======= * Added "eliminators", a staple of dependently typed programming, for `NatList` and `SymbolList`. ======= * **Breaking**: Changed the name of `someNatsVal'` to `someNatsValPos`, to break away from the "just add `'`" anti-pattern and to make the function name a bit more meaningful. * Added `reifyNats'`, a "safe" version of `reifyNats`. Ideally, `reifyNats` should be the safe one, but its connection to `reifyNat` from the *reflection* package is very strong and worth preserving, I think. ======= * Added `mapNatList'` and `mapSymbolList'` companions to `mapNatList` and `mapSymbolList`; they use `NatList` and `SymbolList` instead of Rank-2 types, so they can work better with function composition with `(.)` and other things that Rank-2 types would have trouble with. * Added `sameNats` and `sameSymbols`, modeled after `sameNat` and `sameSymbol`. They provide witnesses to GHC that `KnownNat`s passed in are both the same. ======= * Added strict fields to `NatList`, `SomeNats`, `SymbolList`, and `SomeSymbols`. It really doesn't make any sense for them to be lazy. ======= * Added README to the cabal package as an extra source file, for viewing on Hackage. ======= * Initial version.