typelits-witnesses ================== [![typelits-witnesses on Stackage LTS 2](http://stackage.org/package/typelits-witnesses/badge/lts-2)](http://stackage.org/lts-2/package/typelits-witnesses) [![typelits-witnesses on Stackage LTS 3](http://stackage.org/package/typelits-witnesses/badge/lts-3)](http://stackage.org/lts-3/package/typelits-witnesses) [![typelits-witnesses on Stackage LTS 4](http://stackage.org/package/typelits-witnesses/badge/lts-4)](http://stackage.org/lts-4/package/typelits-witnesses) [![typelits-witnesses on Stackage LTS](http://stackage.org/package/typelits-witnesses/badge/lts)](http://stackage.org/lts/package/typelits-witnesses) [![typelits-witnesses on Stackage Nightly](http://stackage.org/package/typelits-witnesses/badge/nightly)](http://stackage.org/nightly/package/typelits-witnesses) Provides witnesses for `KnownNat` and `KnownSymbol` instances for various operations on GHC TypeLits --- in particular, the arithmetic operations defined in `GHC.TypeLits`, and also for type-level lists of `KnownNat` and `KnownSymbol` instances. This is useful for situations where you have `KnownNat n`, and you want to prove to GHC `KnownNat (n + 3)`, or `KnownNat (2*n + 4)`. It's also useful for when you want to work with type level lists of `KnownNat`/`KnownSymbol` instances and singletons for traversing them, and be able to apply analogies of `natVal`/`symbolVal` to lists with analogies for `SomeNat` and `SomeSymbol`. `GHC.TypeLits.Witnesses` ------------------------ Provides witnesses for instances arising from the arithmetic operations defined in `GHC.TypeLits`. In general, if you have `KnownNat n`, GHC can't infer `KnownNat (n + 1)`; and if you have `KnownNat m`, as well, GHC can't infer `KnownNat (n + m)`. This can be extremely annoying when dealing with libraries and applications where one regularly adds and subtracts type-level nats and expects `KnownNat` instances to follow. For example, vector concatenation of length-encoded vector types can be: ~~~haskell concat :: (KnownNat n, KnownNat m) => Vector n a -> Vector m a -> Vector (n + m) a ~~~ But, `n + m` now does not have a `KnownNat` instance, which severely hinders what you can do with this! Consider this concrete (but silly) example: ~~~haskell getDoubled :: KnownNat n => Proxy n -> Integer getDoubled p = natVal (Proxy :: Proxy (n * 2)) ~~~ Which is supposed to call `natVal` with `n * 2`. However, this fails, because while `n` is a `KnownNat`, `n * 2` is not necessarily so. This module lets you re-assure GHC that this is okay. The most straightforward/high-level usage is with `withNatOp`: ~~~haskell getDoubled :: forall n. KnownNat n => Proxy n -> Integer getDoubled p = withNatOp (%*) p (Proxy :: Proxy 2) $ natVal (Proxy :: Proxy (n * 2)) ~~~ Within the scope of the argument of `withNatOp (%*) (Proxy :: Proxy n) (Proxy :: Proxy m)`, `n * m` is an instance of `KnownNat`, so you can use `natVal` on it, and get the expected result: ~~~haskell > getDoubled (Proxy :: Proxy 12) 24 ~~~ There are four "nat operations" defined here, corresponding to the four type-level operations on `Nat` provided in `GHC.TypeLits`: `(%+)`, `(%-)`, `(%*)`, and `(%^)`, corresponding to addition, subtraction, multiplication, and exponentiation, respectively. Note that `(%-)` is implemented in a way that allows for the result to be a *negative* `Nat`. There are more advanced operations dealing with low-level machinery, as well, in the module. See module documentation for more detail. `GHC.TypeLits.List` ------------------- Provides analogies of `KnownNat`, `SomeNat`, `natVal`, etc., to type-level lists of `KnownNat` instances, and also singletons for iterating over type-level lists of `Nat`s and `Symbol`s. If you had `KnownNats ns`, then you have two things you can do with it; first, `natsVal`, which is like `natVal` but for type-level lists of `KnownNats`: ~~~haskell > natsVal (Proxy :: Proxy [1,2,3]) [1,2,3] ~~~ And more importantly, `natsList`, which provides singletons that you can pattern match on to "reify" the structure of the list, getting a `Proxy n` for every item in the list with a `KnownNat`/`KnownSymbol` instance in scope for you to use: ~~~haskell printNats :: NatList ns -> IO () printNats nl = case nl of ØNL -> return () p :># nl' -> do print $ natVal p printNats nl' ~~~ ~~~haskell > printNats (natsList :: NatList [1,2,3]) 1 2 3 ~~~ Without this, there is no way to "iterate over" and "access" every `Nat` in a list of `KnownNat`s. You can't "iterate" over `[1,2,3]` in `Proxy [1,2,3]`, but you can iterate over them in `NatList [1,2,3]`. This module also lets you "reify" lists of `Integer`s or `String`s into `NatList`s and `SymbolList`s, so you can access them at the type level for some dependent types fun. ~~~haskell > reifyNats [1,2,3] $ \nl -> do print nl printNats nl Proxy :<# Proxy :<# Proxy :<# ØNL 1 2 3 ~~~ Another thing you can do is provide witneses that two `[Nat]`s or `[Symbol]`s are the same/were instantiated with the same numbers/symbols. ~~~haskell > reifyNats [1,2,3] $ \ns -> do reifyNats [1,2,3] $ \ms -> do case sameNats ns ms of Just Refl -> -- in this branch, ns and ms are the same. Nothing -> -- in this branch, they aren't ~~~ The above would match on the `Just Refl` branch. See module documentation for more details and variations.