgeyTopsort :: Graph gr => gr n e -> Maybe [(n, e)]
edgeyTopsort graph
    | not (null (cyclesOfGraph graph)) = Nothing
    | otherwise = Just (unvalidatedEdgeyTopsort graph)

    `edgeyTopsort` but doesn't check for cycles first.
unvalidatedEdgeyTopsort :: Graph gr => gr n e -> [(n, e)]
unvalidatedEdgeyTopsort graph =
        In a cycle-less graph, there should always be 1 node
        that has no inward edge. If there's not, then we've
        finished the topsort
    let candidate = headMay $ gsel (null . inn') graph
    in case flip match graph . node' <$> candidate of
        Nothing                 -> []
        Just (Nothing, _)       -> []
        Just (Just ctx, graph') -> fmap (\(_, _, l) -> (lab' ctx, l)) (out' ctx) ++ unvalidatedEdgeyTopsort graph'